
Chapter 143 Exploration

Seeing countless creatures hunting at his feet, Zhou Cheng couldn't help thinking about why the underground world evolved into what it is today. Even if he saw these scenes with his own eyes, he still couldn't figure out why.

Logically, if the underground world does not have enough conditions for creatures to survive, then there will not be so many species and creatures in the world.

If the underground world is extremely rich in resources, so that such a rich species can be born, then why do these creatures have to compete so cruelly to survive?

How many creatures will be born in a region or a world is actually determined by their own conditions. Just like the reason why there are so many species and creatures in the surface world is that there is a large enough area. In fact, there is enough energy.

The surface world includes not only land, but also oceans, and no matter how large the area of the underground world is, it cannot be compared with the surface world.

However, there are even more species in the underground world than in the surface world. It may not be comparable in total, but the types of creatures alone will never fall much in the underground world.

And a relatively small place can evolve so many kinds of creatures, which is obviously a very abnormal phenomenon. You know, if there are more than ten or twenty miles apart in this underground world, the creatures in it will be completely different.

The difference here does not mean that the same species of creatures living in different environments have produced some small mutations, but fundamentally different species, but really different species, just like mammals living in the first ten miles, while creatures living in the last ten miles have become crawling. Things are the same.

This is obviously different from the surface world. Although there are many creatures in the surface world, there are only a few species in total, such as mammals, reptiles, crustaceans and so on. And there are many completely different creatures in the underground world.

And there is no sun in this underground world to provide energy. Energy is the primary condition for biological survival. Take the surface world as an example, the whole world is based on the energy of the sun and forms a perfect and tight chain.

Zhou Cheng can feel that the foundation of this underground world biological system is the energy from the center of the earth. This energy is not only because the underground world is closer to the center of the earth, but also receives more heat.

In fact, the real energy of this underground world comes from the magnetism above the head. The geomagnetic universe full of the whole underground world will absorb huge energy from the center of the earth at all times.

Some of this energy remains permanently in the metamagnet and eventually becomes part of the metamagnet. The other part will gradually spread to the whole underground world, thus bringing vitality to the whole underground world.

metamagnet can bring energy to the underground world and make it no longer cold and dark. But it can't be compared with the sun. Even the sun with infinite energy can't make the creatures in the earth appear at this speed of evolution.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng feels that there is absolutely something unusual in this underground world. Perhaps there is some incredible matter in this underground world that has affected the evolution of the entire biological system. Maybe there is a magical power in this underground world, and it is more likely that there is some amazing treasure in this underground world.

Thinking of the treasure, Zhou Cheng's eyes couldn't help but light up a little. I don't know whether it was caused by nature or the conditioned reflex of looking for treasures in the lava world. When he thought of the treasure, Zhou Cheng became extremely excited and couldn't wait to find it out immediately and take it for himself.

However, after being excited, Zhou Cheng felt a little confused. Although this underground world cannot be compared with the surface world, it is also extremely broad, and he knows nothing about it, so it is not easy to find out the treasure that may not exist at all.

After thinking about it, Zhou Cheng felt that he should find the most unusual place here, perhaps that is the extremely magical source of the whole underground world.

When it comes to the most unusual places, of course, choose the geocentric magnets above your head. So, he couldn't help looking up.

"My mother, if you want to hit those geocentric ideas, isn't that just looking for death? That treasure is not really on my head, is it?"

Just one look, Zhou Cheng couldn't help shivering and almost fell from the air. Although he is conceited, he is not so conceited that he can fight against the magnets above his head. Zhou Cheng will not have this idea if he is killed.

But then, Zhou Cheng felt a pain in his heart. It seemed that he really saw a peerless treasure slip away from his eyes, but there was nothing he could do.

"Be wary of greed and impatience! It's not worth dying for a treasure!"

Zhou Cheng said repeatedly. After a long time, he suppressed the impulse to rush into the magnetic field and comforted himself:

"Zhou Cheng, Zhou Cheng. You have a magic weapon, and it is also the body of the dragon. You have found so many good things in the magma. You have just got those extremely precious eggshells. You should be satisfied! And the treasure may not exist. Even if it exists, it may not be in the magnetism of the earth.

In this way, Zhou Cheng felt much more happy. But there is still a faint voice in his heart:

"Let's visit this underground world first. It's a pity to come back empty-handed if you don't get some benefits. If you still can't find the treasure in the end, it's not too late to explore the magnetism above your head. Anyway, it can't run away!"

The idea must be that he immediately sacrificed the Haotian mirror to protect his whole body, and completely concealed his breath, light and shadow with the wonderful use of Haotianjing, and then randomly chose a direction to fly forward.

Zhou Cheng's behavior looks very contradictory. He is very careful, but he seems extremely casual.

In fact, Zhou Cheng did not think that he would encounter any danger in this underground world, but the two death experiences made Zhou Cheng involuntarily and almost instinctively put himself in a safe situation at any time, because he did not know whether he would have the next death crisis, but he knew It is impossible for me to be reborn with good luck every time.

Exactly because of this, even when there is no danger, Zhou Cheng still sacrificed a vast sky mirror, and did not even reveal a trace of breath. He doesn't want to be inexplicably hurt in this strange world.

And staying in this world, no matter who you are, as long as you see those extremely dangerous creatures, you will instinctively be alert.

This is especially true for practitioners. Since there are so many creatures in the world, and some of them are extremely powerful and dangerous, there will definitely be people who have opened their minds and learned to practice.

Even those creatures in the earth that were originally powerless in the earth will become extremely terrible after practice, so no one can tell what these extremely powerful creatures will become after learning to practice.

Zhou Cheng wandered around with the mentality of being at ease and luck. He didn't care where he would reach at all. He just opened his eyes wide and observed everything curiously along the way. Even a grass and a small bug will make him watch with relish.

It's not that Zhou Cheng has never seen the world, and everything in this world is too novel. Even in the very close area, the creatures in it are different. And there may be some good things in these things, good baby.

There are also wind, rain, fog, and even thunder and lightning in this underground world, but the climate here is very strange. There are often sunrise in the east and rain in the west, sometimes only a few dozen meters apart, but the weather conditions are completely different and changing rapidly.

Zhou Cheng is floating in the air, letting the fast and slow winds in the air float around. Along the way, he has been dozens of miles and seen countless novel things, but Zhou Cheng is still not bored at all. Instead, he is more fascinated.

However, at this moment, he was suddenly awakened by a strong mana fluctuation. These mana fluctuations came from a distance, and at the same time, there was a faint and horrible roar of the beast.

"Oh, there's a situation! It seems that there are monks fighting. Sure enough, there are creatures who have opened their wisdom and can practice. Hey, it seems that I'm lucky to meet local monks so soon.

Aware of the movement in the distance, Zhou Cheng was not surprised but happy, and immediately accelerated to go there. The reason why he is so excited is that as long as he can find local monks here, he can think of communicating and get a lot of information. Zhou Cheng, who is completely ignorant of the world, needs a lot of information about the world.