official god

Chapter 1711 Only Xia miss one person

Chapter 1711 Only Xia miss one person

When Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin returned to the provincial party committee, Qiu Renli, who rarely discussed things with Sun Ximin face to face, offered to ask Sun Ximin to come to his office to talk about it.

Sun Ximin is also asking for it.

I don't know what they talked about. Half an hour later, Yin Xiaobai informed Xia that he wanted to the office.

When Xia wanted to push the door in, Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin were frowning. Obviously, the situation was very serious. After a long discussion, there should be no result.

"Xia, you know what happened. Tell me what you think." Sun Ximin should have agreed with Qiu Renli. As soon as Xia thought came in, he took the initiative to introduce the scene that happened when the Standing Committee was held, and then threw the problem to Xia Think.

is not a difficult problem. As a deputy, he is one of the members of the trio of the provincial party committee. If there is a big event, Xia must participate in it.

Although Xia thought also knew the general story of the matter, he didn't know it in detail after all. Now listening to Sun Ximin's personal words, he is also nervous. It's really not easy to know the last level.

Because Qin Kan was very well prepared, he caught everyone off guard!

Admittedly, from the political point of view alone, it is not necessarily how smart the neck is in the link. The problem is that Qin Kan has set up many mazes in advance, which made everyone admit the wrong direction. He thought that Qin Kan provoked the problems of political achievements such as new energy buses and five golden flowers. He wanted to start from above to The question is not only a shot, but also a big foreshadowing.

Sun Ximin fell into the trap step by step without knowing it.

There is no doubt that for tomorrow's inquiry, the Standing Committee will talk about the two major achievements projects, two mining disasters and one epidemic. If the two mining disasters are indeed not counted for Sun Ximin, but it is really difficult for the two major political achievements projects. Although the epidemic is an emergency, as a governor, he must also bear the corresponding responsibility. Ren.

The Standing Committee has no right to take the governor, let alone the qualification to appoint and remove the governor, but it cracks down on Sun Ximin's prestige, makes Sun Ximin unable to step down, or force him to make mistakes, etc. The above purposes can still be achieved, especially the special political climate of Qi Province, the advantages of large local forces and The best embodiment.

Even Qiu Renli, as the provincial party committee and director, can't fully control a group of old comrades, not to mention Sun Ximin, a moderate governor? The old comrades are not as good as He Jianghai. At least although He Jianghai is the leader of the local forces, he still has the possibility of rising, so he should follow the rules of the game in his heart.

The old comrade has retired to the second line and can't retreat, so he doesn't even sell Qiu Renli's face.

Further, it is estimated that they didn't even sell the face of the central government before, let alone a provincial party committee? Anyway, they are all rooted in Qi Province. Anyway, they are all natives of Qi Province. Anyway, they don't plan to leave Qi Province anymore. They are old again. In addition, if they rely on the old to sell the old, they will be invincible.

"New energy buses, five golden flowers, mining disasters and epidemics can all be grounds for accountability, especially the problem of new energy buses and five golden flowers, which are more troublesome." Now is not the time to cover it up. Xia thought about opening the window and saying, "I'm afraid Governor Sun will be tired."

When it comes to being involved, it's still euphemistic, but in fact, it's going to be aggrieved. If it's okay to just suffer, I'm afraid that the difficulties will be endless.

As soon as Xia finished talking, he took a look at Qiu Renli.

Qiu Renli understood what Xia thought meant and said helplessly, "I communicated with Cheng Zaishun. He put up a lot of rules and regulations, but refused to retreat..." Halfway through the words, he shook his head and smiled.

The implication is very clear. According to the Constitution or the laws and regulations, Qiu Renli has the right to exercise the right of supervision and inquiry to the government. No matter how director Qiu Renli is the director, it is impossible not to respect the opinions of several deputy directors and dozens of members.

That is to say, the situation is out of control.

It is also estimated that Qiu Renli has lost control since he took office in Qi Province. He has been focusing on the provincial party committee. Wherever he can take care of the specific work, basically everything is handled by Cheng Zaishun. The result is today's situation. To be honest, if Li Rongsheng's appointment is unexpected today, he will lose face.

Admittedly, as a director, you can also forcibly suspend the vote, but in this way, it comes to the truth. After all, it is an institution that represents the exercise of democratic rights. If he talks about it again, it may really lead to some political event.

Now it is not wise to fight against a group of old comrades of the Standing Committee. In the government election between February and March next year, if there is another major election storm, it will really become an impossible political event. Because it is necessary to elect not only the director, but also the governor. In case one of his directors and Sun Ximin's governors loses the election, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole country.

Qiu Renli knows very well about the size and unity of the local forces in Qi Province, but as a provincial party committee, he has no time to establish a good relationship with the local forces, but also has no time to attract the camp that divides the local forces. Therefore, his influence on the local forces in Qi Province is really limited.

Sun Ximin is even more so. After all, he came to Qi to save time for a shorter time, and he has never done anything.

At present, those who can talk to the local forces in Qi Province and exert a certain influence, the whole provincial party committee, only Xia thinks of one person.

Of course, so is Qin Kan, but Qin Kan doesn't count. How did Qin Kan convince Cheng Zaishun and others to take political risks to make things difficult for Li Rongsheng and Sun Ximin. At the same time, he did not give Qiu Renli face. The transaction behind is unknown, but it is definitely a political transaction that can't see the .

But Xiaxiang is different. There is absolutely no trade between Xiaxiang and the local forces in Qi Province. Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin can see it clearly. However, Xiaxiang has a certain influence on the local forces, which is a rare means of demaginization in the officialdom.

Qiu Renli and Sun Ximin have no other way, such as asking the central government or being resolved by others, but they are not as reassuring as Xia to come forward, and in their opinion, only Xia can calmly resolve the current crisis.

There is another point that the current crisis is only the first step, and next year's government election is the highlight. Therefore, now we must solve all the hidden dangers in one fell swoop and prevent them before they happen. Otherwise, no one can bear political responsibility if something big happens.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that if there is a major problem in the link, Qiu Renli's entry may be involved, and the cooked duck will fly away.

In domestic political life, if the power is much larger than that of the government in strict accordance with the regulations, it can completely decide on the appointment and removal of the official position of the government to the deputy of the government. Not only can the deputy governor be appointed or removed at any time, but also a motion of distrust of the governor can

Again, although most of them are old comrades and leaders, old comrades are old cadres who have worked in the party committee or the government. Their ideological awareness must be high, and they will consciously be consistent with the central government. Therefore, for decades, dozens of provinces have rarely been disobedient.

Even if an individual representative is dissatisfied with which deputy or official position and submits a motion of no confidence, it will basically be aborted, will not even be submitted to the group discussion, will not be included in the agenda, and will not be seen in the press.

The representative's proposal to remove the deputy governor by exercising his real power was finally successful. There is only one case in Hunan Province in China.

However, what happened in Qi Province is not a major event at present, but it must also be paid attention to, because the opponent is Qin Kan, who has endured for several years in Qi Province. Thinking of Qin Kan's series of means before this matter, we can infer that today's events are probably only the first wave, and the range of subsequent actions should not be small.

Qin Kan's ambition is obvious!

More than a month ago, Henan Province just voted to adopt a resolution, which is the Measures for Henan Province to Implement the Supervision Law of the Standing Committees of the People's Congresses of the People's Republic of China at All Levels (Draft), in which the biggest highlight is that the standing committees at or above the county level are closed at the same The members can decide to cancel the positions of individual deputy governors, vice-chairmen of autonomous regions, deputy mayors, deputy governors, deputy county heads and deputy district governors of the government at the corresponding level.

Specifically, when it comes to Qi Province, if Cheng Zaishun and others also want to concoct and brew the same resolution, then the power will rise to an unprecedented level. One-fifth of the Standing Committee can jointly dismiss a deputy governor. In Qi Province, where the local power is very large and united, the old cadres in the province are almost The Ministry is Qi Province of locals in Qi Province. In the political atmosphere, it is unique in the country. If it is big, it will also be a great event in domestic political life.

is a big deal, but if it's not a good thing, you have to say two things.

After straightening out all the possible consequences, Xia thought and said, "I will do all kinds of work as much as possible within reasonable limits. However, Governor Sun should also be psychologically prepared. I'm afraid he must be questioned.

Sun Ximin was obviously mentally prepared and nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Qiu and I mean the same. I am also ready to face all difficulties. As a governor, right and wrong, merit and demerit are all left to be judged by others.

Sun Ximin's words are particularly vicissitudes, and there seems to be a kind of helplessness and indifference to see through the world. Perhaps this incident reminds him of his gloomy defeat in Yan Province. The continuous bad luck in the officialdom is also the biggest blow to a person's confidence.

After the meeting of the three people, the overall direction of the next step is basically determined. In fact, Sun Ximin was the most affected by this incident, followed by Qiu Renli. To be fair, there was almost no unprofitable impact on Xiaxiang, but Xiaxiang still resolutely decided to meddle in other's business, which also made him and Qin Kan finally completely tit-for-tat.

In the afternoon, Qin Kan's new round of offensive hit again. RO