ghost monk

Chapter 212 Articles

Chapter 212 Articles

For Wenshan to take out more luxurious storage bags, the existence of such storage bags is basically rare. After all, for such a storage bag, it is really an affordable thing that the ancestors can buy and use. For a chief disciple like Wenshan, he may not be able to afford it.

Of course, it is really right for the richness of the eight gas-gathering pills just now and Wenshan's financial resources. For the resources in Wenshan's hand, so that Wenshan's strength can be so strong. It can completely explain a lot of problems, that is, Wenshan's true wealth can be seen.

At this time, before Wenshan went out, I got a golden card, which is private for such a golden card. Not a group. For such cards, there are two differences: private and group. The card of the group can be used by members of the group. When using it, show the sign and evidence that you belong to this group. For this one in Wenshan's hand, it is completely personal. For such a private personal card, there is nothing on it, and some are just the consumption level of the card.

Of course, Wenshan also knows that in such a Xuanyuan house, such a golden card is already very high. However, on top of this, there are still more advanced cards waiting for Wenshan. Of course, if you want to get such a qualification, you basically need to consume here to meet such standards.

The existence of such a negative attitude has basically concluded a lot.

After all, Xuanyuanwu doesn't want Wenshan's low-key behavior again. If Wenshan enters Xuanyuan House and presents such a golden card, he will receive the same hospitality as today. No matter what the strength is. At least the strong man in the divine stage entertained Wenshan, at least he would not offend a demon like Wenshan.

That is, after Wenshan left such a Xuanyuan house, Wenshan walked directly to the Beiyunjian Tavern. At this time, for the whole Beiyunjian Tavern, it is the only place to go in Wenshan now. Wenshan doesn't want to really pick out the whole cloud. Wenshan thinks he doesn't have such strength. Even if this other cloud ancestor is not in such a city, it is not so easy to provoke the other cloud established by an ancestral-level figure in a deadly realm.

For the current Wenshan, since the little old man has promised to kill Zhang Zhen, the purpose of Wenshan's coming here has been achieved, and he will immediately send the equipment he bought to the little old man. In this way, for Wenshan, his task will really be completed.

That's exactly how it is, so for Wenshan now, it's really not a big deal. For Wenshan now, it is really an improvement in a certain sense.

That is, the next day, Wenshan had already gone out of the clouds. For the whole pub in Beiyunjian, no news about Zhang Zhen was heard at all. After all, for Zhang Zhen's master of the intermediate stage of divine power, his superb strength is likely to be a real retreat at any time and find an opportunity to break through his own strength. That's exactly how it is, so the current death of Zhang Zhen was well concealed by Xuanyuanzong.

For Wenshan, the effect is very good. After all, Wenshan did not really expect the news of killing Zhang Zhen to be really covered up, that is, to release such news now, for Wenshan, it mainly affects his upcoming task.

It is precisely because of this reason, so for Wenshan now, what he really cares about is the time constraints. There is not much time to delay.

That is, after the news of Zhang Zhen was released, after all, the old man's news needs to be well hidden. In addition to other clouds, while Wenshan kept chasing the old man, all his mental thoughts were released, afraid that he would be monitored by someone.

After all, it is difficult to keep the existence of Xuanyuanzong's master and monitor yourself after you come out of Xuanyuan. Of course, the degree of strength of Wenshan's spiritual idea exists, so this kind of surveillance is directly ignored by Wenshan. Unless it is a master of the real life-threatening realm to monitor Wenshan.

Of course, Wenshan believes that with the existence of a small person like himself, he will not really cause a master of the desperate realm to visit at all, that is, a master who really has such a deadly realm. Even if he really knows the identity of this old man, he is to help this old man kill Zhang Zhen. That said, there won't really be any unnecessary trouble.

is also the existence of such a reason, so for the current Wenshan to be so relaxed in such an environmental situation, it is really such a thought. Of course, there will be no unnecessary trouble. Of course, for Wenshan at this moment, there are many more needs. What is needed is the real rigor of Wenshan for what he is going to do at this time.

For now, Wenshan has a large number of condensation pills in his hands. Therefore, the goal of the Shen family is to truly cultivate the escort belonging to the Shen family. A real demand for the strong man at the peak of the nine-stage martial arts saint. After all, the characters from the Shen family are simply separated from the real mountain gate and sect.

In addition, when the Shen family truly merges with the top ten rich families, then the Shen family will become the representative of the real number one in the secular world of the whole Hanwu Dynasty. For the existence of such representative figures, for the existence of such a figure What is said is completely comparable.

is also a situation like this. For the current state, it is completely a change to a large extent.

It is precisely considering that Xuanyuanzong will not really send a master to supervise himself. For others, at least in the face of other things, they should still have a good prospect for development. That's right, so for the current situation, it can really explain a lot of problems.

This is exactly the case, so for this time, it is impossible for Jiang Yi in Xuanyuan House to have a spiritual idea that surpasses Wenshan. In addition to the ancestor-level figure in the realm of life-threatening cultivation, it is really not a very common phenomenon to surpass the existence of Wenshan above the spiritual mind. That's exactly what happened, so Wenshan really met this old man on the way to the Holy Capital without any awareness.

Judging from the mental state of this old man, he is very haggard for this old man now. When the old man saw Wenshan appear, he fell to his knees and knelt down to the ground. He knelt down to Wenshan. After all, for the old man, for the Wenshan in front of him, it is a kind of sustenance in the true sense.

After all, for the Wenshan in front of him, it can really help this old man and kill Zhang Zhen. At this time, Lao Er attached all his hopes to Wenshan, waiting for Wenshan's reply.

At this time, when the old man saw Wenshan again, whether his deep hatred had been revenged or not, he was waiting for Wenshan's words. For the old man, this is completely enough. After all, since Wenshan has promised to kill Zhang Zhen, he must be able to kill him. Otherwise, he can completely not fulfill his agreement by Wenshan's means.

After all, his promise to Wenshan has been fully fulfilled by Wenshan. It is also the existence of such a result. Therefore, for the current Wenshan, it can also conform to the regulations. It is exactly this way, so for the current situation, it is not available in many places.

This is exactly how it is. For some things, many times it needs to be changed in the real sense of Wenshan. However, no matter when, Wenshan's whole behavior is very extreme at this time. After all, there is still the ability to recognize people. Since Wenshan has really been identified in this way, for the current stage, for Wenshan, it is basically certain that such an answer is.

"Kill." It was at this time that Wenshan threw a body beside the old man. It was when Laoer's eyes stared at the corpse in front of him that his tight nerves were really released. For the enemy I have always hated in front of me, when a corpse suddenly appeared in front of me, the whole nerve of the old man suddenly seemed to be relieved.

I was looking forward to what Wenshan could say. However, when he saw the body on the ground, the old man in front of him understood everything. There is no meaning to say anything else. That's exactly what it is, so for Wenshan at this time, it can basically clearly determine that Wenshan's promise to Laoer has been fulfilled.

I don't know why Wenshan can help himself like this. However, for such a trustworthy person, the little old man is not that kind of ungrateful person. It was also like this. When Wenshan really helped him kill Zhang Zhen and saw Zhang Zhen really lying in front of him, the little old man left tears of excitement.

The old man who was originally tired of life seems to have suddenly aged a lot. The whole person really looks a little wasted years. That's exactly what it is, so for the current state, for Wenshan now, some basic results have been basically positioned. That's exactly the case, so for the current situation, the little old man has really given his heart, and for Wenshan, it is a real loyalty.

"Get up. According to the agreement, you can go to the capital. Whether you can gain a foothold in the capital is your own business. As for your strength, hide it for me. Don't show off your strength in the Holy City. What you need to do is to observe excellent people, especially excellent warriors in the physical stage. As long as they are the children of the capital, they can equip them with good medicinal materials in the physical stage. Of course, let them serve you. Of course, you have to help the Shen family secretly.

As for your identity, everything needs to be changed. From now on, your name is Shen Zhang. I don't know what you think." Wenshan looked at the old man in front of him and said. For the old man in front of him, after all, he is also a strong figure in the realm of gathering energy. Because of such a deep hatred on his body, he has never looked up to be a man.

As for my own skills, they have been consumed in such a small city. For what the little old man experienced at this time. The cognition in the world of cultivation is needed by the formal Shen family. However, for the current Shen family, there is no need for this old man to help them directly.

The Shen family wants to really develop. In addition to the participation of outsiders, it still needs the internal children of the Shen family to grow up by themselves. Otherwise. Under the circumstances that there are many foreign surnames, the children of the Shen family do not work hard and have always occupied the best resources of the whole Shen family, which is the most unfavorable move for the development of the Shen family.

is exactly like this, so for the current Shen family, it is really nothing. It's not that the current Shen family can really explain anything.

"Master, I will call it a article in the future." The little old man looked at Wenshan in front of him and said. At this time, the little old man's heart for Wenshan's reward has not calmed down. Judging from the current little old man's whole look, he is really very excited about this little old man now.

is also such a gesture. For Wenshan now, it is completely a breakthrough to a large extent. For such a change in posture, it is completely another thing. For Wenshan at this time, many things need to be improved to a large extent. It is difficult to change such a thing.

For any kind of person, when this person regards a person as his benefactor, and when the so-called benefactor entrusts all the people's life to kill the enemy, the benefactor is the reborn parents of this person.

At this time, Wenshan can find such a thing from this old man. At this time, two storage bags appeared in front of the old man. One of them is the equipment and medicinal materials equipped with the strong man in the physical realm. As for the other, it is the gift of Wenshan to this old man's article to help him practice in the Holy Capital in the future and break through the materials needed for his existing strength.

For Laoer's strength in the initial stage, it has no effect on Wenshan. If it hadn't been for this old man's help to Wenshan. Coupled with this old man's eyesight, Wenshan basically doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

But at this time, Wenshan already knew that such a person was worth saving by himself from the old man's attitude towards his whole person. There is such gratitude for people in this society, and there is a great need for future development.

After all, sometimes it is worth helping, and sometimes, some people don't know that you really help. Because this is not worthy of your help.

Although the strength in front of the old man is relatively low, he is indeed a person worthy of your help. After all, a person with such a grateful heart has been waiting for many years for his hatred. In such years, the goals are still the same.

It is difficult to grasp Wenshan and people's hearts. After all, in such a realistic world, what we have to face every day is killing and being killed. These are the two situations. For these two situations, it is also a real torture for people's hearts.

It is precisely because of this that for Wenshan, although he has been living in such a big world, he more or less needs to slowly grasp his own hearts. That's exactly how it is, so it still needs to be very different for many times.

Wenshan has always been his own inner thoughts. In such a world of cultivation, there is no such thing as being a good man. It is also in this way that the pursuit of many things requires Wenshan to really do things with his own conscience. For anything you do, you need to control your own heart.

After all, if you really control your heart wrong. In the future, you can't really fall into such a confused state on the road of cultivation. That's why it exists, so for many times, a kind of self-control is needed.

This kind of self-control is also on the road of cultivation, and it really needs to be grasped by yourself. Of course, for many times, what is needed is to achieve a lot of things.

Wenshan just passed by such a separate cloud. For this old man, it was originally just a chance encounter. For Wenshan, a promise for this old man, he finally fulfilled this promise. Judging from this old man's performance, it still satisfies Wenshan.

Walking in such a world of cultivation is sometimes grateful. Sometimes it's killing. For many times, what is needed is your real choice and choose the path you want to walk. Only by doing such a thing can it be a breakthrough for individuals in the true sense.