official god

Chapter 1710 Clear Direction

Chapter 1710 Clear Direction (Ask for a double monthly ticket!)

Xiaxiang was sitting in the office at this time, dealing with official business. The convening of the meeting had nothing to do with him. He did not attend the meeting, so it is not known what happened at this time.

But I have vaguely felt that there is always something wrong.

After thinking about it carefully, I came up with the problem. Generally speaking, the appointment of a deputy governor's standing committee meeting, because the provincial party committee and the governor are in charge, it will basically be very smooth. All the passing and procedures together, two hours is enough, but now it has been more than two hours, but I haven't heard the meeting Any news is coming.

That is to say, the meeting is long.

The opening shows that there is a problem, otherwise, you should be able to see Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin return to the provincial party committee now.

Is the last link really stuck in the appointment?

"Tianxiao, take a list of members of the Standing Committee." Xia thought for a moment and woke up and hurriedly ordered to go down.

After a while, Wu Tianxiao handed over the list to Xia Xiang. After Xia Xiang took it over, she looked at it for about ten minutes and returned the list to Wu Tianxiao and said, "Bred me a copy of everyone's resume."

Wu Tian smiled and saw Xia's serious face. Knowing that the situation was urgent, he hurriedly answered and hurried to deal with it.

As soon as Wu Tianxiao left, Xia Xiang picked up the phone and called He Jianghai.

"Brother Jiang Hai, how have you been recently?" Xia wanted to say a polite greeting, and went straight to the point, "Old leaders of the province, do you have a good relationship with you?"

He Jianghai said that he retreated at ease, but who has been in the officialdom all his life, who can really retreat safely? He was all holding a flower pot in his hand and listening to all kinds of voices in his ears, lest he missed any news worth paying attention to. As soon as Xia wanted to call, he immediately guessed something.

"Relationship... It makes sense. What's the matter, Xia? The old leaders talk more?" He Jianghai is indeed carrying a flower pot to water the flowers in the yard, but judging from the fact that the phone is still with him at any time, he is still a person who has not retreated.

"Old leaders have rich work experience, and it is good to give more valuable opinions on the work of the provincial party committee and the provincial government." Xia Xiang said, "Now a meeting of the Standing Committee is being held to discuss and vote on the appointment of Comrade Li Rongsheng's deputy governor. The meeting has been open for two hours, and it's not over yet..."

Needless to say, just one click. I believe He Jianghai understands the meaning.

He Jianghai's yard in his hometown is not small. It is a farmhouse-style villa located in the suburbs. The courtyard is full of flowers and plants, and several fruit trees have been planted. There is also a vegetable garden, which is really a leisurely paradise.

It's just that although Taoyuan is good and uneasy, there is no realm of Taoyuan. He Jianghai dominated the officialdom all his life. He had been calling for wind and rain in Qi Province for many years. When he was hospitalized, he wanted to retreat. After finally retreating as he wished, he felt that there was no decline in his heart. It was really empty and boring.

I am used to welcoming the leading cadres sent to me. In fact, like the popular stars, I have regarded the scenery in front of people as a part of my life. Without the scenery, it is naturally difficult to adapt, but I have forgotten that the essence of life is actually a plain day.

How beautiful you are, how sad you will be.

Therefore, He Jianghai, who was bored watering flowers and grass, felt a lot at the moment he received the phone call from Xia, and knew that his importance was highlighted again.

No one wants to be left alone in front of the door, let alone be completely forgotten. Therefore, even if the CPPCC is described as a place to give full play to the residual heat, it is not easy to go, because there are too many old comrades who want to give full play to the residual heat, but the seats are still limited.

"I guess there is a little problem in which link..." He Jianghai pondered and was about to pinch it. Suddenly, he realized that the person he was facing was Xiaxiang, and he was busy and corrected his attitude. "I'll communicate with Lao Cheng later."

Lao Cheng, of course, Cheng Zaishun, the deputy director of the Standing Committee.

"Well, what's the trouble?" Xiaxiang added, "The intention of the central government must be unswervingly implemented. Qi Province has entered autumn. When it comes to the harvest season, we should focus on developing the economy. Qi Province is still in third place in this year's total economy, but the gap with the top two has widened. The old leaders should pay more attention to the major events of the national economy and people's livelihood.

The last words seemed to be meaningless, but he was also secretly criticizing something. He Jianghai also knew it and said quickly, "I will have a good communication with Lao Cheng. I hope he can make time to communicate with Xia."

"There is no need to communicate with me. I just hope that the old comrades will have a longer vision." Xia said something meaningfully, and then hung up the phone.

As soon as Xia wanted to put down He Jianghai's phone, he received the news that the scene at the Standing Committee had been sent to the Provincial Party Committee.

Rea... However, Cheng Zaishun had an attack. After Xia wanted to hear the news, he was not surprised or panicked, but his heart flashed brightly, because he had probably guessed Qin Kan's means and ultimate purpose, and he had a way to deal with it in his heart.

The most difficult thing is not how fierce the enemy's offensive is and how skillful the means are, but not knowing where the enemy's action is. Now everything is clear, but it is better to take the next step calmly.

However, Xia Xiang also vaguely guessed that Qin Kan ostensibly created obstacles for Li Rongsheng's appointment. In fact, I'm afraid that the real landing point is not Li Rongsheng. This move is just a trick to shake a shot. The real killing move should still be at the end.

According to the law, the Standing Committee has great power. It can not only appoint and remove the deputy positions of governments at all levels, but also hold them accountable. However, in actual political life, there is little power. If it can indeed reflect that the people's representatives have the right to speak and respect the will of the people before the position of the director is concurrently held, then since the beginning of the concurrent director, to tell the truth, it is a setback in the political system.

It is completely monopolized. You can nominate candidates by yourself, control the standing committee, and then serve as the director by yourself. It can be said that the real power is in control.

It is true that everything has two sides. In order to truly implement the central government's intention, so that the intention can be successfully implemented in one province and put into consideration, the part-time director is also an indispensable stage before improving the political system.

More than 20 years ago, there was a case in Hunan Province where a representative proposed to remove the deputy governor in accordance with the law. Although it was urgently coordinated by all parties and worked by many parties, the representative still questioned the deputy governor in accordance with the law for more than three hours.

In the end, the deputy governor could not answer the question of the representative. In the subsequent discussion, nearly 200 representatives from five prefectures and cities jointly proposed a proposal to formally request the removal of the deputy governor.

Because of the importance of the matter, Hunan Province also asked the whole country for instructions at that time, so the meeting was postponed for one day. Later, in the vote on whether the recall bill was officially submitted to the conference for discussion, more than 400 delegates raised their hands in favor.

Some deputy secretary-general of the government even came to the stage to explain for the deputy governor, but was directly coaxed out of the office by the representative. In the final vote, more than 60 percent of the delegates voted in favor, the recall plan was passed, and the vice governor step down sadly!

The incident at that time caused a national sensation, because the removal of the deputy governor in Hunan Province set a precedent. Some people even commented that the election was a vote, and the recall was also a vote. The former was a vote of trust, and the latter was a vote of no confidence. This is the sacred right granted to representatives by the Constitution and a faithful expression of public opinion - it is beyond reproachment to be removed in accordance with the law.

However, after the sensational motion to dismiss the deputy governor, the practice of concurrently serving as the director of the provincial party committee gradually began.

From the recall proposal of Hunan Province in those years, Xia Xiang was suddenly shocked. Could it be that Qin Kan's painstaking efforts** also wanted to follow the example of what happened in that year and create another precedent?

As soon as he looked up, Wu Tianxiao came in with the resumes of the old leaders.

Wu Tianxiao's efficiency is not only high, but also very popular with Xia Xiang. Xia Xiang just wants him to bring his resume, but in just ten minutes, he listed the composition and current situation of the family members of the old leaders in detail.

Xia Xiang looked at it with great satisfaction, his eyes fell on a few names, and gradually had a clear direction in his heart.

When he was about to study it again, the phone rang again. After answering, there was more intriguing content in Xia Xiang's expression.

There are two pieces of news. First, Li Rongsheng's appointment was successfully approved by a vote, and second, several members of the Standing Committee asked Sun Ximin to accept questions about the new energy bus project, the Five Golden Flower Project, two mining disasters and an epidemic.

Sun Ximin expressed his willingness to accept supervision and questions on the spot.

Qiu Renli finally couldn't bear to exercise the director's power on the spot, proposing that this is not the period of the Two Sessions, and it is not the time for the government to report to the government's work. In order not to affect the smooth development of the government's work, now is not the time for Comrade Sun Ximin to be questioned

Cheng Zaishun seized it and repeatedly stressed that the members have the right to exercise the right of supervision and questioning, and can hold a meeting of the Standing Committee at any time to ask the governor to explain the mistakes of work.

The deputy director dared to refute the director's words on the spot - although Cheng Zaishun's words were very tactful and repeatedly talked about laws and regulations, his attitude was very resolute, and he did not give in even in the face of Qiu Renli's pressure - which made Qiu Renli deeply feel that a group of old comrade The authority of any leader.

Despite his anger, Qiu Renli can't lose his temper. He can slap the table in the provincial party committee, but he can't slap the table, because he really provokes a group of old comrades. They go to the provincial party committee and the central government every day to report problems. They can't be scolded or punished

Finally, each took a step back. Sun Ximin stood up and proposed that he was not well prepared today and was willing to accept the question tomorrow. Cheng Zaishun and a group of old comrades agreed.

Things have entered the final battle. What kind of severe situation will Sun Ximin face tomorrow? At this time, except Xiaxiang, no one has enough understanding. RO