
Chapter 6 Skynet

In the ground satellite base, there was a harsh warning.

"The satellite system firewall program has crashed, and the interception program has been invaded and is about to fail!"

"The satellite signal receiving and sending program has been invaded to an unknown extent!"

"The core program of the satellite system has been invaded by unknown programs, and the system is infected with a degree of 10% infection."

"20% infection!"

"The degree of infection is 30%!"

"Unknown programs are invading Skynet! The other party is trying to crack Skynet! Warning! Please disconnect from the satellite immediately!"

The face of every staff in the base hall was extremely ugly. No one expected that the unknown program of this invasion would be so horrible. The various defensive measures arranged in advance did not seem to work at all. Countless powerful computers came together, and programs with extraordinary functions were launched one after another. Countless commands have been sent to the satellite system, but all these efforts have failed to prevent the invasion of the unknown program, or even to slow down the intrusion of the unknown program slightly. Even Skynet had no choice but to deal with the unknown program, and even launched an invasion operation to an unknown extent.

Skynet is the highest and most unknown achievement in the computer field that is being developed and tested in the United States. It is a network, a special program, or a very special computer system. The key problem is that Skynet is a confidential product proposed and created based on the study of artificial intelligence programs.

Due to the continuous development of computers in recent years, the principles and concepts of computer hardware are constantly being updated. Not only the technology and technology of hardware manufacturing are developing rapidly, but also the technology of computer software is constantly changing. Due to the increasing development of technology and the great development of computer capabilities, artificial simulation intelligent programs have been brought to the desk.

As the most developed United States in the world today, it has the world's most advanced computer technology and the most and best technical personnel. Therefore, since the artificial simulation intelligent program project was proposed and adopted, the U.S. government has immediately recruited a large number of personnel to set up a special research and development. Department: Fire of Life Laboratory.

Through more than ten years of research, countless developers and the painstaking efforts of the highest-end experts were born, that is, Skynet.

Skynet is a completely different network from the Internet, which is composed of hundreds of the latest and most powerful supercomputers and countless ordinary computers. Skynet, a combination of countless computers and supercomputers, has only one function, that is, to simulate human intelligence.

Among those supercomputers, there are even new computers that have not appeared in the outside world and are in the research and development stage: quantum biological nervous system optical signal computers, referred to as quantum biological light brains. This optical brain completely breaks the patterns and limitations of traditional computers. It stores and processes electronic and photon signals in the mode of the human brain. The components of this light brain have been replaced by electronic components into various new elements made of simulated artificial nerves and simulated artificial brain stem cells made of special substances. Because of this hardware breakthrough, the ability of light brain to calculate and process information is by no means comparable to any computer in the world, and the size of this light brain is actually very small, just a sphere with a diameter of half a meter.

It is the emergence of this light brain like a product of the science fiction world that truly enables Skynet to make a real breakthrough and produce real artificial intelligence, a photoelectric signal product with thinking and logic and the ability to learn and improve itself.

Skynet is a whole with light brain as the core and countless other computers as carriers. In this whole, there are countless programs running together, and these programs will interact and share certain information and functions with each other. In the end, all these computers are combined with countless programs. Artificial simulation intelligence slowly emerged.

This artificial simulation intelligence is not a separate program, but a huge, complex system, which is supported by countless hardware and composed of countless programs. Therefore, it does not exist in any computer, but exists in all computers and the whole network. The whole Skynet is a part of artificial simulation intelligence, and artificial simulation intelligence is the whole Skynet.

This artificial simulated intelligence is not a real intelligence, let alone a real intelligent creature. It has logical and thinking ability, and can even learn and improve independently, but its essence is just a combination of complex code and programs. Because first of all, it does not have self-awareness, that is, there is no concept of "I" in its program. Although it can act like a person, such as judging and analyzing events and information and drawing conclusions, it can't even be aware of or knowing its existence. It will only execute this order in its own way of thinking and logic after receiving orders from people, such as letting it self-destruct, and it will also execute it without hesitation, because it does not have the concept of "I", that is, it does not realize the consequences of self-destruction, let alone what is fear and what it is. Emotions. Human beings are different. Human beings can realize their existence, so they have emotions, horror, joy, and instinctively put themselves in a favorable position, so human beings have real intelligence and wisdom.

And because artificial simulation intelligence does not have the concept of "me", it cannot produce real intelligence, let alone have wisdom and creative ability. If one day, it can realize the existence of the self and have the concept of "I", then it will generate real intelligence and self-awareness, and have emotions to become a real life, an alternative but real life, a life that will no longer be willing to be manipulated by people.

Although so much has been said, the power of artificial simulation intelligence cannot be denied. Skynet, as the world's earliest and possibly only artificial simulation intelligence, is unmatched in terms of computing and processing information.

And such existence has no way to invade the unknown program of the satellite system, so it can be thought of the shock of the base personnel at this time.

You should know that Skynet is a complex system composed of countless programs and computers, and the unknown program is just a program, but such a program is not only subdued by Skynet, but also began to invade Skynet. It's like an ocean that not only fails to absorb a drop of water, but also feels crazy and incredible that this small droplet wants to contain the whole ocean.

This almost crazy change was unexpected by everyone. At the moment the warning sounded, the faces of the people in the base changed dramatically. You should know that Skynet not only represents the painstaking efforts of countless people and the investment of countless funds, but also represents that it has great power, and Skynet is not completely stable. It is just an immature artificial simulation intelligence, so once the unknown program invades Skynet, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Once this happens, after the unknown program controls Skynet, it can use Skynet's unparalleled computing and processing capabilities to invade all the networks around the world, destroy any computer related to the outside world at will, and can call out and view any of the world at will. What information is transmitted and stored in the form of photoelectricity? And no one or country can bear this consequence, and even the United States can't bear it.

And as a Skynet with certain intelligence, it may even mutate in the collision with the unknown program after being invaded, but the consequences of this mutation are unpredictable, and even make Skynet produce real intelligence, so as to get rid of human control and evolve into a doomsday disaster.

Take a step back, even if the above have not happened, even if it is only damaged by Skynet's invasion, the loss is unbearable. Because Skynet is simply a product piled up with money, and once it is damaged, the loss is absolutely incalculable.

After thinking about these consequences in an instant, I only heard a man's sad scream in the base: "Immediately disconnect the connection between Skynet and the satellite, quickly!"