
Chapter 166 Gathering Array

Seeing that the body of the magic weapon had been successfully refined, Zhou Cheng finally breathed a little relief, relaxed a little, and took the opportunity to gasp a few times and absorbed some vitality from the magma to recover his consumption.

He took a few breaths of air and absorbed some vitality. Zhou Cheng only felt that his physical and mental fatigue subsided slightly.

However, Zhou Cheng did not dare to delay for too long and adjust his state to the peak. Sacrifice utensils need to be completed in one go, and it can't be delayed for too long in the middle. After the body of the magic weapon is refined, the spirituality of the magic weapon should be condensed immediately. Because this is the best time to condense the spirituality of the magic weapon.

The body of the magic weapon has just been formed. Although the physical properties of the magic weapon have been basically stabilized, it has still not been completely finalized, and there is a certain degree of adjustment. Therefore, if the spirituality of the magic weapon is condensed at this time, then the spirituality of the magic weapon and the physical properties of the magic weapon can be adjusted to a perfect fit state when the spirituality is condensed.

Whether the physical and spiritual nature of the magic weapon can achieve a perfect fit is an important indicator of the quality of the magic weapon, and it is also a decisive factor for the growth potential of the magic weapon. Although the perfect combination of physical and spiritual magic weapons does not mean that this magic weapon will be powerful, if the two cannot fit perfectly, no matter how good materials and clever means are used to refine the magic weapons, this magic weapon will not be very useful and there is not much room for promotion.

The virtual world, that is, the magic weapon that is about to take shape is Zhou Cheng's original magic weapon, so he doesn't dare to be sloppy. It can be said that this magic weapon is even more important to Zhou Cheng than Hao Tianjing.

Haotian Mirror is strong, but it is not Zhou Cheng's original weapon. In particular, this huge mirror has become an innate magic weapon, and its nature cannot be destroyed, so it has lost the possibility of becoming a magic weapon of life. Even if Zhou Cheng uses the method of soul refining to reshrinate the Haotian Mirror, even if all his dragon nature is extracted and integrated into the Haotian Mirror, this Haotian Mirror becomes more suitable for Zhou Cheng at most, but it is still too far from the degree of glory and loss, and it will never be reached.

Not to mention, although the virtual world cannot become such a powerful magic weapon for the time being, it has the potential for infinite death and promotion. Maybe one day it will become a magic weapon, a magic weapon much more powerful than Haotianjing, or after Zhou Cheng becomes an adult, the virtual world will become an extremely rare pure yang magic weapon and truly become an independent What about the world of real things?

Because he is extremely optimistic about the future of the virtual world, Zhou Cheng can't tolerate any imperfection. The essence of the virtual world has just been refined, and Zhou Cheng is immediately ready to condense its spirituality.

Pointing at the remaining materials, he took these materials into the air with a trace of mana, and the transparent flame immediately spread over and then refined them all.

These refined materials have turned into an airflow between matter and vitality. This airflow is what all kinds of extremely pure refinery materials are formed after being changed by the transparent flame.

"The chemical object is qi, all qi condenses, and everything is combined. Hundreds of qi and everything are arrayed, magic array, now!"

Zhou Cheng silently said something that he didn't know whether it was a spell or a formula, and then stretched out his two dragon claws in front of him and drew countless mysterious tracks.

When the dragon claws move, the airflow formed by the refiner material seems to be inexplicably attracted, divided into countless strands, and thrown into the trajectory drawn by the dragon claws one after another.

Zhou Chenglong's claws are moving faster and faster, and the airflow formed by those materials is rapidly consumed. Gradually, the trajectory drawn by the dragon's claws was filled by the airflow and formed a three-dimensional strange figure floating in the air.

This figure makes people completely unable to understand. It seems to be a children's graffiti work and seems to contain some reason. It looks very casual, clumsy, and extremely exquisite and reasonable. After savoring it carefully, I only feel that this three-dimensional graphic really has the artistic conception of returning to nature.

In fact, this three-dimensional figure is a magic array, which is not complicated but extremely mysterious. The only function of this array is to connect the physical properties of those materials to form a whole, so that the physical properties of these materials can form a complete cycle.

At the beginning, Zhou Cheng's outline of the array was very easy, and even seemed to be easy and leisurely. However, as the array becomes larger and larger, the magic array becomes stronger and stronger, and the speed of Zhou Cheng's sketching has decreased significantly.

No matter what kind of array it is, as long as it is a complete and functional array, then this array is a whole. When sketching the array, it is not enough to draw the array, but also use the power and spirit to promote the operation of the array. Therefore, the more arrays, the greater the power needed to promote the operation of the magic array.

And there can be no pause in this process, only one breath to arrange the whole array. If there is a little pause, the array is likely to collapse.

means that it can't stop, and it is necessary to push the magic array to run when outlineing the array. Therefore, if the cultivation is not enough, it is impossible to draw a complicated and boundless outline.

The array outlined by Zhou Cheng at this time is not too complicated. This is not an offensive or defensive array, but a simple and magical array that combines different physical properties together. Perhaps it can be thought that when different physical properties are combined, a magic array will be automatically derived.

I don't know how long it took, the airflow formed by all the materials finally disappeared completely, replaced by a three-dimensional and complex graphic structure, just like a strange model. And this is still a moving model with something flowing.

Seeing that all the remaining materials have been refined into a complete magic array, and their physical properties have also been combined. Zhou Cheng was happy and secretly said, "As long as this magic array is integrated into the nature of the magic weapon and the magic weapon body and the magic array are integrated, then the prototype of the spiritual spirit of the magic weapon will evolve, then the sacrifice Most of the refining tools have been successful!"

The turning of his mind was just a momentary thing, and Zhou Cheng had already waved his claws and hit this magic array fiercely. This magic array, which seemed to be just an airflow, was not scattered after being hit violently. Instead, it popped up quickly like a ball and rushed to the huge canvas of the virtual world.

Strangely, this magic array composed of airflow was sucked into contact with the body of the magic array and slowly swallowed up. In fact, it can't be said to be devouring. It should be said that the two will instinctively attract each other, so they will gradually merge into one as soon as they come into contact.

After the airflow of those magic arrays was sucked into the paintingbu li, they spread along the complex extreme arrays on the canvas, like river flowing along the river, or like electric energy transmitted along wires. The airflow made of dozens of precious materials quickly spreads in the array body. The array in the body of the magic weapon is like blood vessels in the human body, and these airflows are like blood.

The last trace of airflow also disappeared. They spread to the whole magic weapon and distributed to any part of the magic weapon. This is a very important juncture: the physical properties of the array body mixed with dozens of foreign materials will produce close contact at this moment. If the two can coexist peacefully and promote each other, then the magic weapon will be successful. If the two can fully match, the quality of this magic weapon will be extremely high and there will be a lot of room for promotion.

How could Zhou Cheng use the method of soul refining to sacrifice a life magic weapon? How could Zhou Cheng make himself a trace of sloppy at this important time? He used all his means and strength to begin to suppress it fiercely, directly compressing the physical nature of the body of the magic weapon with the material nature of the materials added later.

Under normal circumstances, if the physical properties of some different substances are forcibly compressed together, it will only cause the destruction or collapse of the matter, but at this time, the physical properties of the magic weapon have not been completely finalized, and there are some adjustability. Therefore, when it is forcibly compressed with the physical properties of those materials, the two immediately begin to change, quickly adjusting themselves to adapt to each other's existence, until the two become harmonious after they fully adapt and have truly integrated into one.

In fact, by this time, Zhou Cheng sacrificed the magic weapon, that is, the magic weapon named the virtual world, has basically taken shape, and its spirituality has also emerged, but it is still in a hazy state.

The process just now seems very simple, but there are some ways. The most important thing in the virtual world is the natural array on the dragon eggshell. This array is divided into many small arrays. Even if the array is pieced together and restored, it is still not a magic array.

And just now, when the magic array formed by the airflow entered the virtual body and spread along the array, they connected the array in the magic weapon. The reason for this is that those airflows are arrays made by some materials, a simple and wonderful array.

This simple array is integrated into the magic weapon body and distributed to the whole magic weapon, then the magic array will cover the broken array. After the broken arrays are covered by the array, they will have a weak connection with each other through the conduction of the simple array. With this connection, Zhou Cheng can completely restore all the arrays in the future