official god

Chapter 2052 Down-up Hands-on

One night, Di Guogong was like evaporation from the world, and there was no news. The whole city was under martial law, and all of them were dispatched. They didn't even find a footprint of Di Guogong, as if Di Guogong had stepped into the clouds, flew straight to the clouds and then feathered into immortals.

Strange things, it's really a big strange thing.

Xiao Lei was shocked and angry, and felt cheated by Di Guogong. He trusted Di Guogong so much that he resisted the pressure of the municipal party committee and gave Di Guogong an extra day to deal with things. Di Guogong clearly promised that he would come to the lead in person, but the result was good. Di Guogong played tricks on him and actually slipped away.

Xiao Lei determined that the disappearance of Di Guogong was a trick played by Di Guogong. It was Di Guogong who played him. It was definitely that Di Guogong was not good and fled every day. With the connections and financial resources of the State of Di, whether he is by land or by air, he can definitely fly to the other side of the beautiful ocean.

Xiao Lei felt a little like Wu Zixu's gray head overnight. The municipal party committee has asked the municipal bureau to control Di Guogong. As a result, Di Guogong is still missing. He must bear the corresponding leadership responsibilities!

Di Guogong is really not a friend. He trusts him very much, but he only cares about himself. No matter how he does, it is equivalent to Di Guogong's use of his trust in him and really put him together.

At dawn, Xiao Lei was sure that Di Guogong had indeed evaporated from the world, and he knew that he might face a disaster!

All the cadres of the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee were surprised to find that Secretary Zhang went to work much earlier than usual today. When many people came to the Municipal Party Committee at the usual time, they noticed that Secretary Zhang had been sitting in the office for a long time.

Moreover, Secretary Zhang's expression is particularly serious today. It seems that something important has happened. Many people know that they are afraid that something big will happen.

In a short time, the cadres and staff, large and small, of the Municipal Party Committee, have restrained their usual greetings and casualness. Everyone has become serious, and they no longer greet each other when they meet. They just no longer have a slight nod, or exchange of eyes at most.

Everyone is in a hurry, as if a storm is coming.

Life can't always be sunny. There will be a storm one day, but it's just a matter of time.

At 8:30, Mayor Fan Jinglun stepped into the municipal party committee. When he got out of the car, he received a notice and asked him to hold an emergency meeting in the secretary's office immediately.

Fan Jinglun didn't know what had happened. He slowly came to the office of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and was stunned as soon as he pushed the door. In addition to Zhang Pingshao, the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the Executive Vice Mayor, the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Minister of Organization of the Municipal Party Committee One person.

Fan Jinglun just felt a chill coming to his face. Yes, it was a chill. The chill came from Zhang Pingshao's body, with Zhang Pingshao as the center, spreading throughout the room. That is to say, the aura of the whole room is under the control of Zhang Pingshao.

When did Zhang Ping be so powerful? Fan Jinglun only made a big question in his heart, and Zhang Pingshao said, "Comrade Jinglun is here. OK, everyone is here. Let's have a meeting next."

Fan Jinglun asked puzzledly, "What's the meeting?"

"The meeting on the temporary suspension of Comrade Xiao Lei's position as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau." Zhang Pingshao said calmly, his voice was not loud, but it exploded in Fan Jinglun's ear like a huge thunder.

"What? What!" Fan Jinglun knew that Zhang Ping had wanted to attack the municipal bureau for a long time. Unexpectedly, this day came so quickly and so suddenly.

"Here's the thing... Zhang Pingshao is very calm on the surface, but in fact, he is still secretly happy with Fan Jinglun's gaffe. "Forget it, I won't say it. Please ask Comrade Xiao Lei to make it clear by himself."

Xiao Lei looked depressed and stood up: "I accept the disposal of the municipal party committee and am willing to bear all the consequences."

It's impossible not to bow his head and admit his mistake. Xiao Lei knew that Zhang Ping had wanted to kick him away for a long time, but he inevitably bumped into Zhang Ping's hands. The frustration, loss and hatred in his heart can be imagined, but what can he do? In the officialdom, whoever is reasonable will have the upper hand, and Zhang Pingshao is also the leader.

Not only the leader of the municipal party committee, but also the leader of the provincial party committee.

Xiao Lei bowed his head and was also forced by the situation. It doesn't matter to admit his mistake. What is the final result? There is also a long and tortuous competition process. He is not worried that he will be removed from office because of this. Lei Zhixue is still in the capital, and the head of the provincial party committee is not there, so the standing committee of the provincial party committee cannot be convened. Only the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has the sole right to decide the disposal of one of his members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

Now the suspension of duty is just the gesture that must be made to the Di Guo kung fu trace incident, which does not mean that he will be involved in the Di Guo kung fu trace incident. In addition, Zhang Pingshao's greatest power is to suspend his duties.

Xiao Lei admitted his mistake in front of the main leader of the municipal party committee, made a review to the municipal party committee on the trace of Di Guo's kung fu, and was willing to accept any disposal decision of the municipal party committee.

At this time, Fan Jinglun realized what was going on. Why did Di Guogong suddenly disappear? Why was it all a mess? So is Xiao Lei. Di Guogong has no way to go. He must be desperate. It's strange not to run away. How dare he let Di Guogong run around? Too much, too much.

Fan Jinglun was so angry that he criticized Xiao Lei in public, pointing out that the municipal bureau must take this matter as an opportunity to carry out an ideological education and rectify his work style, and asked Xiao Lei to thoroughly investigate the corruption of Di Guo's life and report the results to the municipal party committee in a timely manner.

Fan Jinglun ostensibly criticized Xiao Lei, but in fact, he still protected Xiao Lei in order to put forward the reason for Xiao Lei's responsibility to investigate the achievements of Di. The meaning of the words is to let Xiao Lei continue the power of the director under the suspension of office!

How can Zhang Pingshao not know Fan Jinglun's thoughts? As soon as he waved his hand, he took out the authority and power of a hand, and said firmly, "Comrade Xiao Lei suspends his position, so there is no need to intervene in the investigation of Di Guogong's case. The evidence and facts of the case of Di Guogong are now conclusive and the facts are clear. I suggest that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee be convened immediately to discuss the issue of formal filing of the case of Di Guogong.

Zhang Pingshao spared no effort to vigorously promote it, which is to knock the case of Di Guogong to death, and then officially enter the double-regulation stage. Another point is that Zhang Pingshao will not give Xiao Lei a chance to turn over again, so that Fan Jinglun's good wishes will not come true.

Subsequently, Zhang Pingshao presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and submitted the two issues of suspending the position of the director of the Public Security Bureau of Xiaolei City and formally filing the case of Di Guogong to the Standing Committee for discussion. Although there were still many voices of opposition, Zhang Ping Shao tried his best to avoid the public discussion, and finally said, "If there is any problem, I will personally go to the provincial party committee to explain it to Secretary Lei and Governor Xia."

As soon as this was said, everyone was speechless. In the end, the meeting passed the resolution in full accordance with Zhang Pingshao's will.

Xiao Lei was suspended only as the director of the municipal bureau, and he is still a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Many people think that Zhang Pingshao only wants to move the power of Xiao Lei's director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, but they don't know that Zhang Pingshao left a big trap for Xiao Lei.

The great change of the municipal party committee was immediately transmitted to the provincial party committee.

In fact, most of the leaders of the provincial party committee have learned about the changes in the municipal party committee in advance. After all, it is a big deal. It is impossible for Zhang Pingshao to suspend the work of a member of the Standing Committee of the municipal party committee without asking the leaders of the provincial party committee. Xiao Lei is not an ordinary person. He is a provincial cadre.

Zhang Pingshao's decision was supported by several leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, including Xia Xiang. Zhang Weizhao, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Mu Chengjie, Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee and Director of the Public Security Department, supported the decision of the Municipal Party Committee to deal with Xiao Lei. Other standing committees, such as Wang The decision of the Municipal Party Committee is of reservations, but they are not directly subordinates of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and their voice is not as important as Xiaxiang, Zhang Weizhao and Mu Chengjie's speeches.

After holding a meeting, Xia Xiang made a decision and instructed the Provincial Public Security Department to guide the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate the case of Di Guogong.

Mu Chengjie, director of the Provincial Public Security Department, said that the provincial department supports the decision of the Municipal Party Committee to suspend the position of the director of Xiao Lei. At the same time, the provincial department will also intervene in the investigation of Di Guogong's case and will hold a meeting to further investigate Xiao Lei's joint and several liability.

After reaching a consensus at the meeting, Wang Xiangqian said dissatisfiedly, "I have reservations, Comrade Xia Xiang."

"Comrade Qian has different opinions to understand." Xia thought said indifferently, "I have already talked to Comrade Zhixue on the phone. Comrade Zhixue will be back tomorrow."

Although Xia Xiang did not clearly say what Lei Zhixue's attitude was, the implication had hinted that Lei Zhi Society acquiesced to the decision of the provincial party committee meeting, which shocked Wang Qianqian very much. How could he even let go of Secretary Lei? Impossible!

The impossible happened. After the meeting, Wang Qianqian immediately talked to Lei Zhixue on the phone. As Xia Xiang said, Lei Zhixue also stayed in the heart of the capital. He seemed not to pay attention to what happened in the Western Province. He just stressed that he would wait until he went back. Before he went back, the provincial party committee's matters should be decided by Xia.

Wang Qianqian was first shocked, and then figured out something. It seems that Secretary Lei's way to enter the game is really difficult.

In case, if Secretary Lei enters the game one late, he is now closely following Lei Zhixue. Is he betting on the wrong treasure?

The news that Xiao Lei was suspended as the director of the Public Security Bureau soon spread all over the streets and alleys of Jinyang. At the same time, the news about the kung fu track of Di is also like ripples, ripples, like a vast spring breeze, floating over Jinyang.

Di Guo Kung Fu Trace and Xiao Lei were suspended, only the part that can be made public. Behind the non-public, Xiao Lei has just been suspended for less than half an hour. Less than 15 minutes after the executive deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, Qiu Tang temporarily presided over the overall work of the Municipal Bureau, several cronies of Di Guogong were immediately .

Not only were Di Guogong's cronies under strict control, but several of Sang Tianliang's men were also taken more severe measures by Qiu Tang for the first time and were criminally detained for the crime of intentional homicide.

From the capture of Sang Tianliang, to the kung fu trace of Di, to the suspension of Xiao Lei, a huge wave of cleaning in the Municipal Public Security Bureau came suddenly!

PS strongly calls for monthly tickets, around zero o'clock, three updates at a time