
Chapter 142 Dangerous and Beautiful

After putting away the eggshell, Zhou Cheng did not immediately begin to sacrifice his own magic weapon. Because sacrificing a magic weapon, especially a good magic weapon, is definitely not a simple thing.

If it's just an ordinary thing, it's okay, but the eggshell is closely related to him. It can be said that the magic array on each dragon eggshell is different. It is a unique thing in the world. Once it is scrapped, there will be no substitute.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng will not touch these things for the time being without a complete understanding of the nature of those eggshells and without a perfect solution.

The body has finally grown completely. Having a physical body and the cultivation of the soul practice period at birth, Zhou Cheng suddenly felt full of confidence and no longer felt timid.

circling around the cave several times, Zhou Cheng felt very uncomfortable in this narrow space, so he couldn't help but think of leaving this place.

This cave goes deep into the underground rock layer, and there is only a small passage to the ground. This channel is the small hole drilled out when diving under the Haotian Mirror. This small hole is only the size of a palm, which is similar to Zhou Cheng's body.

Zhou Cheng waved his head and drilled into the small passage, and his body rubbed the passage straight through the strata and came to the ground. After passing through the underground rock layer and entering the underground world, Zhou Cheng immediately felt that his body was a little uncomfortable.

After a slight sensation, Zhou Cheng found that there was nothing wrong with his body, but that the environment of the underground world was very different from that of the surface world.

First of all, the air in this underground world is completely different from the surface world. The air in the surface world is mainly composed of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other components. Obviously, the air in the underground world is not like this. At least the oxygen in it is very scarce. If the creatures in the surface world come here, they will soon suffocate and die.

But this is not the most important thing yet. Perhaps because of being underground, the air and environment in it have been blocked for countless years. This closed environment cannot be connected with the outside world, and another atmospheric environment evolves over time.

This atmosphere evolved in a closed environment doesn't matter to the creatures living in it, but for those organisms that did not evolve in this environment, some components of the air are extremely powerful toxins.

This toxin is enough to cause great harm to human beings or any kind of surface life, and can even kill humans here.

However, this low oxygen and toxic atmosphere does not cause too much trouble to Zhou Cheng, but makes him a little unaccustomed at the beginning. In fact, even if there is no oxygen in this underground world, or the toxins in it are several times more harmful, it is not enough to hurt the creatures in the soul refining period, let alone Zhou Cheng, who is a dragon.

"Strange, the species here are so strange! Judging from the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere here, the organisms here do not seem to rely entirely on oxygen. And some vitality in this underground world makes me feel extremely strange, as if these vitality is a little out of place with the vitality of the whole earth.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhou Cheng finally adapted to the air here. His extremely sensitive sense of smell smelled a faint stench in the air, perhaps not to be said to be a stench. Anyway, the smell was a little bad, fragrant and strong.

This smell is very strange, because it makes it impossible to clearly distinguish its specific information and causes confusion. In short, this inexplicable breath fills the whole underground world. This made Zhou Cheng begin to doubt whether the breath of the underground world gathered after countless creatures decayed over a long period of time and finally spread to the atmosphere of the whole underground world.

Thinking that he might be breathing the air evolved from the corpses of countless creatures, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel disgusted. But in the end, he forcibly resisted and didn't let himself swallow it. In fact, even if Zhou Cheng wants to vomit, he can't spit anything.

Without the nausea, Zhou Cheng's eyes were bright, like two searchlights shooting in all directions. Countless images flashed quickly in his eyes, and countless messages were captured by him.

Zhou Cheng saw countless kinds of plants, which are very strange and dangerous. There are many kinds of trees with wide leaves, which seem normal, but once something touches them, they will immediately erect countless extremely small and sharp thorns on their leaves to protect themselves tightly.

Some unlucky animals strayed into the field of these plants, and their bodies will be filled with this small barbs in a moment, and their whole body will bleed. In a moment, they will become extremely weak and die because of the blood flow.

But even so, there are still some animals that don't care at all. These animals are covered with a thick layer of shells. These shells are extremely gorgeous. If you look at them alone, you will feel that they are extremely conspicuous, but in the environment of this underground world, they are perfectly integrated into the surroundings, as if they are invisible.

There is also a lot of plants in this underground world, that is, vines. Countless different kinds of vines grow in different environments. Some grow directly on the ground, one occupies a large area, and some climb on the rest of the plants and directly absorb the juice of those plants to grow.

And this kind of vine is more dangerous. They grow many branches, which are like strange tentacles. These tentacles will hang quietly under normal circumstances, but once they touch something, they will contract and curl up like lightning, strangle those that touch them.

Like snakes, these branches will slowly strangle the animals that come into contact with them. These dead animals will slowly decay, and their corpses will become the nutrients of those vine hosts.

However, these vines cannot succeed at any time. There are some strange animals that specialize in looking for these vines, and the branches of these vines will automatically release after touching those animals, just like people's hands will involuntarily shrink back after being burned.

The reason why those animals come is that the host of these vines often grow extremely fresh and delicious leaves or fruits.

But these are not yet for dangerous creatures. The most dangerous things in this underground world are the most beautiful and gorgeous things, such as flowers, such as some extremely small animals and some strange insects.

The flowers of the underground world, like the surface world, are all beautiful things in this world, but beautiful things are often the most deadly things. In a short moment, Zhou Cheng saw a huge, three-meter-long strange animal that inadvertently ate a beautiful flower, and then fell to the ground for a moment and completely lost his breath of life in a few minutes.

This monster looks like a sheep in the world on the ground, but it is somewhat like a horse. It is tall and powerful, but has extremely horrible claws. However, judging from its performance just now, they seem to be grass-eating creatures.

That is, such a huge creature will be poisoned by a petal in just a few minutes. Yes, he was poisoned, and his death was extremely tragic. He not only twitched and spit white, but also showed signs of decay as soon as he died.

But even such a highly poisonous plant will inevitably be eaten by the rest of the creatures. There are many kinds of insects in this underground world, such as crawling underground, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, etc.

No matter what kind of insect, with a hard shell and furry, they all have gorgeous colors and are perfectly integrated into the surrounding environment. Some of these insects are not afraid of toxins, and even the highly poisonous flowers are the food in their mouths.

After staying in the air for a long time, Zhou Cheng gradually found that it was not easy for creatures in this underground world to survive. Whether it is animals or plants, it seems that they are desperate to make use of everything they can find. Plants actually hunt animals for food. Animals are omnivorous species. They will not only eat animals that can be killed by mistake, but also eat plants that can be eaten.

If there will be competition between creatures in the surface world, then the competition between creatures in the underground world will be ten times or 100 times cruel.

It seems that the resources in this underground world are extremely scarce, and the creatures in it are not allowed to compete extremely cruelly to survive, thus taking a chance to survive.

But it is this competition that makes the creatures in this world evolve and mutate rapidly, constantly arming themselves and making themselves stronger and cruel. This competition has made species in the entire underground world evolve at an extremely terrible speed.

"This is a beautiful world, but this is a terrible world. If it is heaven, then this is heaven, because it has infinite magic and perfection. If there is no hell, then this is hell, because it is too dangerous and cruel.