official god

Chapter 1977 The First Step to Success

While Xia wanted to go to the plum blossoms, Cao Yongguo also flew from Hei Liao Province to the capital.

The time has come to determine the final fate of Cao Yongguo.

Sitting on the plane, Cao Yongguo did not close his eyes and refresh himself, but was still devoting himself to my work, concentrate on reading a thick pile of documents.

Cao Yongguo is very clear about this trip to the capital. He will decide whether he will retreat to the end or retreat to the second line, and solve the deputy national treatment.

In fact, he was very satisfied with the current situation of Xiaxiang and the work and life of Cao Shuyi and Cao Shujun, and he also thought that he could withdraw with complete confidence. Xiaxiang has now grown into a towering tree, which can completely shield the Cao family from the wind and rain. It makes no difference whether he is in position or not.

Not only does Xia want to no longer need him to help him again, but Cao Shu and Cao Shujun are not interested in official career, and he is contented and happy, so he is also at ease.

Besides, it seems that after Xia wants to enter the official career, he has not made any effort on Xia's previous promotions. It's not that he doesn't want to, but because his ability is limited, and it's because Xia's own network is wider than him.

Cao Yongguo did not have much nostalgia for the position of the provincial party secretary. Moreover, he retreated and wanted to make way for the county. Thinking that Xia wanted to become the youngest ministerial-level senior official in China, it was difficult for him to hide his excitement.

There are two most satisfying things in Cao Yongguo's life. One is to give birth to a long-term, gentle and virtuous daughter. The other is that although his son is not very good, he does not have the bad conduct of the second generation of ordinary officials. He is worthy of the party and the country and the people in his life.

Educating good children is the first priority for officials. If an official can't even educate his children well, how can he sit on the stage and talk about education and the national plan? How can you restrain your own conduct if you don't even restrain people around you? Imagine that the son of the deputy governor in charge of education can manage education well in such people as fighting and jealousy. Cao Yongguo can only express his deep abhorence for many things, and there is no solution.

In this case, it's better to go home to take care of your grandson and take care of Tiannian.

It is best to solve the sub-national treatment. If he can't solve it, he doesn't force it. He goes home to grow flowers and grass, and often goes back to Shancheng to play chess and chat with Lao Xia, which is also the greatest pleasure of old age. When you are old, you should give way to the virtuous. Don't rely on the stage. Use the rigid head of the old stubborn and old tradition of the last century to point out the domestic political situation under the new situation. It is not only suspected that the layman's command the insider misleads the country and the people, but also makes me laugh

Cao Yongguo thought a lot and slowly closed his eyes. It's time to rest for a while. If he is allowed to score a score for himself in politics for decades, he will score what he has done, although he has not done much, but as for being worthy of the cultivation of the party and the country, he is most proud of his responsibilities. He can stand under the sun and loudly claim that he has been an official for decades. He is not greedy or stuck. Everything Under the constraints, and everything is worthy of your conscience.

It is a matter of ability not to make greater contributions to the country and the people. But whether there is a heart for the country and the people is a basic question of the quality of an official. Cao Yongguo does not seek to be famous in history, but only wants to be worthy of heaven and earth, and praise and criticism have its own spring and autumn!

With the cooperation of Li Qin, Lian Ruohan's annexation plan has progressed very smoothly. Although there are also local protectionism where food enterprises are located, under the influence of Lian Ruohan's strong political background and the intervention of strong capital forces, the other party's will to resist is very It's about to collapse.

It's not okay not to collapse, because even Ruohan or Li Qin, there is no pity in the business war. It's more ruthless than Xia wants to take action. If the other party persists, it will be suppressed at all costs until the other party goes bankrupt and closes down.

In the face of the severe situation of bankruptcy and bankruptcy, in the face of the choice of whether to stand and die or fall down, no one will be angry and have to die. Moreover, if you accept the holding, you can also guarantee that you have a good car to drive a villa to live in. If you don't accept it, I'm sorry,

As a result, after a series of behind-the-scenes negotiations, driven by Li Qin's vigorous and vigorous wrists, Lian Ruohan made the decision to take it out on the spot. Under the strong financial advantage of Li Qin's deployment, the other party's defense line completely collapsed, and the tough local government also disarmed and surrendered, taking the initiative to reduce their status and provide many preferential conditions.

Basically, it can be said that the overall layout of Xiaxiang has successfully taken the first step in the operation of the two capable female generals.

But it is only the first step of the Long March. Compared with the long-term foreshadowing laid by the United States to control the domestic genetically modified market, Xia still has a long way to go.

The United States began to train Chinese technical talents in related majors as early as the 1980s. After the successful training of talents, the tiger returned to the mountain, so that the yellow skin cultivated by the United States with a white-hearted banana man entered China, quickly occupied the country's scientific research position, and successfully entered the Ministry of Agriculture.

It is the white heart hidden under the same yellow skin of the banana man that is not easy to be noticed, so that the genetically modified technology can be successfully promoted in China.

In order to promote a technology or a plan, the United States will plan for more than ten years or even decades, and use a lot of money. When a country really realizes the intention of the United States, like the terminally ill patients, it is already unable to kill the thief.

It happened that even Ruohan had earned a lot of wealth of the American people in the financial war that year, that is, to pay him back in his own way. Xia wants to take advantage of his political and economic advantages to take back the market penetrated and embezzled by foreign forces little by little.

The market has been infiltrated and can be slowly recovered, but if the staple grain resources, rare earth resources and oil strategic resources are controlled by foreign forces, it is equivalent to the lifeline being controlled by the other party. As an independent country, what is the independence? Just like a martial arts master is controlled by the enemy, he may die if he moves.

Do Chinese people who have turned over and been masters for decades have to return to the oppressed era?

Xia will not let the tragedy happen again!

When it comes to plum blossoms, it is already the four-in-four-clock time.

Xiaxiang and his party only drove one car. It was not Xiaxiang's Volvo C, but the special car of the provincial party committee. It also specifically showed that Xiaxiang's trip was mainly for business. Although, there were actually private matters.

Xia wanted to bring the driver and Tang Tianyun, which shows his trust in the driver and Tang Tianyun. Needless to say, although Xiaxiang trusts, his degree is limited. After experiencing a series of turbulent events, Tang Tianyun has now really become his confidant.

The door of the Ji family is full of welcoming people. The leader is Ji Lao. After him is the Ji family, there are more than a dozen people in total. Such a grand welcome ceremony, even if Chen Haotian comes in person, he will not be greeted by all the Ji family.

Xia wants to be the only one.

Xia wanted to get out of the car in a hurry and quickly stepped forward: "Mr. Ji, I'm just here to visit Rulan. I'm ashamed to put on such a big position."

Mr. Ji held Xia's hands tightly: "Xia, the Ji family owes you a great favor. You should be respected by all the children of the Ji family."

In the crowd, there is no Ji Rulan's figure.

Mr. Ji did not explain. He introduced several main members of the Ji family to Xia Xiang in turn, so he invited Xia Xiang to enter.

The Ji family's old house in plum blossoms is much larger than the lakeside villa in Yangcheng, covering a wider area, but it is not as grand as the lakeside villa. Perhaps it is the reason why it is deliberately low-key. The color is mainly gray, revealing a heavy and inherited cultural atmosphere.

The real family does not show its identity with luxury houses and luxury cars. In contrast, Wu Xiaoyang's upstart mentality in the Southern Spring is more than revealed on the precious trees worth more than 100,000 yuan in the Southern Spring.

Entering the living room, the crowd dispersed, leaving only Ji Changxing and Ji Ruzhu to accompany him. Xiaxiang naturally did not dare to expect the owner of the Ji family to come forward. With Ji Lao, it was formal enough.

"I also heard the remarks on the political system reform mentioned by Chen Haotian. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." Ji Lao did not mention the trip to the capital at the beginning, and did not mention Ji Rulan, but pointed directly to Chen Haotian's speech, which surprised Xia thought, "I admire Chen Haotian's courage very much."

Xia wanted to nod and said, "With Secretary Chen's current identity and status, it is not easy to propose the reform of the political system."

"It's not easy to say, but it's even harder to make it." Mr. Ji's face was solemn, "I support Chen Haotian's reform. If it is necessary for Lingnan to serve as the pilot province of reform again, I am willing to persuade Kuodi and Shuitou to contribute to Lingnan's political system reform together with the Ji family."

"Ji Lao has a heart." Xia said sincerely.

"Lingnan has always had the courage to be the first in the world. He is not afraid of hurting his hands when eating crabs." Ji Changxing's tone was very firm.

Xia Xiang always thought that Ji Changxing was a conservative force in politics, and his political ideas should tend to be traditional and old-fashioned. He was not only interested in the reform of the political system, but also resolutely supported him, which surprised and happy.

At least Mr. Ji's statement is equivalent to Chen Haotian's action winning the full support of the Lingnan Third Series, which is equivalent to the first obstacle has been cleared. Then the biggest resistance Chen Haotian faces is the attitude of the central government.

Moreover, Xia thought it was clear that Mr. Ji gave him a big gift as soon as he met, that is, to convey the attitude of the Ji family to Chen Haotian through his mouth, which means that he finally opened up the situation in Lingnan and won the recognition of the three departments of Lingnan.

The difference from the local forces in Qi Province and Qi Province is that although he had conflicts between Lingnan and Lingnan, he was finally reconciled, which made him very gratified. At least the most political supremacy is that the dispute that can be resolved peacefully and settled in a calm way.

Seeing the meal time, Mr. Ji said, "I'd like to invite you to taste authentic Hakka cuisine today... But before dinner, I would like to invite Secretary Xia to go upstairs. Rulan has something to say."

Xia wanted to have been puzzled by Ji Rulan for a long time. After listening to Ji Laoyi's words, he did not hesitate and went upstairs with a slight nod. For the first time in his life, he felt that the stairs under his feet were particularly long.