official god

Chapter 2067 Another Economic War

Xia Sang will not admit that he is a nationalist. Today, when the country is singing and dancing, and today, when the mainstream idea is that the world is in the same and there will be no more war, nationalists will be regarded as narrow-minded.

But Xia wants to make it clear in private that fundamentally, he is a nationalist. He has a noble side and a selfish side. His noor is only aimed at his own people, but his selfishness is to face all hostile forces at home and abroad.

Xia Xiang would rather believe that it is a beautiful truth for Lei Feng to do good deeds without leaving a name and only keeping a diary, but he would not believe that the United States is a superman who has come all the way to the earth, does not seek fame or profit, but only for the great unity of the people of the world, and the people of the world

The American blockbuster "Superman" was a sensational for a while, but behind the sensation was the extreme height of American values. In fact, it was the image of Superman in the United States, which made the universal value of the United States spread to the world.

To put it bluntly, it is another form, which is to make the people of the world think that the United States is an omnipotent superman, and the United States selflessly helps everyone in the world, and the world will eventually save the United States.

Xia wanted to experience a real thing himself. When he joined a tour group, he lived in the same room with a deputy director of the newspaper. While watching the news in the evening, the newspaper director began to scold the unfair treatment, and even looked forward to the United States to change China's current political system, claiming that the United States is the world's police and an impartial representative.

Xia thought was stunned at that time. The director of the deputy department-level newspaper is the newspaper director of a political newspaper under the party newspaper. He is also a party member with a corresponding administrative level. He holds the salary of a formal public institution, but speaks the words of the opposition party and the country... Xia wants to be extremely sad, not only sad. The director of the newspaper, who is in his 40s, is still so naive. What's more sad is that there are major problems in the country's education system. Even party members and the grassroots within the system believe that the United States is the savior. In the future, there is no need for the United States to deliberately to contain China. With just one It will disintegrate the state power from within.

This is the faith crisis of the Chinese nation!

A nation without faith finally believed in Uncle Sam. The highest level of Sun Tzu's Art of War was applied to the point of perfection by the United States - not fighting, but succumbing to others!

It's a pity that Xia Xiang only has the power to influence the land of a province now. If he has the status of the policy of one country, he must reverse the declining situation. Just like Premier Zhou's slogan "Reading for the Rise of China", he wants to make China's strongest voice to the world - for China. Return to the prosperous times of the Han and Tang Dynasties and do not hesitate to fight!

War is not the original intention, not the purpose, but it is definitely the only way for China to rise.

Now, he can't decide when the country's war will punch, but he can decide how much the economic war in the West Province will cause to the economy of the United States!


The next day, Wei Xin and Song Yifan, accompanied by Li Qin, went to Jinyang. Xia Xiang began another economic war.

In the morning, Coca-Cola denied the news on the Internet, claiming that Coca-Cola was produced in strict accordance with national standards and there were no violations.

The wording is very euphemistic, but the attitude is very resolute, not admitting mistakes, not admitting, and the arrogance of multinational companies can be seen at a glance.

In the afternoon, the Western Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision held a press briefing on this, announcing the inspection results of two national testing centers in Western Province and the opinions of the expert group organized by the Office of the Western Provincial Food Safety Coordination Committee, indicating that the samples sent by Coca-Cola Company meet national standards and do not cause harm to health.

After receiving the inspection report, Xia smiled gently and threw it to Tang Tianyun.

Tang Tianyun wasyi, so he immediately took the report and turned around and went out.

Tang Tianyun knocked on the door of Ma Yu, the secretary-general of the provincial government, put the inspection report on Ma Yu's table, and said, "Secretary-General, the leader returned the inspection report."

Ma Yu picked up the inspection report and looked at it a few times, and immediately said, "Nonsense, the Quality Supervision Bureau is completely dealing with errands. What does it mean to meet national standards? What does it mean to cause harm to health? I'll get a few boxes of Coca-Cola and give them to the Director of the Quality Supervision Bureau to see if he dares to drink it?

Tang Tianyun smiled knowingly. Ma Yu was also interesting. He was indeed a wonderful person. He said seriously, "The governor has always paid special attention to food safety issues. When the Secretary-General and Governor Qi served as the deputy of the provincial party committee, he had been grasping it because of the quality of salt. Finally, the premier came forward, and There is no concession.

Ma Yu didn't understand the undisguised strong hint in Tang Tianyun's words. Xia thought that he was a master who was not even afraid of the pressure of the prime minister. He wanted to find out the truth of Coca-Cola in the Western Province, so no one could stop him.

Lei Zhixue can't do it either!

"I heard..." Tang Tianyun said implicitly, "I just heard that the water supply system of the Coca-Cola Branch of Western Province is integrated with the water supply system of Anda Mining."

Ma Yu was bright-eyed and nodded: "This is a big problem. In case it is finally found that the water source of the Coca-Cola branch is contaminated by the sewage of Anda Mining, it will be troublesome."

"Yes, it's quite troublesome." Tang Tianyun remembered something and suddenly jumped the topic. "The Municipal Party Committee is still vacant for a standing committee, and I haven't heard that the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee has drawn up a suitable candidate. Secretary-General, you are old in the West Province. What do you think of Qiu Tang?

Ma Yu's eyelids jumped, and the personnel issue was the top priority of all problems. He chatted with Tang Tianyun in private and said that it was okay. On formal occasions, if he discussed with Tang Tianyun about the appointment of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, it would be a taboo.

Of course, it's a private chat now, and Tang Tianyun, as the secretary that Xia wants to bring directly from Lingnan, must be Xia Shang's top confidant. Tang Tianyun mentioned this, which proved that Xia wanted to wrestle with Lei Zhixue in the appointment of the mayor.

If the appointment of the mayor finally implements Xia Xiang's will, it indicates that the situation in Western Province is completely tilted towards Xia Xiang. Countless thoughts flashed in Ma Yu's heart in an instant. Governor Xia can promote Qiu Tang, and he can also promote him!

"Qi Tang is sincere and has a down-to-earth work style. I personally agree with Qiu Tang, but Comrade Qiu Tang is not without shortcomings..." Ma Yu is very smart. Tang Tianyun asked Qiu Tang, not to listen to his affirmation, but to hear his views on the shortcomings of Qiu Tang, which are easy to be attacked, so as to prevent Comrade Qiu Tang is a little indecisive. His mass base is not very good. If he asks for the opinions of all parties, I'm afraid he won't get a high score..."

When promoting candidates, the Organization Department will have a public announcement. Although it is superficial, it can also be taken by the opponents.

As soon as Ma Yu finished speaking, he saw that Tang Tianyun just nodded and didn't say anything, and he understood something in his heart. He took the initiative to say, "I also have a little friendship with Qiu Tang. I'll sit with him later and remind him."

Tang Tianyun smiled again, nodded and said, "The Secretary-General can't favor one over the other, just sit with Qiu Tang, not with me?"

"That's what you said... Why don't we sit down first in the evening?" Ma Yu knew the elegance when he heard the string song, and immediately opened his mouth to invite.

"Evening? That's all right." Tang Tianyun agreed, "By the way, introduce a few more friends to the Secretary-General."

"Haha, it's easy to say, it's easy to say." Ma Yu felt that the relationship with Tang Tianyun was getting closer.

As soon as Tang Tianyun left, Ma Yu immediately picked up the phone and called Ma Huaiming: "Vice Governor Ma, I'm Ma Yu. I have something to report to you."

Ma Huaiming is the deputy governor in charge of environmental protection.

That night, Ma Huaiming, who rarely participated in the event, was invited by Ma Yu to eat in a secluded place. He was accompanied by Tang Tianyun, the second secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Qiu Tang, the executive deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. It should be said that it is very intriguing for these people to get together, but who can explain the political situation clearly?

Sometimes, people who can't hit the eight poles may also be able to sit together affectionately and call themselves brothers.


A week later, the attitude of the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau changed greatly, and it turned 180 degrees in place. It claimed that in the investigation, it was found that Coca-Cola had individual production conditions that did not meet the relevant regulations, and the situation of toxic contaminated water did exist. In view of the clear facts, the Quality Supervision Bureau decided to make a deadline Political punishment.

Another day later, the West Branch of Coca-Cola deleted some production records and all emails during the suspected period of toxic pollution on the grounds of repairing computers. Key witnesses were also absent from the investigation on the grounds of paid leave. The arrogant, contemptuous and disapproving attitude was clear at a glance.

Xia wanted to pat the table at the executive meeting of the provincial government: "A multinational company came to a sovereign country and put on an arrogant and invincible attitude. Is it bullying our country's weak, or is it not the law enforcement of the provincial quality supervision department? This is not the Qing Dynasty, and it is not the time when the country can be opened by strong ships and cannons. My attitude is very clear. No matter how high the Coca-Cola company is, I only have one sentence to reply to them - either rectify or get out of here!"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't believe that Governor Xia, who has always been polite, would also swear!

But not to mention that, after Xiaxiang's dirty words were spread to the Coca-Cola West Branch of the provincial government, the branch immediately held an emergency meeting for consultation - in response to Xiaxiang's words, the company is as cheap as people. You look like a slave to him, and he will never treat you as a person. You are cold to him. He immediately lowered his body. In China, he has been bending over for too long, and he doesn't know how it feels to raise his eyebrows and breathe.

Just a day later, the Coca-Cola West Provincial Corporation officially held a press conference, apologized to the public for the toxic pollution, and began to exchange the batch of products, and also accepted the return request of consumers.

"Not enough sincerity!" Xia Xiang once again pointed the finger at the Coca-Cola branch in the Western Province at the government meeting. "First stop business, thoroughly investigate the source of pollution, and then recall and deal with it. At the same time, it is resolutely handled in accordance with Coca-Cola's standards for handling such things in the United States. If you can't reach it, never open the door!"

The next day, Coca-Cola officially responded that the source of pollution was found. It was the unqualified sewage of Anda Mining, which was cross-infected with Coca-Cola's water system... RO