Fruit Empire


I came out of the living cabin with my body supported.

Xiao Yang asked Peng Fei to help Luo Ruzhi out, and everyone got back on the off-road jeep. There is a lot of seawater in it, but they don't care so much at this time.

Luo Ruzhi's physical condition is still very bad and he can't drive. Xiao Yang sat in the driver's seat by himself and held the joystick. After watching Luo Ruzhi's driving, he also has some experience and believes that he will not be too bad.

At this time, Xiao Yang noticed that there was an energy tank similar to the transmission gun on the panel in front of his left, but now it is empty. There is a line in English above the energy tank, which means "full automatic start". On the right side of the energy tank, there is a small hole the size of a index finger.

Xiao Yang stretched out his left hand to touch the small round hole, but he didn't expect that the round hole seemed to have suction, so he suddenly sucked his hand over. His index finger just inserted into the round hole, tightly embedded in it, and could not be pulled out. A strange feeling came from the round hole, and the natural force in Xiao Yang's body penetrated his fingertips and flowed quickly into the round hole. With the injection of those natural forces, the energy tank gradually lit up. In this way, Xiao Yang's guess is not wrong. This car can indeed be powered by different energy.

Everything looked good, but there was no joy on Xiao Yang's face. The car extracts natural forces very fast, but the storage speed of the energy tank is very slow. After Xiao Yang rested, the natural force in his body has recovered almost half, but now he has been sucked away more than a quarter of the total natural force, and a total of 10 energy tanks have just lit up 2 grids.

Xiao Yang clenched his teeth. What are you kidding? So many natural forces are enough for a positive body change to fill up with 20,000 of the energy needed for this car! If it goes on like this, you will be dissatisfied even if you inject all the remaining natural forces!

The transport ship is getting closer and closer to the head of the volcano, and some volcanic gravel has fallen on the ship. The time left for Xiao Yang is very short.

"Can it be started?" Peng Fei's voice came from behind. Xiao Yang replied loudly, "No problem!"

Hearing his words, everyone was relieved. However, Xiao Yang himself knew very well that this was just to calm everyone's mood, and the actual situation was not optimistic at all.

Two minutes later, the energy tank was filled with 5 cells, and the natural power in Xiao Yang's body was completely exhausted. If the energy tank is not enough, the car's rocket jet cannot start. If it goes on like this, it is only a matter of time before all members die.

Xiao Yang said to himself in his heart that he must be calm. After the tide approached the land on the original island, the speed slowed down. At the current speed, it took about 3 minutes for the boat to hit the volcano. As long as I can figure out a solution during this period.

Usually, Xiao Yang's natural power automatically recovers at a slow speed, and the speed of his recovery will be greatly accelerated when he sleeps. However, even if it is the recovery speed when sleeping, it is impossible to restore all the natural forces in a few minutes. In addition, Xiao Yang can also use the beast body or beast soul variant to eat creatures and absorb their natural power.

Xiao Yang suddenly thought of something and immediately stretched out a violent dragon head from his left shoulder. The violent faucet hit the door, and then Xiao began to breathe in.

Peng Fei asked him in surprise what he was doing, but Xiao Yang didn't hear it. He closed his eyes and focused all his energy on the tyrant head.

Xiao Yang saw the deep blue again in his field of consciousness, and also felt the flame-like warmth again. Only then did he understand that this blue thing was the almost infinite natural power contained in the tsunami.

With the deep breath of the tyrant's dragon head, those blue things rushed into the mouth of the riot dragon's mouth. Xiao Yang felt that the natural power in his body had soared, and at the same time, the storage speed of the energy tank was several times faster than before. Xiao Yang's idea is not wrong, so that it can really absorb the natural power of the outside world!

Within dozens of seconds, the energy tank has been completely full. At this time, the front wall is only 200 meters away from the head of the volcano.

"Pa--" There was a sound in the air, and the flying car rushed forward like an arrow, and suddenly broke the railing on the ship and flew out! However, after the speed of the flying car rushed forward less than 100 meters, it suddenly slowed down, as if it had been dragged down by something and could not continue to move forward. Everyone looked back and found a steel cable on the chassis of the car!

Fang Xin's face changed color. The situation was so urgent just now that he forgot that he put the car on the boat with a steel cable, and because the steel cable was just covered by the car, no one else noticed it!

At this time, the front end of the water wall crashed into the volcanic head! However, to everyone's surprise, due to the turning of the tide, the ship did not directly hit the volcano, but was lifted into the air by huge waves! Since the steel cable has not been cut off, the flying car on which everyone was also dragged by the ship and flew in the direction of the crater...

The transport ship was thrown dozens of meters high by the huge waves, and the jeep connected to the transport ship was towed to the crater. Although this jeep has the driving force of rocket jets, it still can't beat the huge inertia of the transport ship.

Peng Fei desperately stretched out a sharp blade behind the car to cut the steel cable. But his plan is not going well. Now the car is basically floating diagonally in the air, and it is quite difficult to reach the steel cable from Peng Fei's position.

At this time, Xiao Yang also planned to break the steel cable with a grenade gun. However, just as Xiao Yang let go of his right hand holding the lever, he suddenly saw a hand stretching out from the right and pressing on the lever.

The person who took action is naturally Luo Ruzhi in the co-pilot's seat. He suddenly pressed the joystick and made a small circle to the right at the same time. The jeep immediately turned 180 degrees and went straight to the crater.

The position of the transport ship and the jeep just changed, but the jeep was in the front and the transport ship in the back. At the same time, the thrust of the rocket ejector behind the jeep is much stronger than just now, and the flame emitted from the rear of the car is several times larger than usual. When the steel cable straightened again, although the speed of the jeep slowed down, it was still flying forward.

Originally, the jeep flew in the opposite direction to the transport ship, and the power of the two offset each other. Now that the jeep is in front of the transport ship, the power of the two forms a joint force. Coupled with the increase in the driving force of the jeep, the transport ship was towed forward by the jeep.

The transport ship falls slowly due to gravity as it flies forward. When the jeep towed it to the top of the crater, the transport ship was less than 20 meters away from the crater.

At this time, a volcanic bomb about three meters in diameter just erupted and hit the tail of the transport ship. Fortunately, the volcanic bomb passed the stern and not only did not hit the ship, but gave the transport ship a diagonal direction with a huge impulse. Luo Ruzhi pushed the joystick again, and the flying car dragged the transport ship in that direction.

The bottom of the transport ship rubbed sparks on the rocks of the crater, but did not fall down in the end. Instead, it flew out of the crater and fell back into the sea.

At the same time, the huge waves caused by the tsunami also hit, pushing the transport ship away from the crater and moving towards the depths of the sea. Several volcanic bombs fell and almost blew up the port of the transport ship, but it did not seem to cause more serious damage. Xiao Yang parked the jeep back on the deck with the help of Luo Ruzhi, and then he finally pulled his finger back from the small round hole in the car.

Xiao Yang looked at Luo Ruzhi and said, "Thank you very much."

It is relying on Luo Ruzhi's correct judgment and skillful operation at the critical moment that they can save the ship while keeping all the lives. If the transport ship is destroyed, it will be too difficult to travel on this jeep alone.

"At least I still have some driving experience." After saying this with difficulty, Luo Ruzhi leaned against the car door and vomited again. He was physically and mentally exhausted due to seasickness, and he almost struggled to successfully complete those operations just now.

Xiao Yang asked Fang Xin to help Luo Ruzhi to rest in the cabin, and then called everyone else to the cab.

"The damage to the ship is still minor, the engine is running normally, and there is no problem with the rudder and other facilities." Jill said after checking the condition of the instrument.

The tsunami has ended at this time, and only half of the crater on Asifurt Island is still exposed on the sea, and it is about to sink into the sea.

"I finally escaped from that damn island." As soon as Wang Hanren finished saying this, the hull suddenly shook, and her body leaned forward, hitting the tempered glass and the corners of her eyebrows were bleeding. The others were not much better. They all hit the glass or wall and grinned in pain.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yang stood up and asked Jill.

"Something seems to be stuck at the bottom of the ship, making it impossible for the ship to move forward." Jill looked at the instrument, "But I don't know exactly what it is. Judging from the situation shown here, it doesn't seem to be a reef.

The afterglow of Xiao Yang's eyes glanced at his enemy radar and saw a red dot directly below the coordinates of the origin. He immediately rushed out of the cockpit and looked out, and saw several thick and dark purple tentacles stretched out from both sides of the ship's side towards the deck.

Xiao Yang scolded the ghost in his mouth, and he was the pursuer of the final form! After the continuous volcanic eruptions and tsunamis on this island, there are still tracers who can survive. The survival ability of this monster is really horrible.

But now he is not afraid of this pursuer. After absorbing the natural power from the tsunami, the natural power in his body is still very abundant. In addition, he also rested for a period of time and recovered. He could summon the complete version of the King Kong body again and kill the monster under the water.

"Brother Yang, wait a minute, I'll do it!" Peng Fei's voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. When Xiao Yang turned around and looked, he saw a wave rising on the sea. It turned out that Peng Fei had jumped into the sea. The purple tentacles of the pursuers quickly wrapped Peng Fei's whole body and dragged him into the sea.

"Peng Fei! Come back soon!" Xiao Yang shouted anxiously. Although Peng Fei's combat effectiveness is not bad, it should still not be as good as the final form of the pursuer. If he goes on like this, he is simply brave and resourceful.

"Don't worry, leave it all to me." After Peng Fei left this sentence, his whole body was dragged into the sea and could not be seen.

In less than two minutes, countless bubbles appeared on the sea. Then, countless purple tentacles floated up like rotten meat. In the end, the huge body of the shape tracker also floated on the surface, but it has completely died, and there is no vitality.

Peng Fei finally came up. Xiao Yang threw down the lifebuoy on the ship, and Peng Fei climbed onto the boat. As soon as he got on the boat, he lay on the deck and couldn't help gasping. Peng Fei was full of strangulation marks, and he thought that the battle just now was not easy.

"How did you do it?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Brother Yang, have you forgotten? After my body has just completed the mutation, how do I deal with the pursuer?

Xiao Yang patted his head: "So it is!"

The tissue fluid in Peng Fei's body is highly toxic for the pursuers. At that time, he met the second-form pursuer and directly injected tissue fluid into the other party's spine to kill him. Although the pursuer just now has evolved to the final form, there is still no way to resist this poison.

However, although this method is not difficult to say, Peng Fei also took a lot of time to succeed. The final form of the pursuer is too large to destroy it without injecting venom into its core.

As soon as the pursuer died, the transport ship resumed normal operation. Everyone in the cab breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this way, we are finally safe." Peng Fei looked up at the confused night sky and said.

"It should be said that it is temporarily safe." Xiao Yang said. In the game of hell, safety is always temporary, and danger is the constant theme.

The first phase of the task is over. The second stage officially begins. The voice of the sages sounded.

Xiao Yang sat in the living cabin with his back against the bulkhead. Peng Fei and Luo Ruzhi were also in this living cabin. As for Wang Hanren, he accompanied Jill in the cockpit, while Fang Xin guarded and patrolled on the deck.

It has been 20 minutes since the sea where the transport ship is far away from Asifford Island. In these 20 minutes, the transport ship moved forward smoothly without any danger. However, at this time, Xiao Yang looked a little solemn, and there was no joy after getting out of danger.

"Peng Fei, what do you think of what the sages just said?" Xiao Yang suddenly looked at Peng Fei and asked.

20 minutes ago, the sages reminded that the first phase of this mission was over and the second phase officially began. Then, it said, "Please use the navigation system on the transport ship to go to Sanna Island to carry out the second phase of the mission. The final mission goal will be explained after arriving at Sanna Island.

The name of Sanna Island is not strange to Xiaoyang. It was the island that happened in Jurassic Park, which was full of all kinds of prehistoric dinosaurs. In the original text of this mission, only two parts of Jurassic Park and Dinosaur Crisis have not yet met. In this way, the next step is to fight with the dinosaurs on Sanna Island.

"... Dinosaurs have been encountered before when we fought against King Kong in the primitive rainforest. At that time, I felt that their combat effectiveness was very horrible, but now it doesn't seem to be very powerful. Peng Fei said, "Brother Yang, your King Kong body and Tyrannosaurus rex can easily solve most of the dinosaurs. In addition, I also have super regenerative ability and deadly viruses, so it is not difficult to deal with those dinosaurs. The biggest trouble that will be encountered on this island is those living soul messengers.

"That's what I'm worried about." Xiao Yang frowned and said, "The difficulty of Sanna Island looks a little low. The first stage of the task we just passed can be said to be ridiculous. Can you imagine that the next second stage will be so easy?

"Brother Yang, I said there is no need to think so much now. Anyway, the ship will naturally go straight to the bridge. At that time, we will deal with it again. Peng Fei didn't care much about what would happen. He yawned and fell down on his **. After entering this level, he hasn't had a good rest and is quite sleepy.

Xiao Yang didn't say anything more. Peng Fei is right. It's useless to think too much now. Let's do something more practical. He stood up and walked out of the cabin.

Walking on the deck, Xiao Yang saw Fang Xin leaning against the railing and looking at the sea under the night sky. Xiao Yang walked to him and patted him on the shoulder: "Yo, I think you are in good spirits."

"...Captain?" At this time, Fang Xin noticed that Xiao Yang came to him with an awkward expression, "I'm not lazy, I'm patrolling seriously."

"Nothing. As long as you don't fall asleep and fall into the sea. Xiao Yang also turned his eyes to the sea, "But I didn't expect you to be in the mood to appreciate the sea. As soon as I saw the sea, I remembered the tsunami just now, and I was just afraid. All of them almost died."

"...many times." Fang Xin sighed.


"Many times we almost died." Fang Xin smiled bitterly, "It's incredible to think that I'm still alive now. Maybe I'm lucky."

Xiao Yang sneered: "Don't joke. Entering this hell game shows that you are unlucky. As for you to live until now, it is completely the result of our hard work together and has nothing to do with luck. Isn't your right arm proof of this?

Fang Xin's right arm is tied with a thick bandage. That was when he attacked Alexia, whose skin was broken because it was too hard. After that, everyone did not encounter any plants, and Xiao Yang could not use Muling rejuvenation, so he could only tie it with bandages for the time being.

If it hadn't been for Fang Xin's life-threatening blow, maybe the whole team would have been eliminated by Alexia at that time.

"No, it's not." Fang Xin shook his head and said, "There are too many people who work hard in the hell game, but how many people survived? Even if you work hard, you may not survive in this world. Those who can survive are somewhat lucky.

"Without the firm idea of desperately trying to save yourself, no matter how lucky you are, you can't survive." After saying that, Xiao Yang turned around and walked to the cockpit. He is not interested in continuing to discuss such a boring problem with Fang Xin.

"...Su... Su Feiqi obviously worked so hard, but in the end..." Fang Xin suddenly said that man. His choked tone was as if he missed his dead lover.

"Su Feiqi--" Xiao Yang stopped, "I'm very grateful to her. If only she hadn't died."

After saying that, he took a new step and disappeared at the corner of the deck.

"...she's not dead." Fang Xin said to himself in a very low voice, raising his left hand and clenching something hanging on his chest through his vest.

Fang Xin's voice can no longer be heard behind him. Xiao Yang took a deep breath. Now he noticed that Fang Xin had unusual feelings for Su Feiqi and couldn't help sighing. I remember that when he first entered the hell game, Wang Hanren almost had feelings for Xiao Yang, but after so many things, neither side thought about this problem. Now they are just