
Chapter 217 Jedi Counterattack

The infinite geocentric magnetism in the underground world exists almost eternal time. This thing is the most terrible and horrible thing in the underground world. It is an absolute taboo in the whole underground world, and no creature dares to touch.

Zhou Cheng used his magical magic weapon to plot the incredibly powerful dark demon worm, and really succeeded in pulling the worm into the metamagnetic layer.

When he was pulled into the metamagnetic layer, the bug knew that he had no hope of escape. Although it is powerful, it is just a creature, just the most special and extremely powerful creature. But as long as it is a creature, how can it compete with the whole metamagnetic layer?

Perhaps, in the whole underground world, there is only one creature that can slightly touch, be immune, or even use this magnetic force, that is Zhou Cheng. And this is because he has a magic weapon stained with pure yang nature, so he can be fearless of the power of this metamagnet in some aspects.

However, Zhou Cheng never thought that after the bug was pulled into the metamagnet, he could suddenly burst out such a powerful force and smash the meta magnetosphere. And these broken and separated metamagnets instantly pulled Zhou Cheng into the metamagnet.

"Bad! I didn't expect that I would even get in after the worm! Even if I have a virtual world protection, I won't worry about my life for a moment, but if something happens, I can't guarantee it!"

At the moment he was pulled to the magnetic layer, Zhou Cheng only had time to notice the bad, but he did not have time to respond to the change. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from his original place and completely entered the horrible thing.

As soon as he entered, Zhou Cheng immediately noticed that there was an undercurrent in the metamagnetic layer. It seemed that a prehistoric monster was turning over the river not far from him, and unexpectedly brought a torrent in the metamagnetic layer. Zhou Cheng is like a flat boat, falling into the sea of storm, and there is a possibility of subversion at any time.

"That bug is terrible. They are all trapped in the metamagnetic layer and have not died yet. The power of their burst can temporarily force the surrounding metamagnets away. Humph, but, no matter how powerful the power is, it will only struggle for a while at most.

Sensing that the metamagnet not far away was surging fiercely and boiling into a strong force, Zhou Cheng couldn't help taking a breath.

You should know that this geomagnetic is not only extremely horrible and vicious, but also extremely heavy even if it is only a little bit. With a big fist, I'm afraid it has weighed thousands or tens of thousands of pounds. Falling into this meta magnetosphere is tantamount to being directly pressed by a mountain. No matter how powerful you are, under this pressure, you can only be completely suppressed, and even a movement becomes a problem, not to mention stirring the meta magnetosphere upside down.

In this core magnetosphere, due to the unimaginable pressure and the cohesion of the whole magnetosphere, even space-time is solidified. Even time and space can solidify, not to talk about other forces. However, at this moment, this seemingly impossible thing like the law of nature was forcibly broken by the bug. The power of this bug's bursting has the meaning of tying a hole in this meta magnetosphere, which is really horrible.

In this surging metamagnet, Zhou Cheng tried his best to stabilize his body. However, his power can be almost ignored compared with this metamagnetism. Although the virtual world is magical, it can only keep those metamagnets from approaching and touching Zhou Cheng, and unable to do other things.

Therefore, although Zhou Cheng tried his best to balance his figure, then slowly withdraw from the metamagnetic layer and withdraw safely before he was exhausted to save his life. However, contrary to expectations, the more he wanted to retreat, the more intense the change of the elemental magnetism became, so he gradually moved deeper into the magnetic field.

The more you go inside, the greater the movement of the metamagnetic layer. Zhou Cheng can feel that he is quickly approaching the source that causes the metamagnetic movement. Moreover, he knew that the source was nothing else, but the bug that was pulled in by himself, the dark demon worm.

It's just, I don't know why. The worm showed more than ten times more powerful than when it was outside. This power is strong enough to slightly break the elemental magnet, causing countless elemental changes. After the magnet was slightly scattered and separated, they instinctively attracted each other. When the momentum of drinking and dispersing stopped, they gathered in the middle.

However, before these metamagnets were really gathered together, the bug sent out another blow, hitting the metamagnets around it again. In an instant, the bug launched countless attacks, and the scattered vitality also wanted to gather up countless times.

After repeated cycles, the cycle, at first glance, gradually, with this bug as the center, it slowly produced a huge whirlpool, a thing formed after the rapid surge of the elemental magnetism. Affected by the whirlpool, the metamagnet further away will be slowly absorbed, so a dark current is formed in a large area, and Zhou Cheng is being driven to the center of the whirlpool by this dark current.

It's getting closer and closer. Zhou Cheng could vaguely sense that he was very close to the source of the power, but because there were dense and horrible metamagnets around, it was inconvenient for the naked eye to see through, and even the divine thoughts could not be emitted. Therefore, if you are afraid of face to face, as long as you don't have direct contact, you may not know what is in front of you. You can only rely on an instinctive feeling to make some vague judgments.

After sensing that he was infinitely close to the source of that power, Zhou Chengsheng had a strong sense of crisis. It seems that there is a prehistoric monster lurking there, waiting for the prey to approach a certain distance, and then suddenly jump out to kill the other party. At this time, Zhou Cheng felt that he was the prey.

"Why are you suddenly restless and aware that a crisis is approaching! Is it possible that the worm can not only resist the power of the earth's magnetism, but also have other power to attack me? Impossible. It is difficult to protect itself now. If it really has spare power, I'm afraid the first thing is to escape. How can you still think of me!"

Zhou Cheng's mind flashed, and he decided that the crisis was just an illusion generated by his own disorder, which was not credible. However, at the moment when his thoughts had just stopped, the metamagnet in front of him exploded out of thin air and dissipated everywhere, revealing a dark passage.

At the moment when the channel just came out, the metamagnets that had been blown out flew back one after another, and more metamagnets surged down, as if to completely block and block the channel in an instant.

Moreover, at the moment when the channel was formed, a thick and horrible giant claw suddenly flashed through the channel, grabbing and wrapping Zhou Cheng, and then saw a black light flashing on the claw, like a lightning hitting the surrounding metamagnet, slightly dispersing the metamagnet beside Zhou Cheng.

When the metamagnetic around Zhou Cheng collapsed slightly, the claw actually took Zhou Cheng back to the channel in an instant. Almost at the same time, the channel finally completely closed and turned into the inseparable metamagnet again.

Zhou Cheng only came with a surprise, and even before he understood what was going on, he found that he had come to another place out of thin air: there was a strange place in this magnetic layer, a place with a diameter of only about two meters, and there was no trace of metamagnetism in this space, which was full of There is a kind of black flame.

The flame is dark, superimposed layer by layer, and tens of millions of layers of flame support this space of about two meters, completely draining the elemental magnetism. And the flame is burning and jumping violently. Every time it jumps, the metamagnet around it will dissipate a little and rush around.

Zhou Cheng could sense that this flame was actually an extremely powerful force, and the breath of this power made him feel very familiar. This breath belongs to the bug, but somehow, the bug has become such a strange appearance at this time.

However, Zhou Cheng didn't have time to think about it, but suddenly made a grand voice in the flame and said, "You mean thing, how dare you to assassinate me. Since I have been cut off from life, how can I let you go before I die? Now I have completely ignited all my vitality and mana, only for a moment of power, enough to compete with this magnetism. I will use this power to capture you to the depths of the magnetism. Just go to the funeral and die together!"

Just after these, the sound suddenly disappeared. The black flame suddenly calmed down, but the next moment, it suddenly contracted and wanted to rush to Zhou Cheng.

Not only that, when the black flame contracted, the surrounding metamagnet was not affected by the boundary, and immediately contracted and recovered, and also squeezed Zhou Cheng.

What's more, the black flame not only did not disperse those metamagnets at this time, but introduced the metamagnets into itself, combined them, and surrounded Zhou Cheng.

When Zhou Cheng saw this, he couldn't help but be shocked and shouted, "Ah, it's not good. This bug is crazy. It chose to blow itself up before it died, exchanged its life for a moment of invincibility, and wanted to destroy me.

Zhou Cheng knew that he could never resist this attack. It can be said that this attack contains not only the invincible power obtained by the outbreak of the bug, but also the power of metamagnetic. Moreover, because the bug has ignored life and death, regardless of everything, it actively introduces the metamagnet into its own power.

Bothe forces are equally terrible. But the most terrible thing is that when they suddenly mixed together, there was an unknown mutation. The combination of the two produced an explosive reaction, which produced a hundred times stronger power than the two. After this power suddenly burst out, it was like thousands or hundreds of nuclear bombs burst out in the same place and in a sealed place, producing power and power to destroy everything.

This is the last counterattack of the bug and the most violent attack. It vowed to destroy and wipe out Zhou Cheng, who lost his life.