official god

Chapter 2036 Warming up

Without the invitation of Lei Zhixue, Zhang Ping was ready to report to Lei Zhixue at any time. He came to the provincial party committee early in the morning, and first had a secret contact with Xia Xiang... Instead of reporting to the secretary first, he reported to the governor first, which did not meet the rules of the officialdom... Then he pretended to have just arrived at the provincial party committee and came to Lei Zhixue's office with anxious steps.

The reason why Lei Zhixue didn't know about this until now is not that the matter was concealed to death. It has been rumored on the Internet for a long time, but that Lei Zhixue has a lot of things to do and is confused. Except for Chen Hao, no one dares to call him at night to report, so as not to

And Chen Hao was invited to dinner last night, and there was a program after dinner. He knew that it was already dawn when the accident happened.

Lei Zhixue first criticized Chen Hao fiercely, and then hung up Zhang Ping Shao for a while. Then he asked Zhang Ping Shao to come in with a dignified face and questioned him about the story of the matter.

Chen Hao knew that he was wrong, and he did not refute the scolding of Lei Zhixue. He bowed his head and admitted his mistake, but did not think deeply about whether it was a coincidence or man-made between the incident between his acceptance of the invitation and Sang Tianliang last night. Chen Hao is the secretary brought by Lei Zhixue from the capital. Like Lei Zhixue, he has the unique arrogance and arrogance of Beijing officials, and thinks that he will have a balance as soon as he comes out of the capital.

is not an official who has been promoted step by step from the grassroots level. The foundation is unstable, and there is a lack of sufficient understanding of the complexity of local struggles. Only with arrogance and arrogance, it can never solve practical problems.

How did Zhang Pingshao deal with the anger of Lei Zhixue and how to explain the emergency last night? I believe that with Zhang Pingshao's political wisdom, he can calmly pass the test. No matter what, Zhang Pingshao is also the secretary of the municipal party committee and the leader of Jinyang. As the leader of the first-level party committee, he has the right to deal with any incident in Jinyang. Lei Zhixue is the secretary of the provincial party committee, and it is not easy to interfere too much in Jinyang's internal affairs.

In this regard, Xia wants to have a clear idea, and how Zhang Pingshao will answer Lei Zhixue and how to gag Lei Zhixue's mouth. He has already learned it clearly in advance. He believes that Lei Zhixue will definitely have nothing to do in front of Zhang Pingshao's Tai Chi massage hand.

Last night, the spring rain was as expensive as oil, and it was raining all over the streets. Under the spring rain, Jinyang may not immediately show the beautiful scenery of blue sky and white clouds, but at least it will be washed away by the rain.

It's time to have a thorough cleaning in Jinyang.

Unlike many people who panic all night, Xiaxiang had a very comfortable and peaceful life last night, and even very happy.

It's because of a call from Lao Gu.

Lao Gu rarely takes the initiative to call Xiaxiang. If something happens, he will either convey it through Gu Yu or let Xu Guanhua relay it. It's not that Lao Gu doesn't have any taboos from talking to Xiaxiang, but that he doesn't like to call.

is also the most stubborn side of the old age.

But Lao Gu called in person last night. Hearing Lao Gu's voice on the phone, he really shocked Xia, thinking that something had happened.

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Lao Gu didn't say anything, but kept laughing. He laughed as happily as he could. "The jade girl just got on the plane and went to Europe. She said that she would not come back in a year and a half."

Xia thought that he was stunned. Gu Yu didn't say anything about going abroad, which made him strange. Lao Gu kept laughing, which made him even more puzzled. He asked, "Ancient, do you always drink?"

"Go, stinky boy, you know I don't drink much. Even if I drink, I won't get drunk." Lao Gu laughed and scolded Xia Xiong. Now it is only a few old people represented by Lao Gu who dare to laugh and scold Xia Xiong. Even if they are like Gu Qiushi and Song Chaodu, they will no longer regard Xia Xiong as a junior.

"Why did Gu Yu go abroad?" Xia wanted to ask, and he was depressed. Is it Gu Yu's petty again?

"If she likes to go abroad, just go abroad. I support her." Lao Gu was bored to say anything, but the unconcealed joy came through the microphone, which still made Xia want to feel that there must be hidden feelings in it. Fortunately, it was definitely not a bad thing.

"She really didn't say anything to me." Xia wants to continue to use the old words.

"It doesn't matter if you don't talk to me. Anyway, you don't have time to take care of her." Lao Gu continued to laugh, "The air abroad is good, the environment is good, and the food is safe, which is conducive to physical and mental health. Let her live for a year and a half. When she wants to come back, she is welcome back."

Lao Gu can also make a detour. Xia wanted to be speechless and had to say casually, "Yes, the small European country is quiet, clean, and the climate is good, which is especially suitable for recuperation. By the way, which country is she going to?"

"I went to a small town in Sweden first. It's hard to say whether she will stay for a long time or not. It's up to her nature." Lao Gu thought about Xia for a long time, and finally couldn't help it. He smiled and said, "Do you like boys or girls? But I have something to say first. Whether it's a boy or a girl, you must be surnamed Gu, not Gu. I won't agree..."

Xiao "Xia thought that he finally guessed something. No wonder Lao Gu was so happy. It turned out to be Gu er... In addition to surprise, his mind drifted away. Even with the identity and level of ancient jade, although there is special food, he has to go abroad for rest. No wonder the Chinese people have money to go abroad,

No matter how rich and powerful you are, you are not living in a vacuum, and it is difficult to completely eliminate all kinds of toxic food and ** pollution.

Although even Ruohan or Gu Yu, it may not be extreme to go abroad to recuperate as soon as they are pregnant, but if he really takes Xia's real thoughts, he will not let either Lian Ruohan and Gu Di to live in the western province!

It's really sad to think about it. At his level and the power of the people around him, he can go wherever he wants, but the vast majority of powerless and moneyless people can only eat poisonous food and leather shoe capsules, breathe the cancer-causing air, and work hard with all kinds of pollution and poisons every day. Struggle.

He did not dare to forget to worry about the country. Now that his position is high, he can decide the happiness of countless people in a word, and he should be more cautious in his words and deeds.

No matter whether Gu Yu gave birth to boys or girls, he naturally had to be surnamed Gu. As a consolation to the old man, Xia thought and said, "Okay, okay, it depends on your age. No matter if you give birth to boys or girls, you must be surnamed Gu."

"Haha." Lao Gu laughed like a child, "Do you think it's better to let him work in politics or in the future?"

Old child, Lao Gu also showed the child's heart, and the child thought of the future before he was born.

"It's up to him. Even if he likes to teach, I won't object. After all, only when a person is interested can he have motivation. Interest is the best life mentor. Xia's character is like this. Xia Dong and Lian Xia never interfere with their growth, so that they can develop with their nature.

From now on, Xia Dong seems to have the possibility of entering politics, and even Xia's ambition and interest in science and business will eventually be engaged in depends on future opportunities.

"You can see it open-mindedly." Lao Gu seemed to have made up his mind, "If I don't think so, if it's a boy, I must take him with me to cultivate his tenacious spirit from an early age, and let him enter politics with the temperament of a soldier. He can definitely move forward. Maybe he can surpass you..."

After another pause, Lao Gu seemed to be calculating something, and smiled again: "I'm excited, I'm so excited. When he is old, you will be older. Maybe he is still in power. Even if his surname is Gu, he can't grow up so fast under your protection. However, even if he can't surpass you, he must let his next generation surpass you. Anyway, the person who surpasses you will fall on Gu, not Wu..."

Lao Gu seems to have eased his relationship with Mr. Wu a lot recently. In fact, he still has the desire to be competitive. After answering Lao Gu's phone call, Xia wanted to smile speechlessly.

The future is too far away, not to mention that it has crossed two generations. It doesn't matter who surpasses him. The important thing is that he hopes that one day he can continue to promote the prosperity of the country among his descendants.

What Xia didn't expect was that Lao Gu was most proud of the two things in his life. One was to know and accept him, and the other was to predict the future. Of course, the latter thing can only be proud of by the old man's knowledge.

Other people's downfall and bad luck are other people's misfortune. Xia Xiang was calm overnight. The next morning, he rushed to the office of the Provincial Party Committee. As soon as he entered the door, Tang Tianyun reported the latest developments on the Internet.

Many netizens waited in front of the computer all night, waiting for someone to get the latest inside story. While waiting, he was not idle. He began to search for Sang Tianliang... Sang Tianliang was soon called lost by netizens. Needless to say, even Sang Tianliang's e� of peeking at the female math teacher going to the toilet when he was a child was exposed to the sun by powerful netizens. What's more, the origin of Sang Tianliang's mi Chu, even the color of Ami's underwear almost became the topic of discussion.

Pure Ami, who is regarded as a pearl by Sang Tianliang as a baby. Under the scanning of powerful netizens, she showed her original shape. It turned out to be just a young lady who had been dating since she was a student and sold ** as soon as she graduated. After experiencing countless men, she washed her legs, brushed her teeth, and went ashore Xu cheated Sang Tianliang with local surgery again, and unexpectedly became Sang Tianliang's mistress with a pure body. If Sang Tianliang knew that the green hat on his head was superimposed, which was equivalent to a ninety-nine-story building, he didn't know if he would be so angry that he would spit blood on the spot? Hard work pays off. Netizens who have waited all night finally waited for the latest news... At dawn, the content of the post was refreshed again, adding only more than a dozen words to the original content, but it was like a boulder thrown into the water, stimulating the huge waves.

"Sang Tianliang couldn't ask for bribes and framed Li Xiangwen, a private entrepreneur. Li Xiangwen was acquitted and was still beaten to death, lying on the street!"

Countless netizens who were waiting for the news were shocked. Unexpectedly, they waited for such a powerful bomb!

The enthusiasm, curiosity and anger of netizens were ignited. In less than half an hour, the Li Xiangwen incident, which had not been exposed, quickly heated up on the Internet and spread to every website of all sizes.

Netizens were very angry and the consequences were very serious. The Li Xiangwen incident once again aroused the anger of netizens and continued to dig into the truth behind the incident. After human flesh search and careful investigation, Sang Tianliang finally successfully aroused another key figure behind the scenes, Di Guogong!

Di Guo's achievements have been seen! Ps: In May, there are still three beautiful things to announce.

The first beautiful thing is that from now on, the collection of new book names or tricks has begun. Please go to the top post in the Guanshen book review area, which contains detailed instructions. In addition, I would like to remind you again that the new book may also be released at the same time, so please be careful to be famous. Your name may be on the Internet and the physical market, and you may become a celebrity at the same time.