
Chapter 43 Tianlei Zheng/Law

It was not until he wrapped Xuan Zhenzi tightly with his tentacles that Zhou Cheng showed his figure. After Xuan Zhenzi found that he was wrapped in a tentacle stretched out of his hand, he was immediately scared to death, because he clearly felt that the tentacle was shrinking and was about to strangle himself on the spot.

"Ah, that's impossible! Why is there nothing close to my senses, and this tentacle can quietly haunt me!"

Xuan Zhenzi burst out with a roar that he couldn't believe, and then he smashed the jade ruler in the air to Zhou Cheng's tentacles like lightning. The falling speed of this jade ruler was really fast, and even Zhou Cheng's split body could not react and was hit by Zheng Zheng.

After being suddenly hit by the jade ruler, Zhou Cheng felt a sudden pain in his tentacles. Although he did not suffer any damage, the pain was inevitable. After the tentacle was suddenly hit, Zhou Cheng instinctively withdrew it back into the water.

Xuan Zhenzi repelled his tentacles under one blow. He immediately realized that he would never get any benefits today. If he didn't leave now, he might still be in this lake. So as soon as he broke free from the entanglement of the tentacles, he did not hesitate at all and immediately sacrificed the jade ruler above his head. The jade ruler emitted a divine light to cover Xuan Zhenzi in the light.

After doing this, Xuan Zhenzi suddenly jumped to the lake, as if he knew that he was defeated by a group of monsters and deliberately wanted to die here. However, after jumping out of the boat and falling to the water, he did not sink to the bottom. On the other hand, he walked at a high speed on the surface of the water, as if the land under his feet was not the lake but a solid land. Moreover, his movements are like ordinary people walking slowly, but their speed is incredibly fast, even faster than the galloping fast horse, like a sharp arrow shooting straight to the lake. If ordinary people see it, people will definitely marvel. Xuan Zhenzi's walking posture is just like the legendary Luo Shen facing waves in the water.

In fact, Xuanzhenzi walking on the surface of the water at this time is a magical power formed by using the method of imperial weapons, which is one of the most basic magical power of practitioners, just like human beings opening their mouths to eat.

It turned out that when the divine light emitted by the jade ruler enveloped Xuan Zhenzi, the jade ruler and Xuan Zhenzi's body had become one thing and connected, so when Xuan Zhenzi drove the jade ruler, it was equivalent to driving his own body at the same time. Legend has it that those who practice immortality can travel in the air and fly thousands of miles in an instant, so they can travel all over the world in one day. However, this is not the case in reality.

Not all real practitioners can fly. The practitioners who can fly into the air with their own strength are some people with profound cultivation. Ordinary practitioners will only use the magic power used by Xuanzhenzi to control large pieces invisibly, so as to move their bodies.

What is a royal weapon? Literally, it means the method of driving the magic weapon, and the real meaning is to use the mind to drive the weapon.

How to use mind to control objects? Why can the mind drive the artifacts? Although the mind is invisible, it can touch the truth. With this nature of mental power, the imperial weapon touches the real artifact and integrates the mental power with the artifact, so the artifact can move with the mind, just like some junior practitioners without magic weapons will drive some ordinary swords to assassinate the enemy with flying swords, and these ordinary swords will be able to fly out of thin air. Flexible assassination is precisely because the sword is actually part of the practitioner's mind, so as long as the mind moves, the sword can fly out of thin air to kill people.

What kind of things can be driven by the imperial weapon? As long as the mind can see it completely is a weapon that can be controlled. A practitioner may be able to control a boulder, but he may not be able to control a strange substance, because the stone can be completely penetrated and seen through by his mind, then this boulder is one of his mental power for the practitioner. As long as the mind moves, the boulder can be lifted out of thin air, and even the boulder can be moved at a high speed. Because the boulder became part of the practitioner's mind, the boulder did not have much impact on him. On the contrary, if you think about something that can't be completely penetrated and seen through, no matter how small it is, practitioners can't use their thoughts to control it.

How many artifacts can practitioners drive at the same time? There is only one, which is not about the size of the object, but because of the mind, because when you control the weapon, you must mentally penetrate the artifact and integrate it. Whether it is a human or an alien, as long as you are not a schizophrenic person, then there is only one mind, so you can only penetrate and combine with one object at the same time. Of course, there is also a big/fa in the practice world: the great/fa, which can divide the practitioner's mind by more than one point, so that it can control the number of weapons. Or some sets of magic weapons. Although these magic weapons are divided into more than one part, they are one, so they are essentially just one.

If a practitioner wants to fly to the sky with his own strength, he needs to practice his own identity, the soul and the body are completely integrated, and the god and the body are in a state of harmony, that is, to reach the level of the soul practice period. Only then can you move your mind and your body can fly to the sky. Because only when God and the body are combined can the body become one with the mind.

Therefore, practitioners cannot have the ability to fly before practicing their souls. However, practitioners before practicing the soul can move quickly on the ground, that is, the large pieces mentioned above are invisible. In fact, what the big piece really controls is not its own body, but the earth or water flow, that is, the whole earth or the whole lake as a huge instrument. However, of course, the earth cannot really be moved by the practitioner, but although the earth does not really move, it is the practitioner. The self is equivalent to moving the practitioner's body from one place to another, so the practitioner seems to walk slowly, but in fact, the speed is extremely amazing, running faster and faster. This is the legendary technique of shrinking the ground.

As long as practitioners have practiced to the middle of psychic, they will naturally realize this method, which is also a realm that practitioners must experience.

In fact, it is not necessary for Xuanzhenzi to sacrifice this magic weapon if he wants to use this magic power, but due to the critical situation, he will not lose his mind to sacrifice the magic weapon with himself, and use the ability of the magic weapon to speed up the speed to escape from the lake and save his own life.

said that Zhou Cheng originally wanted to kill Xuan Mazi directly, but he didn't expect him to repel Zhou Cheng's tentacles with a magic weapon and then quickly flew to the lake. After all, Zhou Cheng has just come into contact with practice, so his strength is far better than Xuan Zhenzi, but because of his lack of experience, he remembers that Xuan Zhenzi has a chance to escape.

However, since Zhou Cheng decided to kill Xuanzhenzi, he would not tolerate Xuanzhenzi to escape, so the other party fled quickly. Zhou Cheng immediately hid his body and soared into the air and chased after him. It's just a few breathing efforts. Zhou Cheng has stopped Xuan Zhenzi's way and appeared again.

Until this time, Xuan Zhenzi did not understand that the other party was at least an old monster who practiced to the soul. In the face of such an opponent, he knew that he had no chance of winning at all, and he didn't even have a chance to escape, so he couldn't help but think desperately.

Unable to escape, Xuan Zhenzi stopped instead. He stood on the middle of the lake and shouted loudly: "The panic thunder, lead it with your body, the thunder is right/fa, and hit it with your soul.

After Zhou Cheng stopped Xuan Zhenzi, he was about to take his uniform back to the cave and slowly clean it up. At this time, Zhou Cheng has begun to change his mind. He is not ready to kill Xuan Zhenzi immediately, because Zhou Cheng wants to get some information about the human practice world from the other party.

However, at this time, Zhou Cheng heard Xuan Zhenzi's words like a spell, and then just as the words fell, a huge thunder light suddenly came from the sky and directly hit him head. The lightning was so fast that it could not react at all, so the lightning was hitting Zhou Cheng's body as soon as it appeared.