Fruit Empire


Aleksia's keratin skin has the strength of an armored steel plate. It is thankless to use conventional methods and fight it. If only special methods could be found to deal with it.

When Alexia caught up with the jeep again, Xiao Yang finally thought of using the magma everywhere on the volcano to solve Alexia. However, it is not easy to use magma. At first, Xiao Yang wanted to use animal body skills to hit Alexia into the magma river, but it was obviously difficult to do so.

Fortunately, when Alexia came around under the jeep, Xiao Yang suddenly remembered that he still had a teleport gun. He said that God helped me. As long as he uses a teleportation gun, all problems can be solved!

So Xiao Yang took out the teleportation gun before Alexia reappeared, and pulled the trigger as soon as it came to him.

The transmission gun took effect immediately, and Alexia was transmitted to the bottom of the magma river in an instant. No matter how hard the keratin skin is, it cannot resist the high temperature of magma. And its regeneration ability can't keep up with the speed at which magma destroys its body. After less than a minute of struggle, the powerful Alexia finally died in the magma with hatred. However, although Alexia died, the reason why it gained invisible ability is still a mystery.

"...I'll take a nap. Call me when you have something urgent..." Xiao Yang said extremely tiredly.

Wang Hanren hurriedly said, "Wait, Xiao Yang, we can't be safe yet!"

"...I know, but I really can't stand it. Peng Fei, the commanding task is entrusted to you for the time being..." Before Xiao Yang's words were finished, he had already fallen asleep and snored faintly. Although Xiao Yang himself wanted to stay awake, he was really tired and fell asleep all of a sudden. Of course, he can sleep peacefully because the current situation is still relatively optimistic for the time being. After all, this jeep is flying in the air and is not easy to encounter danger.

"Don't worry, let him rest for a while." Peng Fei said, "As long as we don't encounter something too troublesome, we can resist it ourselves."

The jeep continued to fly, the volcanic gravel and volcanic bombs falling from the air became more and more sparse, and Luo Ruzhi's driving became much easier. The jeep gradually flew away from the volcano, and the beach could be seen from the car.

The number on the speedometer of the car exceeds 400. There are still more than 20 minutes before the island sinks. It seems that it should not be a problem to arrive at the destination before then.

Peng Fei has been highly alert, but they did not encounter any unexpected conditions and arrived at the beach smoothly. The ship mentioned by the sages stopped 300 meters off the sea. It was a medium-sized transport ship about 30 meters long, which looked a little old.

The jeep flew on the sea at an altitude of about five meters from the sea, and the surging waves soared from the sea and suddenly hit the chassis of the jeep. Luo Ruzhi quickly pressed the joystick and raised the jeep to a height more than ten meters from the sea.

When the jeep flew into the air on the transport ship, it only heard a "click", and the whole car fell down like a broken kite and fell fiercely on the deck. Except for Luo Ruzhi and Xiao Yang, who had seat belts, the rest of them were thrown out and cried out in pain. The most unfortunate thing was Fang Xin, who was almost thrown into the sea. He grabbed the railing of the boat with one hand and hung it on it. Fortunately, Peng Fei reacted quickly and at least pulled him back.

Fang Xin complained to Luo Ruzhi as soon as he was pulled back to the deck: "Your driving skills are still not up to the mark. The parking lot was so good that I almost went swimming in the sea.

"I didn't stop. The car suddenly fell down by itself." Luo Ruzhi frowned and said, "I think there is probably no motivation."

"It doesn't matter if you don't care about this car for the time being." Peng Fei looked at Luo Ruzhi, " By the way, Uncle Luo, you should be able to sail, right?"

However, he never thought that Luo Ruzhi shook his head: "No, I'm not good at this at all."

Peng Fei is puzzled: "It should be much easier to drive a ship than to fly a fighter jet, right?"

"It's not that problem." Luo Ruzhi said awkwardly, "Actually, because I'm a little seasick, I can't stand it as soon as the boat starts, so I can't drive the boat."

Peng Fei had to ask others if they would sail, but everyone just looked at him in silence. Peng Fei stamped the deck anxiously. That's too memorizing. No one in the team can drive a boat? I had known that I would change my driving skills like Cui Wenren at the beginning.

At this time, Wang Hanren proposed, "By the way, how about Xiao Yang? Maybe he will sail."

Peng Fei looked at Xiao Yang, who was still in the car, and saw that the latter was still snoring. Xiao Yang still slept to death after the car fell on the deck. It seems that he was really tired just now.

Peng Fei did not wake up Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang, as the captain, is the strongest combat force in the team. Now he has no danger, so it's better to let him rest as much as possible. Besides, Xiao Yang probably won't drive a boat.

"Excuse me, could you please tell me what happened in English? The current action also has something to do with me, but I can't understand what you say. If there is any problem, I think I can also find a way to help. Jill suddenly said - of course she spoke English.

No one in the team talked to Jill except Xiao Yang, and she also felt very uncomfortable. Now she saw from the expressions of the crowd that they had encountered problems, so she asked each other.

"Sorry." Wang Hanren apologized to Jill in English, and then explained to her that no one can sail now. In fact, Wang Hanren's English is much better than Xiao Yang's, but because Jill is a virtual figure, Wang Hanren is always reluctant to talk to her. But now that Jill has taken the initiative to speak, Wang Hanren naturally can't ignore her.

After listening to Wang Hanren's words, Jill said, "I know some boat driving skills. Let me try it in the cockpit."

Wang Hanren relayed Jill's words to Peng Fei. Peng Fei was very surprised. He really didn't expect that Jill, a virtual character, could also be useful. But he thought about it again, which was actually normal. Perhaps the sages suggested that Jill to come to this ship originally wanted everyone to use her driving skills.

Peng Fei accompanied Jill to the cockpit, and others began to check the facilities on the ship. Only Luo Ruzhi, who felt not feeling well, leaned his back against the jeep and looked at Asifort Island not far away. The volcano on the island continued to erupt, and the earth shook violently, making a loud noise. The ground cracked and the sea surged into the cracks.

Time is approaching, and it seems that the island is about to sink.

Just thinking about this, Luo Ruzhi suddenly felt a nausea in his chest. The transport ship shook more and more, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

Luo Ruzhi has an ominous premonition. Maybe something is coming.

The wind is blowing. There was a fierce typhoon on the sea, and even the seagulls flying in the air were blown over. Then there is the big wave. The waves a few meters high set off a big tide and quickly moved from the sea level.

At this time, Jill and Peng Fei are in the cockpit. To Peng Fei's surprise, the ship's driving system is quite advanced, and there are instruments and buttons everywhere that Peng Fei can't even say. However, Jill seems to be very familiar with this driving system, and a person is playing happily there. Judging from her confident expression, she does have the ability to fly this ship.

The hull shook violently, and Peng Fei did not stand firmly. He was directly thrown out by inertia, hit the hatch, and smashed the glass on the hatch. Fortunately, Jill in the driver's seat is fine.

The hull finally stabilized, and Peng Fei stood up and looked out from the hatch. As a result, a bitter melon face appeared outside the hatch, which almost scared Peng Fei.

The person who came is Wang Hanren. A red and swollen bag bulged on her head, and she hit something at a glance.

"Fang Xin and I have checked those cabins and found nothing strange." Wang Hanren rubbed his head, "But the stability of this ship is not very good, is it?" I was hit badly in the living cabin.

Peng Fei opened the hatch and pulled Wang Hanren in. He wants to talk to Jill about the ship now, but his English is not good, so he needs Wang Hanren to be an interpreter.

On the deck, the jeep had slipped near the railing and shaped the railing. But Xiao Yang, who slept in the car, seemed to be unaffected at all and slept soundly. Fang Xin went to the car to wake him up, but there was no response. Fang Xin could only drag Xiao Yang out of the car, then picked up a thick steel cable and put it on the chassis of the jeep and fixed the car tightly on the deck.

Fang Xin carried Xiao Yang to the living cabin. As soon as he entered the life cabin, Fang Xin saw Luo Ruzhi. His face was pale and he couldn't see any light in his eyes. He vomited on the deck just now. It was Fang Xin who helped him into the cabin.

Fang Xin put down Xiao Yang and looked at Luo Ruzhi: "I didn't expect you to get seasick."

Luo Ruzhi cheered up and said in a weak voice: "...Call Peng Fei and tell him that the tsunami may come..."

"Tsunami?" Peng Fei stared at Wang Hanren, "Is she serious?"

Wang Hanren nodded: "That's what Jill said."

"This ship has a meteorological and current monitoring system, and obviously there will be a huge tsunami within 10 minutes." Jill narrated in English, "The tsunami is extremely destructive in the offshore waters. If you stop here and wait for the tsunami to come, the ship will definitely sink. Let's go to the deep sea immediately.

The natural disaster of a tsunami is very destructive in the deep sea, far less than a storm. But once it comes to the sea, the huge waves it will cause will be as high as dozens of meters, and its power will be earth-shaking, and the ship will definitely be overturned in the sea. In order to avoid this situation, Jill will propose to go deep into the sea.

Wang Hanren just relayed Jill's words, and Fang Xin's call came. Fang Xin said that Luo Ruzhi judged from his own experience that a tsunami was about to occur, and it was better to sail to the deep sea immediately.

Peng Fei asked Xiao Yang's opinion again, and Fang Xin replied that Xiao Yang was still resting. Peng Fei made a decision and decided to let Jill sail. Although the instructions of the sages have not yet been given, it is certainly not wrong to ensure the safety of life first.

Jill skillfully operated the driving system of the ship, and the anchor of the transport ship slowly rose and set sail to the depths of the sea.

Xiao Yang looked around and was surrounded by a deep blue blue. Xiao Yang couldn't help wondering if he sank into the sea?

However, there is no touch of water around, and breathing is also normal. What's more strange is that the body is not cold at all, but feels warm, as if there is a stove baking next to it. Xiao Yang stretched out his hand to his side to touch the warmth.

However, at this time, a painful feeling came from Xiao Yang's shoulder, as if he had hit something. Xiao Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and the world around him was broken like a bubble.

In front of Xiao Yang was a cabin, and a few steps away, Luo Ruzhi, who was full of vegetables, was grabbing an armrest on the wall and huddled all over.

Xiao Yang realized that he was now on the boat, which means that everyone successfully completed the goal. Other teammates should have gone to the cockpit. As for Luo Ruzhi who stayed here - it doesn't look right. Maybe he is seasick.

When thinking about it, the hull suddenly tilted, and Xiao Yang rolled from the left side of the cabin to the right. Before Xiao Yang stood up, the hull tilted again, and Xiao Yang rolled from the right to the left.

Xiao Yang grabbed a Xiao** protruding iron pole and finally stabilized his figure. He asked Luo Ruzhi, "What's going on?"

"Tsunami..." Luo Ruzhi gently spit out the word from his mouth, and then said no. He is quite mentally ill, and it seems that he is seasick.

Xiao Yang's heart was half cold, and he quickly pressed the intercom button: "Hey, Peng Fei, Wang Hanren, can you hear me! I woke up. How's it going outside now?

However, there was no reply from the loudspeaker.

It is also a waste of time to continue to wait in the cabin like this. So Xiao Yang moved to the door with difficulty and pushed the door open.

The sound of waves that were enough to break the eardrums came to my face. Xiao Yang climbed to the deck against this terrible sound, and then he saw the most incredible scene of his life.

The ship is flying. Of course, that's not a real flight, but that the ship is being held high by extremely huge waves, just like flying on the waves. The water wall composed of waves is dozens of meters high and powerful. The transport ship bumped at the top of the wave and marched forward with the wave.

Xiao Yang grabbed the railing on the deck and walked along the deck towards the bow. From time to time, waves rushed up the deck and beat Xiao Yang all over with water, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

The boat shook so much that it took Xiao Yang almost five minutes to walk to the cockpit. Those people were all in the cockpit, but they didn't find Xiao Yang coming.

The door of the cockpit was locked, and Xiao Yang knocked on the glass on the door, but no one inside heard it. The sound of the waves was so loud that the knock on the door was completely covered up. Fortunately, just as Xiao Yang was about to kick open the cockpit door, Peng Fei turned his head to see him and opened the door for him.

Xiao Yang closed the door again after entering, but the sound of the waves outside was still very loud. It is because of the sound of the waves that they can't hear it when Xiao Yang calls Peng Fei and others.

"What's the situation now?" Xiao Yang shouted at the top of his voice. But this is just barely enough for the people in the cockpit to hear it.

"It's terrible!" Peng Fei also replied in a loud voice, "The power of this ship's engine can't resist the thrust of the tsunami, so it can only slow down the propulsion. We are going to hit the mountain."

Peng Fei's eyes were looking directly in front of the bow of the ship. About a kilometer away in that direction stands a volcano that sprays solid matter while sinking. That is the volcano that had brought Xiaoyang their nightmare experience before, the highest peak on Asiford Island. More than half of the island has sunk, and now only one volcanic head is still exposed on the sea.

However, it will take a long time for the volcano to sink completely, and the speed of the wave continues to accelerate. Within a few minutes, the transport ship will hit the crater head and fall into pieces, and no one can survive.

I don't know if there is a lifeboat on this ship... No, even if there is a lifeboat, it's useless. Even the big ship can't resist the thrust of the tsunami. What's the use of a small lifeboat?

It's useless for all members to jump into the sea. As long as people go to the sea, they will be swallowed up by the waves immediately.

Xiao Yang clenched his fist. Damn, what the hell are you going to do? What method can be used to escape from the power of this tsunami?

Xiao Yang leaned against the hatch with his arms in his arms and thought about how to escape with a grim look, but he still couldn't find any clue for a moment. Peng Fei also hugged his head and meditated bitterly. Jill also said nothing, but silently observed the situation on the instrument.

The volcanic head is getting closer and closer. If you can't think of a way, it's really all over.

Xiao Yang suddenly clapped his hands: " By the way, isn't our flying car on the ship? We can get on the flying car and escape!"

"No! The car is depleted and can't drive. Peng Fei shook his head.

Xiao Yang was a little surprised: "I remember there is still a lot of gasoline, right?"

"I don't think the power to fly is provided by gasoline." Peng Fei said again.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yang was surprised: "It's not powered by gasoline, what is it? Is it a different energy?"

"Diger energy?" Peng Fei's eyes lit up, "That's also possible..."

Before Peng Fei finished his words, Xiao Yang pushed the door open, waved his hand hard, and shouted, "All of you come to the deck with me!" Jill, you also go to the deck with us!"

Of course, the last sentence is in English.

Xiao Yang's words were a little too sudden, and everyone was stunned, so he had to repeat it again. Peng Fei immediately responded, took the lead out of the hatch, and shouted, "Listen to Brother Yang, go out!" Now I can only bet!"

If the off-road jeep can really be activated to fly in the air, everyone can be saved. Although it is still unknown whether it can successfully start the car, even if it fails, the situation will not be worse than now.

Now the ship is relatively stable, but the deck is full of water, and people slip on it. If it goes on like this, I don't know when I will walk to the car.

Peng Fei thought of a way to let everyone line up and hold hands, while he himself sprinted at the front. He stretched out a sharp blade on his leg and turned into a skateboard, dragging the whole team directly on the deck. It took less than a minute for the whole team to slide to the fixed jeep.

At this time, a head emerged from the stairs leading to the living cabin. It turned out that Luo Ruzhi also realized that the situation was not good.