
Chapter 199 The Breath of a Master

Knowing that the other party can really help him impact and promote the yuan god, Xi completely let go of his hesitation, resistance and so on in an instant.

"In contrast to the danger brought by robbing insects and beasts, promotion to the yuan god and beyond life and death is the most critical and important thing. If you don't get married, you will face the threat of death at any time.

In the face of the unpredictable situation that may be extremely dangerous or there is no opportunity to conclude the yuan god, if you can only choose one. Then perhaps most creatures, especially practitioners, will choose the latter.

If you know that when you live in this world, the next moment will never be unpredictable, and you may encounter danger every next moment. Therefore, a truly strong and sober person will be ready to face danger or even death at any time, and will have a fearless courage at any time.

So there may be some danger in going to * insects and beasts, but Xi is not really afraid. The reason why it instinctively resists is that it has no benefit corresponding to this danger. If there are enough benefits and enough benefits, even if it is allowed to do something ten times or a hundred times more dangerous than this, Xi will not hesitate at all.

In terms of benefits and benefits. Perhaps there is nothing better in the world than to let the creatures conclude the yuan gods. In addition, money, fame, status, even magic weapons, magical powers, power, etc. cannot be compared with the conclusion of a yuan god.

Money, fame and fortune are just floating clouds. Although magic weapons, magical powers, etc. can become stronger, these are just passing clouds. No matter how magical the magic weapon is, no matter how powerful it is, no matter how powerful it is, it still can't resist the rules of life and death, and can't resist the great power of nature.

However, the conclusion of the motogami is a means to detach from the rules, reverse life and death, and avoid the great power of nature. No matter what kind of creature, being able to survive is the greatest benefit and the most basic need. Only by living can you do things, whether they are good or bad. And as long as you live, there will be hope.

As long as it is a living creature, there is no one who is not afraid of death. Even animals and animals without thinking and self-awareness are afraid of death and will instinctively avoid danger and stay away from death.

Wise creatures are more afraid of death than those animals without wisdom. Moreover, the more you have and the more you see, the more you will be afraid of death, because once you die, everything you have and everything you cherish will be completely lost and forever.

For ordinary people, life is only a few decades. Except for childhood and old age, and when they work hard to survive, the time that really belongs to them is simply pitiful. In addition, ordinary people can't access the deep secrets of the world and have no powerful power, so there are often countless in their lives. Qing's pain will only feel painful after decades.

Even so, most ordinary people have the desire to live forever. However, practitioners are different. Each practitioner has strong power and can feel many mysteries in the world. Practitioners are obviously less constrained than ordinary creatures in this world, so they have great freedom than ordinary people, so they will have much less pain, more nostalgia and more desire.

In other words, creatures who can practice are more attached to the world, care more about what they have, and want more. Therefore, such creatures are more afraid of death, and their desire for immortality is a hundred times or a thousand times stronger.

So, under Zhou Cheng's **, Xi has no ability to resist at all. How can it refuse the opportunity to conclude the primordial spirit, even if it takes a risk, and even if it is an extremely dangerous experience, it will never hesitate.

Really made up his mind, Xi's attitude immediately changed greatly. It not only stopped it, but took the initiative to set out the distribution of power in the underground world it had collected so that Zhou Cheng could choose a suitable target.

Through Xi's slow explanation, Zhou Cheng finally knew the distribution of forces in the underground world: the underground world, led by the saints and spirits, occupied the hegemony of the whole underground world. In addition to these two races, there are thousands of strange and all kinds of intelligent creatures in the underground world.

Among them, the insects and beasts of the Holy Family mainly gather in the northern part of the underground world. There is a plateau that is regarded as a forbidden place by all creatures in the underground world. There is a huge gathering place for insects and beasts on this plateau. Three percent of the number of all early beasts in the underground world live here. The number is incalculable, and no one knows how many insects and beasts live here, because there has never been any creatures. Dare to approach within a hundred miles of this plateau.

For thousands of years, this plateau has become the most mysterious and horrible place in the underground world. Therefore, this place is also known as a mysterious plateau or a place of terror.

In addition to this most fundamental base camp of the holy clan, there are also many small gathering places of insects and beasts scattered throughout the underground world. These gatherings are of different sizes, and the large ones also have terrible strength, and some of them are not very strong or even very weak gathering places.

Zhou Cheng wants to find the materials used to refine the elixir, so it is impossible to go to the extremely small insect and beast tribe. Because such tribes are often newly established, and there won't be many good things, and there won't be any decent treasures and wealth. Therefore, choosing such a tribe is simply a waste of time and energy.

After speculation and discussion, Zhou Cheng finally chose a goal: a gathering place for insects and beasts less than a few miles away.

This gathering place is a large insect and beast tribe, in which nearly 2,000 insects and beasts of all kinds live. These insects and beasts are born practitioners, and each of them can practice. Of course, it is because of this that the speed of this insect beast is extremely slow when practicing, and most of the insects and beasts can only practice until the divine period in their lifetime, which is extremely difficult to break through to the divine period.

But don't forget that the number of insects and beasts is extremely large, and all of them can be practiced, so even if only a small number of them can break through the limitations of the bottleneck in the later stage of psychic period, there will be hundreds of powerful individuals in the army of 2,000 insects and beasts that have reached the divine period. And among the hundreds of powerful individuals in the divine power period, there will be more than a dozen or even dozens of real masters who have cultivated to reach the later stage of the divine power and even practice their souls.

Of course, this is only calculated by probability, and may not be accurate. However, through this speculation, it can be seen that the strength of this tribe is already quite terrible. It has many members and is very powerful, so its tribe must have a long history, otherwise it would not have developed so strong.

A tribe like this should have what Zhou Cheng needs. Moreover, although the strength of this tribe is strong, it is not strong enough to make Zhou Cheng dare not offend.

In fact, in addition to this tribe, there are many such tribes in this underground world. However, these tribes are not suitable, or the tribe is too small to waste time. If the strength of that tribe is too strong, Zhou Cheng will not have the ability to compete with such a tribe for the time being. So I chose here and there, and finally I had to choose this, which seems to be the only goal.

After selecting the target, Zhou Cheng and Xi went straight to the destination.

Less than a thousand miles away, it doesn't take much time to fly forward. In particular, Xi combined his strength with Zhou Cheng, and then destroyed the power of the virtual world to move forward quickly, which was indescribably fast.

It didn't take long for Zhou Cheng and Xi to stand 100 meters above the insect tribe. Zhou Cheng completely covered and blocked his two breath and figures with the virtual world, and then looked down.

"Good guy! Sure enough, as Xi said. Sure enough, there are 2,000 worms and beasts gathered here. Moreover, there are many extremely powerful breaths hidden in this tribe. It seems that there must be masters.

After looking at it carefully for a while, Zhou Cheng had some intuitive and visual understanding of this insect and beast tribe. There are indeed many people here, and what's worse is that there are many powerful breaths faintly emitted in this tribe.

These breaths seem to be deliberately emitted, distributed around the whole tribe, faintly protecting the four sides of the whole tribe. If an enemy comes to attack, the tribe can react at the first time no matter what the attack is.

And Zhou Cheng understood it at the moment he sensed the breath. Each breath represents a powerful practitioner, at least reaching the master of soul practice.

"So many masters in the soul training period are below to protect the safety of the whole tribe at any time, which makes it a little difficult for me to start!"

Zhou Cheng said lazily to himself. He came here to carry out * action. As soon as he saw the following situation, he immediately gave up the idea. He doesn't want to fight directly with these masters, which will lose more life and vitality, which is extremely unfavorable to him.

So, he came up with the idea of quietly lurking and then using stealing to achieve his goal.

It is not easy to lurk and steal under the eyes of many soul practice masters, and some of them are even impossible to complete. However, don't forget that Zhou Cheng has a magical weapon. With the wonderful use of the virtual world, he can complete theft without a sound and no one can find it.

After observing for a while, Zhou Cheng finally began to act. He manipulated the virtual world to completely hide himself and Xi, and then slowly descended to the tribe.