
Chapter 248 Jiuyin Xuandi

The woman hesitated for a long time and never had the courage to come forward. No wonder, Zhou Cheng has practiced to the Yuanshen realm and has even been stained with the fairy dragon. Even if he restrains all his breath, the rest of the creatures will still be instinctively afraid and aweed when they see it. Not to mention a mortal, even a practitioner of the soul realm will tremble in front of Zhou Cheng.

If Zhou Cheng releases his own pressure and releases all the breath of Longwei and Yuanshen, it will be even more horrible. In his realm, if all the momentum is released, it can be easily killed by countless ordinary creatures, whether human or animal. In front of practitioners in this state, there is simply no resistance, and even a trace of the other party's breath is enough to kill themselves.

Not to mention ordinary creatures, even if they are masters of soul training. As long as Zhou Cheng condenses all his breath and pressure to oppress him, he can instantly disperse the other party's soul and completely die. As soon as the idea was moved, the other party immediately died invisibly, and even prevention could not be prevented.

Of course, not every practitioner in the middle or even the late genshin can do this. On the one hand, this is due to the unfathomable and majestic cultivation. More importantly, Zhou Cheng is a fire dragon, a fiery dragon. And dragons have dragons, which is a kind of talent.

Longwei is not magical power, but once Longwei is extremely powerful, it can even produce more power than magic power. For example, Zhou Cheng's Longwei has gradually undergone some changes with the surge of his cultivation. Using Longwei to kill the enemy is just a small skill, but the real magic is that the Longwei will gradually transform, change its nature, and turn into something similar to the law of the road.

The reason why Shenlong will be promoted to Yangshen after adulthood is precisely because of the existence of dragon nature and dragon power. Dragon nature and dragon power are closely related, but they are very different. Dragon nature is a characteristic of dragons, and some of them are like immortality, which is a special state. Longwei is the specific influence of this dragon nature. Just as the road will be manifested through countless laws, dragon nature will also have its own form of expression, which is in the form of dragon power.

When the dragon practiced to the late stage of the yuan god, the dragon nature has gradually matured, so the dragon power is getting stronger and stronger, not just illusory, but transformed towards the nature of the law.

Finally, after Longwei will be completely transformed, it will condense together, combine with the dragon nature, and turn into a Taoist fruit. At this time, the dragon will enter the realm of Yuanshen's great success and achieve the fruits of the immortals.

Once it reaches the realm of the great success of the genshen, then the dragon is only one step away from the real adulthood: completely combine their own genshin Taoist fruits into one, produce a magical transformation, transform their genshin into pure yang nature, prove the true immortals, and from then on, live for a long time, disaster-free, shining with the sun and the moon, and the same heaven and earth. Longevity.

However, sometimes the distance is not small. Even an insurmountable gap is not necessarily. For example, Zhou Cheng, even if he reaches the realm of great success of the yuan god and achieves the fruits of immortals, he is still far from becoming a real immortal.

The gap between this is probably hundreds of times larger than all the difficulties in previous practice combined. Practice is like climbing high. From the beginning of psychic to Yuanshen Dacheng, it is to crawl along the hillside to the top. Although mountain roads may be difficult and dangerous, which will consume a lot of physical strength, and even have many dangers, there must be mountains to climb and roads to walk.

And the great achievement of Yuanshen is the top of the mountain of practice. Once you arrive, there is no way forward. At this time, either stand on the top of the mountain, stay still, and never move for the rest of your life. Or continue to move forward and walk forward from the top of the mountain. No matter which way you choose, you can only start to go downhill and return to the original place. What's more, there is a cliff directly ahead, and then fall to the bottom of the cliff and die.

The great achievement of Yuanshen is the top of the mountain of practice, and then Yangshen is the world on the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, if you want to take another step forward, there is no way. Therefore, it seems that the two are only one step away, but the difficulty of climbing the mountain is tens of millions of times. At this time, no matter how powerful and powerful it is, it will not play any role.

Therefore, at this time, if you want to take another step forward, you will have to make a complete change in your life form and spiritual mood, just like human beings on the mountain peaks. If you want to climb higher, you must turn into a bird and give birth to a pair of wings, so that you can Rise in the air and go up to another level of the world.

Today, Zhou Cheng is like a climber at the waist, and the woman is a person standing at the foot of the mountain. She could only look up at Zhou Cheng, who was high, and instinctively awed. Even Zhou Cheng didn't see her, or even at the foot of Yishan Mountain.

At this time, the woman was also wondering when she became so timid that she dared to deal with a stranger.

This woman's surname is Li and her name is Xiaowan. Today, I am more than 20 years old, which is the most beautiful time in my life. This woman is tall and slim. There is no more fat in the place where she should be thin, and there is no less fat in the plump place. Coupled with a pure and even some naive and beautiful face, it is really a combination of angels and demons. Anyone who sees it will praise it. Even if a woman sees it, she may be moved involuted.

"How strange! I have never encountered such a thing since I was a child. I, Li Xiaowan, can't even be afraid of a man, and I can't even have the courage to come forward to say hello!" At this moment, the woman surnamed Li couldn't help but have a strong curiosity.

In her life, especially after adulthood and sensibleness, the most indispensable thing in life is men. All time, there are countless men who throw all kinds of eyes, appreciation, greed, desire and inferiority to her every time. Of course, there are countless men who absorb her attention in strange ways.

But in my 20 years of career, I have also met a favorite man. However, Li Xiaowan has never encountered the current situation: she would show flinching in front of a man, just like those men who want to get close to themselves but are afraid of the gap between the two sides.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but suddenly understand that she had placed it far more than her own height in the invisible young man, so she was afraid. At this moment of understanding, Li Xiaowan couldn't help but be a little angry, but she couldn't help but be more curious: "Who is he? What does he do? Why is it that I just saw it for the first time and didn't know anything about the other party, but strangely thought that the other party was more noble than me and noble enough to be close to the connection!"

Zhou Cheng is facing Dushu Lake at this time, so what Li Xiaowan sees is just a little side of Zhou Cheng. In this way, only seeing a little side of Zhou Cheng, the depths of Li Xiaowan's heart seemed to be greatly shocked.

At this time, neither Zhou Cheng nor Li Xiaowan noticed something abnormal. At this time, Zhou Cheng showed his human form as a yuan god, restrained all his breath, and his whole body was nothing abnormal compared with ordinary people. Don't say that an ordinary person, even if he is a master of practice, he can't notice a special feeling in the face of Zhou Cheng. He will only think that Zhou Cheng is an ordinary person. However, Li's woman could have an abnormal feeling after seeing Zhou Cheng.

Li Xiaowan is just an ordinary person. She is indeed an ordinary person, although this woman is outstanding in appearance and elegant and charming. However, looking at the whole body, there are no signs of force flow, and there is no special phase of practice. It is just an ordinary creature with unwise wisdom.

If you regard the meticulous and special and magical sensing ability of the practitioner as a special eye. So an ordinary creature is like a blind man. Now, this ' blind man' Li Xiaowan has seen something that even practitioners with magical eyes can't see. This is extremely abnormal!

Curiosity and some hidden anger immediately diluted the fear in Li Xiaowan's heart. She gritted her teeth, stamped her little feet twice, and then bravely walked to Zhou Cheng. Two or three meters away from Zhou Cheng, she said early, "Hello, sir!"

Zhou Cheng was awakened by the sudden greeting, and then turned his head to look at the other party, as if asking the other party what he was asking him to do. Zhou Cheng's eyes seemed to have an invisible force. At this sight, Li Xiaowan was immediately fixed in place, as if her feet had taken root and could not move at all. Moreover, somehow, she suddenly panicked, as if in the other party's eyes, all her secrets were hidden, ** naked and exposed, so Li Xiaowan's face suddenly appeared two gorgeous crimson.

"Hello, you! My name is Li Xiaowan! Can I talk to you?" she said in a panicked and incoherent way. If a familiar person sees this scene, they will never believe that the noble princess-like woman would behave like this now.

seemed to be aware of her performance, and Li Xiaowan was extremely dissatisfied. In order to break this unfavorable situation, she decided to use some actions to resolve and eliminate the invisible pressure on her. Therefore, he lifted the little feet that became extremely heavy with all his strength and walked forward two steps with difficulty.

"Huh!" Zhou Cheng suddenly heard a trace of surprise and whispered, "Strange! An ordinary person can walk under the lock of my air machine, although he only took two steps. But this is impossible! Not to mention an ordinary person, even a giant elephant can only be fixed in place under my eyes!"

Zhou Cheng suddenly became curious. A trace of divine light flashed in his eyes, and then he saw everything about the woman in an instant. Whether it was every organ in the body, the first trace of flesh and blood, even every thought of the other party was displayed in Zhou Cheng's eyes one by one.

At this time, Zhou Cheng didn't seem to realize that the other party was a living beauty, let alone respect the other party, considering that the other party was also a conscious and wise creature and respected the other party. In his eyes, this kind of creature that is not even open-spirited is thousands of miles away from himself, just like an ant in the eyes of human beings. But the other party is a strange ant. So he didn't have any scruples and directly used a trace of magic power to see through everything about the other party.

"Ah! It turned out to be Jiuyin Xuantai! Strangely, since this physique has not opened its wisdom and embarked on the road of practice, why can it still live until now! This kind of physique is extremely difficult to see. If it can resolve the drawbacks of this constitution and embark on the road of practice, the future achievements are immeasurable!" After a glance, Zhou Cheng was shocked by what he saw, and then couldn't help exclaiming.