Fruit Empire


It's the same as crushed.

"Ah, ah..." Hongluan shouted for pain. Of course, this pain is not pretended, but even in this real pain, Hongluan did not stop thinking.

Guate from time, that guy should have been brought here by Luo Ruzhi. Well, I originally wanted Song Yunxiang to come, but the bastard said that he couldn't do such a fine job, so he had to call Luo Ruzhi from Xiao Yang's team. Luo Ruzhi's fighting ability is not bad, and it should not be a problem to save that guy.

When that guy comes here, he will definitely hear me being teased. With his loyalty to me, he may rush in. However, Luo Ruzhi would stop him and pull him out of the camp before he understood that I was in the tent. After that, that guy will report to An Lushan in person. An Lushan trusts him so much that he will definitely believe his words... Let An Lushan and Shi Siming turn against each other. Such a beautiful move is really...

At this time, the handsome tent suddenly rose, and there seemed to be a sound of fighting.

"What's going on?" Hongluan said to himself in shock.

"Don't care what's going on! Answer my question just now!" Xiao Yang stared at Hongluan and forced her more fiercely to know his identity from her.

"Master, forgive me for being late! I'm coming to save you!" Liu Hao, who was suddenly pulled open and covered with blood and a big knife in his hand, rushed in from outside the tent door.

Luo Ruzhi followed from behind at this time, suddenly grabbed Liu Hao and shouted, "Hey, go! How can Hongluan be here!"

However, it is too late. Liu Hao has seen Hongluan. He shouted like crazy, "Shi Siming, you old man! Let go of my mistress immediately, or I will take your life!"

He dumped Luo Ruzhi and ran crazily towards Xiaoyang. He ran so fast that he rushed to "Xiao Yang" in a few seconds and cut his neck with a big knife!

Spring world, bone peak. The battle between Xiao Yang and Huang Lin continues. Of course, this so-called battle is actually just Huang Lin unilaterally manipulating Xiao Yang's body and dodging the attack of the two maces in her hand. Xiao Yang can't control his body at this time, can't do anything, and can only watch from the side.

Xiao Yang has some doubts in his heart. This situation in the bone peak is not normal at all. Although the previous momentum of mountain peaks turning into piles of bones is indeed scary, the subsequent situation of fighting between the two is very ordinary; it can only be said to be pediatrics compared with the infinite death chain in the blood spring pass in the first level.

The next day is more difficult than the first level, which should be almost common sense. But now Gufeng Pass obviously doesn't look as horrible as the Blood Spring Pass; this is not right. Bone Peak Pass can never be such a simple thing. Xiao Yang did not dare to be careless and has been vigilant; in case of any change, he can react immediately.

On the other hand, King Equality said that the battle situation of Gufeng Pass will affect the essence of the people in the wheel of history; but although he said so, he could not see the situation in the wheel of history in this spring world. Xiao Yang is also completely unclear about what the so-called impact is and how big it will be. You can only take one step at the Bone Peak Pass. If this will lead to danger to teammates on the other side of the Wheel of History, they can only save themselves.

At this time, the mace in Huang Lin's hand was still waving rapidly, but Xiao Yang's body dodged the mace faster. Huang Lin's puppet line is indeed easy to use. Xiao Yang only feels that she is held in her hand like a puppet and moves in an exquisite posture. That day, the puppet line seemed to be transparent or invisible, at least Xiao Yang's eyes could not see where the line was. Xiao Yang remembered that he had encountered something similar before, that is, the guy with Spider-Man's constitution in the desert, whose spider silk could easily raise people hundreds of meters in the air. The power of this sky puppet line is obviously far less than that of spider silk, but its ability to precisely manipulate the controller is far above the spider silk. More importantly, the sky puppet line is a prop rather than a skill, and it has not been blocked in the wheel of history and the spring world.

When Xiao Yang was thinking, Huang Lin's two bone mace suddenly accelerated the speed of the attack. However, Xiao Yang's body controlled by the sky puppet line did not react in time. Seeing that the wolf tooth stick in front was less than ten centimeters away from Xiao Yang's skull, it was not until this time that Xiao Yang's body began to move. The mace fell down quickly, cut Xiao Yang's clothes, and knocked straight into the pile of bones on the ground, beating the bones all over the sky. Tiankui Line took the opportunity to control Xiao Yang's body to retreat several steps and opened some distance.

"If I didn't avoid it just now, I would be dead now." Xiao Yang said with some fear.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly didn't react just now." Huang Lin said with an apologetic face. At the same time, the two mace sticks in her hands raised her head from the pile of bones and attacked Xiao Yang again.

It seems that Huang Lin strengthened the manipulation of the sky puppet line, and Xiao Yang did not encounter any danger for a long time. However, the attack frequency and swing speed of the mace are constantly improving, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Huang Lin to manipulate Xiao Yang's body to dodge.

Xiao Yang still can't control his body at this time. Skills are blocked, the body can't move, and the props can't be used now. Although it can open the door of the warehouse space, it will not be of much use in this case. In fact, the bone mace is nothing, but Xiao Yang has not come up with a way to deal with it by his own strength for the time being.

Huang Lin's forehead was sweating profusely, and many strands of silver hair stuck to her face. But she couldn't control these at this time, but desperately manipulated the sky puppet line to control Xiao Yang's body to dodge. To be honest, Xiao Yang didn't really trust Huang Lin, who she had just met, but now it seems that the other party is indeed very team spirit, which makes Xiao Yang trust her more.

Huang Lin looked at Xiao Yang, who was manipulated by herself with the sky puppet line. Since just now, a voice she has never heard before has sounded in her heart.

"Kill him and you will win. Don't hesitate, or you will regret it." The voice that is a little male or female said.

Huang Lin looked at Xiao Yang again. Then, I made up my mind.

Huang Lin's speed of controlling Xiao Yang's body to dodge the mace is getting slower and slower, as if she is already a little powerless.

"Oh!" With a sound, Xiao Yang's right arm was hit hard by a wolf's tooth stick, and immediately there was a sound of fracture and blood spilled all over the ground. Severe pain hit Xiao Yang's mind, but he didn't say a word. However, he is not so much tenacious as distracted by something else.

Just as Xiao Yang was hit by a mace, the mountain made of white bones under his feet changed. A large area of bones on the top layer seemed to have been weathered for decades. Suddenly, they became extremely fragile, and soon dispersed into powder and penetrated the lower layer.

Due to the embrittlement of these bones, Huang Lin, who waved the mace with both hands, sank into the bones. Xiao Yang's body couldn't support it and fell down, shaking the ashes of bones all over the sky.


The wheel of history. When Liu Hao's big knife was about to cut to "Xiao Yang"'s neck, "Xiao Yang" quickly dodged, and Liu Hao's knife cut empty. Liu Hao immediately pulled up Hongluan, who stayed aside, and was ready to escape.

However, suddenly "Xiao Yang" grabbed the candlestick at hand and threw it over, hitting Liu Hao's back. Liu Hao was caught off guard and fell into the mud.

Liu Hao immediately threw away the knife in his hand and got up to continue to pull Hongluan forward. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he found that Hongluan had disappeared under his nose! Liu Hao looked around and couldn't find the figure of Hongluan, so he was so anxious that he turned around.

And at this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the handsome tent, and many soldiers rushed in. It turned out that Liu Hao's escape and the killing of the handsome guard had been exposed. The soldiers in the battalion rushed to tell each other and rushed into the handsome tent one after another.

The soldiers surrounded Liu Hao in the middle one after another, forming a trend of encirclement. The left-behind officer of the battalion also came in in a hurry at this time. He stood behind the soldiers and stammered, "Liu, guard, I heard that you, you, you robbed the handsome account. I still don't believe it, but I didn't, I didn't expect..."

"Congratulations on staying behind!" Liu Hao hurriedly shouted, "Shi Siming, a dog thief, colluded with the thief, killed the people in Lord An's mansion, and kidnapped Hongluan!" I saw her here just now..."

"You ate and ate the bear heart leopard. You dare to spray people with blood, stain, and slander General Shi! General Shi and Lord An are brothers. How can they do it to Lord An's love Ji! Who, who, who will believe your nonsense! Where is Hongluan? You, you, talk nonsense! Maybe it must be you, you, you colluded with the thief to kill the people all over Anfu, but also bit back! Now you are plotting to be unfavorable to General Shi. Fortunately, we found it in time, otherwise it would be too late. Theliu shou official finally finished this long sentence and waved his hand, "Quickly, protect General Shi! Then arrest the traitor Liu Hao and arrest him!"

The soldiers surrounding outside rushed to "Xiao Yang" to protect him, while the soldiers surrounding the inside all stepped towards Liu Hao to capture him alive on the spot.

Just above the handsome tent, the magic carpet is quietly suspended. Four people, including Hongluan and Luo Ruzhi, stood there. Luo Ruzhi and Hongluan were both directly uploaded by Rena with a long-range transmission gun. A small opening was opened by them on the handsome tent, and Reina looked inside from there, so she could use the remote transmission gun.

"Luo Ruzhi, you are a rare loser in a hundred years!" Hongluan cursed at Luo Ruzhi, "I can't do this little thing for me! You can't even hold that guy! You should know that his combat effectiveness after being boarded by fate is less than 1% of the previous one! Obviously, as long as you pull him away, everything will be fine; good, he will be killed! Our plan... We finally made such a smooth plan, and now we have all failed!"

Liu Hao's real identity is Zhou Yang, a former teammate of Hongluan. He used to be the only assistant of Hongluan, and he and Hongluan alone got 4,000 points of deeds. Since Hongluan has no combat effectiveness at all, it is completely this man who is fighting alone; therefore, his original combat effectiveness is indeed considerable, at least much stronger than he is now.

"Of course I also want to hold him." Luo Ruzhi defended, "But I don't know why his strength suddenly became very strong. I couldn't hold him at all, and he went in."

This is also true. Originally, Luo Ruzhi's combat effectiveness should have been higher than Liu Hao now, but he didn't expect that Liu Hao at that time suddenly broke away from his hand and directly killed him into the handsome tent. He couldn't stop him.

Hongluan pointed to Luo Ruzhi and wanted to say about him. Unexpectedly, Rena pushed her hand away and said, "Only Xiaoyang and I can scold Luo Ruzhi. If you dare to talk to him in such a bad tone again, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance.

Luo Ruzhi didn't expect Rena to stand up for herself and couldn't help but be stunned. Luo Ruzhi knew that his relationship with Rena was not very good, but Rena actually spoke for him, which really surprised him.

"Thank you...thank you." Luo Ruzhi said awkwardly. But Reina snorted and said, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not willing to help you. It's just that if Xiao Yang is here, he will definitely speak for you; now that he is gone for the time being, I must complete this for him.

"Ai!" Hongluan stamped his feet and looked at Song Yunxiang, who manipulated the magic carpet, and said, "Song Yunxiang, put down the magic carpet quickly. Let's go to the camp and get that guy out!"

Song Yunxiang smiled and said, "Bitch surnamed Hong, so you are not as ruthless as you look? Zhou Yang is in danger now, but you still want to save him!"

"What Zhou Yang! That's just a walking corpse with Zhou Yang's shell! I still want to keep him now, just because he is still useful!" Hongluan said indifferently, "Be besides, you think I will still have feelings for him, so go to save him? What a fool! When he has no use value, it doesn't matter how he dies! It's just that this is not the case now. After all, he can still use it, so..."

Rina interrupted Hongluan's words: "Is that enough nonsense? You care whether he has nothing to do with us or not. You don't have to explain so much. Do you want to save him? Help, let's go down. If you don't help, we'll wait here."

"Help, of course! Hurry down!" Hongluan said.

Rina snorted. She knew that Hongluan's words were not sincere. At the earliest, Hongluan asked Reina to kill all the people in Quan'anfu, leaving Liu Hao. In fact, it doesn't matter if Liu Hao was killed at that time. It can completely keep the others in Anfu alive and report the news. If Hongluan really felt that Liu Hao, no, Zhou Yang's life or death didn't matter, she would not have deliberately let Hongluan leave his life.

Although Reina saw this, it was not broken. As Reina herself said, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all. Reina just wants to complete the goal and wait for Xiao Yang to come back. Other than that, it has nothing to do with her.

Song Yunxiang manipulated the magic carpet and landed in an open space not far away. Four people jumped off the magic carpet at the same time and ran towards the handsome tent.


Bone peak. Lao Zhou kept flying down the mountain. It is actually very difficult to run in the pile of bones. In addition, some bones are broken into ashes now. Lao Zhou fell down without running a few steps. He fell black and swollen, but he didn't care and still ran forward desperately.

"Ran... Luan, wait for me!" Lao Zhou shouted the name as he ran. There was indeed her figure running in front of her, so Lao Zhou ran forward desperately to catch up with her.

However, no matter how hard Lao Zhou ran, she still did not stop to wait for him.

"Damn! Stop it, Luan!" Lao Zhou shouted wildly, "I don't know how you got in, but don't give up!" Come with me, rush out of here with me, and we will return to the wheel of history! As long as the two of us are together, we are invincible!"

"Chasing it, she is right in front. As long as you catch up with her, you can break through the bone peak. A strange neutral voice sounded in Lao Zhou's ears.

Lao Zhou was shocked by the sound he had never heard before, but he did not stop running because of this. Because the long-lost person is not far ahead.

Old Zhou fell down again. This time, he fell very hard, and his whole kneecap was pierced by a sharp bone that came out of the ground, and he couldn't get up for a while.

Lao Zhou stretched out his hand forward as if to catch the figure that was already far away.

Then at this time, she appeared in front of Lao Zhou as if she would move instantly. Wearing a Tang suit, her eyes are bright, and her appearance can only be regarded as an ordinary woman.

"Ran..." Lao Zhou shouted her name in surprise and struggled to get up.

"Zhou Yang." The woman moved her lips. She stared at Lao Zhou with high eyes, then raised her feet and stepped on Lao Zhou's face directly.

"Nah, Zhou Yang. I said, you'd better go to hell." Hongluan said such words indifferently.


Rina and the other four rushed to the edge of the handsome tent and only heard a shout of killing inside, and then there were continuous screams.

When they rushed in, there was already a sea of blood in the account. There are only a few guards surrounding Liu Hao.

Some soldiers rushed to Liu Hao, but Liu Hao punched his head with one hand. Liu Hao is like a murderous body, and no matter how many soldiers go up, they are no match for him.

At this time, Liu Hao's body was covered with a huge red translucent figure, which was a creature a bit like a mantis.

"Liu Hao's fate beast..." Hongluan's face changed color, "That thing actually appeared..."

Rina hurriedly said, "What's going on..."

"That's the fate beast that starts when you meet the old enemy, the attack type..." Hongluan muttered, "When the destined fate is to be activated, it will really show its power..."

"Bastard, what the fate is!" Rena roared.

"Liu Hao... He is destined to kill Shi Siming..." Hongluan smiled bitterly, "And this fate has been activated in advance at this moment."


Bone peak.

Huang Lin stood up from the pile of bones. The weapons in her hand suddenly began to change. The surrounding bone powder quickly gathered around Huang Lin's side. The two bone mace absorbed bone powder like a magnet, and their shape began to change. Eventually, they became huge drills more than five meters long, and the bone spurs on the drill were extremely terrible.

Those bone drills rotated rapidly and drilled towards Xiao Yang ten meters away. And Xiao Yang's body is still there.

"Move me away!" Xiao Yang shouted.
