Fruit Empire


And Huang Lin seemed to be unable to move Xiao Yang's body. Those bone drills are about to stab Xiao Yang's heart...

Spring world, bone peak. The first drill just drilled through Xiao Yang's skin, and Xiao Yang's body disappeared in an instant. It turned out that he activated the invisible force field generator again.

In an instant, the drill stopped turning. It seems that the drill will stop working because it loses its target. Originally, in the real world, even if the drill bit itself stopped, Xiao Yang would be drilled transparently because of the inertia of the drill bit, but this is not the case at all in this spring world. The drill bit seems to be completely static at all inertia.

Xiao Yang's chest was bleeding, and at the same time, there was a strong wind on the bone peak. All the ashes were rolled up in the night sky, and Xiao Yang, who was invisible, and Huang Lin, who stopped attacking, fell to both sides and were far away.

Xiao Yang suppressed the pain on his body and looked up at the night sky. He was completely unimpressed when the night began to hang in the sky. In the dark night sky without even stars, there appeared ashes like fire, which seemed to remind all the people present of the extraordinary fact here. Shasha," such a sound sounded continuously, and at the same time, some ash powder began to condense together and turned into a step suspended in the night sky. Then on this step, the second step was quickly condensed. The speed of generating steps is amazing, and in a few minutes, a long step that leads far to the sky and can't see the end at all.

At this time, the bone ash powder scattered after the brittle of the previous bones was gone. Xiao Yang's feet were full of large bones several meters long, which looked like dinosaur bones, but the shape was very regular. Many bones were similar in length, a little like artificial.

Those big bones "crackle" and form one big tornado after another, spinning straight to the sky. And these bone tornadoes with a strong wind take a point in the field as the center, moving forward with acceleration around the center of the circle and drawing a circular trajectory. The roaring and spinning bone tornado is like a giant dancing.

Those bone tornadoes are still absorbing the remaining large bones in the field and getting bigger and more spectacular. Relatively speaking, there are fewer and fewer big bones in the field, and soon they are almost invisible.

When those big bones almost disappeared, a circular platform emerged under the bone pile. This platform is not smooth and has a rough texture of rock. The bone tornadoes surrounding the outside of the platform were still rotating, and their speed was constantly accelerating. Soon even Xiao Yang's eyes could not see their trajectory. From a distance, the bone tornado is like a round wall, completely isolating the two people inside.

Xiao Yang looked at the platform under his feet and felt a sense of atmosphere as if he were in the ancient Roman Colosseum. Huang Lin is less than 30 meters away in front of him, and the position of the two looks like a fighter who was deliberately placed on this platform to fight with each other to please the audience.

At this time, Xiao Yang found that the bone drill in Huang Lin's hand had changed again. They have been assimilated into one handle, and their size and length have increased.

"Sneak..." A crack suddenly opened from the ground in the middle of the platform, and a very tall man rose from the ground in the seam. This man's dress is very strange. There are countless tinkling metal pendants on his bright red leather clothes, and he wears many sparkling metal rings from his eyes, nose to his ears and mouth. And he (her?) The makeup on his face was very thick, and there was a very thick dark shadow under his eyes. For a moment, he could not be seen whether he was a man or a woman.

Xiao Yang, who was invisible, didn't say anything, while Huang Lin asked alertly, "Who is it?"

"My name is Ghost Mother." The alien in red skin bowed respectfully, "This spring world is my domain. Generally speaking, I am the guardian of the spring world. I'm the one who just talked to you.

"Mom? Are you similar to the existence of the King of Equality? Huang Lin asked.

"My king is the governor of the wheel of history. I'm just a loyal subordinate of my king. The devil's mother said, "You have entered the core of the Bone Peak Pass, that is, this karma fighting arena; this is the place where my king can't appear, so I will assume the duty of my king and act as an interpreter and host for you."

The devil's mother's expression has always been normal, but at this time, she suddenly laughed distortedly and raised the corners of her mouth: "Wow hahahaha! Let's start. Let's take a look at your karma in this karma arena! Take out your darkest hearts! To what extent can you destroy each other? Come on, come on!"

Huang Lin's face was full of fear. The devil mother should be the same as the sages and the king of equality, etc., belong to the virtual image in the hell game, right? But she is different from all these virtual images, as if she has her own personality and will... Isn't that too strange?

"Mother!" Xiao Yang, who is invisible, said, "You... and the king of equality, the king of wheel, the sages, what on earth are these? Answer me quickly!"

"Wow hahahaha! Answer you, let me do it! This is a free service!" The devil's mother smiled and said, "The ten halls of hell, and even us, are the ferry of hell, the shadow of the dark night!" Commonly known as Night Ferry! The guide is also! The bystander is also! The narrator is also! The guardian is also! The inducer is also! The dead are also!"

Xiao Yang was stunned: "Night Ferry..."

There are nine reincarnations in the hell game. Asura, the upper three living people, the middle three illusions cross the nightmare at night, and the lower three beasts and evil spirits in hell. The second of the three lanes is the Night Ferry Road. It turns out that these guys, who are regarded by Xiao Yang and others as just virtual images in the hell game, are also life in the nine rounds of hell? In that case, isn't the current king of equality...

"It's different, Xiao Yang, a layman!" The ghost mother seemed to see through Xiao Yang's mind and said directly, "Although they are both Yedu, the ten kings of hell, including the equal king, are different from us! We can still retain some self-awareness, but the Ten Halls of Hell is just a spare part of the hell game; with the highest status, we have lost our self-consciousness forever and been stripped of our personality forever. They are worse than us, which can be said to be the saddest slaves in the hell game!"

Xiao Yang's heart was cold: "What! You said..."

"I'm sorry. My free service is now over. The ghost mother smiled bitterly, "After working so hard for so long, I just squeezed out a little time to speak in my own capacity. Well, next, as the name of the devil's mother, I will lead you the way.

Xiao Yang hurriedly said, "Wait! I still have a problem! The words of Yedu..."

"Don't ask. My personality... can't be maintained..." The devil's mother said, and her eyes soon lost their brilliance and became as cold and emotionless as the king of equality and so on. Xiao Yang knew that he would never get an answer when he saw this situation, so he could only sigh for a long time.

"The obstacle fighting arena has officially started operation." The devil mother said in a shrill voice, "Both sides are reset to the best state. Balance adjustment of combat effectiveness.

With the voice of the devil mother, Xiao Yang found that his body had returned to a perfect state. And the body seems to be able to move? No, it's not. The body is still very stiff. Although it is not completely unable to move, it is still difficult to move.

What's more, Xiao Yang's stealth state has been automatically removed; no matter how much he calls for the invisible force field generator, he can no longer use it...

In contrast, Huang Lin opposite, the drill in her hand began to rotate at a speed she had never seen before, and the momentum seemed that even the space could be drilled open. Xiao Yang couldn't help but want to curse his mother. Bastard, isn't this more miserable than just now?

"This fighting arena is the end of the bone peak pass. Break through the fighting arena and you can enter the last level of the spring world. The devil's mother said in a mechanical tone, "Well, let's start. Whoever can take the lead in breaking through the peak of karma can get the qualification to pass the bone peak.

After saying that, the devil's mother's body faded into a virtual shadow in the field, while Huang Lin on the opposite side began to step forward and rushed in the direction of Xiao Yang.

As soon as Huang Lin rushed halfway, she only heard the voice of the devil's mother in her ears: "After the other party enters the attack range of the drill, Bone Peak's control over your body will be lifted. The opponent's combat strength has been reduced to a minimum and has no ability to resist. Kill or not, please choose as you like. Betrayal is your karma and the peak in your heart.

Of course, Xiao Yang didn't know what Huang Lin heard. On the other hand, he also heard the voice of the devil's mother: "The other party will kill you with his own will. The other party's combat effectiveness has been raised to the highest. If you don't resist, the other party can smash you into ten thousand pieces. But you are not without a chance of winning. Your skill Moonfire will automatically unlock after you enter the opponent's drill attack range. Kill or not, please choose as you like. Trust is your karma and the peak in your heart.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. It is less than a few seconds before that distance narrows to the effective range of the drill bit.

At the same time, on the periphery of the karma fighting arena, Lao Zhou was already covered with blood and scars. In front of him, Hongluan was holding a prickly whip and beating him crazily.

It's just that it looks like this in his own eyes. If others come to see him, there is nothing in front of him.

"Is this a phantom? Or a real person? Ask your heart. It's up to you to smash this red man or be abused to death by her. Love is your karma and the peak in your heart.

It is close to the end of life or death. The choice of three people, the peak of three people's karma, is about to come to an end.

Xiao Yang stared ahead. The voice of the mother seems to be still echoing in her ears. What she said wrapped around Xiao Yang's heart like a poisonous snake.

The next moment will determine the winner. There are only two choices. Kill or not. This is the same for Xiao Yang and Huang Lin.

"Trust..." While Xiao Yang whispered this sentence, the distance between the two sides has been shortened to the attack range of the bone drill.

The rest of the time, even in a moment, feels a little too long.


The wheel of history.

"Destined? Liu Hao is destined to kill Shi Siming? Rena looked at Hongluan and asked doubtfully.

"Hmm. Although Liu Hao is a nobody, he is also the person who gave Shi Siming the last blow in history. This is his destiny." Hongluan said, "Liu Hao's fate beast is very ordinary and basically asleep, so it is not too difficult for us to kill him; in that case, his fate will be randomly transferred to others. But it's different now. The greatest destiny in his life is that the fate to kill Shi Siming has been completely awakened. We can't kill him until he kills Shi Siming; no, not only that, it should be said that everyone in the world can't kill him. For the time being, it can be said that he is immortal.

"There is such a thing..." Reina looked heavy, "But Shi Siming didn't die here in history, did he? If he dies, won't the trajectory of history change greatly? So, Xiao Yang will not be killed by this Liu Hao, will he?

"This... I don't know either." Hongluan shook his head, "I've only heard of this kind of predestined awakening in advance."

At this time, Liu Hao is fighting against real knives and guns with his bare hands. However, he did not fall into the wind at all; in fact, it should be said that on the contrary, as long as he punches or legs, a soldier around him must die. This is no longer a battle at all, but pure killing.

The left-behind official was still commanding at the beginning, but when he saw Liu Hao killing all the way, his legs kept shaking with fear. When Liu Hao was about to come to him, his eyes suddenly turned white and he fainted on the ground.

Seeing that even the officers fainted, the soldiers who did not want to stay here immediately dispersed. They flew away from the handsome tent and fled to the gate of the camp without even packing their luggage. Although it is likely to become a wanted criminal after doing so and may be sentenced to death, these soldiers can't control so much. If you don't escape, you will be killed immediately; it's better to run for your life first.

Soon, Liu Hao and Xiao Yang were left in the handsome account. Of course, Hongluan and Rena are also in the big account.

Liu Hao, who appeared a huge mantis behind him, approached Xiao Yang, who was still unclear about the situation. Seeing this, Rena was immediately ready to rush to the front to protect "Xiao Yang"; however, at this time, Song Yunxiang pressed her shoulder, which meant that she was not allowed to move forward. Luo Ruzhi also wanted to rush there, but he was also pressed on the shoulder by Song Yunxiang's other hand. Song Yunxiang's power was beyond imagination. Just being held down by him with one hand, Rena and Luo Ruzhi could not move forward half a step.

"Let go of me." Reina released a sharp dagger, "I don't want to meet you in war. But there's nothing you can do if you have to get in my way.

"Wait a minute." Song Yunxiang said, "I didn't tell you to give up your captain. But now is not the time to take action. At least take a look at the situation before taking action.

Hongluan said indifferently, "Although you are stupid, your determination and leadership are still beyond doubt."

Rina didn't listen to Song Yunxiang at all. She was ready to coerce Song Yunxiang. However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a chill inside her body. It's like a big ice cube in my heart.

"The ball of deeds is growing significantly!" Song Yunxiang's face changed color, "History is changing amazingly!"

They don't know. Less than ten kilometers away from the camp, more than 1,000 elite cavalry are rushing towards the camp. And the front cavalry was holding an "An" flag in his hand.


The world of the legendary wheel. On the battleship Bavarna of the heroic king Gilgamesh, Jill's body was nailed to the deck. Almost all her clothes were broken into strips of cloth, which is not much different from naked **. The sword in the tree in Nordic mythology was nailed to her left palm, followed by Graham, the famous sword of the dragon-slayer Siegfeldt, the giant sword of the German hero Beau Vu, and Alexander's sword of fate was nailed to her left elbow. Her right hand and legs were also inserted with many legendary weapons. Other parts of her body, even next to her heart, were penetrated by the Celtic legendary god of light Luger's magic gun Buliunak. The more than 20 legendary magic weapons nailed to Jill all penetrated deeply through her body and sank deep into the deck of the warship Bavarna. Jill's current posture is like Jesus on the cross, no, even more miserable than that. Her blood flowed out of her body, dyed these artifacts red, and completely dyed the deck of Bavarna red.

In front of Jill, the upright golden armored man stood proudly. Gilgamesh, whose pronunciation is somewhat similar to that of Jill; he is the oldest and most powerful king of human beings and the king of heroes.

However, at this time, the heroic king's face was with an open-minded smile that had never appeared: "A bastard woman, you are... the toughest human I have ever seen... It's worthy of... A person with a name similar to me... Maybe I... should not call you a bastard anymore..."

Jill's lips moved gently, but she didn't make any sound. By this time, she had no strength to speak.

"Ha ha, do you thank me... I don't need any thanks... Because the winner... It's you..." The hero king smiled faintly, "A mortal actually won me... I... I actually saw me in this hell. The end..."

A breeze blew over. The hero king's body, like a stone statue built in sand, turned into grains of golden sand and floated in the direction of the wind.

Jill gently closed her eyes. Really won. That's just an almost invisible opportunity to be caught by yourself. The probability of that kind of thing happening is as small as throwing six points with 100 million dice. But Jill did encounter such a thing. This God-given luck, coupled with Jill's determination to win the last blow, made her defeat the oldest hero in human legend. There is no doubt that this is the greatest miracle that Jill has created in this life.

The magic weapons nailed to Jill were also automatically pulled out of her body and gradually disappeared into the air. When the last weapon, the magic gun Buenac inserted in Jill's heart, was automatically pulled out, Jill grabbed it in her hand. The magic gun shrank to the size of a silver needle in an instant and suddenly pierced Jill's body, turning into a tattoo on her left shoulder.

The hero king's warship Bavarna also disappeared into the air, and Gil's scarred body quickly fell to the ground.

However, just before Jill fell to the ground, she heard the sound.

Congratulations on breaking through the wheel of legend. The tower on the other side is fully opened. The door of the world is about to open for you.

A huge tower appeared