Fruit Empire


It took some effort to finally reach Wang Hanren. Fang Xin stretched out his only movable left hand to hold Wang Hanren's hand and successfully took her back into the car.

Now there is the last Peng Fei left. His position is about ten meters away from the flying car. The flying car can rush to him with just one sprint.

Less than half a second later, the flying car has rushed in front of Peng Fei. Fang Xin and Wang Hanren stretched out their hands to Peng Fei at the same time and were about to catch him.

However, at this moment, a dark shadow rushed out of the thorns and passed through the gap between Peng Fei and the car. The flying car was hit by a huge impact and circled in place again. Fortunately, the car was not overturned again, and several people were still sitting in the car.

When Luo Ruzhi stopped flying again, Xiao Yang opened his eyes again, and his vision had returned to normal. However, in the vast white fog, where can Peng Fei be seen?

"Where is Peng Fei?" Xiao Yang asked. Everyone shook their heads. Just now, their eyes were spinning. How could they see Peng Fei's whereabouts?

Xiao Yang looked down at the enemy radar. It means that the teammate's green light spots are only 4 near the coordinate origin, which means that Peng Fei is no longer within the radar detection range. What's more troublesome is that a red light spot appeared on the enemy's radar, and it is approaching the coordinate origin! Damn, when did this thing appear!

" dive immediately!" Xiao Yang roared at Luo Ruzhi. Luo Ruzhi immediately took the line, and the car continued to dive down. More than ten seconds later, the vast sea has been reflected in the eyes of everyone, but they still did not see Peng Fei.

Because he was afraid of being attacked by something like the snake-necked dragon, Luo Ruzhi did not lower the flying car too low, but flew smoothly at an altitude about 30 meters from the sea. Everyone looked around and carefully searched for Peng Fei's whereabouts.

Xiao Yang looked up at the sky. The red light should not be far away.

In the white thick fog, a pair of golden eyes as big as half a person loomed. Seeing the awe-inspiring murderousness emanating from the giant eyes, Xiao Yang couldn't help but hold back inhale, and cold sweat oozed from the back of his neck. That kind of fear derived from instinct can be compared with that when he faced the female aphid with a thin body. There is no doubt that this red dot is extremely dangerous!

The red dot is still approaching. Xiao Yang hesitated for a child, and then aimed the other party with a teleportation gun. When he pulled the trigger, the huge shadow suddenly disappeared! According to Xiao Yang's idea, the red dot has been transmitted to a kilometer deep under his feet. The sea here is obviously not so deep, so the red dot must have been sealed to the ground. Most of it will never come out.

" really succeeded." Xiao Yang put down the teleport gun and wiped the sweat off the back of his neck. Before shooting, he was worried that the teleport gun would be ineffective against the red dot, because he had never transmitted such a large target; fortunately, Xiao Yang's worries proved to be superfluous.

"I saw it! Peng Fei is there!" Wang Hanren behind Xiao Yang suddenly shouted out. Xiao Yang quickly looked forward and saw that the familiar man was revealing half of his body from behind the reef not far ahead. He should be lying on the back of the reef.

Peng Fei's eyelids are still blinking, and there are almost no injuries on his body. He looks in good condition. However, he was lowering his head at this time and didn't seem to find that the flying car was approaching him.

"Peng Fei!" Xiao Yang shouted Peng Fei's name in a nearly roaring voice, and Peng Fei raised his head. However, he did not reply immediately. His body swayed back and forth, and then suddenly flew up from the reef like a rocket!

"Ah?" Xiao Yang opened his mouth wide. The scene in front of him is so incredible that Peng Fei is now lying on the body of a giant pterosaur. He tightly grasps the latter's neck and "rides" the pterosaur like a flying dragon knight in a fantasy story! Of course, this pterosaur did not appear out of thin air. It has always been under Peng Fei. However, the figure of the pterosaur was blocked by the reef just now, so Xiao Yang didn't see it.

The pterosaur made a terrible roar and rushed to the sky. Obviously, it was unwilling to be Peng Fei's mount and had to be ridden by him. Now the pterosaur's greatest wish is to throw Peng Fei, a foreign object from its back.

In order to get rid of Peng Fei, the whole body of the pterosaur rotated crazily in the air like a top. Xiao Yang's eyes are straight, and even high-performance fighters may not be able to do this action.

However, even so, Peng Fei was not dumped. When the pterosaur's "gyro dance" was over, he still lay on the pterosaur's back. Xiao Yang took a closer look, and it turned out that some silky tentacles stretched out from Peng Fei's arm and twisted them into a rope. The rope was inserted into the skin of the pterosaur, drilled through its muscles and came out again, firmly fastened into a dead knot. Unless this pterosaur can cut off its own meat, it is impossible to get rid of Peng Fei.

Xiao Yang was sighing that Peng Fei's method was good, but he heard Peng Fei shout, "Come and help me!" I'm stunned by this thing!"

"Okay, wait!" Xiao Yang agreed like this, and the teleport gun in his hand had been steadily aimed at Peng Fei.

Xiao Yang pulled the trigger. However, Peng Fei was not transferred back to the flying car as he expected.

"Wow-wow-wow-wow-wow" The sound of an unprecedented alarm sounded from the teleport gun!

Xiao Yang was shocked and hurriedly looked at the transmission gun and saw that the energy tank on the side of the gun was empty! He recalled the explanation of the miniature sages at that time that when the energy tank was full, the transmission gun could be transmitted 50 times, one target at a time; and when the energy tank was empty, it would take 12 hours to automatically fill the energy.

The transmission gun has not been used several times in recent times, but its energy tank has been empty. Obviously, the red dot just now depleted all the remaining energy of the gun. It turns out that the "transmission 50 times" only refers to an ordinary target, and the transmission of this giant red dot can only be transmitted once or twice at most.

Considering that the flying car, which also has an energy tank, can replenish its energy by injecting natural forces, Xiao Yang began to look for energy input holes on the transmission gun. But I can't find anything like that on it. Xiao Yang scolded damn it and put the teleportation gun back into the warehouse space. At least 12 hours, this teleport gun can't be counted on.

Xiao Yang asked Luo Ruzhi to speed up the speed of the flying car and chase in the direction of the pterosaur. At this time, the pterodactyl rushed forward with Peng Fei on its back, and Peng Fei became the shield behind it. It was impossible to shoot down the pterodactyl from a gun from a distance.

Surprisingly, the flying car did not approach the pterosaur easily. First, the flight speed of the pterosaur is beyond imagination, not even much slower than the flying car; secondly, because the flight trajectory of the pterosaur is quite strange, just like jumping in the air. The pterodactyl rushed desperately in order to get rid of Peng Fei, and the flying car could only move with its actions. Although the mobility of this flying car is not bad, the machinery can't be more flexible than biology. After several flips and jumping in the air, the distance between the flying car and the pterosaur was further distanced.

"Peng Fei, can you still move! If you can move, kill that beast by yourself!" Xiao Yang shouted at Peng Fei. It is really difficult to help Peng Fei from the car now, and it is best to rely on Peng Fei to save himself. As long as he kills the pterosaur, it will be much easier for the flying car to pick him up.

In fact, Xiao Yang wondered why Peng Fei had never took action against the pterosaur. Normally, even if Peng Fei is really seriously injured, with his close combat ability, it is not difficult to kill the pterosaurs under him. What's more, with Peng Fei's nearly immortal constitution, how could a pterosaur seriously hurt him?

At this time, Peng Fei replied loudly, "No, I can't kill this pterosaur for the time being. I just found something worth using. Don't worry about me. Give me some more time. I'll kill it later.

Xiao Yang knew that Peng Fei could solve the problem by himself, so he was ready to stop chasing the pterosaur, but just followed closely and catch him after Peng Fei killed the pterodactyl.

However, at this time, the pterosaur suddenly shouted loudly. With its sound, there was also an extremely high cry in the air around it, as if it were echoing it.

When Xiao Yang was doubting, he heard Wang Hanren lose his voice and said, "It's not good! It's calling your companion!"

"Don't panic." Xiao Yang said and gave his rocket launcher to Wang Hanren, "Let's just repel these beasts."

Now there are five people in the car, and Jill is still sleeping. Fang's bone fracture can't use a gun. Luo Ruzhi wants to drive, and only Xiaoyang and Wang Hanren are the only ones who can fight.

Wang Hanren silently took the rocket launcher and put it on his left door.

"As long as the pterosaur appears in your field of vision, it will launch an attack immediately. Now there is fog. When you can see the pterosaur, it is less than 20 meters away from you. You must be able to hit them with a rocket launcher. Xiao Yang said, "The left and rear of the car will be handed over to you."

The reason why he wanted to give the rocket launcher to Wang Hanren for use was that Wang Hanren's shooting skills were not good, and he was likely to hit it with an ordinary gun, which was not only ineffective but also a waste of ammunition. Four rocket launchers at a time not only have a high hit rate, but also have a lot of air shots left, even if it's a waste.

Xiao Yang is the right * gun, with King Kong's arm attached to his left hand and then picks up the Japanese walker's knife. He has to deal with pterosaurs from the air, front and right.

As soon as he was ready to fight, Wang Hanren saw a pterosaur flying from the left. She immediately pulled the trigger, and four rockets flew out, and the huge back seat force made her lean back on Jill beside her. The ensuing explosion made Wang Hanren know that she had hit the target. She stood up again and saw a charred object with thick smoke falling straight down, and the air was filled with the smell of burning protein.

"I killed it!" Wang Hanren shouted excitedly, but Xiao Yang immediately scolded, "Don't relax! Keep on alert!"

Xiao Yang's own battle began ten seconds later. Two pterosaurs flew parallel from the right side. Xiao Yang's first shot brushed the skull of one of the pterosaurs, and the second shot shot in from its open mouth and directly smashed its head. However, at this time, another pterosaur had accelerated to approach the flying car and stretched out its claws to grab Xiao Yang from the car. Xiao Yang cut off the pterosaur's claw with his left hand, and the right * gun directly hit its chest. Some cold blood spewed from the pterosaur's chest and splashed on Xiao Yang's face, while the pterosaur's body fell like a broken kite.

Xiao Yang looked thoughtfully at the falling body of the pterosaur. Although the pterosaur died, Xiao Yang did not find its beast soul. He can see the souls of most creatures after death, but he can't see the souls of some creatures, so naturally he can't absorb them. The mutant monsters on the last island were like this. I didn't expect that I couldn't even see the pterosaur this time. Whether he can see the beast soul and absorb it is very important to Xiao Yang, but now he can't touch the rules, so he can only study it slowly in the future.

Xiao Yang and Wang Hanren continued to wait, but to their surprise, no new pterosaurs attacked the flying car. Could it be that the whistling of the pterosaur only called three of the same kind?

"They won't attack from below, will they?" Luo Ruzhi, who was driving, suddenly thought of this problem. The biggest blind area of Xiao Yang and Wang Hanren is directly below the flying car, which is also the main reason why they were embarrassed by pterosaurs before. If the pterosaur attacks from below again...

At this time, the chirping of the pterosaur came from under the car, and Luo Ruzhi's worry turned into reality so quickly!

Luo Ruzhi drove in a hurry to dodge, but it was too late. The sense of impact came again, and everyone in the car immediately grasped what they could catch, for fear that they would be thrown out again.

"What's the panic?" Xiao Yang said indifferently, "The pterosaurs from below will never pose a threat again."

What Xiao Yang said is correct. This time, the impact was quite weak, and everyone just felt that the car body shook slightly. Fang Xinqi leaned out of the car and looked down. He saw dozens of red vines with small teeth and claws under the car, and these vines were wrapped around a pterosaur and greedily absorbed its vitality.

The weight of the pterosaur made it impossible for the flying car to maintain this altitude and landed slowly, but this process only lasted less than half a minute. After sucking away the vitality of the pterosaur, the vines threw its body into the sea. Xiao Yang looked at the dry pterosaur body - just like just now, he still couldn't see the soul of the pterosaur.

There has been no new pterosaurs for a long time, and it seems that the battle with the pterosaurs seems to be over. At this time, Luo Ruzhi suddenly shouted: "Land! There is land ahead!"

Xiao Yang looked ahead. Sure enough, the land can be seen - to be precise, it should be a huge island, which is less than a kilometer ahead, covered with tall fern and palms, and countless ancient creatures can be seen foraging and playing.

Xiao Yang realized that the thick fog had completely dispersed inadvertently. He looked around, but only saw more than a hundred pterosaurs flying nearby, while the pterosaur carrying Peng Fei didn't know where it had gone.

Unfortunately, the pterosaurs also found that the fog had dispersed. Their huge figures rushed straight towards the flying car from all directions, as if the whole sky was pressing towards the flying car.

"Luo Ruzhi, land first!" Xiao Yang shouted, "So many pterosaurs, we can't beat them in the air!"

Peng Fei doesn't know where he has gone. Now he can only ignore him first and consider the safety of the whole team.

Luo Ruzhi also knew it. He pressed the joystick desperately, and the flying car rushed straight to the land like an arrow. Those pterosaurs are not easy to deal with. More than a dozen pterosaurs have taken a shortcut and blocked in front of the flying car, as if they were hunting.

Xiao Yang and Wang Hanren's firepower was aimed at the front. The rocket launcher and grenade gun fired at the same time, and the powerful firepower swept away all the pterosaurs in front one by one. However, several pterosaurs came from the side towards the flying car. Xiao Yang and Wang Hanren could not be separated, and the car was about to be hit by the pterosaur.

Xiao Yang was in a hurry and suddenly shouted. The pterosaurs were too scared to flap their wings by the roar. The flying car took the opportunity to rush straight ahead, and the pterosaurs could no longer catch up with the flying car.

"...the fierce beast roars?" Wang Hanren pressed his heart and said the name of Xiao Yang's skill in shock. Xiao Yang nodded. He always thought that this skill could only deter ordinary beasts, but he didn't expect that these ancient reptiles would also be afraid of it.

Luo Ruzhi beside him was also scared by the roar, but he still insisted on driving the flying car forward.

Dozens later, the flying car finally landed on the land of Sanna Island, and several people were relieved.

"Tip: Arrive at Sanna Island. The ultimate mission goal: to survive on the island for three days. Special reminder, if the final number of survivors is less than five, it will be judged as a mission failure. The tips of the sages finally came.

At this time, Peng Fei still doesn't know where he is.

Xiao Yang failed to contact Peng Fei. This is probably because there is something wrong with the communication, but Peng Fei may also be killed.

They landed on an empty beach, and no other animals were seen around except a few slow-moving plant-eating dinosaurs. Xiao Yang roared at them, and those docile giants quickly fled in fear.

Xiao Yang decided to stay in place for the time being. This beach is not only safe but also open. If Peng Fei also comes to the island smoothly, it should be easier for him to find it.

Everyone was not idle during this period. Luo Ruzhi put the spare tire back on the jeep so that the car could drive back on the ground. Xiao Yang used the ferns on the beach to perform wood spirit rejuvenation for the injured people. Jill, who was unconscious, was first treated. After she woke up, Xiao Yang turned to Fang Xin, whose arm was fractured.

Xiao Yanggang called Mu Ling to heal his wounds for Fang Xin, and suddenly saw a very thin necklace hanging around his neck, with a beautiful small pendant hanging under the necklace. The hanging decoration is a perfect cube, transparent black, slightly reflective, and I don't know what material it is made of.

"Yo, this thing is quite strange." Xiao Yang looked at the small square and said.

Fang Xin was stunned, looked down and saw his pendant, and hurriedly took it back into his arms. It seems that his pendant is usually secretly hanging around his neck, but this time it was because the jeep rotated in the air several times that the thing turned out of his clothes.

"Are you still embarrassed to let us see it? Isn't it a gift from you?" Luo Ruzhi, who was beside him, smiled.

"You won't die if you say less!" Fang Xin was a little angry. Several people next to him were a little surprised, because Fang Xin had always been relatively silent and gentle. I didn't expect him to get angry because of this incident.

Luo Ruzhi's anger also came up. Fortunately, Xiao Yang pulled him and the two of them did not conflict. After that, everyone was silent and continued to wait for Peng Fei on the beach.

Xiao Yang leaned against the door of the jeep and meditated. Fang Xin's black cube is a little suspicious. It doesn't look like something from the outside world, but like some kind of prop in the world. But if this is really the case, why does Fang Xin have to hide its existence?

Isn't this person really new, but pretended to be something else? Xiao Yang was shocked when she thought of this