
Chapter 87 Choice

Zhou Cheng swam a few laps in the water wave cave in the form of a dragon and then turned his body into a human form. Now that his yuanshen is truly integrated with this split, this half-demon body is already Zhou Cheng's ontology, and because of the role of the yuan god, there is no time limit for the body to change into a human form, and even if he keeps his human form, there will be no problem.

After turning into one shape, Zhou Cheng was a little emotional, but so many things happened in just a few days, forcibly sacrificing the banners and treasure soul beads, and then the yuan god encountered a crisis. After the crisis was resolved, he found that the outside world had undergone earth-shaking drastic changes, all of which happened in just a few days. .

It was precisely because of what happened that Zhou Cheng had even forgotten that his original intention was just to sacrifice a magic weapon. It was not until now that everything had been temporarily resolved that Zhou Cheng remembered the matter of sacrificing the magic weapon again.

After reacting, Zhou Cheng immediately took the dark flag and small soul beads sunk in the bottom of the water and released his mind to extend it.

Originally, these two things could not explore their bodies with their minds. When their minds touch the flag, they will fall into infinite time. After touching the pearl soul, they will fall into a static state. However, Zhou Cheng has made his spiritual mark on the two things when he forcibly sacrificed them, so this time Zhou Cheng's mind can directly touch their bodies when he touches them.

"So, why is this so strange!"

After a while, I only heard Zhou Cheng mutter to himself. After his mind directly touched their bodies, Zhou Cheng found the real face of these two things.

First of all, let's talk about the soul bead. This bead is extremely strange in the feeling of the mind. It has no real material form, but is somewhat similar to the yuan god. After careful sensing, Zhou Cheng found that this thing was not only similar to the yuan god, but also the yuan god of the monk.

It's just that these are the yuan gods left by those fallen monks. This kind of gengo is different from the real gengo. It no longer has the spirit, will and thinking of the monk. It is just an empty shell. It is a strange thing formed by the gend after the spiritual decay of the monk.

This thing is a form of existence between matter and energy. It is a substance condensed to the extreme transformation of the monk's mana, vitality, and spiritual will of heaven and earth. It is a double-edged sword for monks, that is, it may make the monks ascend to heaven in one step, but it may also kill them.

Because this thing is originally the monk's yuan god, it itself is extremely strange. If a monk uses some special method to sacrifice it, it may even restore this thing to a real yuan god. Although this yuan god is not complete, it is not comparable to the soul. Some of these situations are somewhat similar to Zhou Cheng.

But it is extremely difficult to restore such things to the genshen. Because this kind of thing is the product of the metamorphosis of the yuan god after the fall of the monks in the Yuanshen period, it is full of a breath of silence. For example, this kind of thing is like a truck without fuel. Although the body is not damaged at all, it cannot operate. This thing is completely in a static state.

There are two aspects of this stillness. One is that the mana and airless condense to the limit that make up the beads themselves, just like water has turned into ice and can no longer continue to flow. The second means that the beads are full of the breath of silence, so once the monk's mind comes into contact with this breath, it will be forcibly fixed and unable to operate.

If any monk really wants to restore this thing to the yuan god, then he must melt the mana, vitality, spirit, etc. condensed into a solid thing, and also dispel the dead breath in it, and finally integrate his soul into it, so as to occupy this empty yuan god's body, and quickly Be fast, otherwise once this thing is restored to the state of the yuan god and there is no spirit and thinking of the creature, it will dissipate by itself or refreeze into a fixed soul bead.

The whole process is extremely difficult and dangerous, because it takes extremely strong mana to melt the soul beads, not to mention exceeding them, but at least they can't be too different from the beads themselves. It is more difficult to dispel that breath. Those breaths are a dead silence generated by monks who have been married to the Yuanshen for a long period of time before they die. This breath is spiritually poisonous for any monk. If you want to disperse it, you must be able to spiritually survive the realm of silence of all things without being affected. If you can't succeed, I'm afraid that even your soul will be directly destroyed by this breath.

But this is even much more difficult than the monk's own condensation of the Yuanshen, because this kind of silence is a thing close to the law of heaven and earth, and even the masters of the Yuanshen period can't resist, let alone the monks who have not condensed the Yuanshen.

The true face of this soul bead has been unlocked by Zhou Cheng, and the face has made Zhou Cheng a little confused. Although his mind can already touch its body and distinguish its nature, Zhou Cheng does not know what substance it is, non-gold, non-iron, non-stone, non-gyu, non-filament and non-ma, and There are artificial traces, as if they are naturally generated.

But Zhou Cheng did not entangle much about this person's issue. No matter what it is, if his mind can be added to it, then he can sacrifice it into a magic weapon.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Cheng finally made up his mind to start to truly sacrifice the flag face and integrate the soul bead with the black flag. Anyway, the soul bead is like chicken ribs. It's a pity to lose it and tasteless to eat, but if you combine it with the flag face, you can not only enhance the power of the flag face, but also be fearless. The atmosphere of silence of all things.

Why can the soul beads be integrated into the flag surface without the influence of that breath? This is because the flag contains the way of time and space. In this world, only time and space may be immortal, so it can not be affected.

Just before doing it, Zhou Cheng suddenly moved his heart and came up with an idea: Why not refine this flag surface and soul beads into the ancient mirror, so that it may be promoted to a real magic weapon and completely transform into a second god. It must be that the soul bead was originally the product of the extreme condensation and freezing of the yuan god, and this flag surface can communicate with time and space. If the two things are refined into the ancient mirror to be promoted as a magic weapon, no one can guess what the magic weapon is, but it is absolutely magical.

Thinking of this, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel itching, but he was a little hesitant, because the ancient mirror is turning into a second god, but the ancient mirror contains the way of the universe and the starry sky, and the way of time and space. If there is a conflict between the two, there is even It may cause irreparable trauma to the ancient mirror. And if you just integrate the soul beads into the ancient mirror, even Zhou Cheng can't directly withstand the deadness.

"How should I choose the bottom? Should we refine these flags and soul beads into a magic weapon, or refine them into ancient mirrors? If I sacrifice a new magic weapon, I have no experience and don't know any advanced refining method. Even if this flag is extremely magical, it is unlikely that I want to refine a good magic weapon or spiritual weapon, and maybe I will waste this flag. Although it is very difficult or risky to refine them into the ancient mirror, it is always a little simpler, and there are also those who can directly promote the ancient mirrors to magic weapons!! Seek wealth and danger. There is nothing risk in the world. For the value of a magic weapon, even if this ancient mirror can't become the second god in the future, it is very cost-effective! Moreover, this re-sacrifice may directly make the ancient mirror the second god.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Cheng made up his mind. He would rather take a huge risk to promote the ancient mirror as a magic weapon, and even give up the second god.

Zhou Cheng made such a choice because when he woke up, he vaguely felt that there would be some great changes in the world, a catastrophic drastic change. No monk can escape this catastrophe and will face a crisis of life and death, and Zhou Cheng vaguely senses that he will face a great crisis in this catastrophe.

It feels like a mountain in Zhou Cheng's heart, so he can't care about that much and just wants to enhance his ability. Having a magic weapon can enhance his magical power ten times or even a hundred times out of thin air. Although the second god is good, it is far away to transform the ancient mirror into a real second god. Before the second god really takes shape, he can't let Zhou Cheng have another life, and even take these into account and can't use the ancient mirror, which will make him suffer a great loss.