
Chapter 216 Thrilling Moment

It is said that Zhou Cheng sent Hao Tianjing out of the dark field. The dark field really turned into a black smoke and rolled away, and the trace of chasing the Haotian Mirror went away in an instant.

However, Zhou Cheng summoned up his strength and rushed to the geomagnetic layer of the sky with Xi and the giant. Xi and the giant saw that they had just got out of danger and found a chance to escape, but they didn't expect to see Zhou Cheng doing such a simple suicide, so they almost went crazy and roared sadly:

"Your Excellency, stop quickly. I can't go up, I can't go up. The geocentric magnetism in the sky is inaccessible. Once it is stained with a trace, I'm afraid we will die immediately!"

However, Zhou Cheng could not listen. After hearing the words of Xi and the giant, instead of stopping, the speed accelerated a little, like a streamer, straight to the sky.

"No! I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Since you are not kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

When Xi saw that Zhou Cheng had no intention of stopping, he couldn't help but feel great confusion in his mind. In the face of this meaningless death, Xi naturally resisted instinctively. However, the influence Zhou Cheng exerted on its heart clearly indicated the fate of its audience's death.

These two completely different thoughts exist in Xi's mind at the same time, and the two are fiercely colliding. Xi's heart is like a messy and chaotic battlefield.

Just in an instant, the desire for survival finally defeated Zhou Cheng's influence on it, so its eyes suddenly turned red, and its body emitted a crazy and hot breath. There was a feeling of explosion, as if Xi had turned into a volcano that was about to explode.

At this moment, Zhou Cheng suddenly turned around and glanced at the two monsters coldly, and then saw that the virtual world suddenly shot two rays of light on them and directly knocked them unconscious.

After the two monsters fainted, their bodies gradually became translucent, and then slowly disappeared. It turned out that it was photographed in the virtual world.

After doing this, Zhou Cheng no longer stopped and came to the bottom of the core magnetosphere in an instant, but did not really enter this magnetosphere. Instead, he stayed only 100 meters away from the magnetic layer and looked into the distance.

In fact, Zhou Cheng is sensing the situation of Haotianjing. From Haotianjing's departure from the dark field to now, it's actually only a moment, but Haotianjing has gone many miles away. However, after all, this vast mirror is a magic weapon refined by Zhou Cheng, so even if it is extremely far away, there is still some sense between the two, but when the distance is too far, the sense will gradually weaken.

However, at this time, the connection between the two is not weak to the limit, so Zhou Cheng can still drive this magic weapon from afar, and can feel the movement from afar through this magic weapon. Through this induction, Zhou Cheng found that the dark demon worm was still following Haotianjing. Haotianjing was extremely fast, but he could not get rid of the tracking of this bug.

"This greedy bug. You must pay a heavy price for your actions and blood!"

After a moment of silent induction, Zhou Cheng suddenly sent a summoning message to the magic weapon through the induction of himself and Haotian Mirror.

This information is transmitted directly to the sky mirror. After sensing Zhou Cheng's call, this magic weapon actually accelerated a little out of thin air, turning into a dark streamer flashing away, and throwing away the black smoke behind it far away.

"It's not good. I didn't expect this baby to be so difficult. Its speed is so fast that it can't be imagined. It can even accelerate now. Humph, but I've been chasing for so long, how can you escape from my hand!"

The black smoke suddenly accelerated when it saw the speed of Haotian Mirror. It was shocked first, but the next moment, the black smoke suddenly changed and turned violently, like boiling hot water, and then its speed also accelerated a lot and turned into a black light to catch up.

"It's coming!!!"

In a very faraway place, Zhou Cheng, standing quietly in the sky, suddenly opened his mouth and said something. Then he saw a crazy and sinister look in his eyes and muttered to himself, "Good job. Monster, you are ready to die. I'm here to prepare a big meal for you, but I don't know if you have such a good appetite to eat!"

After saying that, Zhou Cheng's figure suddenly disappeared completely. Not only could he not see it, but even all his breaths could not be felt, and it seemed that he had disappeared in this world. In fact, he just used the virtual world to make himself invisible.

Just finished this, you can faintly see two fast rays of light flying in the distant sky. One moment, it was still a hundred miles away, but the next moment, these two rays were close to within a kilometer. Take a closer look, isn't this the Haotian Mirror and the black smoke tracking the Haotian Mirror?

These two rays of lightning shocked the place where Zhou Cheng was just now, and then went away in an instant.

In fact, Zhou Cheng still stayed quietly in that place and had never moved at all. He watched two bright and dark lights pass in front of him, but did not react.

It's not that Zhou Cheng doesn't want to act, but because these two figures are too fast, he doesn't have time to act. However, Zhou Cheng is not in a hurry. This is expected.

When two lights passed Zhou Cheng for dozens of miles away, I saw the light in front of him, that is, the Haotianjing, flashed out of thin air and turned into a real illusion, and then disappeared in place. The next moment, it appeared a few miles behind and shuttled in the direction.

At the moment when Haotianjing disappeared out of thin air, the black light was obviously slightly stunned, but when Haotianjing appeared a few miles away from behind, the black light was felt in an instant. Then the light turned in tens of millions of seconds and jumped out again.

This glory was transformed by the dark demon worm. At that moment, when it lost its sense of the sky mirror, it was extremely shocked and incredible in its heart. Because it didn't find out how the Haotian Mirror disappeared at all. A baby who has been adding himself for so long and has driven so many roads has disappeared out of his eyes out of thin air, and he has not even noticed it at all. It would be incredible who he is.

And in the blink of the sky mirror appeared again, the demon worm was ecstatic, because it suddenly figured out why he had just failed to find out the other party's disappearance: this baby actually has the ability to shuttle through space. This is basically a power and magic power that is almost against the sky. Although this demon worm is so powerful that it can even destroy the space, it can't shuttle through the space and reach another place in an instant. Destroying space and shuttle space are two completely different abilities. If this insect gets the vast mirror, I'm afraid that its magical power will be much stronger again, and after having the ability to shuttle space, there is really no power to restrict it, and no power to restrain it.

With this discovery, of course, it is even more impossible for the bug to let go of this baby. I just want to take down the baby and take it back to myself in the shortest time, so that I can be truly invincible in the world. You know, in this underground world, although this demon worm can be called a peerless master, it can't do whatever it wants, because there are many practitioners in this underground world that it is extremely afraid of. For example, some ancient tree people who have been sleeping for many years have no less than or even more power than this bug.

Moreover, there are rumors in this underground world that some of the first generation of tree people and monsters that have existed for millions of years are sleeping in the underground world. These treemen have even approached the straight immortality and reached the eternal realm. Their power is impresumable. If these real monsters wake up, it will be a disaster, because their power is so powerful that they are powerful enough to destroy everything.

Of course, this is just a legend. This demon worm doesn't believe that there is really a creature in the world that can survive for millions of years. This is absolutely impossible. However, even if the existence of these rumors is left aside, it is all kinds of hidden creatures hidden in various hidden corners of the underground world. Although some of them are not famous, they are extremely horrible and have the power to compare with this bug. Therefore, although this worm is powerful, it is subject to various restrictions in this complex underground world. Sometimes, it is not as free as an ordinary master like Xi who only has the cultivation of the soul.

Because ordinary masters like Xi, no matter how they act, they attract at most are just some masters in the soul training period. The real master in the underground world will never disdain to find a master of soul refining, because the ordinary master of soul refining is just a slightly stronger ant in front of them.

However, if this bug can get the sky mirror, these inviolable constraints will no longer limit its behavior. Because with the ability of Haotianjing to shuttle through space, it can act recklessly, but others have no choice but to take it.

This bug thinks very well. However, how can Zhou Cheng make it go well? It can be said that Hao Tianjing is the bait released by Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng is a fisherman, and this fish is exactly the dark demon worm. Fish often pay the price of their lives if they want to eat bait.

Of course, Zhou Cheng didn't come to fish with a fishing rod, but he wanted to use the terrible geomagnetic layer above his head. After passing by the Haotian Mirror, Zhou Cheng has quietly changed the virtual world into an invisible giant painting and then extended it to the meta magnetosphere, leading some metamagnets from the meta magnetosphere to distribution around him.

And these metamagnets are hidden in the void by the virtual world, which is not unusual at all and turns into a terrible and invisible trap.

Just after doing these, I saw that the light turned into a vast sky mirror has been directly thrown into this trap. The next moment, the black light turned into the dark demon insect also hit in almost at the same time.

At the moment he hit the trap, Zhou Cheng suddenly took back the virtual world and absorbed the magnetic light stained on the Haotian mirror with the virtual world, and took the magic weapon back into his body. He also appeared in shape. He looked coldly at the black light and smoke solidified by the magnetic field by the magnetic field.

At the moment Zhou Cheng appeared, at the moment he came into contact with Yuanci, the worm suddenly realized that he had been trapped by the enemy. The metamagnet that solidified it in place eroded into its interior like mercury.

"It's not good! Damn, it's metamagnet! That humble thing can actually attract the power of metamagnetic. He is so vicious!"

Such an idea instantly turned in the worm's mind. But the situation is no longer allowed to think about it, because when Zhou Cheng withdrew the virtual world, the fixed metamagnet of the bug was attracted by the metamagnet and began to quickly recover it into the metamagnet. Seeing that the bug was about to be pulled into the metamagnet, if it was really pulled into it, even if the bug was 100 times stronger, it would die. There can be no chance of escape.

So, in a millionth of an instant, the black light turned into a bug suddenly emitted a power that made Zhou Cheng's heart palpitate, like a prison, and then burst out, trying to break up the surrounding metamagnet and escape from it.

However, since this metamagnet is called an absolute taboo, it is not so easy to deal with. After the power of the bug was emitted, although the power was powerful, it was worn and eroded by those metamagnets for a moment, and finally directly assimilated this power into a part of itself. The bug made a sad howling, and then was pulled into the magnetic layer.

Seeing it, Zhou Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this time, a drastic change suddenly occurred in the metamagnetic layer above his head, as if a strong force burst out, blowing up countless metamagnets to pieces. Unfortunately, many metamagnets rushed directly out of Zhou Cheng and trapped him in it. Zhou Cheng had not reacted yet, and these metamagnets were pulled into the metamagnetic layer in an instant, and Zhou Cheng was also forcibly brought in.

At the same time, Zhou Cheng heard an extremely sad voice in the magnetic layer: "Despicable things, if you want to harm me, I won't make you feel better. Come in and bury me. Die, I will also pull you on the road!"