
Chapter 260 Servant

Ji Shaoqing has completely lost his despair. He felt that his efforts had failed. Originally, he held the attitude of striving for wealth and danger, so he was very calm. Now when the anger in my heart is released, my spirit is immediately defeated and I am paralyzed to the ground.

As the head of a mecha corps, Ji Shaoqing is a legendary figure among mecha warriors. He has a large number of mecha warriors. Even in the whole human world, he must be a figure, an amazing figure. However, now his face is gray, his whole body trembles slightly, and there is only despair and an inexplicable fear in his eyes.

"No, I don't want to die! I am still so young, because as an important figure in the Ji family, even in the whole human world, no, even ordinary practitioners can't compare with me. If you die, everything will be lost. There is no such thing as Ji Shaoqing in the world!"

At this time, Zhou Cheng turned his palm into a finger and gently pointed to Ji Shaoqing, with a trace of light and a slight hazy atmosphere between his fingers.

This light and the hazy atmosphere instantly entered Ji Shaoqing's body. Ji Shaoqing immediately felt a sharp pain of tearing from his body. It seemed that every cell and every trace of flesh and blood were crushed and shattered little by a powerful force, and his whole body turned into nothingness in an instant and spread into the void.

"Ah! It hurts me too!"

I don't know how long it took, Ji Shaoqing suddenly let out a roar and jumped up from the ground.

"Huh? Why am I free! Didn't I kill by that practitioner, and even my body was completely destroyed?" Ji Shaoqing suddenly realized that something was wrong when he jumped four or five meters high. With amazing in his heart, he immediately looked around and forgot that he was still in the air, so he fell to the ground and fell to the mud.

But he didn't care about his image at all. Instead, after he fell, his body suddenly bounced up like a spring, turned around, and put on a defensive and aggressive posture. Zhou Cheng stood quietly in front of him and looked at him with cold eyes.

"If I want to kill you, do you still have a chance to resist? Even if I blow a breath, I can kill you countless times!" Zhou Cheng said coldly.

Seeing Zhou Cheng suddenly speak, Ji Shaoqing instinctively took a step back. Yes! I'm not dead! Didn't he want to kill me just now? If he really wanted to kill me, I would have died. By the way, since the other party did not kill, does it mean that I have successfully lured the other party ""

I looked at my own state at a high speed. Ji Shaoqing opened his mouth wide. He suddenly found that there was a huge change in him. The most obvious thing is that my physical fitness has improved a lot out of thin air, which is just several times stronger.

The reason why she said this is that Ji Shaoqing realized that she had just jumped gently and was four or five meters high from the ground, which was completely beyond the limit of ordinary people. Even if he was originally a legend among mecha warriors, his physical quality is already very powerful, but it is the limit that he can jump about two meters from the ground with the power of his body. Now, my random movement has far exceeded the previous limit.

On the other hand, he found that he had just fallen from four or five high places without any injury. Without a trace of abrasion, the skin of his body is like an armor, which easily offsets the impact of falling from a height of four or five meters.

Not to mention this, what's more important is that Ji Shaoqing seems to have a magical change in his body. His vision, hearing and other five values have been greatly improved. At the same time, he is extremely energetic and seems to have inexhaustible energy and inexhaustible physical strength.

"This? What's going on! How come after a burst of severe pain, my physical fitness has been strengthened so much! No, this must be that guy's hands and feet! However, instead of killing me, he will also benefit me. There seems to be something wrong with this!" Ji Shaoqing thought to himself that he was instinctively a little uneasy. Because he knew that he was trying to recruit a fairy character, but the other party not only did not kill him, but gave him great benefits, which was completely unreasonable. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. How could Ji Shaoqing not understand? Was he also thinking about me when I was thinking about him? However, what does I, a mortal, need to seek in this way? He can take everything, even my life, at any time!"

"Are you strange? It's strange why I didn't kill you, but rewarded you with benefits!" Zhou Cheng had a subtle insight into Ji Shaoqing's thoughts and directly broke the other party's thoughts.

did not mean to let the other party answer. Zhou Cheng continued: "I don't kill you because I'm attracted by the benefits you said. To a mortal, everything you have is meaningless to me. Do you know what I just did?"

Ji Shaoqing's face suddenly changed and realized that it was not good. Sure enough, Zhou Cheng continued: "I have strengthened your body and spirit. From then on, you will become stronger, and your life expectancy will be greatly extended, which will completely exceed the limits of ordinary people. However, this benefit cannot be obtained in vain. From now on, you will be my slave and my servant!"

"What! Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

Ji Shaoqing's face suddenly turned red, as if the blood all over his body concentrated on his skin in an instant. His hair stood upside down in an instant, like an angry lion, trying to choose someone to eat.

Thinking about it, you can understand that Ji Shaoqing was born in a super family like Ji's family, and he is a legendary figure among mecha warriors. No matter from childhood to now, all of them have been worshipped. Moreover, in this era, everyone advocates freedom, and words such as slaves and servants have been gradually forgotten, which will only appear in distant legends and historical records. Therefore, after hearing Zhou Cheng's words, how can Ji Shaoqing not be angry?

However, Ji Shaoqing did not have the intention to work hard, because he knew that he was not qualified at all. But he had the idea of breaking himself, so he bit his tongue and had to suicide on the spot. However, he didn't expect that his teeth had just touched his tongue, but his whole body suddenly stiffened, just like petrifying magic.

"You are already my servant, your life and death, everything about you, even your spirit, belongs to me. How dare you commit suicide without my consent! If you want to die, ask me if I will agree!"

Seeing that the other party was going to suicide, Zhou Cheng sneered and said extremely coldly what made Ji Shaoqing collapse. Ji Shaoqing was motionless, his eyes wide open, and a trace of bright red blood flowed out.

Can't move, can't speak, can't survive, can't die. Ji Shaoqing was desperate. He felt that this was the greatest torture in the world. But I have no ability to resist.

"Die! Go to hell. Damn God, please show mercy and let me die!"

Howling crazily in the bottom of my heart. Ji Shaoqing suddenly heard Zhou Cheng say, "My servant, in fact, you should feel lucky!" It is your greatest honor to be my servant. As my servant, you don't need to do anything for me at all. You are still the leader of your mecha corps and the core member of your Ji family. There will be no damage to your life. On the contrary, as my servant, when you encounter something that can't be solved, you can even ask for my help!"

Zhou Cheng kept **: "Think about it, you just have one more reputation. There is no loss to you, on the contrary, you will gain more power and power! As for the fame and fortune you think are even more within reach, even if you leave your name for thousands of years, it is no longer just a dream!"

"Yes! It's just one more reputation, but you can get so many real benefits. Why not do it?" Under Zhou Cheng's magic voice**, Ji Shaoqing's thoughts began to be confused, and he couldn't help talking with Zhou Cheng.

"Have you ever thought about how long you can live as a mortal? Once the limit arrives, no one can save it. No matter how powerful the power is, no matter how high the reputation is, no matter how strong the power is, what can it be? In the end, it will still return to the dust.

Seeing that the other party gradually wavered, Zhou Cheng then added a fire. This sentence was like Hong Zhong Dalu, who suddenly woke up Ji Shaoqing.

"Yes. There is always a death. No matter how majestic you are when you are born, it is the same when you die. What can I do if I try so best to gain power? Can I still use this power to help me live!"

"You can't! But I can give you a long life! My servant, as long as you are loyal enough, I can keep you alive! This is the greatest benefit of being my servant. Don't resist anymore!" Zhou Cheng's voice is getting louder and louder, just like the sound of heaven and earth. It's really loud. The flesh and ears can no longer hear it, but directly transmit it to the depths of the other party's spiritual thoughts.


Ji Shaoqing suddenly turned over and knelt down in front of Zhou Cheng and shouted 'master' respectfully. At this time, he has fully admitted the fact that he has become someone else's servant, and he has no objection at all.

"Okay, okay! Get up!" Zhou Cheng waved his hand gently, and Ji Shaoqing stood aside respectfully. At this time, only the air around them shook slightly.

It turned out that Zhou Cheng had just used his magic power to block the surroundings, and outsiders could not see, hear or sense what had just happened. The reason for this is that Zhou Cheng doesn't want anyone to know that Ji Shaoqing has become his servant.

Zhou Cheng wants to enter Ji's family through Ji Shaoqing, so as to try to find the behind-the-scenes manipulator who manipulates countless races, all creatures and the luck of the whole world. He is convinced that there must be some clues in the superfamily that controls human society.

However, Zhou Cheng also vaguely guessed that even if he could find some clues in the superfamily of human beings, he might not be able to really uncover this worldly mystery. But how can he let it go? Even if it's just a glimmer of hope, you have to make every effort.

And Zhou Cheng had to be extremely careful about the black hand behind the scenes, and even blatantly explored the other party's secrets. You can only drive a nail into the human superfamily and carefully find the answer you want.