
Chapter 5 Smart Program

In the silent space, Zhou Cheng is sinking his consciousness into a fixed situation. The ubiquitous strong radiation in space is shining on the satellite, which will turn into an unknown energy through the combination of Zhou Cheng's consciousness and mind through the satellite's shell. The energy of the stars is slowly integrated into Zhou Cheng's consciousness and transformed into mind power.

"It's not good!" Zhou Cheng suddenly woke up from a fixed situation.

He woke up in an instant. Zhou Cheng immediately spread his consciousness to every corner of the satellite, but he found that there was no change in the satellite.

Some doubts suppressed the strong uneasiness in his heart, but Zhou Cheng did not find any danger. However, just as he was about to withdraw his heart into his stomach, his face suddenly changed, and he was so shocked that even his consciousness was somewhat unstable.

Because he suddenly learned from his smart computer consciousness that those runes had changed, and they were still very deadly changes. As those runes are derived faster and faster, more than 300 independent rune codes have emerged, and these alien codes composed of runes are interacting in strange ways. It seems that each alien code is a cell, and these cells instinctively want to form or evolve into new and high. Like life, those alien codes are constantly trying different combinations. They are brewing real and special creatures - the core of intelligent life or mechanical life: a real and magical intelligent system, an alternative soul and thought.

When the alien code individuals reach 300, they are no longer independent individuals, but combine them into an incomplete but extremely complex program. The terrible thing is that this new program does not seem to be aware of the danger, and it has actively invaded the satellite computer system.

Although it is only a short moment, Zhou Cheng has instinctively known that although the new program has the instinct of life, it is not complete now, so it only has some intelligence without consciousness, let alone any wisdom.

It is like a newborn baby. Because it only has some basic instincts, it does not have any ability to distinguish, and how can it judge the danger? When it was born, it began to explore the satellite's computer system under the domination of instinct. Zhou Cheng can also feel that it is learning and devouring the computer system, and converting the normal and original code and programs in the system into heterogeneous code for his own growth and evolution.

Just a slight feeling, Zhou Cheng found that the behavior of this new program is like the instinctive behavior of a newborn baby to eat breast milk. But it was this instinctive behavior that made Zhou Cheng's soul fly away.

"Damn it, it's too late for me to hide. You took the initiative to provoke trouble!" Zhou Cheng, who was extremely angry, couldn't help but burst out. Just as he wanted to stop the behavior of the new program, he found that it was too late.

At the moment of contact with the satellite computer system after the birth of this program, a harsh and desolate warning sounded in Zhou Cheng's consciousness.

"Warning! Warning! The system has been invaded, the firewall is turned on, the source of the intrusion is being searched, and the connection is being established with the ground base.

The identity of the intruder is unknown, the signal source cannot be traced, and the connection with the base has been established.

"Data transmission has started and remote control has been completed."

Hearing this series of warnings, Zhou Cheng only felt that his head exploded.

"It's over! I didn't expect that I would be killed by another part of my consciousness in the end!"

While Zhou Cheng heard the warning, there was also a sad warning sounded in a satellite base in the United States. The sudden warning sounded like a horn to launch a war, and the murderous staff immediately reacted.

Basically, except for the warning sound just now, it is very quiet. There is no slight panic, let alone any noise. Only countless instruments make a slight roar and people's slightly heavy breathing.

After waiting day after day, Michael and the rest of the people have been waiting for a long time, and even began to suspect that they may not be able to wait for the so-called invasion at all.

You should know which in the world is an eyeless person or organization that dares to invade the U.S. military satellite. It is extremely difficult to invade a satellite, even if it is just an ordinary satellite, and it is almost impossible to invade the most advanced and layered military satellite. Let's not talk about whether you have the courage, even if you have the courage, you still have that technology. Compared with the power of technology and technology, which country or organization in the world can compare with the United States? Who dares to provoke the anger of the United States?

As for the inference that the invasion may come from the mutation or intelligence generated by the internal program of the satellite system, it is too bizarre and even absurd. Therefore, when the people in the base monitor the 'K-25' satellite day and night, they can't help thinking, "Am I crazy? The computer has also generated intelligence on its own. It's ridiculous, and I'm such a fool to take this ridiculous thing so seriously!" It is because of this involuntary idea that over time, the atmosphere in the base has become more and more solemn, and it seems that everyone has been greatly hurt and insulted. Even almost everyone has the idea of giving up.

But the world is impermanent, and the people who were about to give up suddenly found that the satellite was really strangely invaded. People who turned depression into infinite power were cheered up and showed their own skills. Commands were sent through radio waves to convert signals, and programs were started and immediately connected with satellites.

For a moment, I only heard a mechanical sound from the hall.

"The connection has been established, the remote control has been activated, and the protective network has been activated."

"The K-25 satellite system has been locked, signal encryption has been activated, signal detection has been activated, and signal locking is being activated."

System detection has been started, and internal scanning has been started. The Skynet system has been started.

"Dip! di! The evaluation level of intrusion is unknown. Evaluate the level of invasion threat: red.

Detect external signals: normal. Intrusion signal: none. Source of intrusion: unknown.

"Detect satellite system: unknown changes occur in the system."

Analysis report: There is chaos in the satellite system, and there are unknown programs inside the system. Program type: Unknown. Program source: Due to the error code generated by the satellite system, the disorderly combination of error codes becomes an unknown program.

"Di! di! Red Alert! The system unknown program has the characteristics of virus, which is extremely destructive and growing. The satellite system is upgrading in chaos, and the system crash is accelerating.

"Unknown program is locked. The program scanning has been started and the program analysis has been started.

"Program scanning cannot be carried out, and program analysis cannot be carried out!"

After the runes mutated from Zhou Cheng's consciousness and mind combined with photoelectric signals combined with each other to become an intelligent program, which actively invaded the satellite system. Zhou Cheng's first reaction is that this newborn and extremely incomplete intelligent program will definitely be finished. As soon as the program is destroyed, he will collapse.

In this sudden change, Zhou Cheng has even had the consciousness of dissipation. Because the experience of consciousness entering the computer system told him that as long as he was in the system, he had absolutely no room to counter his hand, let alone this time he was just a part of his consciousness.

But Zhou Cheng didn't expect that the facts were not as he expected. Although the intelligent program has just appeared, it is as uncomfortable as a fish in water in the satellite's computer system. Not to mention that the satellite's computer system has eliminated the intelligent program, and even the system can't cause even the slightest damage to the intelligent program.

Not only that, but in Zhou Cheng's induction, the inside of the computer is a sea of photoelectric signals, and the intelligent program turns into a person who looks exactly like himself. He is like a fish swimming through the ocean of photoelectric signals, and absorbs countless photoelectric signals with his mouth open from time to time. In the abdomen. Every time you take a breath, the intelligent programmed figure will be clear.

As the figure became clearer and clearer, it gradually made people feel that he was gradually emitting the breath of life, as if he was becoming a living creature. Zhou Cheng knows that this is because intelligent programs are rapidly assimilation of the satellite system, transforming the software and resources in the system into their own parts, transforming the photoelectric signals in the system into runes and forming heterogeneous codes. With the continuous assimilation of intelligent programs, there are more and more runes that make up it, the structure between runes is becoming more and more complex, and the way of combining runes is becoming more flexible and more flexible, so the intelligent programs become more complete.

Because this intelligent program itself is mutated from Zhou Cheng's consciousness, Zhou Cheng can't help but feel that he has more and more control over the satellite, and as the intelligent program continues to improve, as the baby grows up and has the ability to move freely, he can gradually control his wisdom. The behavior of the program.

Looking at this sudden good thing, Zhou Cheng only felt that the peak turned around, so he couldn't help but be happy. But suddenly Zhou Cheng remembered that if the intelligent program really controls the satellite system completely, it is not only a good thing for him, but also extremely bad.

Once the satellite base on the ground finds that the satellite is out of control, the U.S. government will never mind destroying the satellite directly. Zhou Cheng, who suddenly understood his outside world, suddenly felt a cold sweat, but because the intelligent program is not really complete now, although Zhou Cheng's ability to control the intelligent program a little can't match its instinct to evolve, Zhou Cheng can't stop the intelligent program from invading at all. The behavior of the satellite system.

Ten thousand steps back, things have reached this point, and there is no point in stopping the invasion. Because the satellite base has found the abnormality here, how can it be let go?

Just when Zhou Cheng was anxious, he didn't expect that the intelligent program suddenly sent some information. He checked this information like lightning, but Zhou Cheng had the impulse to laugh up to the sky.

It turns out that because the intelligent program is integrated with Zhou Cheng, the two are fundamentally connected with each other. Just when Zhou Chengming realized his situation and felt fear, the intelligent program instinctively gave birth to a solution: when it completely assimilated the satellite system, it could instantly derive another program, and this program could completely achieve the same effect as this invasion. However, this program is based on the binary code 1 and 0.

The specific method in that scheme is to release the program immediately when the intelligent program completely replaces the satellite system, and the degree of intelligence is disguised as a satellite system. Then deliberately block and transmit the program to the satellite base and restore the state of the satellite. In this way, you can unconsciously extract yourself from this invasion, and due to the restoration of the satellite, there is no need to worry about destruction. As for the consequences of the program that is more terrible than the virus being transmitted to the ground, Zhou Cheng can't take care of it at this time.