
Chapter 44 Soul Dissipation

The thunder was like a snake and a dragon, winding down from the sky and splitting Zhou Cheng in an instant. This lightning is as destructive as naturally generated lightning, and more importantly, it contains the momentum of heaven and earth and the righteousness of Xuan Zhenzi's whole body. Therefore, in addition to having great destructive power to physical objects and dead objects, it can also shock people's hearts and break the mind and magic weapons. , even the function of directly dispersing the practitioner's soul without hurting the body.

Zhou Cheng's split was directly hit by this powerful thunder. Although this split has even been extremely powerful and even cultivated into a real demon body, the body is always the body. Therefore, after being hit by the lightning, although it did not collapse on the spot, it was also damaged a lot. More than a dozen tentacles that turned into the original shape of the octopus are now dragging softly. The surface of the water seems to have lost consciousness, and there is still a clear burn mark on the head.

But this is not the most serious injury. What Zhou Cheng really damaged was the soul in the split. After being hit by lightning, the soul was almost scattered and turned into nothing. If it hadn't been for the fact that at that moment, the original god sacrificed the ancient mirror that had just been obtained to resolve most of the thunder light, I'm afraid that not only would the split body be destroyed, but even the yuan god would suffer some shock. Although it would not be hurt, the yuan god shock would also be harmful to cultivation. This also shows how terrible the thunderlight just now is. Xuan Zhenzi is just a divine period, but he can actually send out a thunderlight that shocks the genshen.

Fortunately, the thunder hit Zhou Cheng. If the rest of the practitioners, even the masters in the soul training period will suffer this blow, I'm afraid that the soul will collapse and disperse and disappear, and die. Because although the masters of the soul training period have profound cultivation and profound realm, their souls are still impossible to compete with the thunder of the power of heaven and earth, the great righteousness, and the sun. Of course, if they change to the master of the soul training period, although it is impossible for them to directly resist the thunderlight, it is also extremely difficult for the thunderlight to hit them. Not to mention the divine character like Xuanzhenzi, it is extremely difficult for the master who is also in the soul training period to directly hit them with this powerful spell.

Zhou Chengkong has a great ancient mirror spiritual weapon. Although he has become a yuan god, his real realm and strength are far from reaching such a height, so he was so embarrassed by Xuan Zhenzi's thunder. Even if the body has been used to save the godless drive, it still makes the split not only physically damaged, but also the split soul miserable.

barely resisted the thunder, and Zhou Cheng staggered on the surface of the water and looked at Xuan Zhenzi. Xuan Zhenzi also floated in the lake, and he was charred, as if he had been burned by fire, and as if his whole body was almost turned into coke by lightning. A trace of smoke floated out of his body and slowly rose into the air.

Zhou Cheng couldn't help feeling extremely comfortable when he saw Xuan Zhenzi's miserable situation, so he laughed and said, "You, a Taoist, dare to use thunder and lightning to split me. It's really hard for you. Now I'm not a big deal, but you're going to be able to do it!" But that's good, but it saves me from taking your life!"

At this time, Xuan Zhenzi seemed to have turned into coke, but in fact he still had a breath, but his body was extremely damaged, and his soul had reached the edge of collapse. If there is no accident, Xuan Zhenzi will definitely die and his soul will dissipate. But when he heard Zhou Cheng's laughter, Xuan Zhenzi was refreshed and said with his last strength and energy, "It's impossible. You have obviously been hit by my thunder. Why did you only suffer this slight injury? Isn't it difficult for you to be in the early stage of soul training? Who are you?"

Zhou Cheng did not answer, but the psychic black fish saw that Zhou Cheng could resist the terrible thunder light sent by Xuan Zhenzi alone without any major damage. It couldn't help but be angry, so after hearing Xuan Zhenzi's words, he hurriedly swam over and shouted harshly. Tao:

"Bold human beings, how dare you be so rude to the immortal! You are a human practitioner, but you don't know the true immortals. The immortals are not practitioners in the soul practice period, but have formed a yuan god and cultivated supreme achievements to achieve immortal true immortals! You, a little monk in the divine period, dared to take action against the immortal. Today, my black fish insisted that you come back!"

"Evil, although my Xuan Zhenzi is in your hands today, my master will definitely come to avenge me. You just wait for your soul to fly away! The little demon dared to claim to be a fairy. It's really shameless. I don't know how to believe what the black fish said, so he cursed in anger.

"You hateful human, how dare you insult the immortal. How can you solve the hatred in my heart if you don't kill you!", not only the black fish, but also the three diamond fish are also scolding one after another, and rushing forward to swallow Xuan Zhenzi alive into his stomach to relieve his anger.

However, the four monsters were stopped by Zhou Cheng when they just took action. Xuan Zhenzi is now seriously injured and is about to die. Even if there is no external injury, he will definitely not live long. But Zhou Cheng now does not want Xuan Zhenzi to die. A dead Xuan Zhenzi has no benefit to Zhou Cheng. He may not only suffer the revenge of his teacher, but also let Zhou Cheng's plan to obtain human practice information from Xuan Zhenzi's mouth, not to mention Zhou Cheng's kind of interpretation of Xuan Zhenzi's just exerted. The spell of lightning is extremely interesting.

Although it is only the first time to see the magic that releases lightning, Zhou Cheng can feel that this spell is not simple. It is not only a powerful spell with great magic power, but also a profound secret practice. Zhou Cheng does not know whether this secret method is common among human practitioners, but this secret method is extremely precious and useful for earth aliens. Therefore, Zhou Cheng decided to force this secret method out of Xuan Zhenzi at first sight.

And Zhou Cheng vaguely felt that the reason why Xuan Zhenzi was so hurt was that he forcibly urged this secret method and was eaten back. If you learn the secret method by yourself, you can cure the harm that Xuan Zhenzi is afraid of. If he goes to ask for the secret law on the grounds of saving his life, I'm afraid that Xuan Zhenzi should not give up his life for a secret law. You should know that the creatures in the world are not dedicated to survival, and how can they take the initiative to seek death? Moreover, the creatures of practice are even more so. Otherwise, how can practitioners break free from life and death to prove the immortal fruits by themselves?

Zhou Cheng wrapped Xuan Zhenzi, who had been unconscious, with tentacles, and then swam in the direction of Shuibo Cave. Because Xuanzhenzi, as a human, could not be at the bottom of the water, Zhou Cheng had to let four monsters protect his body with thoughts, so that Xuanzhenzi would not suffocate to death because he was underwater.

Looking at Xuan Zhenzi lying in the cave like a coke, Zhou Cheng didn't know how to do it for a moment. If it is only a physical injury, it is not difficult. As long as Zhou Cheng uses some wonderful uses of his mind, he can stabilize the physical injury, or directly take a drop of blood in the body to be swallowed by Xuan Zhenzi. This split has almost become a demon body, which is the same as a fairy. A drop of blood in the body is almost the same as a drop of fairy blood, which may be slightly inferior, but it is not far from each other.

You should know that the fairy body or demon body is different from ordinary creatures, and it is not ordinary flesh and blood. The fairy body and demon body are invulnerable and not damaged by ordinary spells. Perhaps it is more effective to attack with entities.

What gives Zhou Cheng a headache is that Xuanzhenzi's soul is on the verge of collapse, which is Xuanzhenzi's most serious injury. The wound of the soul is different from the physical body. The body can be treated by foreign objects. The soul is illusory. It is a combination of the consciousness, will, mind and spirit of life. Once injured, it is difficult to treat. Moreover, Xuanzhen damaged the soul because he could not withstand the power of heaven and earth after using the magic power that crossed his own tolerance.

The reason why the thunder is so powerful that day is that it is not only the power of natural lightning, but also the vastness of heaven and earth. And if you want to use this magic power, then your own soul must be able to withstand the vastness of heaven and earth, control it with your mind, and drive forward to attack the enemy with your mind.

If Xuanzhenzi, who has suffered the thunderlight, wants to recover the soul, there is only one way to go, that is, Xuanzhenzi can take the opportunity of the divine soul to be injured by lightning to understand the spirit of heaven and earth in the thunderlight. Just like this lightning is a very strong tonic. Although the medicine is good, ordinary people can't bear it. Once taken lightly, it will be dys functional, and if it is heavy, it will be life-threatening. However, if the body can be forcibly raised to the height of adaptation to the drug when it works in the body, it can turn the crisis into an opportunity and strengthen the body. If Xuan Zhenzi can use the opportunity to understand the mystery of Tianlei Zheng/fa when his soul is injured by lightning, then he can not only recover from the injury, but also greatly increase his cultivation, suddenly in the current state.

However, Xuan Zhenzi's soul was injured too seriously. Not to mention taking this opportunity to practice, it is even impossible to keep the injury from worsening, because his consciousness has been scattered and he can't enter the state of practice at all.