ghost monk

Chapter 211 Persistence

Chapter 211 Persistence

"Wenshan, the eight gas-reds you gave are based on the market value, that is, 12 million spiritual beans. Of course, for the rare situation of Juqidan, the price is often much higher than the general market price. For such things, it is the rule of many stores. Your gas gathering elixir is 15 million spiritual beans. I don't know what you think.

At this time, Jiang Yi looked at Wenshan and said with a smile. For Jiang Yi at this time, it is very similar to seeing whether Wenshan himself knows the true value of not a gas elixir. After all, for the special existence of the gas elixir that suddenly appeared in front of him, I don't know that Wenshan really wants to pass on such news through this Xuanyuan house. It is Taixuanzong who shows off his powerful side.

It's still the personal behavior of the personal disciples of Taixuanzong like Wenshan. The key is whether Wenshan really knows the value of this gas elixir. After all, if even Wenshan doesn't know the value of his gas elixir, the credibility of this is high.

After all, the information between large sects is very well-informed. Wenshan's body with such a pure gas elixir was not found from other disciples of Taixuanzong. After all, there are also undercover agents among large sects. The news found out by such an undercover agent is the most reliable news.

For such undercover agents, many of them are sent to other sects every year. For the undercover agents sent there, there are outstanding talent and half of them. Even the worst. Of course, the treatment of such undercover agents is very good, and they are also very caring for these undercover families. Their purpose is only to explore the news of other sects.

In the mountain gate of righteous people, this kind of behavior is also very common. For large sects, it is even more known to everyone. Even if you know that the other party is undercover, the general large sect will not expose it. Some news is sent through these undercover agents to spread the news of the true strength of their sect and the side they want to show to the world.

Of course, for a large sect like Taixuanzong, for them, it is also a means of protection. At least to a certain extent, they can truly protect the core secrets of their sects. The protection of the core secrets of one sect is not really explored by other sects.

For other sects, it is impossible to really send the powerful ancestors of the realm to explore other sects. If you really do this, the worst result will be a direct war by this sect. After all, for the identity of undercover, small people are acquiesced between large sects. Of course, for ancestor-level figures in a life-threatening realm, it is difficult to acquiesce in such an identity.

After all, for a real big sect, there are certain rules for many things. Once such rules are really broken, it is really not a good thing for such a sect. After all, it is rare for such a sect to have a good development.

Of course, there are still many things that are necessary. There is a certain degree of control over many things. For the conditions under the direct effect of such a thing, it is very unfluous for the current method of such a method.

For the real strength of the demon Youji of Taixuanzong, except for the real high-level knowledge of Taixuanzong, everything is confidential. If it hadn't been for helping Wenshan, Tianmo Youji would not have used her strength in the realm of immortality. After all, the status of Tianmo Youji's eternal realm is very respectable in Taixuanzong. In the world of cultivation, it is also worthy of respect.

is exactly like this. For the growth of the strength of Tianmo Youji, it has taken a step forward on the basis of the peak strength. On this basis, the influence of the whole sect of Taixuanzong has been further upgraded to a level of existence. The Taixuan Sect, the existence of the eternal giants in the original realm of immortality, is far more important than the three ordinary sects.

However, the current Wenshan is a breakthrough in the true sense, which is a real transformation effect on many things on the basis of the original. For this effect, in many cases, it can still have a greater breakthrough.

The strength of Tianmo Youji really indicates the strength of the whole Taixuanzong and the real rising side of the whole Taixuanzong. That's exactly what happened, so for the important news of this, the original Taixuanzong's behavior was hidden. Therefore, no matter how in-depth the spy is, it is impossible to really come into contact with the secrets of the core of a sect.

For the existence of such a gathering elixir in Wenshan's hand, it may also be the core secret of Taixuanzong. It is very likely that his own disciples like Wenshan don't know it. After all, for their own disciples, especially those who suddenly emerge like Wenshan and are also appreciated by Tianmo Youji, it is also a very common phenomenon to have such a high-purity gas gathering elixir. After all, Wenshan has such a talent that is really worth supporting.

is exactly like this, so for Wenshan, whether he really knows the real value of the eight gas-gathering elixir he gave is the real basis for judging whether the secret of gas-gathering elixir is really popular in the whole Taixuanzong.

"You really think I'm a fool, and my energy pill is really worth your level of junk." For a temptation in Jiang Yi's tone, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts can have a sharp alertness. Although Wenshan did not know the purpose of this kind of temptation like Jiang Yi, Wenshan knew that he could not answer at will.

After all, Wenshan knows that in such a shop is not an ordinary shop, which is exactly like this. Therefore, for Wenshan, in such a shop, he is facing one of the four major sects. At the same time, he is the identity of the chief personal disciple of the sect, and it is also the whole Xuan. The existence of the first person of the sect.

Therefore, there is often a deep chain problem in the seemingly simple problem, and there is basically a big gap for such a chain problem.

is also like this, so for a kind of mental state now, it still needs a real breakthrough effect to a large extent. That's right, so for Wenshan now, he can still have a good feeling.

For Wenshan under the current state, he completely does not know many articles in the world of cultivation. After all, the exercise time in the world of cultivation is still very short. Wenshan can only deal with Jiang Yi in front of him carefully.

For Wenshan's performance, Jiang Yi basically knows that Wenshan knows the value of his gas elixir. For such news, it shows that Taixuanzong has really developed such a valuable and pure gas-gathering elixir. Jiang Yi still believes that Taixuanzong can have such a ability. After all, for Taixuanzong, which is the head of the four major sects, the appearance of the current Tianmo Youji, for the future development, the dominant situation of the Taixuanzong family will soon come.

For Taixuanzong, although it is a dominant situation, this is for sure. However, for the future, a lot of clues can be seen for such a development of Taixuanzong in the future. That's why there are still good conditions for some things.

With the existence of such a gathering elixir, it would be too easy for Taixuanzong to really create a young generation of masters. But now I don't know whether this Taixuanzong can produce such a pure gas elixir. If the production and condensation pills in a year are just dozens, it will not have much impact on other major sects. Of course, from the perspective of such a development trend, the research on such elixir will increasingly widen the gap with other sects.

"In our floor, the value of the equipment is 18 million spiritual beans. The value of this should be equivalent to your eight gas elixirs. Of course, if you can buy so much valuable equipment from us, of course, it is a 20% discount.

The value of 18,000 is 20% off the value of 1440 million spiritual beans. For your eight gas elixirs, our Xuanyuan House will give 200 more Lingdou. What do you think of this? In this way, Xuanyuanwu apologized for our attitude just now. I hope Brother Wenshan doesn't mind like this. After all, our sects are very friendly.

For the current Jiang Yi, she is very sure that Wenshan should know the value of such a gas elixir. Under the situation of knowing the value of such a gas, Jiang Yi does not dare to really determine anything. The price is also a regular existence. There is not much water. I just thought that Wenshan didn't understand the market. For such a business, it seems that Wenshan owes a favor from Xuanyuan House. In fact, Xuanyuan House made more money.

"Five million spiritual beans, plus the equipment outside." Wenshan added three million spiritual beans to the conditions mentioned by Jiang Yi in front of him. At this time, Wenshan can judge from the joy in Jiang Yi's eyes that this business is definitely a big profit in front of Xuanyuan House.

Coupled with such a business you have made, is it just a 20% discount? Wenshan is very suspicious of this point. That's exactly the case, so for the current Wenshan, it directly rose by three million Lingdou at the basic price.

For such a rise, it has basically determined the existence of Wenshan's inner thoughts. After all, for business, we still need to raise more prices. For Wenshan, he also crawled up from the bottom in a real sense. That's exactly how it is, so I'm quite familiar with this kind of trick.

is also like this, so for the current state, there can still be a good choice. That's right, so for the current state, it can still be very selective.

For Wenshan's such a sentence, and for Jiang Yi, such a sentence can already show the existence of Wenshan's attitude. After all, for Wenshan, this is the price. I don't know about Wenshan, so Jiang Yi doesn't know if Wenshan has other prices.

Although the price is like this, it is a bit of a loss for Xuanyuan House. After all, it is a pure elixir like Wenshan. According to the auction value, it is the existence of a gas elixir of two million Lingdou. So for the existence of the eight gas elixirs in front of us, that is, the value of 16 million spiritual beans. At this time, Wenshan discounted the goods of the whole hall on the first floor, plus five million spiritual beans, and converted them into about 20 million spiritual beans.

For this time, Xuanyuanwu has at least four million more spiritual beans. However, for such eight spiritual beans, it is important news for Xuanyuan House. For Wenshan's behavior. I don't know if I really want to buy such a pure elixir for Xuanyuanwu.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, the price given by Wenshan is not the current price obtained by Wenshan from this Xuanyuan house. However, Wenshan's eight gas gathering elixir is what Xuanyuan House wants to get now. Research value is very important.

And if the senior management of Xuanyuanzong gets such a elixir, it is estimated that they will not care about the gap between four million Lingdou. After all, for such a business, the value of the news is more important than the value of the goods themselves.

For the two people who were still chatting at this time, they are thinking about the problems in front of them with their own minds. For such a business now, everyone is considering their own gains and losses. For your own profit. On the basis of Jiang Yi's bargaining, Wenshan did not loosen the best decision.

The best transaction price is five million Lingdou and all the physical equipment on one floor. For such a situation, both buyers and sellers get the benefits they want. For such a phenomenon, it is the most cost-effective situation.

Of course, there is no way for Wenshan at this time. After all, Wenshan can't raise the price without a goal. Although Wenshan can't wait to make such a business from Jiang Yi. Wenshan doesn't know what Jiang Yi's ultimate goal is.

I don't know what Jiang Yi's ultimate goal is to make such a business. After all, if there is no such reasonable price, it is really not so easy for Wenshan. That's right, so Wenshan doesn't really think too much about at this time. After all, Wenshan didn't think of what Jiang Yi thought at all. For the temporary Wenshan, he still made a small fortune.

The original Jiang Yi is going to help Wenshan deliver goods. But I didn't expect that Wenshan would directly hold the storage bag and directly collect all the goods in the whole first floor. In this case, there is no need for Jiang Yi to deliver the goods. Of course, Jiang Yi originally helped Wenshan deliver goods, but she just wanted to explore more secrets.

After all, for Jiang Yi now, his curiosity about Wenshan has not decreased much. Under the condition of being able to take out eight gas pills, and the whole person has no heartache. For so many resources purchased by Wenshan, you can see what Wenshan is preparing for.

But is it really a good thing to spend so many resources on one handyman disciple? After all, no matter how much resources are spent on a small miscellaneous disciple, if the last threshold cannot completely improve their strength into the realm of gathering, it is obviously unwise to spend such a thing.

For such behavior, unless Wenshan is really crazy, or Wenshan has a lot of money. However, in the secular world, such equipment is really useful. After all, in the secular world, the real combat effectiveness is a collection of physical strength. Therefore, it makes sense for Wenshan to really buy these equipment for the Shen family's guards.

Of course. In many cases, you can still see some famous ones. After all, for many things, it's really not that simple. After all, for many things, there can really be a clear distinction. For such a distinction, for Wenshan now, it is really not difficult.

After all, if Taixuanzong uses such a batch of equipment, unless Taixuanzong really increases the output of Taixuan Jindan, the cultivation of the strong can be carried out in advance. Otherwise, more sects will focus their work on training foreign disciples. After all, for the disciples of the outer door, their strength has reached the state of cohesion, which is the most favorable side for the development of the sect.