Fruit Empire



Xiao Yang had drawn a knife and cut at her before Reina finished speaking.

"Otherwise, you will regret it! Trust me!" Rena's figure disappeared into the sky with her words. Xiao Yang put the knife back into the scabbard. They couldn't catch up with Reina's speed of action, so they had to let her leave.

"Brother Yang." Peng Fei walked to Xiao Yang's side, "Rina's words..."

"There is no need to believe a group of nonsense." Xiao Yang said affirmatively, "Don't forget that she is our enemy."

The search on the shore lasted four hours. Until the sun shines, people still can't find the nest of the snake-necked dragon. After all, they know too little about paleontology, and it is extremely difficult to search for such things.

"Maybe the snake-necked dragon's nest is really in the water." Wang Hanren said, "The plesiosaur is an aquatic creature, and it is normal to have this situation."

Xiao Yang stared at the Great Lake. Occasionally, several plesiosaurs appear on the lake, but they have never been seen to come ashore. There is still a possibility that their nests will be built under the water.

But if the nest of the snake-necked dragon is really under the water, it will be very difficult to find it. Of course, there is no way...

Xiao Yang looked at Peng Fei and said, "I decided to take Jill to the bottom of the water. What do you think?"

Peng Fei showed a surprised look: "Well, what did you say?"

"Oh, by the way, you don't know that yet. Now I have found a new use of the beast soul variant, which can seal others inside the beast body when summoning the beast body. At present, it can carry up to two people when the body changes. Xiao Yang explained, "This skill will not affect my battle. The only disadvantage is that the damage and pain on the beast will also be transmitted to other crew members, placing a burden on their spirits."

"I see. Are you going to use the giant crocodile to dive into the bottom of the water? Peng Fei tilted his head and said, "But I said Brother Yang, isn't this too risky? Can you really beat the snake-necked dragon with a giant crocodile turtle? Besides, there may be other more ferocious dinosaurs or other monsters in the lake.

"Don't be afraid of snake-necked dragons. The shell of the giant crocodile turtle is so hard that even my immortal blood front can only leave traces on it. Xiao Yang said, "I'm afraid that Jill's spirit can't stand it."

Peng Fei thought for a moment: "In this case, I have a way."

"What can I do?"

"She will feel pain when she is awake, but she can't feel it when she is in a coma, right? Just make her dizzy and take her to the bottom of the lake. This is what Peng Fei came up with.

At the instruction of Xiao Yang, Luo Ruzhi unexpectedly attacked the back of Jill's neck. Jill was hit unprepared and fainted. Luo Ruzhi used to do this kind of thing on the battlefield, and his strength was so stable that he just knocked Jill unconscious without hurting her.

Xiao Yang took Jill in one hand and prepared to use the beast soul variant.

"Wait for me, captain!" Fang Xin shouted.

"You don't have to go, just stay here. Jill, as long as I help you, it's enough. You'd better stay on the shore. After saying that, Xiao Yang has activated the beast soul variant. Fang Xin can't help at all now, so it's more appropriate to let Fang Xin stay on the shore. Anyway, as long as the whole task is completed, Fang Xin's personal task will also be completed.

The giant crocodile turtle dived into the water. It swam far faster in the water than Xiao Yang expected. It was like a submarine and soon swam into a quite deep place.

There are many ancient fish in the lake, as well as reptiles such as ancient crocodiles. However, most of them fled far away as soon as they saw the giant crocodile turtle approaching.

Not long after swimming, the giant crocodile turtle encountered a group of ichthyosaurs that were foraging. However, even these ichthyosaurs quickly fled. It seems that the giant crocodile turtle is indeed an extremely dangerous aquatic predator, with incomparable deterrent power in the water. Xiao Yang felt much more at ease. Without other aquatic creatures, it will be much easier to find the nest of the snake-necked dragon.

At this time, the surge of water seems to become fierce. Through the eyes of the giant crocodile turtle, Xiao Yang saw a huge object approaching him not far away. In terms of body shape, that is exactly the snake-necked dragon Xiaoyang is looking for.

Xiao Yang manipulated the giant crocodile turtle to approach the snake-necked dragon. An ultrasound came from the water, which was a threatening signal from the snake-necked dragon towards the giant crocodile tortoise. Xiao Yang ignored this, and the giant crocodile and turtle continued to swim towards the snake-necked dragon.

The snake-necked dragon Xiao opened its mouth and bit the giant crocodile turtle. Xiao Yang did not dodge and waited for it to bite over. The plesiosaur's teeth bit on the solid shell, and only heard a "ka" sound, but the plesiosaurs bit its teeth. I still remember that when it was on the ship, the plesiosaur almost bit the steel plate at the bottom of the ship, but now it can't do anything about the tortoise shell.

The giant crocodile's body waved its forelimbs to grab the neck of the snake-necked dragon. This time, the snake-necked dragon's long neck was striped off a piece of meat, and the blood stained the surrounding water. The snake-necked dragon began to attack the head of the giant crocodile tortoise body, but it could not cause any damage to the giant crocodile tortoise body.

The snake-necked dragon soon realized that the opponent in front of it could not be defeated by itself, and it turned around and fled to the deep water. Tracking the snake-necked dragon may find its nest, so Xiao Yang followed it.

The snake-necked dragon escaped too fast. The giant crocodile turtle was moving at full speed, but it was still not as fast as it, and was gradually pulled away.

A large area of green water grass appeared in front of it, occupying a large space in the water. At this time, the giant crocodile tortoise is about 200 meters away from the snake-necked dragon. As long as the snake-necked dragon penetrates into the water grass, the giant crocodile tortoise body will definitely not catch up. However, the snake-necked dragon suddenly turned its head and swam away from the water grass. Xiao Yang immediately manipulated the shortcut of the giant crocodile tortoise body to take the diagonal line, shortening the distance between it and the snake-necked dragon, and finally was not thrown away by it.

The snake-necked dragon drilled into the tunnel naturally formed by reefs at the bottom of the water, and the giant crocodile turtle followed closely. The space inside is far less spacious than the outside, and the speed of the snake-necked dragon has slowed down, so you don't have to worry about being slipped away by it.

It didn't take long for the tunnel to open up. A huge natural cave appeared in front of Xiao Yang. There is a special flat slope in the cave, and the water in the lake can't get in. On the flat slope, there is a nest built by water plants, in which there are two colorful big eggs.

Just as Xiao Yang was about to drive the giant crocodile turtle to swim towards the flat slope, four or five snake-necked dragons swam towards him. It turns out that they all live in this underwater cave. Xiao Yang ignored these snake-necked dragons and continued to swim towards the flat slope. The snake-necked dragons bit and bumped around the giant crocodile turtle, but there was nothing they could do about it. The shell of the giant crocodile turtle is too hard.

The giant crocodile turtle is less than 20 meters away from the two eggs. By this time, the earliest snake-necked dragon had rushed to the flat slope. It needs to protect its eggs.

Xiao Yang stretched out the iron mouth of the giant crocodile tortoise body and directly clamped the snake-necked dragon's neck, dragged it down from above and threw it to one side. Then he opened the mouth of the giant crocodile turtle and wrapped the egg of a snake-necked dragon in his mouth.

But at this moment, he felt a pain from his tail vertebrae. It turned out that those snake-necked dragons saw that it was useless to attack the body and front end of the giant crocodile tortoise body, so they began to prepare from the tail of the giant crocodile tortoise body. The tail of the giant crocodile turtle body is not covered with a tortoise shell, and it is not as hard as the head, so the attack of the plesiosaurs still worked.

Xiao Yang commanded the giant crocodile tortoise body to swim forward, but the snake-necked dragons still biting, and the two sides were like tug-of-war in the water.

With a "ss-h" sound, the tail of the giant crocodile's turtle body was torn off. Xiao Yang swam forward in pain, but suddenly heard a "Ouch" in his body.

"Gill! Are you awake? Xiao Yang was shocked.

"Uh...wake up." Jill asked, "It's dark again... Where are we?"

"At the bottom of the water. I used that giant crocodile turtle to carry you here. You can bear the pain. I have got the egg, and we will return the same way. Xiao Yang said.

Xiao Yang fought briefly with the group of snake-necked dragons with giant crocodile turtles, which soon made them all hang up. The snake-necked dragons did not dare to approach the giant crocodile turtle. Xiao Yang turned his head leisurely and swam outside the cave.

When the giant crocodile turtle came outside the underwater tunnel, the water grass had been pushed near the entrance of the tunnel by the current, blocking Xiao Yang's road. This kind of water grass grows very strangely. It is obviously algae, but it has fine thorns on it. Xiao Yang had no choice but to swim into the water grass first. The green silky water grass brushed the body of the giant crocodile turtle, and there seemed to be a numb feeling coming from the body.

Xiao Yang didn't care at first, but he soon felt a little paralyzed, and the giant crocodile's body was swimming slower and slower.

"I'm in good health..." Jill's voice came.

"Damn it, this water plant is poisonous!" Xiao Yang finally realized how serious the problem was. It is precisely because of the toxicity of this aquatic plant that the plesiosaur avoided it just now. Originally, the giant crocodile turtle was very hard and would not be stabbed and poisoned, but its tail was bitten off and there was a wound, so it was poisoned.

The water flow became intense, and the water plants continued to float in the water. Xiao Yang cheered up, rushed through the water and grass area and swam towards the water.

But he didn't swim far. The giant crocodile turtle gradually seemed to have been petrified and could hardly swim.

Xiao Yang raised the head of the giant crocodile turtle and looked at the surface of the water. Now it is less than ten meters away from the surface of the water. And there are almost no creatures near the giant crocodile turtle. In a short period of time, nothing should come for the time being.

"Gill, get ready to shut up." Xiao Yang said to Jill, "I will remove the beast soul variant immediately. Let's swim like this."

At the moment of removing the beast soul variant, the eggs of Xiao Yang, Jill and Serpentine Dragon all went into the water. Xiao Yang stretched out his hand to catch the dinosaur egg, but at this time, he felt strong water pressure. His brain was congested, his hand trembled, and the dinosaur egg slid down from his hand.

Jill was just below Xiao Yang, and she also stretched out her hand to the dinosaur egg. The dinosaur egg was only a few centimeters away from her fingertips, and she had touched the dinosaur egg with a fierce effort.

"The second phase of the phantom reincarnation mission is completed." The voice of the sages sounded.

Xiao Yang suspected that he had heard it wrong. There was a reward when he completed the first stage, but he didn't get any rewards in the second stage, which is too strange.

At the same time, on the shore.

The second phase of the phantom reincarnation mission is completed. You get a random reward, one Meng Poshi. With the voice of the "sages", a gray pebble appeared in Fang Xin's palm. Fang Xin held the pebble tightly. I didn't expect that I really got this thing. Damn, if only I could have got it earlier, otherwise Su Feiqi would not have died.

Fang Xin took out the black cube on his chest and put the gray pebbles on it. The gray pebble seemed to fall into quicksand and gradually sank into the black cube. Soon it sank completely and could not be found. There is no trace left on the black cube.

"Tip: The combination of the nine spirit box and Meng Po stone has been completed." The voice of the sages came, "The summoning conditions of Meng Pozhai have been reached. Once the three words Meng Pozhai are read out of your mouth, you can directly summon Meng Pozhai.

Fang Xin put the black cube called the Nine Spirit Box back into his collar. I hope there is no chance to use this thing in this mission. He thought so.

Jill finally didn't catch the dinosaur egg, and it disappeared into the darkness of the bottom of the water. Fortunately, Jill's task was completed when she touched the surface of the eggshell, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble.

Xiao Yang has now changed into King Kong's limbs and pulled Jill to swim to the water. Although the vertical distance from the water is only ten meters, it is also quite difficult for human beings to swim up. The huge water pressure rattled Xiao Yang's bones, and Jill's situation was even more difficult. Under the water pressure, she could only wave her arm feebly. If Xiao Yang hadn't pulled Jill upstream with all her strength, I'm afraid she would have drowned now.

not far away, a group of dark shadows swam towards this side. That's the group of fish and dragons that were scared away by the giant crocodile turtle. Xiao Yang was so anxious that he tried his best to swim up. After losing the protection of the giant crocodile turtle, fighting underwater is tantamount to looking for death. You must get to the surface as soon as possible and let Peng Fei come over and pull himself and Jill up.

The fish and dragons are approaching quickly. They are the fastest swimming speed among Paleozoic aquatic creatures, with a swimming speed of tens of meters per second. In just a few seconds, they have surrounded Xiao Yang and Jill.

The ichthyosaur seemed to be the leader sent an ultrasonic signal, and immediately the ichthyosaur began to attack Xiao Yang and Jill. Xiao Yang hugged Jill tightly and began to use blood orchid pains continuously, and went upstream when those ichthyosaurs were too painful to move.

When all the blood orchids were used up, Xiao Yang went up about five meters. The vertical distance of five meters in the water is not easy for human beings. It is good to swim so fast at ordinary times, but now it is to save lives, and this speed is not enough.

Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and prepared to use the semi-body beast soul variant, but failed. Today, Xiaoyang has used the beast soul variant three times, and the last beast soul variant has just ended. Although the natural power in his body is still sufficient, his spirit is temporarily unable to withstand the fourth beast soul variant.

The nearest ichthy dragon stretched out its mouth and bit Jill's head. Xiao Yang reluctantly hugged Jill to avoid the blow, but the King Kong arm covered in his right hand was torn a large piece of meat, and almost all of Xiao Yang's own arm had been exposed.

Xiao Yang changed his strategy and stretched out the limbs of the giant crocodile turtle on his arms and feet. He also wanted to summon the shell of the giant crocodile turtle to protect his back, but failed. Although he has learned the skill of beast body, Xiao Yang can only attach the body of the beast soul to his limbs so far, and cannot attach the beast body to other parts of the body.

The limbs of the giant crocodile turtle are very flexible in the water. In addition, the fish dragons always only attack one or two of them, so most of their attacks are blocked by Xiao Yang. However, Xiao Yang still suffered many injuries. Although it was not fatal, it seriously affected his physical strength. It is really difficult to fight against so many ichthyosaurs in the water as human beings.

The biggest problem is that there is less and less oxygen in Xiao Yang's lungs. Now they are still three meters away from the water. It's just three meters away, but it looks so far away.

At this time, six fish dragons attacked Xiao Yang and Jill from six directions at the same time. Their targets are Xiao Yang's left arm, right shoulder, left waist and outer right thigh; Jill's back and right buttocks. As long as they bite you, the two will definitely be torn apart.

It is impossible to dodge or defend against the attacks of these six ichthyosaurs at the same time. What should I do?

Xiao Yang suddenly remembered the situation when he used the Spinosaurus body not long ago. By the way, use animal inspiration!

The animal soul engraving of the giant crocodile turtle in Xiao Yang's hand began to shine. The memory of the giant crocodile turtle's life flowed through Xiao Yang's mind like an electric current, and its survival and fighting skills were all integrated into Xiao Yang's body.

Six fish dragons approached the two people and almost immediately bit their bodies. But at this time, the limbs of the miniature giant crocodile began to rotate clockwise at the same time. The water was violently stirred up, and the water foamed everywhere. The six fish and dragons were swept away by the water and could no longer get close to Xiao Yang and Jill.

This is the life-saving stunt of the giant crocodile turtle in the face of a large group of enemies, exchanging the rotation of its body for space to escape. Xiao Yang felt a strong sense of dizziness in his brain and his lungs were congested, but he still held on and rotated his body towards the water.

The water movement not only prevented the action of the fish dragons, but also blurred Xiao Yang's vision. He did not find that a snake-necked dragon was approaching less than 100 meters behind his body. That was the snake-necked dragon that was injured by Xiao Yang and took away the egg.

Peng Fei and others were all silent and looked at the lake motionless. Xiao Yang and Jill have been going down for a while, and they don't know what their current situation is.

"Xiao Yang, will they be all right?" Wang Hanren asked worriedly.

"I just received a reminder from the sages that the second stage of the phantom reincarnation mission has been completed." Fang Xin said, "They should be returning."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Peng Fei asked with a resentful tone, "When is the hint of the sages?"

"It took less than five minutes."

"Five minutes, now... Ah, Brother Yang!" Peng Fei suddenly shouted. He was stunned for less than three seconds, and then immediately raised his wings and flew to the lake.

Xiao Yang emerged from the lake, and Jill was also beside him. But just under the water behind Xiao Yang, a huge shadow is approaching them.

" me!" Xiao Yang also saw Peng Fei, reluctantly digging the water. He shouted feebly. Just now, the fish dragons have escaped, but the original snake-necked dragon swam out of the cave and regarded Xiao Yang and Jill as targets for predation.

Xiao Yang has exhausted almost all his physical strength in the process of swimming, and Jill almost drowned. The blood orchid pain that can be used to save lives has also been used up.