official god

Chapter 2066 The situation has taken a big step forward

Xiaxiang's appetite is very good, and it is easy not to lose your appetite. Chen Yan was determined to make Xia want to have a big meal. If Xia wanted to know, he might smile and then said sincerely, "Chen Yan, what a genius."

There are many kinds of talent learning, including geniuses, talents, geeks and geniuses. Chen Yan's heart is changeable and clever, and there are often unexpected actions. Xiaxiang is willing to call it a genius.

What further action will Jiang Gang have? Xia can't figure it out. He can't be clever, and it's impossible to get ahead of everything. But no matter what skill Jiang Gang is about to use, he will not succeed, because the principle that Xia wants to believe in after coming to the Western Province is to do it first.

Or in terms of military law, attack is the best defense.

When the time is ripe, Jiang Gang will suffer an all-round blow.

Jiang Gang does not fall, and Anda Mining is not in the hands. Even if the problem of collusion between officials and businessmen in Western Province is solved, it cannot solve the resistance of coal bosses in Western Province. Jiang Gang is a flag, and he must fall, which is a historical necessity.

Either he fell, or Xia thought failed. That is to say, between him and Xia thought, there can only be one person standing on the land of the Western Province and set sail in the wind.

So far, Xiaxiang has completed more than one-third of the layout of the whole Western Province.

I have to admit that Jiang Gang is indeed a figure. In the tug-of-war between retail acquisitions and anti-acquisitions, Jiang Gang once again regained the opportunity with the advantage of time and place. Ten percent of the retail shares have now returned to Jiang Gang.

There is another point to face up to. Chen Yan's position is not firm. She now owns 11% of the shares of Anda Mining. She is already the fourth largest shareholder of Anda Mining, but she does not have a clear intention to stand firm with him, which makes Xia want to know that Chen Yan still thinks that the interests she has not enough and Pursue the maximization of benefits.

What a greedy woman.

Xia wants to shake her head and smile helplessly. Don't overdo it when playing with fire.

If he wants to control Anda Mining, Xia thinks that there is no other way. The main reason is that he wants to deal with the wind and rain and doesn't want to fight. Now that the Western Province has reached a crossroads, he wants to take a little rest, stop to observe the reactions of all parties, and then decide the direction of the turn.

"Hey, what are you thinking so much?" Wei Xin stretched out her right hand and shook it in front of Xia. When her fingers were closed, it was tight and seamless, and the palm of her hand looked very beautiful.

"That's right, Brother Xia, I have a big problem with you, and I'm distracted by the three beautiful women. It's really bad." Only Song Yifan dares to criticize Xiaxiang directly. Now even Ruohan has to be polite to Xiaxiang.

Li Qin also said, "Gunch Minister Xia must be thinking about a major and profound social reality problem, or it is a proposition of the meaning of life. Anyway, it won't be a trivial matter of which dish is delicious or not."

That's right. There are indeed three beautiful women who want to have dinner with Xia today. In addition to Wei Xin and Song Yifan, there is also Li Qin.

Li Qin came to Jinyang, seemed to be ready for a protracted war, so she couldn't leave. She had a strong sense of participating in the war. After fighting with Jiang Gang twice, each had its own victory or defeat. On the contrary, it aroused her competitive psychology and decided not to stop without taking Jiang Gang.

Fortunately, Li Qin's child can already let go. She insisted on staying in Jinyang. Xia thought it was not easy to drive her away, so she asked Chen and Xiao Wu to form a temporary economic team to specialize in Jinyang coal enterprises.

Today, the three women compete for beauty, Li Qin is capable, Wei Xin is soft and charming, and Song Yifan is fresh. In addition to pleasing to the eyes, Xia Nang is also in a much more comfortable mood.

"Li Qin is really wrong. What I think is really a trivial matter." Xia thought as he took out a bottle of Coca-Cola, took a sip and said, "I'm thinking that economy and politics are inseparable. Sometimes the economy affects politics, and sometimes politics affects the economy. Just like people's left and right hands, I can't distinguish which one is more important."

Wei Xin and Song Yifan didn't understand what Xia thought, but Li Qin understood.

Li Qin asked, "Leader, do you want to influence national affairs?"

"No, I want to influence the international political situation." Xia wanted to put the Coca-Cola in his hand on the table. "A bottle of Coca-Cola with more than two yuan is a bottle of drink on the surface, but it is actually a kind of cultural penetration."

"The South China Sea has never been quiet, because every time we drink a bottle of Coca-Cola, we increase the military expenditure of the master behind the small country in the South China Sea." Xia wanted to gently play the coke bottle with his hand, "Take a hair and move the whole body, play a Coca-Cola, and move the whole world. Although the West Province is an inland province, the typhoon in the South China Sea is also closely related to the West Province. So if you sneeze in the West Province, will it also affect the other side of the ocean?

Song Yifan shook his head with a profound expression: "It's too profound. I really don't understand. When I'm full and listen carefully, maybe my IQ will improve."

Wei Xin almost laughed.

Xia thought of emotion was due to a phone call from Xu Guanhua.

Xu Guanhua said that the central government has not decided whether to fight a war in the South China Sea, but he is ready to go to the battlefield, and even laughed and said with a smile, "Let me be the first general to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy in person after the reform and opening up." He said hatefully, "What is that the United Small countries in the South China Sea barked wildly, but the country had no choice but to take the United States. What's more, it's a pity that you are not a decision-making national leader, and you can't give the United States a warning head-on.

"You can't warn you directly, but you can warn you behind your back." Xia wanted to be infected by Xu Guanhua. It happened that there was one thing in his hand that could be used to make a big deal. He said, "Guanhua, please wait and see. The Western Province will become the first province in China to dare to challenge the United States."

"It's really sad that so many powerful provinces in the south can't make a sound in the national crisis. It's not that the country doesn't want to go to war, and it's not afraid of war. Think about it, a country with a bigger fart has disgusted China for a month. China has been shouting for a long time, and it hasn't even released a fart. It's humiliating, too humiliating. Aggrieved, too aggrieved. Thinking of what Zheng Gong said in those years, children are fooling around, and adults are going to spank! What is the demeanor of a great country? That's what it means!"

Xu Guanhua is a young and strong faction in the army, the main war faction, and the hot-blooded faction. When he talked about the situation in the South China Sea, he was indignant.

"Not only are there many pro-American factions in the central government, but there are more in the army.

Either blindly kiss the United States and be willing to be the son of an American. Or blindly afraid of the United States, thinking that the United States is omnipotent, dare not do anything to do, afraid of death, think about it, wife, children and property are all in the United States, not directly handing over the door of life to others? I'm so stupid. So as soon as the American father said, you were not allowed to beat the Philippine donkey's funeral. As a result, no one dared to do it. He was afraid that his wife would be beaten by the American father, his son would be beaten by his American father, and he was afraid that his property would be confiscated by the American father.

"The main and factions are also divided into two categories. One is to shamelessly pat the thigh of the United States, believing that the United States is for China's democratic progress, and the other is that the United States is invincible. China cannot fight with the United States, and the economy will regress for 20 years. Do you know why Fei Donkey's funeral dares to challenge China? It's because the United States said that every time Fei Donkey is tough with China, he will drive an armed helicopter.

"What the fuck..." The more Xu Guanhua said, the more angry he became. He simply scolded, "If I can make the decision, I will sink a few warships first. A small country with less than one-tenth of China's strength dares to challenge China for a month. Damn, China's face has been lost in the world. It's equivalent to being riddened by a trivial, dark and ugly person riding on his neck and screaming to pee. It's been more than a month!"

"The donkey funeral is like a piece of chewed gum sticking to the Chinese feet. It doesn't seem easy to rub it clean completely. Damn, it has been sticky under the feet for a month, and it doesn't find a hard place to rub the sole of the shoes. Doesn't the country feel uncomfortable? Unless you are not Chinese, patriotic, and have no feelings for China, you can put up with it again and again. The motherland is the mother. Who can stand the insults of others to their mother?

"The Huangyan Island crisis has been delayed for a month. The funeral of the Philippines is constantly moving to escalate the situation, and there is no fear. On the contrary, the Chinese is polite. The spokesperson wearing glasses follow the text and says some unnutritious nonsense. Is it useless? Believe it or not, I slapped off your glasses, and you still told me to make up and solve it? I kicked you in the stomach again. Did you kneel down and beg for mercy by looking for glasses on the ground? Now the Yangcheng Military Region is full of grief and indignation!"

Xia Xiang replied to Xu Guanhua at that time, "It doesn't matter whether it's an American son or an American running dog, I believe that there are still many people in China who are always alert and will slap the United States loudly."

Xu Guanhua was excited by Xia's words and said a discordant word: "Govert Governor Xia, with countless young officers, I look forward to your early win the championship!"

It's still early to win the event. If he really waits to fight back when he won the event, there may be no room for China. Xia's thoughts returned to his eyes, and suddenly pinched the Coca-Cola bottle in his hand and sneered: "From now on, don't drink Coca-Cola. It is both tasteful and unhappy, and contains fluoride.

Wei Xin didn't ask the reason and directly poured out the coke in his hand: "If you don't drink it, don't drink it."

Song Yifan was puzzled: "What's the matter, Brother Xia? Did the United States offend you again? But since you have made a message, I will do as you say.

Li Qin guessed something and sighed slightly, "Gun Governor Xia, I'm honored to be your subordinate. Although I studied in the United States, I don't have a good impression of the United States. It is a country that has been arrogant and has been trying to rule the world.

... That night, an employee of the Western Province Coca-Cola Company suddenly revealed on the Internet that the Coca-Cola produced by the Coca-Cola Branch of the Western Province mixed chlorine-treated water for disinfection into the beverage, with a total of more than 10,000 boxes.

After receiving the report, the Western Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau held an emergency meeting overnight. After preliminary investigation, it was initially found that the manufacturer of fluorine-containing treated water for disinfection in the Coca-Cola Branch of the Western Province is an enterprise of Jianggang Holdings.

The situation has suddenly taken a big step forward.

PS: Angry, ask for a free recommendation ticket, give it to me? ( To be continued)