Fruit Empire


with a resolute and resolute look.

"Interesting, so interesting!" With Helen's smile, several Gai's microbird dragons opened Wang Hanren's backpack and dragged a handful* out of it. Helen instructed Gai's Microbird Dragon to hand * to Luo Ruzhi.

"Use this* to blind her eyes, cut off her limbs, and then kill her and divide her torso into ten pieces." Helen said in a cruel tone.

Luo Ruzhi took over* and stabbed Wang Hanren's eye socket.

In order not to hinder Luo Ruzhi's movements, Helen dispersed the Gai's micronidrops and made them circle around the flying car.

Luo Ruzhi stabbed Wang Hanren's left eye with * in his hand. The blade penetrated the skin and blood flowed out. The strong pain stimulated Wang Hanren's nerves and made her wake up immediately. Wang Hanren's left eye, which was blurred by blood, only saw darkness, but her intact right eye still saw the red * and Luo Ruzhi holding *.

"It hurts, my eyes... Luo Ruzhi, what are you... what are you doing?" Wang Hanren covered his bleeding left eye and asked in horror.

Luo Ruzhi did not reply, and the * in his hand quickly pierced Wang Hanren's right eye. Wang Hanren only saw a flash of cold light, and then half of the world left was completely immersed in darkness. Unbearable pain hit Wang Hanren's mind, and she made a terrible scream.

"It's so beautiful. Luo, you are such a perfect mercenary. Helen laughed.

"...but... damn... soul messenger, it's you, you control Luo Ruzhi to attack me!" Wang Hanren endured the pain and groped under his seat with one hand. She was holding Uzi* before she was knocked unconscious by Helen just now. When she fainted, the gun fell under her seat.

Wang Hanren found the gun. She raised her gun and pointed the gun in Helen's direction with her own feelings.

However, the gun was taken away by a hand stretched out from the left.

"Sorry. I stabbed you with a knife, which was entirely out of my own will. Luo Ruzhi said.

"...what?" Wang Hanren suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Luo Ruzhi slashed Wang Hanren's left shoulder with a knife. The knife was cut so hard that the flesh on Wang Hanren's shoulder turned over. Wang Hanren screamed in pain: "...Luo Ruzhi, are you crazy!"

"I'm not crazy. I just don't want to die." Luo Ruzhi continued to wave*, splashing flesh and blood in the flying car. "Dr. Helen said that as long as I kill you, I can be rescued. I was afraid of death, so I chose to save myself first. So, I'm sorry."

"Hehe, it's so beautiful! Great mercenary!" Helen smiled with palms.

"" Wang Hanren's voice weakened and gradually became inaudible. A lot of blood loss made her unconscious again.

At this time, Wang Hanren's left shoulder had been cut to reveal the white bone, and as long as it was cut a few more times, it would be cut off. Luo Ruzhi shouted loudly and slashed Wang Hanren's left shoulder.

Haelun watched this scene with great interest. But in the next moment, the * actually stabbed into her heart!

"Yo, you are really cunning. You pretended to agree to my request, and you really wanted to attack me after I was paralyzed. Helen easily avoided* and said indifferently, "It's a pity... eh?"

Helen made that sound because the * suddenly turned and cut her hand. Helen was in pain, and the teleport gun in her hand fell down, and Luo Ruzhi immediately grabbed it in his hand.

"Go to hell." Luo Ruzhi pulled the trigger.

Helen disappeared. However, a vigorous panther appeared where Helen used to be. Luo Ruzhi was still stunned. The panther had rushed at him, and the teleport gun was thrown down by the panther and flew out of the car.

"Idiot, do you think I will eat the same trick twice in a row? I immediately turned into a leopard when you shot, so that the teleportation gun lost its initial target and escaped this teleport. The panther put his teeth against Luo Ruzhi's neck and scraped his skin with his tongue with a barbed hook. "It's a pity, mercenary. Originally, you only had to listen to my order to get the opportunity to survive, but you gave up this opportunity yourself. I really can't figure out how you cunning mercenary can make such a stupid choice again and again? Do you really think you can win me?

"Haha!" Luo Ruzhi laughed, "You made a mistake. I know very well that you are a hundred times better than me. Captain or Peng Fei may beat you, but I can't do it. No matter how smart I am, I will never make up for the gap between me and you.

"Oh? Then why did you choose to be my enemy?

"Ghost knows. Maybe it's because I'm no longer a mercenary now."

While speaking, Luo Ruzhi's hand had held the joystick behind him and suddenly pulled it down to the bottom! The whole flying car immediately turned its head to the right and threw Helen's panther out of the car in an instant! Luo Ruzhi and Wang Hanren were tied to the car because they had seat belts and did not fall off.

"Wow--" Helen roared in the air, and her body instantly turned into a huge gray-blue night owl. But by this time, the flying car had stopped again and hit Helen like lightning! Helen dodged the impact of the flying car before being hit, but she didn't expect that Luo Ruzhi would manipulate the flying car to swing the tail and directly aimed the tail of the car at her. The rocket thruster spewed an angry flame, burning the night owl's feathers, burning the skin, and the smell of protein burning in the air.

Helen did not seem to be able to fully exert her ability to regenerate after the transformation. She did not recover quickly, but fell down quickly like a fire fighter.

Luo Ruzhi took the opportunity to start the flying car, turned to the northwest at the fastest speed, and soon disappeared into the sky.

The group of Ge's microbird dragons that originally surrounded the flying car did not chase the flying car, but flew in the direction of the night owl falling. They only flew into the mouth of the night owl one by one, and the recovery speed of the night owl's body accelerated significantly. Those charred skin recovered in a few seconds, and the feathers grew quickly.

After swallowing all the Gai's microbird dragons into his abdomen, Helen's night owl completely recovered. She let out a creepy roar and vibrated her wings to chase in the direction of the flying car's escape. The night owl flew so fast that he could almost see the shadow behind him.

On the flying car, Luo Ruzhi carefully wrapped up Wang Hanren's wound. In fact, Wang Hanren's eyes were fine, because Luo Ruzhi was very careful when he stabbed. He did not stab her eyeball, but stabbed into the skin next to the eyeball. For Luo Ruzhi, who has tortured the enemy on the battlefield, it is not difficult to grasp this kind of proportion. Wang Hanren's most injured place was his left shoulder, which was really impossible to fake, so Luo Ruzhi really cut it down.

As soon as Luo Ruzhi wrapped up Wang Hanren, Wang Hanren woke up. After all, her physique has been strengthened and much better than ordinary people.

Although Wang Hanren couldn't see it, he still felt someone beside him and shouted in horror, "Who is it?"

"I'm Luo Ruzhi."

"Traitor! Bastard!" Wang Hanren cursed angrily and reached out to catch it in the air. Luo Ruzhi's face was scratched by her nails and blood beads flowed down.

"I'm sorry, I just used you to play a bitter trick." Luo Ruzhi wiped the blood off his face and said frankly, "Now, I finally got rid of the soul messenger named Helen."

"Bitter meat plan?"

Luo Ruzhi explained the strategy he used, and then Wang Hanren understood his painstaking efforts. But she was still very angry: "I won't forgive you! What should I do with my eyes? And what should I do with my face!"

"I'm very careful not to hurt your eyeballs. The captain should be able to cure you." Luo Ruzhi smiled bitterly, "I had no choice but to do this. After all, I'm neither the captain nor Peng Fei. I can't beat her head-on. I'm not as smart as Peng Fei. This is the only way I can think of to be rescued.

Wang Hanren fell silent and whispered, "...thank you."

"Oh! You should thank him! It's because he fooled me that now I swear to let you die more painfully than just now!" Helen's voice sounded behind the rear of the car.

Luo Ruzhi turned his head and saw the gray-blue night owl. Just relying on the body of a night owl, Helen caught up with the flying car flying at full speed. Such an enemy is really terrible.

Luo Ruzhi's face turned pale and took out his gun to shoot at the night owl. However, Ye Xiao moved quickly in the air, and he couldn't hit the other party at all.

Helen's night owl roared in a strange voice, and soon a pterodactyl flew over. Night Xiao stayed on the body of the pterodactyl and turned into Helen again.

"Okay, your life, let's end here!" Helen commanded the pterodactyl to attack forward.

Luo Ruzhi, a former mercenary who has experienced countless life-and-death dangers, is now trembling all over. It's really exhausted. There is no way.

"Sud--" Helen's body suddenly ignited a fierce blue flame. Even Helen, as a soul messenger, howled in pain because of the flame.

Luo Ruzhi, Wang Hanren! Great, we finally caught up!"

In Luo Ruzhi's ears, Xiao Yang's voice seemed to come from heaven.

"Captain, Peng Fei, you..." Luo Ruzhi couldn't go on. He only felt that there was a warm current in his heart. They are coming. They are finally here! I'm not fighting alone anymore. There is hope, there is hope to live!

Xiao Yang didn't talk to Luo Ruzhi anymore and picked up the rocket launcher and bombarded Helen. At this time, Helen was still trying her best to fight against the moonfire on her body and had no time to control the pterodactyl, so the pterodactyl just slowly vibrating its wings and hovering in place.

The rocket failed to touch Helen. A hurricane suddenly blew around Helen, forming a protective wall, directly rolling away all the rockets and exploding in the air. The scope of the hurricane is getting larger and larger, and the wind makes Xiao Yang and others not only unable to open their eyes, but also in danger of being thrown down from the air. The three people hanging by Peng Fei clenched the rope in their hands and couldn't do anything.

When the hurricane stopped, only the pterodactyl remained in place, and Helen was gone.

"Don't think you can beat me like this!" The pterodactyl began to speak in Helen's voice, "If the beasts hadn't consumed too much natural power, I would have solved all of you here!"

When the pterodactyl spoke, Peng Fei stretched out a sharp blade in his hand and flew towards it quickly. The pterodactyl did not dodge and stopped in place.

Peng Fei flew to the pterodactyl, and the sharp blade and tentacles pierced the weakest abdominal position of the pterodactyl. This blow pierced almost all the internal organs of the pterodactyl, and Peng Fei's highly poisonous tissue fluid was also injected into its body. The huge body of the dying pterodactyl quickly fell down.

"Stupid, this is not my body at all, and it doesn't matter if I die!" Helen's voice kept coming, "Listen, you can tremble and cry!" Don't want to live on this island! From now on, all the creatures on the island will be your enemies!"

When the figure of the pterodactyl completely disappeared, Helen's curse was finally inaudible.

"Brother Yang, it seems that we have more enemies." Peng Fei sighed.

Xiao Yang kowtowed his head: "It doesn't matter. So what if they are all enemies? Haven't we been used to this kind of thing for a long time?

Xiao Yang and four others returned to the flying car. Luo Ruzhi told everything that happened before, and finally said, "I'm really sorry that I hurt Wang Hanren so badly and lost my teleportation gun."

"There is nothing to apologize for. There is nothing you can do to hurt Wang Hanren. If you lose the teleportation gun, you will lose it. Now I don't think we can find it on the ground. Let's just buy a new one after we survive this. Xiao Yang patted Luo Ruzhi on the shoulder, "Bebined, you have done a good job. I didn't expect that you could force Helen back with your own strength.

"Hellen is really terrible." Luo Ruzhi recalled the scene just now: "I don't want to fight her again."

"Don't worry. I'll deal with her next time." Xiao Yang made a promise. As a captain and a Druid, Xiao Yang must face Helen in person.

The flying car landed on a nearby mountain top, and everyone got out of the car to rest. Xiao Yang cured all the injured and used blood vines to fill the natural forces from the nearby plant-eating dinosaurs, and even filled the energy tank of the flying car. These plant-eating dinosaurs did not attack people like crazy. It seems that Helen's words "all creatures will become your enemies" are mostly intimidation.

Next, Xiao Yang intends to continue to complete the phantom reincarnation mission, and also bring a few people who have not received the task. After all, it is safer for everyone to be together. Besides, there is such a convenient means of transportation as a flying car, and Peng Fei is the escort. Just ask them to escape when they are in danger.

Before leaving, Peng Fei stopped Xiao Yang: "Brother Yang, I want to ask you something. How was this phantom reincarnation mission triggered?

"I don't know either. When I was chatting with Wang Hanren outside, the sages suddenly prompted that the phantom reincarnation mission had been triggered.


"It's nothing. Those virtual characters are so real that I doubt whether we are real people or phantoms. Of course, this is just a boring guess. I was also a little annoyed at that time, so I talked to Wang Hanren.

Peng Fei asked again, "Did nothing unusual happen at that time?"

"No." Xiao Yang shook his head, "What did you find?"

"No, that may be my illusion." Peng Fei said, "I always feel that this task is not that simple."

"This is indeed an unknown task, but I think it should be similar to a random task." Xiao Yang said, "If you don't complete it, maybe the punishment of the system is very serious. The task doesn't seem too difficult. We'd better complete it.

"Hmm. Got it. Let's go now."

The flying car soared in the sky, and Peng Fei stood on the back cover of the car and closed the huge meat wings. In this way, he can go out at any time as soon as something happens. Occasionally, a few uninteresting pterosaurs will come to harass the flying car, but they are quickly killed or repulsed by Peng Fei. Xiao Yang originally wanted to take action herself, but later she found that there was no need at all, so she was very happy.

After arriving at the G3 area, Xiao Yang and others soon found the saltwater lake. The area of the lake is so large that it is too easy to find it from the air.

The flying car landed on the lakeside. Most of the plant-eating dinosaurs were frightened and ran away, leaving a large open space for the flying car to park there.

After getting off the bus, Xiao Yang asked Wang Hanren, "Where will the eggs of the snake-necked dragon be?"

Reptiles generally lay their eggs in warm and moist places. Eggs are likely to be in water grass or caves on the shore. Wang Hanren said, "But I'm not completely sure if the plesiosaurs are like this. After all, I don't specialize in paleontology."

"Hmm. That's enough." Xiao Yang's eyes swept over the lake. "Let's search on the shore first."

"You can't find anything on the shore. Because the plesiosaurs will lay their eggs in underwater caves. A somewhat familiar voice came from the nearby araft tree.

When Jill heard this sound, she was stunned. Xiao Yang immediately drew his gun and swept a shuttle of bullets between the leaves of the astring tree.

However, the speaker was not hit, but quickly landed on the ground. That's Reina, who hasn't seen you for a long time.

"You are so affectionate." Reina sighed at Xiao Yang, "I came here to point you at the risk of being discovered by that terrible guy."

"Less nonsense. Disappear from our eyes immediately, or we will kill you here." Xiao Yang put down his harsh words. Unlike Helen, Rina can't kill everyone directly. Therefore, Xiao Yang chose to talk to her instead of fighting with her immediately.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Your tone is getting louder." Reina glanced around, "But looking at this, you really repelled the Druid. She is almost invincible on this island, but you can repel her, which is really admirable.

Xiao Yang did not answer. He looked at Peng Fei, who immediately burst his whole body and rushed in the direction of Rena. However, Rena easily dodged Peng Fei's attack and said, "Don't be in such a hurry. In addition to the eggs of Serpentosaurus, I have one more thing to remind you. If you have a chance to kill that Druid, don't do it. You must let her go. Otherwise