
Chapter 165

In Zhou Cheng's conception, the upcoming magic weapon will exist in the material world in the form of a scroll. Zhou Cheng has even thought about the name of this magic weapon - the virtual world.

The virtual world is a world that does not exist in reality. Zhou Cheng wants to refine this magic weapon into a world that contains a world and is independent of the reality, not just a magic weapon used to capture things.

If the rest of the practitioners knew that Zhou Cheng had such an idea before sacrificing the magic weapon, they would laugh to death. What an arrogant and invincible idea it is to sacrifice a magic weapon that is intended to hold things into an independent world that does not exist in reality, and it is even more ignorant.

A world that does not exist in the real world is a world that does not exist. Since it is a non-existent world, how can it exist? Even if there is such a world, it is absolutely not what practitioners can do, at least not ordinary practitioners can do. Perhaps those creatures who have achieved Yangshen or have achieved perfection can cut a space from the material world and refine this space into an independent world.

But this independent world still exists in the material world. In fact, they are still the same, but they are separated from the rest of the space by great forces and hidden, so that other creatures cannot see, sense and reach this space.

In fact, even the creatures of the Yangshen realm cannot create a world out of thin air, let alone create a non-existent world.

Does Zhou Cheng know these? He knows some, but he doesn't know some. He knew that it was almost impossible or even completely impossible to create a world out of thin air. But he did not know that when his cultivation was strong to a certain level, he could divide a space from the material world to sacrifice a top-secret space of his own, which is equivalent to his own world.

Zhou Cheng didn't know this, so he didn't think about sacrificing his own world. The reason why he called the original weapon that was being sacrificed the virtual world was because he vaguely felt something.

What did Zhou Cheng feel? This is just a flash of inspiration, not very clear. But between ambiguity and clarity, he still grasped some information: this magic weapon will have infinite possibilities. Moreover, this magic weapon is used to collect things, so perhaps in the future, whether it is far away or soon, its magic weapon may become a world between real illusions. Not only can it collect dead objects, but also living things can be freely collected without any damage.

Of course, if the light is because it can collect living things, there is nothing magical about it. However, Zhou Cheng vaguely felt that the virtual world would become a world that originated from reality but did not exist in reality. This feeling is very strange. The flashing light is really unpredictable, and it only flows in Zhou Cheng's heart for a moment, so Zhou Cheng can't taste it carefully.

"It comes from the real world but does not exist in the real world. What a strange statement, what a strange idea. I don't know if this is my illusion or my instinctive feeling for the future development of this weapon. However, no matter what, the magic weapon still needs to be sacrificed. Don't fail to sacrifice because you are distracted!"

Some distracting thoughts flashed slightly in Zhou Cheng's mind, but they immediately suppressed these thoughts and focused on refining the magic weapon again.

Zhou Cheng saw that all the materials of the sacrificial utensils had been initially refined successfully, and he immediately stretched out a sharp claw in a dragon's claw and pointed to the jade ball turned into an eggshell.

When pointing with his claws, Zhou Cheng released his strong mind and forcibly changed the jade ball into a huge canvas, a red, translucent canvas that seemed to be embroidered with countless strange patterns. Of course, this is not a real canvas, but the phenomenon that the jade ball is pressed into infinitely thin under the action of the power of mind.

The canvas formed by the jade ball is only 20 meters long and five or six meters wide. In desperation, Zhou Cheng had to mobilize a little mana to destroy the sky mirror to form a larger space, so that the canvas turned into a jade ball can be fully unfolded.

Those patterns that seem to be embroidered on the canvas are the natural array on the eggshell. This ritual weapon is to take the dragon eggshell as the most fundamental material, take this boundless as the core, supplemented by dozens of precious materials, and borrow the physical properties of dozens of materials to form the spirituality of the magic weapon.

It consumed a lot of Zhou Cheng's mind to turn the dragon eggshell into a huge canvas in an instant. Just this time, Zhou Cheng began to gasp slightly. However, fortunately, this is the underground magma world, in which there is endless fire vitality. In such a space, Zhou Cheng can easily replenish the vitality in his body, so the speed of mana and mind recovery is very fast. This invisibly made Zhou Cheng much easier.

After gasping for a few times, Zhou Cheng raised his paws and pointed to the materials that had been refined by step. Whenever the dragon's claws point to a material, the material will instantly turn into a vitality and fall on the canvas and cling to it, like melted iron water pouring to the ground. The vitality will also fall on the canvas and immediately adhere to it.

Twenty-five materials were ordered in a row to turn these materials into vitality and attach them to the canvas formed by eggshells. After all 25 materials were attached to the canvas, the canvas has lost its original color and luster and turned into a colorful palette, with various colors shining on it.

But this is not what Zhou Cheng wanted. He is sacrificing the body of the magic weapon at this time. For example, Haotian Mirror, its body is a mirror. What Zhou Cheng did at this time is to create such a 'mirror', and then use this 'mirror' as the basic to continuously integrate other materials to make the magic weapon spiritual, so that the 'mirror' becomes a magic weapon. However, the 'mirror' created by Zhou Cheng is actually a huge canvas.

Forcibly attaching various materials together does not form a magic weapon. Therefore, Zhou Cheng stopped acting after 25 materials were attached to the canvas. He controlled the transparent flame to spread towards this huge canvas, using the power of the flame to change the structure and relationship between the picture and 25 materials, to melt these still independent materials into a special and magical substance, and finally turn them into the body of the magic weapon.

It is not easy to melt the dragon eggshell and 20 materials into one substance. To be precise, it should be extremely difficult. Extremely difficult. This is equivalent to turning more than 20 materials such as wood, stone, gold, silver, copper and iron into one material. This change does not mean mixing them to form a mixture of things, but really to make them into something.

What does this mean, that is to say, these things should be sacrificed into a substance that contains 26 properties at the same time, rather than mixing twenty-six materials to form an alloy. The difference between them is so big that the two are not the same thing at all.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Zhou Cheng has been forcibly supporting, focusing all his attention on the changes of materials at any time, understanding every change of materials, and adjusting the power of transparent flames in the fastest time. The physical properties of these materials slowly merged and finally turned into a material property that contains all materials. The substance.

There are many kinds of physical properties of this substance, and these properties are not random, but should be arranged, distributed and mixed in a special way. Some of these two, or some, may even conflict or disharm well with each other. At this time, they have to be adjusted with the rest of the physical properties, so that instead of a trace of conflict between all physical properties, they form a strange cycle, promote each other, and become a perfect combination. After the promotion and promotion of different physical properties, this complex will have a phenomenon of sublimation.

After the complex physical properties in this substance are sublimated, the originally simple object selection will become something similar to a law, or the physical properties are originally a law, but it is too simple, so there is no specialness. However, the combination of this sublimation is different, and there has been a qualitative change.

The first step has finally come. The body of the magic weapon has appeared, and now it is time to condense the spirituality of the magic weapon. As long as this step is also successful, my original weapon will be refined, and I just need to continue to nourish it in the future!