
Chapter 259 Invitation

"Joke! What a big joke. Some mortals dare to say it's good for me. Gold and silver treasures? Fame and fortune, status, beauty? No, no! These are just a pile of dung in my eyes. In addition, what other benefits can your Ji family give me? I want to listen to it. If you really make me feel moved, it's not impossible to let you go!"

Zhou Cheng is not in a hurry to kill the important person of the Ji family at this time. Zhou Cheng knew that on the one hand, the leader of Ji really wanted to** himself, but on the other hand, he was delaying the time and intending to wait for the rescue. However, how could Zhou Cheng be afraid of the rescuers of Commander Ji? In this world, except for those who have the peak masters of the later practice of Yuanshen, how can the rest enter Zhou Cheng's Dharma eyes? And even if it is a peak master in the later stage of the Yuanshen, it is absolutely impossible to save a mortal in Zhou Cheng's hands.

You should know that Zhou Cheng's own cultivation has reached the middle of the yuan god and may break through to the later stage at any time. As a dragon, the yuan god evolved with a virtual world stained with pure yang nature. His strength, magic power and ordinary practitioners are a little greater than ordinary practitioners. Therefore, even the practitioners in the later stage of the yuan god can equalize with Zhou Cheng at most.

Not to mention the foundation of Zhou Chengyuan God: there is also an ancient tree man in the virtual world. This tree man's cultivation is even much higher than Zhou Cheng's current cultivation. With two in one, Zhou Cheng can even fight against the Yuanshen's great and complete immortals without falling behind.

Therefore, unless the Ji family invites a fairy, it is impossible to threaten Zhou Cheng at all. However, the earth immortals can't be contacted by a mortal family like the Ji family. Even, there are two things about whether there are immortals in today's earth world.

"I don't know how it can be so unlucky today. It's simply covered with dark clouds and unlucky. How can it be such a bad star! It really cheated me. Not only was my Honghuang account stolen by this guy, but also my life may not be saved! Damn, damn it!"

At this time, Group Leader Ji was so upset that he almost lost his mind and only felt that he was extremely unlucky. You should know that with the strong fighting meaning and talent of the Honghuang, the leader of Ji has become a legendary figure in the whole mecha world. His ability to fight is really earth-shaking. He is invulnerable, not afraid of ghosts and gods, and can even slaughter gods and kill demons, even many of them died in his hands during the soul practice period. Ordinary practitioners are completely vulnerable in front of him. The soaring fighting spirit alone can suppress ordinary practitioners with their magic power and magical powers, and no means can be used. Even if he is a master of soul training who can fly away, his body will be killed in the air and be killed on the spot.

"What level of practitioner is this guy, and what position is he in in his practice? It's so horrible. It is estimated that he is at least a peerless master in the later stage of soul training. No, although the practitioners in the later stage of soul training are powerful, I can still compete. No matter how bad it is, if I want to escape, I will not have the ability to fight back as now. Is it possible that he is the kind of living immortal who has concluded the yuan god and transcended life and death!"

Chief Ji vaguely guessed Zhou Cheng's identity, so his heart beat wildly, and a heart immediately became hot, beating extremely fast, and his heart almost jumped out of his heart.

"I actually offended a living fairy, which is not good. This is a big disaster! Once this living immortal is detached from life and death, it will be a disaster. I'm afraid that my Ji family will be catastrophically destroyed. If you are only a practitioner in the soul practice period, even if you are a master in the late stage of soul practice, my Ji family certainly has some scruples, but you are not afraid. If you must pay a little price, you can completely kill this practitioner. However, the living immortals in the Yuanshen period have transcended life and death, and they can't kill them even if they want to kill. The horror of magical power and magic power is simply unimaginable. No, I must resolve the conflict with this person, otherwise I'm not afraid that I'm going to die today, and even the whole Ji family will bury me!"

It was not until then that Chief Ji was really scared. Because when he realized Zhou Cheng's identity, he knew that everything he relied on had been completely scrapped. The Ji family may be able to deter practitioners in the soul practice period, and in front of this living immortals who are detached from the law of life and death, nothing can stop each other's behavior and will except more powerful power.

However, it is different from ordinary people. Although Chief Ji was afraid at this time, he was more of a faint excitement and excitement. A crazy idea couldn't help jumping out of his mind and became countless times stronger in an instant.

"A living fairy, a real legend! It really appeared in front of me, which made me lucky to come into contact with it. If my Ji family can have some relationship with this living immortal, maybe I can get great benefits. As soon as I want to attract him to my Ji's house, it's worth the cost. As long as there is a living fairy in my Ji family, I will be carefree from now on, and the power will definitely expand a lot.

Group leader Ji is indeed a powerful figure who came out of such a super family as the Ji family. He clearly knew that he had offended an infuriable existence and was scared to death, but what appeared in his mind most was how to pull Zhou Cheng into his family.

"If I can be recruited into the family, I'm afraid that my status and influence in the family will completely surpass anyone else. I will become the new generation in power of the Ji family! No, with the deterrent power of a living fairy, maybe I can take the Ji family to annex the other super families and become the real masters of this land!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he was, and his face flushed with excitement, as if he had forgotten his fear.

"What? Can't you say anything that moves me? It seems that what you said is just teasing me!" Zhou Cheng saw that the leader Ji looked a little abnormal and didn't say anything for a long time, so he reminded the other party.

"Ah!" Leader Ji suddenly woke up from a beautiful dream. Only then did he realize that although he thought well, the other party was a supernatural figure who was detached from life and death and could be extraordinary. Can he really attract it? At this moment, he suddenly hesitated.

"I, a mortal, actually want to recruit immortals to serve myself. This is a taboo thing. I'm afraid that once I show this intention, the other party will immediately bombard me to death!"

The more powerful the existence, the more freedom is. And how can a immortal figure who is detached from life and death serve a mortal? Just like a person can't survive according to the will of an ant.

"Fight! Anyway, it's dead. If I can't recruit him now, this guy will definitely kill me. If you die, you may have a chance to succeed. Even if there is only one-in-10,000 chance, only success, I can not only save my life, but also achieve a great cause and become a legend through the ages!"

In an in an eyes, Team Leader Ji has made a decision. His face suddenly turned whole, and he said to Zhou Cheng with an extremely sincere and humble attitude, "Ji Shaoqing, the younger generation, has just offended the senior. The younger generation dare not ask for forgiveness. The younger generation dare not deceive you! The senior wants to kill me, so I have no complaints. However, I just hope that the seniors will not be involved in my Ji family.

"Oh! What about your so-called benefits? Do you want to calm my anger with death? Zhou Cheng looked at each other coldly. In fact, how could any idea of this leader Ji escape Zhou Cheng's eyes?

"I know that as a mortal, how can there be anything that can enter your eyes? However, I have a request that the senior can let me say it, otherwise I won't close my eyes even if I die. Leader Ji said in a sad tone.

"Request? You want me to serve your Ji family, right? No, you want me to serve you and want me to be your thie!"

Zhou Cheng suddenly said coldly. At once, he was deranged by the leader of Ji. He hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a reason. Finally, he seemed to make up his mind, calm down and said, "Nothing can escape the eyes of the predecessor. I dare not let you be my threshing. However, I sincerely want to invite my predecessors to come to my Ji's house. My Ji family must regard them as the most respectful and polite, and I dare not have any restrictions on my predecessors.

"Let the dragon-like existence integrate into the world of ants and be with ants all day long. Is this the benefit you mentioned?" Zhou Cheng's palm moved slightly and seemed to be about to kill Team Leader Ji.

Although Chief Ji said it well, it was really worth killing himself, so he immediately said quickly, "No! Although I am a mortal, the world has changed. Practitioners will definitely decline, which is an irrevocable trend under the operation of heaven. From now on, we ordinary people will be the real masters of the world! Moreover, even practitioners need all kinds of resources in today's society, but these things are in the hands of mortals. If you can fully support a super family, it will be of great help to practice!"

Zhou Cheng's action suddenly slowed down. This guy seems to know something secret! Otherwise, how can a mortal know the decline of practice? Even I have just noticed the change in luck between practitioners and human beings. And I don't know the real reason. But after listening to this guy's words, it seems that he understands some inside information!"

My heart moved and thought to myself, "Maybe I can really lie dormant in the Ji family in this secular world, and maybe I will find something. Since human beings want to monopolize the luck of the whole world, the Ji family, as a super family, will certainly be involved. If you lie dormant in this Ji's house, you may find something! If you can find out the real beginning and the inside story before the real arrival of the catastrophe, then you can definitely avoid danger and even take the opportunity to get benefits!"