official god

Chapter 2035 Move one hair and hold the whole body

While Zhang Pingshao and others were nervous and excited to sort out the relevant evidence, Sang Tianliang and Ami, a pair of bitter mandarin ducks, were also controlled. Li Yuze, the executive deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, personally commanded his cronies and transferred Sang Tianliang and Ami to a secret location.

At the same time, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection also quickly worked on the spot. Under the instructions of Zhang Pingshao, the case was filed on the spot and decided to take double-regulation measures against Sang Tianliang immediately.

The Provincial Public Security Department also immediately expressed its support for the decisive measures of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The tripartite linkage is equivalent to completely bypassing Xiao Lei, the leader of the mayor and the municipal bureau. Zhang Ping Shao took out the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the leader of the Municipal Party Committee. He made a finalision on the spot and investigated to the end. He would never tolerate or be soft. No matter who was involved,

"I will report the decision of the Municipal Party Committee directly to Secretary Lei and Governor Xia." Zhang Pingshao waved his hand. In the night rain, his face was full of indomitable determination.

At night, the glorious image of Sang Tianliang wearing underwear and holding his mistress in his arms spread all over the Internet overnight. He was jokingly called "the good police of the people love the people to **, and he sacrificed his life and death to save the beauty in the fire..."

On the Internet, there are not only vivid descriptions, which make people feel immersive, but also cooperate with countless wonderful pictures.

The high-definition picture infinitely eloquently eloquent Sang Tianliang's majestic figure. His magnificent image in his underwear and the clingy posture of the little bird are perfectly and harmoniously presented to netizens, which immediately caused a sensation in the whole network.

Not only that, the poster obviously knew the psychology of netizens. Next to the photos of Sang Tianliang's underwear, he also put his standard work photos of the municipal bureau, as well as the photos of the police uniform in daily life, and even deliberately put the ecstasy photos of him when he was eating happily in the police uniform. The strong contrast does not There is a sense of justice and anger of countless people.

If it is only the above information, it underestimates the IQ of the behind-the-scenes planners. The post was posted on the Internet as soon as the fire broke out. Two hours later, just as a craze was formed on the Internet, a mysterious person reported that it was a serious political event behind the sexy photo of the Sang Tianliang Sang detachment and the mistress. Netizens, please wait patiently for a few hours. At dawn, there will be more explosive news...

The enthusiasm of netizens was ignited, and many people stayed up all night in front of the computer, waiting for the first time to see what was the big hidden behind the pornographic photo door or the underwear door.

Many netizens didn't sleep all night, but Di Guogong slept soundly. He reunited with his third aunt's family. After having a warm dinner, he talked with his daughter for a while and enjoyed her coquettishness. Then he fell asleep in the arms of the third aunt contentedly.

The better Di Guogong slept, the more angry and frightened he became when he woke up. What's furious is, who plotted Sang Tianliang behind his back? On the ground of Jinyang, there are still people who dare to touch him? What was frightening was that no one informed him all night, which proved that the incident was planned seamlessly, and while calculating Sang Tianliang, he also completely excluded his network!

Good wrist! A strong chill suddenly rose in Di Guogong's heart. If the whole incident was planned by Zhang Pingshao, then there must be a more powerful figure standing behind Zhang Pingshao. Otherwise, with Zhang Pingshao's ability to fully hold the municipal party committee, it is absolutely impossible to calculate every step so accurately.

Is it...

Di Guogong jumped from **. Because it was properly maintained, his body was as strong as a hard-working person. It was precisely because of this that his strong body and abundant energy made Di Guogong aggressive and never gave up.

Sang Tianliang fell into the trap, which inspired his belligerent heart.

He didn't even have time for breakfast. Di Guogong said goodbye to his third aunt and hugged his daughter Di Zhier. From the perspective of the Gu family, Di Guogong was a good man. Each of his four families could feel the warmth of being the head of the family before leaving in a hurry.

On the way, Di Guogong made a phone call with Xiao Lei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau.

Xiao Lei was the biggest promoter of Di Guogong when Li Xiangwen was acquitted.

Last night, Wang turned over and turned to sleep unsteadily, not because of the Sang Tianliang incident. He was also hidden from the truth, but because of Chen Yan.

When it comes to him and Chen Yan, he is really entangled. It seems that having feelings can't be regarded as feelings. If he doesn't, he can't give up his missing Chen Yan. Every time he meets him, his missing deepens a little. For a senior provincial and ministerial official who has experienced the storm and seen the vicissitudes of life, it is a very naive thing to fall in love with a woman who knows that she is unreliable.

But he just can't suppress his crazy feelings, spreading in his heart with the moisture of the spring rain like a weed. Chen Yan's smile has a fatal ** power for him. Although he knows in his heart that Chen Yan's amorous feelings are innate, she is the most powerful and powerful weapon in front of men. It is not necessarily because she has a good impression on who she is, but just an instinct.

Wang Qianqian recalled every detail of his thoughts with Chen Yan. When it was almost dawn, he closed his eyes for a while, and an idea flashed in a daze in his heart. If he didn't stop the crazy idea, Chen Yan would destroy him sooner or later.

Chen Yan is a tireless goblin. She may not destroy many people, and she will also destroy Xiaxiang!

At dawn, Wang Qianqian woke up. Wang Qianqian has a habit. When he is in a good mood or bad, he will turn off his phone when he goes to bed at night. He didn't go home last night. He lived in a palace and turned off his mobile phone, so no one disturbed his sleep all night. With the silent spring rain outside the window, he had almost a spring dream all night.

However, Chunmeng will eventually wake up. As soon as he opened his eyes, he remembered that Chen Yan told him in detail about Xiaxiang's personality and love, as well as Xiaxiang's usual work route, time, etc., and asked dozens of questions. He knows everything and says everything he knows about Xia.

But Chen Yan hid something from him and did not tell him how she would deal with Xiaxiang, but Chen Yan told him another secret that 5% of Anda Mining's shares had been realized!

Wang Qianqian was envious and thought that Chen Yan's famous husband was really blind. With such a good woman, she couldn't sleep and could not use it. She was abroad with a big hat. Could it be said that if she went abroad, the green hat could turn red? A fool.

But on second thought, Jiang Gang was really conniving Jiang An. In order to revenge on Xia, he was really willing to take out 5% of his shares. Jiang An is really the No. 1 prodigal son. Good morning and good night, Da Mining will be defeated by him.

After thinking about it, Wang Qianqian's mind fell on what killing moves Chen Yan would use against Xia. If Chen Yan used a beauty trick, according to Wang Qianqian's speculation, Xia Xiang had no way to resist, 100% of the trick, and then... Yes, and then what?

Chen Yan did not tell Wang Qianqian how much she wanted to calculate Xia. Suddenly, his heart jumped. In case Chen Yan and Xia wanted Wang Ba to see the mung bean, the two of them really got together. Chen Yan was rich and beautiful. Xia thought it was a good thing. Didn't Jiang An be a big loser?

Just thinking about it, the phone rang impatiently.

Wang Qianqian had been intoxicated in a series of associations caused by Chen Yan's appearance all night. His brain did not return to his normal thinking. After answering the phone, he was hit by a sudden storm, and he did not react: "Hey, hey, what, what are you talking about?"

The phone call came from Xiao Lei.

"Sang Tianliang had an accident and was calculated, and was directly arrested by Zhang Pingshao. He was guarded in a secret place, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection also intervened. Now except for Zhang Pingshao and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, no one knows where Sang Tianliang is being held?" Xiao Lei's voice lost its usual calmness, and there was a trace of panic.

Xiao Lei, the real power of the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee, is called the head of the Municipal Public Security Bureau by all the coal bosses on the ground in Jinyang. He has been in the Jinyang public security system for many years, and his party members are all over the streets and alleys of Jinyang. Although he is not one of the best figures in Even Zhang Pingshao gave up three points to Xiao Lei, and he spoke very politely.

But now, Xiao Ju, who has always been flat and stable, has a nervous tone, but finally has a trace of trill.

For nothing else, just because of Sang Tianlei, he didn't know it at all. He was completely in the dark, which proved that the people behind the scenes wanted to take advantage of this matter to make him empty!

An unprecedentedly powerful force intervened in Jinyang's officialdom. Is it intended to set off an earthquake in Jinyang's officialdom? Xiao Lei is a smart man. He came to the scene in person from Zhang Pingshao overnight. At the same time, he alarmed the Provincial Public Security Department and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and led Li Yuze to the police, but he bypassed him and immediately came to an amazing conclusion. Zhang Ping Shao was finally going to deal with him.

After listening to Xiao Lei's report, Wang Qianqian was stunned and sat down to ** without moving for a long time.

He thought that as soon as Chen Yan took action, he must be able to catch it. Xia wanted to use the old situation now, and there should be no new tricks for the time being. Unexpectedly, why did he suddenly move the breakthrough and take Sang Tianliang as the fuse.

If you think about it again, you will be even more shocked. Not good, Xia wants to collect power in the political and legal and public security system, and the political and legal and public security system are the biggest umbrella for the coal boss!

When Lei Zhixue learned about the Sang Tianlei incident, it was after work.

After a night of spring rain, it stopped at dawn, the air in the morning was very fresh, and Lei Zhixue was in a very good mood. As soon as he went to work, he was planning to have a meeting to study the details of Fu Boju's inspection work. Chen Hao reported the Sang Tianliang incident to him.

At this time, not only the whole Jinyang has been known to everyone, but also the provincial party committee has almost spread. As the first person in the Western Province, almost the last one knew that Lei Zhixue was extremely angry and immediately ordered: "Let Zhang Pingshao come to my office immediately!" Ps: Three things, first, the monthly tickets for April in the last few hours, brothers, please vote for them all, thank you. Second, after midnight, it is estimated that there will be three consecutive updates. Please prepare tomorrow's monthly ticket. The last double monthly ticket battle of the official god is looking forward to the support of every brother. Third, please give me more recommended tickets.