official god

Chapter 1983 First Intercourse

It turned out that Gu Yu called directly to rescue the soldiers. Seeing Gu Yu's angry eyes and spitting fire, Xiaxiang, who rarely saw Gu Yu angry, couldn't help but be stunned. Gu Yu was very angry and the consequences were very serious.

But... The soldiers don't need it for the time being. After all, they don't know what's going on, so they just send the soldiers directly. It's too popular.

Xia wanted to come to the capital. He originally wanted to meet Wu Caiyang first, and then meet Lao Gu. Finally, he had a good talk with Wu Caiyang. Wait, the schedule was very tight. In addition, the Two Sessions were about to be held. After finishing his work, he waited for the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and others to come to the capital

I didn't want to get off the plane, but there was a scandal between Song Yifan and Wei Xin.

Whether it was Song Yifan or Wei Xin, it touched his heart. Even without Song Chaodu's request, as long as he knew it, he could not ignore it.

Xia Shang and Gu Yu rushed to Wei Xin's office words upstairs in one breath.

Wei Xin is not here.

Xia thought about it. How could Wei Xin be in the office? He really made a mistake in a hurry. He hurried downstairs and went to Wei Xin's residence with Gu Yu. Halfway through the way, he received a phone call from Song Chaodu.

"Xia Think, Xiao Fan and Wei Xin are not in the city. According to the positioning, they are going all the way south now, and it seems that they are going to Yanbao."

Yanbao is the base camp of Xiaxiang, and the capital is guarded by Yanbao. Unless it is a plane, any other means of transportation will be under the monitoring of Yanbao as soon as it comes out of the capital. Want to take the road to the swallow leopard? Xia wants to have a sneer in his heart. OK, it's hard for you to fly!

In fact, with the level and contacts of Xiaxiang, or the level and influence of the Song Dynasty, the police can be immediately dispatched to take secret action, but based on all aspects of considerations, it is still not easy to make a big deal. After all, it is easy to spread the matter.

Besides, we must also care about political influence.

Who is Jiang'an? Xia doesn't know, and at this moment, she doesn't have time to check Jiang'an's origin... Gu Yu's performance today is unusual. She silently found Jiang'an's background for Xia... Lei Xiaoming's name, Xia wants to have heard of one or two.

Of course, Xiaxiang, who has been in contact with many government officials, has only heard a little about Lei Xiaoming and is not interested in it, but he has studied Lei Zhixue for a long time.

Lei Zhixue is as young as Gu Qiushi, as low-key, as calm and steady as the style of acting, step by step, leaving a pragmatic impression on people, not tossing around, not noisy, is a very measured and almost impeccable reserve force.

is also the strongest opponent of Gu Qiushi.

When he first heard that Jiang An was going to be unfavorable to Wei Xin, Xia thought that he was just anxious and didn't think much about it. However, under the reminder of two phone calls in a row, Song Yifan lost contact at the same time. Unexpectedly, Lei Xiaoming participated in it, and he suddenly guessed more.

After Ping Song Chaodu's phone call, Xia wanted to call Qiu Xufeng immediately.

"Xu Feng, contact the police in Bao City and be sure to intercept two Beijing-licensed cars on the highway." There is no need to be polite with Qiu Xufeng, and there is no need to explain anything. Just let him do something, although Qiu Xufeng is at least a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor of Yanbao.

"Okay, I'll call Baoshi immediately." The relationship between Qiu Xufeng and Xiaxiang no longer needs any superfluous words. He also knows that Xiaxiang will not do useless things for no reason.

Qiu Xufeng once served as the mayor of Baoshi, and now many middle-level cadres in Baoshi used to be his subordinates. As the first prefecture-level city south of the capital, Baoshi is usually not exposed. In fact, its strategic location is very important, and there are many elite soldiers stationed.

Xia Xiang then briefly told Qiu Xufeng the reason for the matter. Qiu Xufeng was also surprised when he heard it: "Do you want to use the technical power of Guoan and locate it accurately?"

"Don't use it first. It's better to control things within a certain range." Since Song Chaodu has secretly positioned Song Yifan's position, there is no need for Xia to do more. He also believes that Song Chaodu must consider it.

"Good, if you have any questions, please call me in time. Within the swallow leopard, no one wants to toss anything!" Qiu Xufeng firmly supports Xiaxiang.

Xiaxiang was not polite to Qiu Xufeng. He put down the phone, drove to the highway to the south with Gu Yu, and chased him all the way.

Just turned to the highway, and the phone rang again. At first glance, it was a strange call. Xia Xiang was too lazy to pay attention to it and refused to listen directly.

Unexpectedly, he called in again.

Xia wanted to be very angry and refused to listen again. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to be rude at all, and immediately hit again. Xia thought he was angry. He answered the phone and asked rudely, "Who? It's better to have a big deal and give you only one minute.

"Secretary Xia, I'm Lei Zhixue."

On the phone, a low-pitched tenone came, and the voice revealed calmness, strength and self-confidence in controlling everything.

Xia wanted to be stunned. Lei Zhixue called in person, but it was unexpected. He always thought that there would be no intersection between him and Lei Zhixue in a short time, but he didn't expect that the first call came suddenly, and he was facing a conflict.

Thinking of refusing to listen to Lei Zhixue's phone calls two times in a row just now, and he spoke very impolitely. I believe that with Lei Zhixue's current identity, he can rarely enjoy the treatment of being refused to answer the phone and scolded.

"Hello, Secretary Lei." Xiaxiang's voice was absolutely not enthusiastic, but it was not cold enough to refuse people thousands of miles away. "I'm busy. Please tell me if you have something to say."

After being refused to answer the phone twice, Lei Zhixue was questioned directly by Xia. There was no sign of anger, and he still said quietly, "I'm sorry, it will take a minute or two for Secretary Xia. Well, Xiaoming and Song Yifan are friends. I heard that there was a little conflict. According to the news I heard, he drove Xiaofan to Yanbao and said that he wanted to be romantic. "Young people nowadays are really noisy."

Listening to Lei Zhixue's understatement, Xia figured out something. Lei Zhixue should be preconceived and set up obstacles for him to interfere in the Lei Xiaoming incident.

"I also know that Secretary Xia treats Song Yifan like his sister and is very concerned about Song Yifan's safety. If Secretary Xia sees Xiao Ming, teach him a good lesson for me, and beat and scold him casually like his elders. I can't get in touch with Xiao Ming now. I'll ask Secretary Xia for this matter. What a wise Lei Zhixue!

Xia wanted to praise secretly. Lei Zhixue neither excuses Lei Xiaoming nor protects his shortcomings, but directly gives the matter to him with full authority. It is the skillful wrist that makes him not only care about Lei Zhixue's face, but also pay attention to his identity. In this way, he is really It's not good to fight against Lei Xiaoming again under the solemn exhortation of Lei Zhixue.

I believe that Lei Zhixue has also studied his resume. Knowing that his anger must be a thunder blow, Lei Zhixue is smart enough, timely enough, and enough to judge the situation.

The first meeting made Xia want to know about Lei Zhixue, and quickly deepened a layer of... a person in the city.

"Secretary Lei is serious. I really care about Song Yifan. Secretary Song also called in person just now and entrusted me to protect Xiaofan. Xiaofan is my growing sister. If something happens to her, I won't let the bad guys go. Xia thought that outside of his words, there was no insining meaning.

Lei Zhixue's voice is still calm and calm: "I can understand Secretary Xia's mood. Xiaoming and Xiaofan are in love. It's normal for young people in love to be a little awkward and angry. It's normal today and tomorrow. And I also like Xiaofan very much. If there is no accident, Xiaofan may become the daughter-in-law of the Lei family..."

The meaning of Lei Zhixue is that no matter how much trouble Song Yifan and Lei Xiaoming make, or no matter what's wrong with Lei Xiaoming, Song Yifan is just a joke between young lovers. What does Guan Xia think? Xia thought that if he ate the river hose wide, in case Song Yifan married Lei Xiaoming in the future, he would become a person inside and outside.

Xia wanted to laugh: "Secretary Lei still doesn't know much about the relationship between me and Xiao Fan. Xiao Fan, not to mention getting married, who to decide who to date, will ask for my opinion in advance. When I pass the test, she will talk about her boyfriend. Therefore, I doubt Secretary Lei's statement that Lei Xiaoming and Xiaofan are friends.

After listening to Xia Xiang's inch, Lei Zhixue was not only surprised, but also admired. Xia Xiang was really the same as the rumors. It was not easy to get along with each other, and he had to pay attention to his shortcomings. However... he didn't give in much: "When Secretary Xia sees Xiao Ming and Xiao Fan, please give me a reply. I'll go to the capital in the evening. If it's convenient, I'd like to invite Secretary Xia to eat with you..."

Regarding Lei Zhixue's invitation to dinner together, Xia thought neither consented nor objected, but answered vaguely. After hanging up the phone, Gu Yu said dissatisfiedly, "It doesn't matter what Lei Zhixue, electric Zhixue, what does he do? If it were me, I would just hang up his phone. The secretary of the provincial party committee who can't even raise his son should be removed from office on the spot.

On the basis of the incident between Wei Xin and Song Yifan, Gu Yu was rarely angry and radical, which made Xia want to be shocked. Gu Yu sneered at Xia's surprised expression: "What are you looking at? Let me tell you, I am also the embodiment of the righteous woman. Don't believe it? Let's wait and see!"

I don't want Gu Yu to do what he said...

Xia wanted to drive a top-level Volvo U, a ray-T engine with strong power. As soon as he got on the highway, he accelerated to about 1 kilometer per hour.

From the capital to Baoshi, it is more than 1D kilometers. Xia wants to let go of his will to run. He hasn't run so fast for a long time, so he just goes wild once. When he ran to a speed of 1 kilometer per hour, Gu Yu was still slow and urged him to hurry up.

Half an hour later, Xiaxiang received a call from Qiu Xufeng when he was only a kilometer away from Baoshi.

"Secretary Xia successfully intercepted two cars, one BMW and one Land Rover, but there was only Song Yifan in the car, Wei Xin... but he couldn't find it. I haven't asked the result yet. I'm waiting for you to take over.

"There is another situation. Please be mentally prepared and find blood on the BMW..." Qiu Xufeng's voice suppressed his anger, "Do you want the police in Baoshi to follow their orders?"

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