official god

Chapter 2139 Not a small matter

Politics is not a trivial matter, and it is put into practice... That is, there is no trivial matter, especially in the party and government organs. Behind every editorial, there is a political significance that focuses on the present and the future.

Originally, Xia wanted to take time to study Li Qin's plan. About improving the total economic volume of the economic team, further expanding the strength, and annexing the market... Li Qin likes to use the term annexation most, which seems to be very imposing. She systematically concluded from the analysis of the international and domestic environment. If you take the lead and find the economic growth point of the next round, then the economic trough can become a run-up, which can double the overall strength of the economic team!

It can be said that the prospect described by Li Qin is very beautiful and magnificent. It has to be operable, not a castle in the air. Her point of view is very novel, and the entry point is very unique, which makes Xia secretly admire it when she wants to see it. She plans to have a good talk with Li Qin and have an in-depth exchange

Li Qin also flew to Jinyang less than a few hours after he returned to Jinyang from the capital. He was really a workaholic. Fortunately, she is focused on her work. Although she has closely followed Xia Xiang's footsteps for many years, her relationship with Xia Xiang has always been limited to work. Not only Qi Yanan is not worried about what's wrong with Li Qin's transfer around Xia Xiang every day. Even Ruohan supports Li Qin to stay with Xia Xiang.

As the chief economic designer of Xia Xiang's economic team, Li Qin is one of the few top figures in Xia Xiang's think tank.

Before Xia thought he could meet Li Qin, things came one after another.

"Li Qin, tonight's meeting is temporarily cancelled. I can't get out of it. You can meet with Mr. Chen and Xiao Wu to discuss first, improve the details of the plan, and we will discuss it later." Xia wanted to hold the phone in one hand and a copy of the World Times just published in the other.

"Okay." Li Qin didn't ask much about the reason. She followed Xia for many years. Naturally, she knew that Xia Xiang would not cancel the meeting for no reason. "I hope everything goes well."

Li Qin is very eager for Xia to put forward opinions on her plan in person. Once it is adopted, she can implement it in detail and plan a more comprehensive and grand future for the economic team, because she has a sense of urgency.

After hearing that Xiaxiang had embarked on a new round of comprehensive layout for the political team, she was under pressure. In fact, no one put pressure on her because she was too dedicated and regarded the future plan of the economic team as her own career, and was dedicated to the overall improvement of Xiaxiang's economic team.

For the future development of her own Qi Group, she does not care about it, but to consider the long-term of the economic team first, and then put the development direction of the Qi Group on the overall plan of the economic team...


, individual interests are subordinate to the overall interests.

is also the place where Xia wants to rest assured of Li Qin. Li Qin acts fairly and is absolutely public and private. Perhaps it is related to the foreign education she has received for many years. She has the professional qualities necessary for general professional managers, and has many professions that many people do not have.

Of course, the composition of Xia Xiang's economic team is a decentralized institution. Although there is an overall development direction and idea, it is not an organization with strict organization and discipline. Li Qin is only responsible for coordination and no command. The formation of the economic team is all due to Xia Xiang's personal charm.

However, it does not rule out the possibility of forming a loose organization with a certain degree of coordination and organization in the future, and slowly condensing into a domestic and even the largest joint group company in the form of cross-holding.

How to operate Li Qin provides ideas, and Xia Xiang finally made a final judgment.

But now, Xiaxiang's thoughts are all attracted by the newly released arguments of the World Times.

In the face of the aggressive offensive of the Internet and the Youth Daily, the World Times finally couldn't sit still and published a follow-up article again after two days.

Although the follow-up article has the meaning of refutation, the wording is cautious. First of all, it just defended the previous moderate corruption theory, claiming that the media misunderstood the original meaning of the article. The original intention of the article is not to let the public accept mild corruption, but to express that the current domestic situation is not optimistic, and the task of Daoyuan hopes that the people will not complain, work in a down-to-earth manner, and believe that the country's determination to punish corruption will not change.

The road should be taken step by step, and the meal should be taken one by one. It is only idealism and the castle in the air. Even if it temporarily achieves certain results, it cannot be long-term in the long run.

Finally, the article pointed out that it is hoped that the public will not misunderstand or misinterpret the articles of the World Times. On the issue of anti-corruption, every country has problems. Don't naively think that there is corruption in a country in the world, and don't think that the so-called [people] main system can solve corruption once Just like cancer, so far, there is no good way to eradicate it.

... Xia thought read the article very carefully. Like last time, he gently closed the newspaper and handed it to Tang Tianyun: "Tianyun, your task is coming. Let's talk about your opinion first." Tang Tianyun has also read the article, and there is a general corridor in his heart. On the surface, it is an explanation article against the doubts of all parties. In fact, it still has the intention of allowing moderate corruption to be defended. Obviously, the Times is trying to justify itself, and still wants to make the view of moderate corruption win the hearts of the people. In my A shot of anesthetic is to moderately anesthetize the people, so that the people can unconsciously accept the existence of mild corruption. It must be admitted that it is a very smart way to fool the people.

Xia wanted to nod: "What else?" "And the animal land knocked on the West Province and Lingnan..." Tang Tianyun stopped talking and looked at Xiaxiang.

Xia wants to laugh: "If you have something to say, just say, what are you afraid of.,...

"He didn't name and criticize the leader." Of course, Tang Tianyun knew that "the suppression of personal heroistic figures with personal prestige" clearly pointed to Xiaxiang, which made him indignant. If it hadn't been for his character, he would have sneered at the Times.

Xia wanted to smile and said, "Gun the first bird, who let me stand up and respond to the Times article with practical actions? It's also reasonable to point at me with a sandstorm. In addition, the strength of the Western Province to crack down on collusion between officials and businessmen is unprecedented, and it is also different from the views of the Times article. Corruption cannot be eradicated, but as long as you make up your mind to punish it, you will definitely get results. If you are afraid, you will not have enough confidence to punish others if you are not correct.

Xia thought hit the nail on the head, pointing out the root cause of the corruption problem that can't be eradicated. It's not that the [Zhongzhong]'s determination is not strong enough, or that the policy is insufficient, but that the provinces and cities have become big corrupt officials to investigate and deal with small corrupt officials Uproot yourself.

If corruption is a disease, then the country is like a patient with tumors all over the body. If you want to think about the pain, if you want to live healthily, you must have the courage to break the wrist of a strong man, otherwise the final result is that the tumor will die with the patient.

And the view of allowing moderate corruption is self-anesthetic, that is, when I see another tumor on my body, I comfort myself. It doesn't matter. I can't die for the time being. I'm busy eating and drinking well now. When I'm full, I will treat my illness well.

Unfortunately, the tumor will not give you enough time.

Tang Tianyun understood that Xia thought that what he had just said was actually a hint. When he was asked to write, he wrote in the argument that the big corrupt officials were investigating and punishing the small corrupt officials. He thought that his ideas were already very radical and extreme. He didn't expect Governor Xia to have more courage and courage than him, so he said, Please check it."

"Although you can rest assured and write boldly, it's still the same sentence. I'm not afraid of having ideas, but I'm afraid that there is no **." Xia wants to encourage Tang Tianyun.

Tang Tianyun stood up and was eager to try: "Okay, I will try my best to write it well."

After work, when he returned home, Xia wanted to sit on the sofa and was enjoying Cao Shu's gentle massage when the phone rang.

Usually, he calls home after work, and most of them are not outsiders. Xia Xiang had to break free from the gentle countryside and get up to the study to answer the phone. In fact, the moment he got up, he probably guessed who everyone had a fixed habit, and it was difficult to change even if he was in a high position.

Generally, only two or three people will call him at home after work. Among the two or three, Song Chaodu is the most stubborn. If he calls during off-duty hours, he must call the landline without calling the mobile phone.

"Xia Think, the action of the Western Province is fast enough, and your position is too clear." Song Chaodu said lightly, neither questioning nor questioning.

"When the Western Province regulates the phenomenon of collusion between officials and businessmen, the articles of some newspapers that mislead the country and the people are very uncomfortable to read, and they clearly point to the Western Province. At this time, the position is not clear, as if the Western Province is easy to bully." Xia Sang's tone was very relaxed. He knew that Song Chaodu paid close attention to this matter and must have a intention.

"The article in the Youth Daily is very sharp and bold. I heard that it is your writing?" Song Chaodu asked with a smile.

"I'm sorry, let Song [Shu] remember to catch it.,... Xia can't deny that whether Song Chaodu guessed it or heard it from the side, anyway, he must tell the truth.

"Actually, I'm not afraid that you will come out now, but I'm afraid that you don't understand the inside story behind the debate. In case someone uses it as a gun, you will lose points." Song Chaodu said with concern.

"Thank you for your concern. I also know what's behind the matter, but personally, it is absolutely impossible to tolerate mild corruption. Therefore, what I express is my [true] view. Now and in the future, my views on zero tolerance for corruption will not change." I agree with you very much. Song Chaodu said, "Deputy of Fusheng [General Manager] Ideal to talk to you, ask me when you have time?"

The Executive Vice President of the State Council [General] Ideally meets him, and also needs to ask for his advice in advance and take care of him. Xia wants to feel that it is not flattered, but a heavy responsibility. Moreover, Dai Fusheng did not call directly, but asked the Song Dynasty to convey it, in the middle It is more intriguing.