Fruit Empire


But after carefully looking at Fang Xin, he didn't find anything strange, and the new position above the enemy radar did show a green dot, so he was a little relieved. In fact, there is no basis for suspecting Fang Xin. Maybe it's really just that he is over-minded.

Don't worry about the new things, think about the mission on this island. The mission mentioned by the sages is to stay on the island for three days to ensure the survival of five people. This goal looks simple, but it is not so easy to think about it. The team now has Xiao Yang, Peng Fei, Wang Hanren, Fang Xin and Luo Ruzhi, with a total of five people. The condition for completing the task is the survival of five people, that is to say, as long as one person dies, the task will fail.

Xiao Yang tried to contact Peng Fei again, but there was no reply. Judging from the failure of the mission, Peng Fei should be fine, but where has he gone?

Everyone waited on the beach all morning, but still didn't wait for Peng Fei to appear. It doesn't make sense to continue to wait like this. Xiao Yang can only make a decision to find a safe place to settle down first. Everyone got on the jeep and used the track of the tire to run out a huge Z-shaped arrow on the beach. I believe that Peng Fei could catch up with everyone according to the next tire print after seeing this arrow.

The jeep is driving slowly on the beach. Near the beach of this island is a hilly area covered with vegetation. The terrain is complex and may be dangerous to go deep into it. Besides, the mission goal is to survive all members, and there is no need to go too deep into the hinterland of the island. It would be best to find a safe place near the beach.

The car drove for half an hour and stopped in front of a cliff about 100 meters high.

"It's unlucky that you can't even find a small cave at the foot of this cliff." Luo Ruzhi shook his head as he spoke. On this island, the small cave is undoubtedly the best hiding place. As long as you hide in it, you can basically ensure that it is safe and sound.

"...the cave?" Xiao Yang glanced at the almost vertical cliff and suddenly said, "That thing is..."

On the rock wall in the middle of the cliff, a huge white hemispherical object is inlaid on it. There is even something shining on the spherical object. If you look closely, you can find that it is glass. There is no doubt that this white hemisphere is an artificial building.

Xiao Yang decided to go in and have a look.

A few minutes later, everyone had flown to the white hemisphere in a jeep. The glass window is too reflective to see the inside, but there are no dangerous light spots on the enemy's radar. There is a window on the hemispherical building that is half-closed, but the angle is too small. Not to mention entering, you can't see anything inside. Xiao Yang directly bombarded the window with a rocket launcher and quickly made a hole. The flying car hovered outside the hole, and everyone except Luo Ruzhi got into the building from the hole one by one.

There is no one here. I only see a dilapidated scene. The room is full of dust and cobwebs, and some things such as tables, chairs and computers are also broken. There was still a strong smell of corpses in the room, and everyone couldn't help covering their noses. However, strangely, no human or animal bodies were found, and they didn't know where the smell came from.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, Xiao Yang locked his eyebrows. At first, he thought it would be a dinosaur research institute or something like that, but there were only some tables, chairs, sofas, computer water dispensers in the room, and there was no expected machine, test bench or anything like that, just like an ordinary office. But it's also a little wrong to say that it looks like an office, because there are no newspapers, magazines, notebooks and phone notebooks in the room, which gives people a very incongruous feeling. There are several pistols and miniature* in the corner of the room, and there are bullets in it. However, the gun is so rusty that it should be useless.

Xiao Yang walked to a desk. The computer on this desk seems to be good, and you may be able to find some clues from it. However, the power supply in this room has been cut off for a long time, and it is delusional to use a computer.

"What the hell is this place?" Jill raised the same question as Xiao Yang.

"I don't know." Xiao Yang looked around the scene in the room, "However, it looks relatively safe here. Maybe it can be used as a temporary place for us."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar voice sounded from Xiao Yang's watch.

"Can you hear me? It's me... I'm sorry, I... I may... be dying."

The sound from the loudspeaker was obviously Peng Fei's. After hearing Peng Fei's words, Xiao Yang looked stunned. He didn't expect Peng Fei to call at this time, and he didn't expect that Peng Fei's first sentence would be like his last words.

"Where are you?" Xiao Yang shouted and ran out, "Hold on, I'll go there!"

Peng Fei is in danger of dying and must now rush there to save him as soon as possible. Therefore, Xiao Yang first asked where Peng Fei was. As for what happened, as long as he rushed there, he would know.

"...Oh, you don't have to come. It's too late." Peng Fei's words are as if he has accepted his fate.

Xiao Yang's heart thumped. I still remember that when Peng Fei first entered the hell game, his girlfriend died to protect him. At that time, Peng Fei had abandoned himself for a period of time, but since then, he has been ambitious, confident and calm. I really don't know whether Peng Fei is so desperate now. I really don't know how dangerous the situation he encountered is.

Although Xiao Yang was in a heavy mood, he took a deep breath and then shouted at his watch: "Don't talk nonsense! Tell me your location immediately, and hold on there until I get there!"

Peng Fei replied in a decadent voice, "... Brother Yang, there is no need for that. I have..."

"B bastard! This is an order! I won't allow you to die like this, do you hear me?" Xiao Yang's voice seemed to be roaring.

"...Oh, okay, I'll try my best." Peng Fei seemed to finally lift some spirit, "I'm on the suspension bridge. There are very deep canyons underfoot, and there are high peaks on both sides. In addition..."

Peng Fei's voice suddenly stopped, and then he couldn't get in touch.

Xiao Yang looked at Luo Ruzhi beside him: "You drive and we'll save Peng Fei."

At this time, Wang Hanren and others also wanted to walk towards the car, but Xiao Yang stopped them: "You don't have to come, leave them here for me. You need to do further investigation in this room. It's enough for Luo Ruzhi and me to save Peng Fei.

Luo Ruzhi drove a flying car into the blue sky. Xiao Yang still sat in the co-pilot seat of the flying car as usual, overlooking the land below.

"Captain, were you just looking for an excuse?" Luo Ruzhi suddenly said, "You just don't want them to follow."

Xiao Yang nodded. It doesn't need the strength of others to save people this time. Besides, I don't know how dangerous it is. They can only get in the way when they go there. Peng Fei has too many people to save. If others are in danger again, they will really cry without tears. As for calling Luo Ruzhi, it is also necessary. After all, Luo Ruzhi is the only one who can drive a flying car skillfully.

At this time, there were several pterosaurs hovering in the nearby sky. As soon as they saw the flying car, they tried to attack, but Xiao Yang immediately launched a fierce beast roar at them. The huge roar shocked them again, and Xiao Yang then added a few grenades to these pterosaurs. Although he shot so quickly that these shots failed to hit the key points of the pterosaurs, it was enough for these guys to scream and fly away.

Xiao Yang looked at the distant figure of the pterosaurs. At the beginning, I overestimated the combat effectiveness of these things. In fact, in addition to suffering their losses in the fog at the beginning, it was relatively easy to deal with them later. I really hope these pterosaurs can learn to be smarter in the future and don't make trouble again.

The flying car hovered in the air, and Xiao Yang tried his best to search for Peng Fei's position. Peng Fei provided too little information just now. He only said that he was on the suspension bridge between the two mountains, neither the direction nor the distance, and it was very difficult to find. Moreover, Peng Fei was in the mountains, and Xiao Yang could not search for him with super hearing.

But fortunately, there are not many mountains around here that can be called high mountains. From the cliff where people hide to the hinterland of the island, there is a vast hilly area nearby, and most of the slopes are very low, but the four connected peaks are far higher than other mountains. Peng Fei is likely to be somewhere in the midst of the four peaks.

Luo Ruzhi drove in the direction of the four peaks according to Xiao Yang's instructions. At this time, Xiao Yang had already seen several canyons among the four peaks, but he did not see any suspension bridge. However, the range of these four mountains is quite large. Maybe the canyon where the suspension bridge is located is blocked by a mountain peak, so it can't be seen.

The flying car came directly above the four peaks and began to circle. Xiao Yang concentrated all his attention and swept through every corner as far as he could see, trying to find the suspension bridge that Peng Fei said. The view from the sky is very wide. If you are lucky, you can even find Peng Fei directly.

However, Xiao Yang searched for more than 20 minutes and was still in vain. Not to mention Peng Fei, even the suspension bridge can't be found. Do you mean...

"Captain, did we make a mistake at the beginning? In fact, Peng Fei is not in the middle of these four mountains?" Luo Ruzhi said the doubts in his heart on behalf of Xiao Yang.

"This possibility also exists. Search again carefully. If you still can't find it, let's change places. Xiao Yang said.

If Peng Fei is not here, it is just a waste of precious time to stay; but if he is here, he will miss the opportunity to save him if he leaves rashly.

"Investigate this room... I don't understand, what can be investigated in this room? Everything is clear at a glance, and there is nothing suspicious." Fang Xin sat on the dilapidated stool and complained.

Wang Hanren turned over the drawers in the table and said, "Xiao Yang, he doesn't want us to go with him to save Peng Fei. This also takes our safety into consideration.

"Well, I knew it. Our combat effectiveness is not enough, so we will only be a burden if we go there. Fang Xin stood up and held his palms tightly on the dusty computer table. It seemed that he was very unwilling.

At this time, Wang Hanren stopped his hand. Looking through her eyes, she could see that Jill, not far away, moved the chair in front of a computer desk and got into the bottom of the computer desk.

"Jill, did you find anything?" Wang Hanren asked.

"Well, there is a small diesel generator underneath." Jill said, "If you are lucky, it may still work."

"Generator? What's the use of that?"

"Here are several computers that look good. If the generator can be used, we can find some clues from the undamaged computer. Gil Road.

After inspection, the diesel generator Jill found was really good, and there was still some fuel left in it. Jill connected the generator to the total power of the room and then started the generator smoothly. The indicator light on the power supply is on, which means that the generator is starting to operate normally.

Jill found a computer in the best condition, swept the dust and pressed the host switch.

A drop--. The start-up self-test was very successful, and Jill also showed a relaxed expression.

However, the next moment, the computer screen became dark. In the darkness, several red English letters appeared almost as if they were bleeding.

YOUWILLDIE (you will die)

"Well, I still didn't find anything in the end." Luo Ruzhi looked at Xiao Yang, "Which direction shall we go next?"

"Continue to face the hinterland of the island..." Xiao Yang's tone suddenly changed, "Wait! Those things! That's..."

Luo Ruzhi asked, "What is it?"

"I can't see clearly here. It's blocked by trees." Xiao Yang stretched out his arm and pointed to somewhere in the mountain, "Fly over there!"

A minute later, the flying car arrived at the location mentioned by Xiao Yang. There is a deep canyon nearby, but Xiaoyang has not found any suspension bridges for the time being.

There are many tall ferns growing on the edge of the canyon, covering the ground quite tightly. However, Xiao Yang still saw the following situation clearly from the gap between the leaves.

What a miserable situation that is. The ground lies the bodies of more than 30 medium-sized dinosaurs, surrounded by countless small scavenging dinosaurs. Xiao Yang asked Luo Ruzhi to drive to the ground. Those small scavengers saw them and immediately dispersed.

"Captain, aren't these dead dinosaurs Velociraptor?" Luo Ruzhi said.

Xiao Yang nodded. The corpses of these dinosaurs in front of us are obvious, and there is no doubt that they are Velociraptor. Velociraptor can be said to be the most well-known dinosaur, and they are indispensable in every film and game about dinosaurs. Although this predator is small, it is fast and powerful, and can be called the most ruthless killer on the ground in ancient times.

"That's really strange. Velociraptors should be very strong, so why did they die here collectively?" Luo Ruzhi looked at the bodies, "And strangely, the scars on their bodies are not heavy, not like they have fought with large carnivorous dinosaurs."

By this time, the flying car had landed on the ground. Xiao Yang jumped out of the car without saying a word and walked to the nearest Velociraptor. In the abdomen of this Velociraptor, there is a row of obvious holes, as if it had been poked by something.

If it is Peng Fei's sharp blade, it will definitely cause such an effect.

These wounds pierced by sharp cones on the body of the Velociraptor are not fatal. However, the tissue at the edge of their wounds is slightly purple, which seems to be a sign of poisoning.

Penfei's body has been modified by the Veronica virus and is different from ordinary people. It is completely reasonable that he killed these veloraptors by injecting viruses or toxic tissue fluids.

Xiao Yang looked up and saw some purple blood scattered on the ground, which further confirmed Xiao Yang's conjecture. Before Xiao Yang and Luo Ruzhi came, Peng Fei must have started a fierce battle with the Velociraptor group here.

There is no Peng Fei's body at the scene, and the mission has not failed so far. It should be considered that Peng Fei has survived. The question is where is he?

There is no third green spot other than Xiao Yang and Luo Ruzhi on the radar of the watch. Obviously, Peng Fei has left here and is not within the radar's display range. However, the body of the Velociraptor and the blood around it are still very fresh. It seems that not long after the end of the battle, Peng Fei has not gone too far.

Anyway, let's search around here first.

After scanning around, Xiao Yang turned his eyes to the west. Although it is surrounded by jungle, the west is relatively open, and Peng Fei is more likely to escape there.

Luo Ruzhi drove up. Because the dense forest blocks the view from the sky overlooking the ground, the car can't fly too high and can only shuttle under the forest leaves. When the car was flying, it hit those branches and leaves, and some Archaeopteryx flew out of the forest and passed by the car.

"What?" Xiao Yang said with surprise. Luo Ruzhi quickly hovered the flying car: "Captain, what's wrong?"

"I just seemed to hear something moving behind me." Xiao Yang's expression returned as usual, "Maybe it's those scavenous dinosaurs. It's nothing. Let's continue to move forward."

At the remains of the Velociraptor, small scavengers have been resurrounded. They first ran to a corpse of a Velociraptor with white bones exposed in its abdomen and nibbled it crazily.

The tail of the Velociraptor suddenly waved like a stick, sweeping several scavengers directly. The scavengers felt the danger and immediately fled, but it was too late. The deadly Velociraptor staggered and stood up, and Xiao opened his mouth and swallowed many scavengers directly into his stomach.

Then, other Velociraptors also stood up one after another. A few minutes later, the number of veloraptors resurrected from death reached more than ten. These reanimated Veloraptor skin fell off, their eyes were cloudy, and their movements were much slower than usual. They roared terribly and walked in all directions.

"Fly a little higher. I think there are still a lot of Velociraptors in this forest. When Xiao Yang heard those roars, he made such a judgment.

The jeep flew forward for another five minutes and reached an upward steep slope. As soon as he flew over the steep slope, Xiao Yang found a canyon less than 20 meters wide next to it. The canyon is between two high cliffs, both of which are covered by large forests. The canyon is extremely long and extends far away. At this time, Xiao Yang remembered that he also saw the canyon when he was in the air, but he didn't see the part of the canyon covered with trees.

"Green dot, I see the green dot!" Luo Ruzhi suddenly shouted excitedly. Xiao Yang immediately looked at his watch and saw three green dots on the enemy's radar, and the third green dot was not far from the east.

Xiao Yang pressed the intercom