official god

Chapter 1991 The Long-term of Xiaxiang

The grand event on the Xiama River is actually of far-reaching significance, and the positive promotion of Xiaxiang's life. From now on, it has continued for many years without decrease.

And the people who were present at the meeting, almost no one left Xiaxiang halfway... Of course, there are reasons that must follow Xiaxiang's footsteps, it must also be admitted that Xiaxiang's personality charm has indeed infected most people, and all of them have become the most powerful backing behind Xiaxiang, and also played a blueprint for Xiaxiang's ultimate An indispensable role.

Zhao Mingke and Xu Guanhua, more Xiaxiang's dream of a great country, have made indelible achievements!

This is a later story, let's not mention it for the time being.

At noon, the sound of the waves on the banks of the Duma River was still the same. In order to ensure the smooth convening of the Weihui, the Emgrand Building, which was closed three days in advance, which not only ensured the smooth progress of the Weihui, but also achieved various safety measures in place.

As the core figure of Xiaxiang's economic team, Xiaxiang is very reassuring to do things in Qi Yanan.

With a political team, Xia wants to take a solid step in the future without stepping on it. In the next step, he will continue the national layout and begin to focus on making people from all walks of life move forward one after another, so as to complete an overall improvement.

With the economic team, Xiaxiang can call for wind and rain in the capital market to a certain extent. As an auxiliary force of political power, perhaps in the near future, when the capital of the economic team rises to a certain scale, the capital force will be strong to a certain extent, and its terrible influence will even influence the political situation!

Therefore, Xiaxiang has not slowed down his ambition to further strengthen the economic team. His ideals and goal is that within the next five years, the comprehensive strength of the economic team will double as a whole. The comprehensive strength is not only the financial strength, but also the manipulation and influence of the market, and the determination of a certain industry. Determeed force. Xia wants to have a great appetite. He wants to control all the major industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood into his own hands, and does not allow some unscrupulous capital.

And the military team officially established today... Although it is established, it is very different from the political team and the economic team. On the surface, the military team does not exist, but symbolically speaking, the importance of the military team will gradually become prominent as his position rises - more summer wants to clear the road in the future. The last obstacle.

It should be said that Xia wants to have a huge political and economic team at the vice-ministerial level, and has taken over the military power of Lao Gu for decades. He is not only the only one at this stage, but also the most unique and solid person on the road of promotion since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Xia Xiang is so lucky. Mr. Wu, who is shrewd in politics, helped him on the way. In the economy, Lian Ruohan and Li Qin helped each other. In the military, Lao Gu devoted everything he had to give away his life's efforts. He should be satisfied.

In fact, Xiaxiang also knows that the reason why Lao Gu entrusted military power to him so early is not based on aggressiveness, but on a long-term layout, and it is a wise decision drawn from the urgent political situation in China. From the third generation to the fourth generation of the general secretary, it basically takes at least one term to fully control the army, during which many good opportunities to be tough to the outside world will be lost.

The domestic political system is like this, and it is impossible to fundamentally change it. In this case, it is better to take a round-around strategy to let Xia want to establish a force in the military to support him to issue orders to the army before he won the title.

Although at Xia's level, it is taboo to interfere in military affairs too early, politics is originally a tightrope. If you want to take a smooth road, don't engage in politics. Moreover, the arrangement of the old man is also very careful. In terms of affairs, the old man first takes care of it and issues an order to the outside world. Generally, Xia wants to make the decision directly and convey it through Xu Guanhua and Zhao Mingke, which means that Xia wants to formally intervene in military affairs from now on.

The most important significance of today's event is that Xia Shang's status as the successor of the ancient times has been officially established... Originally, many people thought that the power of the ancient generals was handed over to Xu Guanhua or Zhao Mingke, but unexpectedly, it was handed over to Xia Shang's hands, which made many people accept it, but there are As expected by the ancient times, will you officially serve as the leader of the Military Commission one day?

The non-professional soldier who can serve as the vice chairman of the Military Commission, only one person is the successor recognized by all parties... Now the vice chairman of the Military Commission is Guan Yuanqu. Xia Xiang is now at the vice-ministerial level. Although he is young, he will definitely reach the position of the highest person?

The Xiama River at night, under the light, is like a dragon with light, winding and colorful. Xiaxiang and Lao Gu were on the riverside and waved their hands to send away one person after another. A surging undercurrent meeting ended in the night.

After sending everyone away, Xiaxiang and Lao Gu also embarked on the journey back to Beijing.

Xia wanted to drive in person, and Lao Gu sat in the back and enjoyed the treatment of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee driving. Xu Guanhua sat in the co-pilot, and Zhao Mingke accompanied Lao Gu in the back seat.

There are a total of four people in the car, and there are no outsiders. They are all the most trusted candidates of the ancient times.

"In the future, all the major events in the army will be left to the three of you." Lao Gu looked at Xia, who was absorbed in driving, and said, "Drive slowly. Don't worry, you still have plenty of time. - -

Lao Gu said a pun, and Xia wanted to laugh: "I feel that it's imminent. How can I have enough time? You always put such a burden on me, can I not be in a hurry?

Zhao Mingke smiled and said, "Secretary Xia, the ancient love for you makes me and Guan Hua jealous. But the ancients are also too strict with you. How can you take care of so many subordinates entrusted to you?

Zhao Mingke can speak. He not said that Xia wanted to take over the power of the ancient times, but said that Cheng Xia wanted to take on the burden to take care of a group of people. However, what Zhao Mingke said was also true. If Xia wanted to win the honor, a group of officers who followed him would definitely be greatly useful.

"There is one thing I want to ask Secretary Xia..." Zhao Mingke's attitude was respectful, a little eager and more tentative.

"Brother Mingzhi, you're welcome, please speak." Xia wants to have a good impression of Zhao Mingke.

"What does Secretary Xia think of the turmoil in the South China Sea?" Zhao Mingke still smiled faintly, but it was obvious that his problem was throwing stones to ask for directions.

"I am a peace-loving person, or a pacifist, and my ideal is to win the Nobel Peace Prize." Xia's answer seemed to be very big and empty, but when the topic changed, it fell into practice. "But if you want to complete it in order to take the peace award set up by the West and ignore the interests of the country and the people, it is also an act of humiliating the country."

Xia wanted to say sincerely, "In those years, the river under the river was so high, and I was currently fighting against the wind and waves. If there is a stormy storm in the South China Sea one day, I will also go to the battlefield in person and walk for the hot-blooded man!"

"Good!" Zhao Mingke only responded in a low voice, without saying any more, and a warm flame flashed in his eyes.

Lao Gu smiled silently. The ** burning ** in Xiaxiang's chest and the young blood that is still not cold are exactly what he appreciates most.

Compared with a Weihui by the Xiama River in Yan City, the Weihui in the capital is also held among different groups of people in various places.

Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue met.

What Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue talked about, naturally there is no way for the outside world to know, and even the meeting between Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue is known. Some people also said that Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue talked happily and reached a broad consensus. In the end, they were almost called brothers. Some people also said that the two of them didn't talk more than half a word, and finally broke up unhappily. They almost talked bad about each other because of their children's affairs.

Xia wanted to listen to it. He just shook his head and smiled. The rumors were all unfounded speculations. They were all biased conclusions drawn by people who did not understand Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue. In terms of the city government of Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue, even if there was an unpleasant topic between the two, they would Above.

However, Xia wants to believe that in response to the Lei Xiaoming incident, Song Chaodu will definitely have a hint, and may even hit Lei Zhixue a few words. Although Lei Zhixue and the Song Dynasty are on the same level, after all, he is much less senior than the Song Dynasty. In addition, he is expected to enter the political bureau after the Song Dynasty. Lei Zhixue will definitely be a little humble in front of the Song Dynasty.

In any case, Xia wants to have reason to believe that with the political wisdom of Song Chaodu and Lei Zhi, the meeting between the two must be a meaningful conversation.

In addition to the talks between Song Chaodu and Lei Zhixue, Wu Caiyang also had a secret meeting with the main forces of the Wu family in the local area. The other families, the Mei family, the Qiu family and the Fu family, also held talks with their respective local forces.

The Two Sessions is a military parade of all forces, and it is also an inventory of their respective forces. Some people sway, some people turn, and some people surrender. In short, there will always be many dramatic changes under the gentle weather on the surface.

Ji Lao, who is neither a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference nor a deputy to the National People's Congress, also quietly came to the capital airport tonight and went to the Zheng family to pick him up. Ji Lao, who usually does not appear on the Two Sessions, will certainly not officially appear at the Two Sessions this year, but he came to the capital in person in an abnormal way, which itself explains a lot of problems.

When Xia Xian and his party arrived in the capital, just after 8 p.m., before they could eat, Lao Gu was called away by a phone call. Xu Guanhua and Zhao Mingke also had their own business. When they got out of the car and left, he drove home alone... Instead of returning to Cao Shuji's new home in the capital, he went back to the Wu family.

After meeting with Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang, he received calls from Chen Feng, Qian Jinsong, Mei Shengping, Fu Xianfeng and others. Later, Xia Xiang made a few more phone calls and talked to Chen Haotian, Gu Qiushi and Mi Jihuo.

The next day, Xia wanted to get up early in the morning. After cleaning up, she went to the Great Hall of the People with Wu Caiyang. Today is the opening ceremony of the CPPCC meeting, and the National People's Congress will be held two days later. Xia wanted to hold the CPPCC meeting without thinking about anything, but Xia wanted to go, and I don't know what the intention was.

What's more puzzling is that Xia wanted to be the deputy secretary of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, why didn't he join the Lingnan delegation and walk with the Minister of the Central Organization Department?