official god

Chapter 2153 There is a long way to go

China's automobile industry is in its infancy. Chinese people's car habits are still in the primary stage of showing their identity, displacement first and maximum face. Little is known about the concepts of emissions, environmental protection and safety.

The automobile industry is a major event for any country, especially for China, a country with the largest population in the world. It is reasonable for ordinary people to buy a car when they are rich, but there are too many people. When there are more cars, there are traffic jams every day, and having a car becomes a burden.

Now that cities are increasingly polluted, car emissions account for more than 70%. Coupled with the increasing depletion of oil resources and high oil prices, a new disease will be born in Chinese cities sooner or later - automobile disease.

The capital and Xiajiang have actually had car diseases.

The license plate lottery in the capital, No. 1 is hard to find, and it depends on luck. The license plate auction in Xiajiang relies on strength and economy, and a piece of iron is worth 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

They are all very sick.

The automobile industry is not only a major problem related to the travel of a country's clothing, food, housing and transportation, but also a big plan for the energy industry. China has a vast area, but its population is too large and its resources are poor. It is almost the same as the land area of the United States, but its population is six times that of the United States. That is to say, only when China's gross national product reaches six times that of the United States can it be as rich as the United States.

Can it reach six times that of the United States?

It's almost impossible.

The negative impact of a large population cannot be estimated. At present, the number of elderly people in China alone is more than the total population of the United States, while the population of Sweden is less than 10 million. China wants to achieve American-style wealth and European-style leisure and cleanliness unless the area is expanded sixfold.

That is to say, China's area is not enough to support China's ownership of several cars like the United States, and it does not allow the unlimited increase of cars. Today, when Europe has strictly controlled emissions, China has been vague about the emission problem, which is also a guarantee for the further expansion and development of the automobile industry. But on the other hand, with China, no, with the world's current resources, China cannot support China to become an automobile power like the United States.

Or in other words. With the resources currently available in the earth's technology, it is impossible to support the coexistence of two superpowers, the United States and one China!

Roads are not allowed, and oil resources are not allowed.

Well, even if road problems allow, there will always be a day when oil resources will be exhausted. The atmosphere's ability to withstand automobile exhaust is also saturated one day. Therefore, it is imperative to imagine that it is necessary to develop vehicles in the new energy industry. Otherwise, China and the United States will have a war sooner or later because of the competition for oil resources!

Electric vehicles will be the future development direction.

We can't wait for China to reach a sufficient level of wealth to pay attention to the problem of pollution, and it will be too late to deal with it. It's the same as working hard to make money. I always think of retiring when I make enough money, but when I don't make enough money, my life is very short. When you think you have enough money to spend, you suddenly find that life doesn't give you time to spend money.

China can't wait, and can't wait. From now on, it will make forward-looking decisions to reduce emissions of pollution.

I originally visited Volvo's headquarters. There was a generation of Fusheng, and it was Xia who wanted to talk, and there was no arrangement for Xia to ask questions. However, Li Shusiao and Xia Xiang got together with Xia Xiang intentionally or unintentionally. Xia Xiang casually talked with Li Shuli about the current situation of the domestic automobile industry.

"I heard that Volvo's slogan on the safety concept is zero casualties, so is there any goal in terms of environmental protection and emissions?" Xia wants to ask Li Yixiang.

Li Shuscom was slightly stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that Xia wanted to have such a deep understanding of the automobile industry. He patiently and introduced his automobile concept in detail, and proposed that Geely Automobile is to make the safest domestic automobile, and gradually increase the pursuit of environmental protection and emissions under the premise of ensuring safety. Volvo's concept of environmental protection and emissions is to achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2050!

"Does Volvo have a technical advantage in terms of electric power?" Xia thought again. A clear vein has been formed in his heart. It is obviously not enough to return a blue sky and white clouds to the people in the Western Province. It is urgent to control the pollution of car emissions and the blue sky and white clouds everywhere in China.

"Yes, like the pursuit of safety, Volvo is also the most advanced automobile manufacturer in the world in terms of electric power technology." Li Shusao replied with great certainty.

"Good, good." Xia Xiang's eyes flashed with expectation, "Mr. Li, the burden on your shoulders is very heavy."

Li Shushou and Xia Xiang fell behind Dai Fusheng's party. He whispered, "I have a request for Governor Xia's approval."

"You're welcome. If you have something to say, just say it." Xia Xiang likes Li's comfortable person very much.

Li comfortable smiled and said, "I heard that Governor Xia likes Volvo very much, and there is also an S60. Today, Governor Xia visited the Volvo headquarters in person, which is an honor for Volvo and my personal honor. I want to give Governor Xia a limited edition S60 as a gift on behalf of Volvo Cars."

Xia Xiao usually doesn't accept gifts easily, especially large items like cars, but today he made an exception and smiled with a slight hesitation: "I'll make an exception once and accept your gift. The first is to show my support for the development of Volvo Cars in China, and the other is to show my personal support for you.

Li smiled comfortably and gratifiedly. He received a positive response to his move to build a private friendship with Xia Xiang by sending a car. Naturally, he was overjoyed and strengthened his intention to make friends with Xia Xiang.

Xia Xiang's first gift in his life was a car, which was of great significance, not because it was a limited edition, but because of the first handshake between him and Li Shussy, which laid the long-term layout of China's automobile industry.

After the visit, Dai Fusheng signed a cooperation project on behalf of the Chinese government, so Xia didn't think about anything. There was still half a day before the next visit, and Xia Xiang had time to meet with Gu Yu.

Li Shussong is indeed a cheerful personality. He said that he wanted to send Xia a Volvo, so he immediately drove the car in front of Xia Xiang. Xia Xiang took the key handed over by Li comfortably and said, "The weight of the key is very heavy, Mr. Li, thank you."

"People who know cars and love cars deserve to have a car with connotation. Governor Xia, Volvo has a hall of fame, which lists the world's politicians who like and own Volvo cars, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the United States, etc. I believe that one day there will be a Chinese name shining on it."

Xia wants to laugh. He still has a long way to go before the world's dignitaries.

Gothenburg is a famous port city on the southwest coast of Sweden. It has a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery. It is an important industrial center in Northern Europe, but its population is less than 1 million.

Driving on the streets of Gothenburg, the clean streets, the fresh air, the blue sky, and the smooth traffic all make Xia want to feel comfortable. Thinking about traveling on the streets of the capital, there are dark cars that can't be seen at a glance. Looking up, you can see the gray sky and breathing heavily. It's no wonder that you can be in a good mood.

Don't say you're in a good mood, it's good to have a good body.

Xiaxiang has almost no chance to drive in China now. In foreign countries, he once again realized the fun of driving. In addition, everything around him is harmonious and quiet. There is no need to mention Gothenburg, which creates the slogan of a harmonious society every day. Its degree of harmony makes the capital and Xiajiang can't catch up. It can be seen that the Useless, useful, or system and people's hearts.

Received the ancient jade in the port.

Gu Yu stood in the midsummer sun with a happy and satisfied expression on her stomach. She wore a long Luo-colored dress, which made her fair skin more white and tender. Compared with the past, she has more maternal brilliance in addition to beauty.

Fortuntely, the temperature in Gothenburg is not high, no more than 30 degrees all year round. Today's weather is windy and the temperature is suitable. The ancient jade is like a tulip, shining in the sun.

Xia wanted to get out of the car, opened the door, and made a very gentlemanly gesture: "Miss Gu, please get on the car."

Gu Yuyan smiled. A person's loneliness in Europe, a person's missing in other places disappeared in an instant, and turned into a strong love. She stretched out her right hand on Xia Xiang's left hand, and said elegantly and poetically, "Am I... like a princess?"

Gu Yu is the princess in Xia's mind. He is more beautiful and ladylike than the Swedish royal princess, and is more in line with his aesthetics.

"You are my princess alone!" Xia wanted to fasten the seat belt for Gu Yu, closed the car door for her, and sat in the driver's seat. "You are the first princess of the Chinese ideal country."

Gu Yu smiled like a flower: "Whether you are telling the truth or a lie, in a word, I'm very happy."

Gothenburg is not big. Xia wanted to drive Gu Yu around the coastal road, enjoying the beauty of nature and the fresh air. Xia thought finally understood why Gu Yu came to Europe to recuperate. Originally, he wanted to persuade Gu Yu to go back, but he swallowed it.

Lao Gu can set up a manor for Gu Yu in the suburbs of Beijing, which can provide exclusive vegetables and food, which can ensure the quality of drinking water, but it can't make the sky of the capital blue, and the air quality of the capital can't be fresh and pollution-free.

The natural environment is closely related to human beings. If the environment is good, you will be in a good mood.

Gu Yu said, "You should really go to the town where I live. Compared with the town, Gothenburg is too prosperous and modern, and the pollution is much more serious."

Xia is speechless. For him, the air in Gothenburg is so good that it can't be better. In the eyes of ancient jade, it still has the smell of industrial pollution. The pursuit of quality of life between people is really huge.

"I thought about it. After my son was born, he was called Gu Lai. Let him live in China, grow up in China, let him learn Chinese classical culture, and let him become an authentic Chinese." Gu Yu stroked his stomach, "He will do whatever he wants in the future. I won't interfere with him, and I won't allow you to interfere with him. He wants to be in politics, and I support him. He wants to do business, and I don't object. He wants to teach and follow him..." (To be continued)