official god

Chapter 2053 Someone is in danger

At the beginning, many people in the Public Security Bureau of Jinyang City did not know why several of Sang Tianliang's men were criminally detained. After Sang Tianliang was double-regulated, the news that he had confessed did not come out. What did he do, how big did he do, and what would happen in the end? Many people in the The conclusion closest to the truth.

Most people think that Sang Tianliang's double regulation is only due to economic problems. After all, as the detachment leader of the ** detachment, he deals with all economic cases, and it is inevitable that there will be corruption and bribery.

But what no one expected was that Sang Tianliang had a murder!

People in high positions are not afraid of economic problems, but are afraid that people's lives are at risk. Of course, unless the power is so great, it can be temporarily suppressed. However, as long as human life is involved, as long as it is dug out, it is a fatal blow, which is more than a hundred times more serious than the embezzlement of tens of billions.

If someone pushes behind the scenes, there is only a dead end.

Originally, the municipal bureau was still excited because of Xiao Lei's suspension. In addition, as soon as the executive deputy director Qiu Tang took over the municipal bureau, he put on a liquidated face. It was too ugly. Many deputy directors and captains expressed dissatisfaction with Qiu Tang's behavior one after another, either passively working, or challenge Qiu Tang, or Secretly, he and Qiu Tang fight against each other.

It can be said that Qiu Tang's foundation in the municipal bureau is shaky. Not to mention controlling the overall situation, it is not impossible for the municipal bureau to collectively boycott Qiu Tang's work.

After all, Qiu Tang is the executive deputy director, neither a leader nor a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.

However, quietly, something unexpected happened!

After Sang Tianliang was double-regulated, because the Commission for Discipline Inspection had been keeping his mouth shut, many people in the municipal bureau inquired, but they got nothing. They didn't know what Sang Tianliang had done. However, after Qiu Tang was purged, there was a rumor that the municipal bureau quietly spread that Sang Tianliang had a murder.

Many people are shocked. Not to mention that Sang Tianliang is just a small detachment leader, that is, he is the captain and deputy director. Even if he is the leader of the municipal bureau and bears the murder case, he can only die.

The gossip spread very quickly, and it spread all over the municipal bureau in an hour, so that a group of people who had joined forces to pressure Qiu Tang immediately withdrew their steps.

Just kidding, as a public security officer, it is extremely stupid to stand up for a criminal with a murder case.

The news that Sang Tianliang had a murder case quietly spread for less than two hours, followed by another piece of news, which made the forces united against Qiu Tang stunned again.

The behind-the-scenes murder of Sang Tianliang is the mastermind of Di Guogong.

As soon as the rumor came out, the joint opposition forces were even more shocked. How could the spear pointed higher and higher? Could it be that the matter of Sang Tianliang will eventually involve higher-level behind-the-scenes figures?

Sure enough, it was guessed by the joint opposition forces. The subsequent rumors became more and more fierce, and the more powerful it became. Finally, it pointed to Xiao Lei, who was suspended from the director's work!

Rumor has it that the gradually escalated Sang Tianliang was instructed by Di Guogong to ask for bribes, framed Li Xiangwen, who was legally operating, for counterfeiting and selling fakes, framed Li Xiangwen to prison, and annexed Li Xiangwen's property near Huan Tianwan. After Li Xiangwen was acquitted by the court, he proved that Li Xiangwen's case was an unjust and false case, that is to say, Di Guogong was framed and convicted. Under such circumstances, Xiao Lei still tried his best to exclude public discussion and promoted Di Guogong.

Shortly after Di Guogong was promoted, Li Xiangwen angered Di Guogong because he reported that he had been embezzled by Di Guogong. As a result, Di Guogong was angry and instructed Sang Tianliang to take Li Xiangwen to death. After the incident, in order to cover up the crime, the case was hastily determined by the crime of fighting caused by a traffic accident.

After learning that Sang Tianliang had confessed to him, Di Guogong took the risk and fled calmly with the assistance of Xiao Lei. Xiao Lei, knowing that Di Guogong had a murder case, as a state official and a director of public security, still condoned Di Guogong to do whatever he wanted and deliberately disobeyed the decision of the Municipal Party Committee, which eventually led to Di Guogong to absconding...

After the manager of the whole incident, he united with the forces against Qiu Tang. More than half of the people gave up the idea of standing up for Xiao Lei. They were heartbroken. If Xiao Jun finally found out that it was indeed a grasshopper bomb on the same rope with Sang Tianliang, then less than half a day after Xiao was suspended from the director' From the beginning, it proves that some people want to fall into the well and knock down the situation in one fell swoop.

Xiao Bureau... It's dangerous!

But there is still Xiao Lei's iron pole in the afternoon. He doesn't believe in evil and doesn't waver. He found Qiu Tang and made a lot of noise. He asked Qiu Tang to rectify the order of the city bureau, strictly investigated the rumormongers, and Xiao Bureau was innocent.

When Qiu Tang first faced the counterattack of the coalition forces, he was still a little flustered and seemed to lack confidence. However, after the rumors about Sang Tianliang, Di Guogong and others spread, the matter finally involved Xiao Lei. He suddenly changed into a person. He was not only full of confidence, but also responded to several people with a confident expression Xiao Lei's iron questioning: "Those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid are turbid. What's the mess? If Secretary Xiao is innocent, no one can splash a drop of dirty water on him.

If he has something to do. The provincial party committee and the municipal party committee will investigate clearly. What you said is useless, and it is a mess. What should I do? I don't have to work?"

Qiu Tang's momentum soared, and several of Xiao Lei's iron poles looked at each other and couldn't speak.

But relying on Xiao Lei, who is still a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, several people still refuse to give in: "The Bureau of hatred, if you don't give an explanation, we really can't go back today. Xiao Ju was just suspended from work, and he was rumored by others. He worked all his life, but in the end, he was framed by the villain. It's chilling.

"That's good..." Qiu Tang stood up. "Each of you will write a report and report it to the Municipal Party Committee after I sign it. I hope that the Municipal Party Committee can resume the work of Xiao Bureau as soon as possible, so that I can pay the burden so that I don't have to lose it."

Several people exchanged their eyes in disbelief. Qiu Tang's attitude changed so much that it was unacceptable, but after a few people thought for a moment, they still accepted Qiu Tang's suggestion: "Okay, just follow the spirit of the instructions of Qiu."

After a few people went out, the corners of Qiu Tang's mouth showed a playful smile.

In a short time, several people jointly signed a report and handed it over to Qiu Tang. Qiu Tang looked at it and nodded with satisfaction: "I will submit suggestions directly to Secretary Zhang. Please wait for the news."

After several people went out, Qiu Tang solemnly read the report, then picked up the red pen, hit a big red cross on the signatures of several people, and then sneered: "Do you jointly report the problem to the municipal party committee? Do you really think Xiao Lei can go back to work in the municipal bureau? Dreaming!"

What several people didn't expect was that they were caught in the guity against the Tang Dynasty. Soon after that, the several people who signed the joint signature were dispersed separately, or transferred from the municipal bureau, or retreated early, or marginalized. In short, no one had a good end.

When it was time to get off work, the rumors became more and more prosperous, just like a burning flame, gradually getting out of control.

When night fell, the decision of the Municipal Party Committee was transmitted to the Municipal Bureau again. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has preliminarily identified the criminal facts of Sang Tianliang and intends to hand it over to the judicial authorities for handling. At the same time, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection officially filed a case against Di Guogong, and seized all the property of

The situation finally became clear. Not long after Xiao Lei was stopped working as the municipal director, the whole incident made breakthrough progress. It was clear who was the stumbling block of the incident.

Although Xiao Lei was suspended as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, he is still a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and also has an office in the Municipal Party Committee. When he heard a series of changes in the municipal party committee, he couldn't help sighing, his face dark, and he looked up to the sky and said, "Di Guogong, you are really a scourge!"

Everyone saw that Jinyang's officialdom earthquake was about to be staged, but no one expected that when Jinyang's officialdom earthquake was about to be triggered, there were rumors of discord between Jinyang's coal bosses.

The discord came between Jiang Gang and Wang Shengshuai.

Originally, Jiang Gang and Wang Shengshuai had a good relationship. Although they were both coal bosses and peers, they cooperated in the competition and often agreed on many things. It can be said that among the top ten richest people in the Western Province, the friendship between Jiang Gang and Wang Shengshuai is the deepest and exemplary.

But no one expected that Jiang Gang and Wang Shengshuai had broken off diplomatic relations.

According to the status of Jiang Gang and Wang Shengshuai, even if they are at peace with each other on one thing, they will not turn against each other. After all, they are all people with identity, and they are in Jinyang. They look up and don't look down, but they all think it's impossible, but it happened.

Jiang Gang and Wang Shengshuai not only turned against each other, but also said harsh words and broke off their friendship from then on.

The severance of diplomatic relations was because Wang Shengshuai was the first to apply to become a pilot enterprise, which was very smooth. His enterprise was designated as the first pilot enterprise of the State Council in the Western Province by the provincial government.

Wang Shengshuai's behavior broke the united pace of coal enterprises in the West Province, let Xiaxiang successfully open the gap between the coal enterprises in the West Province, and may even let Xiaxiang use Wang Shengshuai as a springboard to break through several large coal enterprises in the West Province, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of differentiation and win over.

Jiang Gang talked to Wang Shengshuai and tried to persuade Wang Shengshuai to change his mind and take back his order. As a result, Wang Shengshuai was vague and refused to listen to his advice. Jiang Gang said a cruel word in a hurry, but Wang Shengshuai didn't politely taunt each other, so the two broke up.

It was also Jiang Gang who was not well off. He obviously saw that Wang Shengshuai's ambition to keep three into one was to replace him as the richest man in the western province. In addition, Jiang Gang was now under the enemy, and someone was trying to touch his Anda Mining behind his back, so he spoke a little.

After Jiang Gang said goodbye to Wang Shengshuai angrily, he was about to make three chapters of the Law with several other coal companies. When he wanted to unite to encircle and suppress Wang Shengshuai, something suddenly fell from the sky and made him dizzy on the spot.

... After Sang Tianliang was double-regulated, five private bodyguards went to the rescue, and all of them were arrested. The bodyguard confessed that he was hired by Anda Mining, and the confession was instructed by him... Jiang Gang was shocked!