official god

Chapter 2138 Positive Response

Xia wants to go back to the West Province.

Before returning to the Western Province, he wanted to meet Wei Xin again, hoping to be alone with Wei Xin, so as to comfort Wei Xin, but due to a sudden situation, he had to leave Beijing in advance.

The reorganization of land power in the Western Province has entered the second stage. The State Grid has proposed to merge the land power in the Western Province after the reorganization!

Originally, it was thought that the land power of the Western Province after the reorganization could at least make it difficult for the State Grid to accept in the short term. Xiaxiang speculated that although the State Grid has coveted the land power of the Western Province for a long time, the reorganization has brought unprecedented problems. It is believed that the pace of the

But I didn't expect that the State Grid has a really good appetite. Have you already figured out how to digest the restructured land power in the Western Province? The reorganization of land power in the Western Province is a long-term move that Xia wants to make. It is a Trojan horse. In fact, he is looking forward to the early re-up of the merger of the State Grid.

The State Grid mentioned the merger at least half a year earlier than he expected. For the reason, I'm afraid there are political reasons. Xia wants to go back and deal with this matter in person. The timing is too **. At the beginning of the debate on moderate corruption, the State Grid has made a big move. I'm afraid there is an intrinsic connection.

Before getting on the plane, Xia wanted to make a phone call with Wei Xin.

In fact, Xia wants to talk to Wei Xin very much. Most of the time, it is to contact online. Wei Xin's hoarse voice came, which made Xia Xin's heart jump inexplicably.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Just like the gentle words of the little sister next door, Wei Xin has always been slow.

"It's just a phone call to tell you that I can't make it. I have something to do in the province. I'm at the airport now."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Wei Xin didn't complain, only in an indifferent mood, "I know it's enough for you to have me in your heart."

"Don't be too tired. You don't have to do business big, and you don't have to make a lot of money. You are not a person who likes to spend money indiscriminately..."

"I know." Wei Xin said, "Actually, I don't have much extravagant hope. I just want to make some pension money for my parents. But now the business is on the right track, and the pension money is enough. I just want to earn more. I hope to have a certain influence in a certain industry, and when you need it, you can do your part.

"Next, you can shift your focus to the cultural industry. In the next few decades, the cultural industry will be the locomotive that will boost the economy of China." Xia Xiang did not expect Wei Xin to help him financially like Li Qin. He just hoped that Wei Xin could design the future according to the plan in her heart and make her life full and happy.

"Don't say, you think the same as the girl. The girl told me that investing in the cultural industry can not only make money, but also benefit the country and the people. She also said that it would be great if one day she could set up chain bookstores or libraries all over the country. At that time, she would be the largest store manager or library..."

Song Yifan's idea is very interesting and has a certain practical significance. Xia Sang didn't expect that the light girl also worried about the country and the people, which made him sigh.

"The time is not yet ripe, and the people's desire to study is still very low. Wait a minute, maybe in ten or eight years, the overall quality of the people will reach a new level. But from now on, you can start preparing. Let me make a small suggestion. You should be the biggest store manager and Xiaofan should be the biggest curator. You are the two most beautiful scattered fairies of knowledge from the sky to the earth.

The plane flew into the clouds and looked down at the earth. Xiaxiang's mind was much wider. If there are immortals above the white clouds, sitting on the clouds and smiling at the wind and clouds in the world, is it the same as the mortals moving a rattan chair and laughing at the ants while drinking tea?

In the eyes of ants, people are high-level immortals. In the eyes of the people, high-ranking officials are the gods in charge of their fate. Xia wanted to look at the boundless sea of clouds in the distance, and what was stirred in his heart was the unchanging feelings. He was not a fairy, and he did not want to take charge of the fate of the people. He just wanted to do his best to return some things that should belong to the people.

This is the only way.

As soon as he landed, it was Ma Yu who came to pick him up.

There is no doubt that Ma Yu has been promoted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and deputy governor. There is no doubt that he will be one of the forces left by Xia in the Western Province in the future. He basically does not need to come to pick him up the airport in person. He can only let the secretary-general of the government come, but he Report as soon as possible.

"Gourage Xia, the merger conditions proposed by Guojia Power Grid are very harsh. It can be said that it is a completely unequal treaty." Ma Yu is not very clear that the reorganization of land power in the Western Province is Xia's long-term plan, but he knows that Governor Xia pays close attention to the land power in the Western Province, which must have a deep meaning and must be reported in detail.

Xia thought "Oh" and put forward harsh conditions for the national power grid. He had been psychologically prepared for a long time and was used to the greed and appetite of the national power grid.

"Since it is the national power grid that took the initiative to propose a merger, the conditions must be raised by the land power of the western province, and the initiative must also be in the hands of the land power of the western province. I am not afraid that the conditions of the national power grid are harsh, but I am afraid that they will not mention the conditions. The Xia wanted to be very calm, "Then be prepared to fight a long-term war. If it doesn't work for half a year, it will be delayed for a year. Anyway, it's almost ten years. Who can take care of the small matter of the merger of the country's power grid?"

Ma understood Xia's guiding spirit and nodded and said, "Do it according to the instructions of the governor."

Back to the provincial party committee, everything is calm. Everything in the western province has been on track. The old forces have gone, and they are still being purged one after another. The new forces have gone to the foreground. With the higher and higher prestige of Xiaxiang, the achievements of the western province are becoming more and more fruitful.

Xia thought that he didn't go back to the office and met Lei Zhixue first.

"Lei Shu, consolidate the achievements, increase efforts, and continue to deepen the goal of reform and reform." Xia said firmly, "The topic discussed at the executive meeting of the provincial government in the afternoon is to try to put an end to corruption in the process of economic transformation and strengthen the supervision of investment projects."

Lei Zhixue took a meaningful look at Xiaxiang. Xia Shuangming reported his work to him. In fact, what Jianguang refers to is the topic of allowing mild corruption in the recent mountain rain. Under the premise that all provinces do not have a statement on the topic of mild corruption, the western province is the first to stand up to allow light If you say no, the meaning of political governance is very strong.

Lei Zhixue said cautiously: "The problem of corruption is a big problem, but it is not a problem that can be completely solved overnight. It is not necessary for the executive meeting of the government to discuss the problem of corruption and failure, but don't make a big fuss, so as not to attract the attention of the outside world.

Is Lei Zhixue conservative or implied? Xia didn't want to guess. He just said firmly, "The problem of the Western Province that has not been solved for decades is caused by corruption. Now we must repeatedly emphasize the problem of corruption and failure. Otherwise, it is easy to give up all your previous achievements. Lei Shu Ji, the achievements made in Western Province now are not easy to come by, and you can't be careless.

"I also read the article of "World Times"..." Lei Zhixue finally mentioned "World Times", "I also saw the article of the Youth Daily. It's a good thing to have an argument. It is estimated that there will be a wide discussion on this topic in the future, but the provincial media will not join the discussion for the time being, and the main leaders of the provinces will not make a statement. The Western Province is not suitable to be a leader.

Since it was put on the surface, Xia thought simply said: "Lei Shu, with all due respect, I personally think that the article of "World Times" seems to refer to a general reference. In fact, the original intention is to the transformation of the energy-based economy in the western province. At the same time, it is also a pilot comment on the political Small, insinuation to the Western Province and Lingnan.

The transformation of the energy-based economy in the western province has been successful, and the pilot of the reform of government in Lingnan has also achieved initial results. The most obvious point is that the deputy secretary of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, who has been appointed since the summer, has not served as the secretary of the Discipline Committee, but also served as the secretary of the

In the past, the practice of the Political and Legal Committee to also serve as the head of the Provincial Public Security Department has been broken!

Shortly after the adjustment of the provincial party committee, Lingnan 2. The political and legal committees of many prefectures and cities no longer serve as the head of the public security bureau, and the head of the public security bureau is basically changed to the deputy mayor, which to a certain extent avoids the overlap of the political law system and the public security system, resulting in excessive concentration of power.

The excessive concentration of power will lead to absolute corruption. Historically, many of the public security system has been the hardest-hit areas of corruption and have not been reported to the public, so as not to cause public doubts about the justice of the public security system. Even the large-scale public security system promoted by Xia wants to promote in the Western Province has not made public After the separation of the committee and the public security bureau, a restraint mechanism can be effectively formed.

It is also the first step for the Central Committee to make up its mind to punish the corruption of the public security system. If the power of the government is not pure, it is impossible for the reform of the government to proceed smoothly.

To change the revolution, it is bound to touch the interests of the group of vested interests. The argument that allows minor corruption may be just a move to ask the way, or it may be a sign of another form of singing a red song. Although Xia is only the governor, since Gu Qiushi asked him to write an article to express his feelings first, now he will The wrong words of the people.

One word to rejuvenate the country, one word to lose the country, the major events of the country have to be inspected.

After Xia wanted to leave, Lei Zhixue thought about it for a long time. What Xia wanted to say was not unreasonable. When he vigorously carried out corruption in the Western Province and had no intention to eradicate the collusion between officials and businessmen, suddenly there was a theory that allowed moderate corruption. Isn't it pouring cold water on the head of the Western Province?

But who is talking about the argument? Is it a civilian or conservative? It's definitely not a group or a family force.

Thinking about it again, it doesn't matter. Since no one hinted at him, he pretended not to know anything. Anyway, Xia wanted to toss something, and he couldn't stop it.

After that, Xia wanted to hold an executive meeting of the government to put forward the issue of eliminating corruption in the process of economic transformation as much as possible and strengthening the supervision of investment projects. As a result, the Western Province became the first province in China to positively respond to the arguments of the article of the World Times. Part.

As Xia wanted to imagine, after the rebuttal article of the Youth Daily came out, and after he fought back head-on in the Western Province, the second round of polem came as scheduled, which made his speculation about who used the polem to ask the way into practice.