Fruit Empire


The doctor who accompanied the army, but at least Ma can send his uncle to heal his wounds.

"What An Qingxu? What uncle? I don't know what you're talking about." Xiao Yang said, "Listen to you, do you know me very well? Can you tell me who I am?"

An Qingxu was shocked: "What? Why did my uncle say this? You're not kidding your nephew, are you?"

"Little General An!" At this time, it was Luo Ruzhi who made a sound. He shouted, "General Shi unfortunately encountered something. Now he has temporarily lost his memory, so he will not fail to recognize the little general!"

Everyone was shocked. Hongluan and others looked at Luo Ruzhi and didn't know what his intention was.

An Qingxu also turned his eyes to Luo Ruzhi, who was surrounded by cavalry. He coldly swept Luo Ruzhi and Hongluan and Song Yunxiang next to him, and then turned his eyes to Luo Ruzhi and asked harshly, "What do you mean by this?"

"General Shi temporarily lost his memory for some reason, so he can't answer your words." Luo Ruzhi repeated again.

An Qingxu's face changed. He looked at "Xiao Yang" again: "Uncle, have you really lost your memory?"

"I probably lost my memory. At least I don't remember any of you people who say they know me." Xiao Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know if I really lost my memory."

An Qingxu walked back to the wandering Taoist priest and asked in a low voice, "Hao Daochang, what do you think of this?"

"I'm not sure about the specific situation. Ask those people again."

An Qingxu looked at Luo Ruzhi and said, "You are all wearing strange clothes. Who the hell are you? Why are you here? What happened to my uncle's amnesia? How do you know?"

"Little General Hui'an. We are from the Western Regions. The reason why it is here is long. Luo Ruzhi said, "We came here to do business, but we didn't expect to meet a gangster with a girl on the road, and we saved the girl. The girl asked us to escort her to see General Shi, and we came over, but we didn't expect..."

"Lie!" Liu Hao shouted, "Obviously, you are gangsters and thieves!"

"General, don't listen to his nonsense! That guy is the thief's accomplice! He still wants to kill General Shi with a knife!" Luo Ruzhi also showed no weakness and shouted solemnly.

"That's exactly." Rena withdrew the dagger and said, "This man is an accomplice to the gangster. We have all seen it with our own eyes. It can't be wrong.

"Young master! Don't listen to their nonsense!" Liu Hao hurriedly said to An Qingxu, "These thieves are trying to frame me. Please check it clearly!"

"Quiet!" An Qingxu roared, "How do I know which one of you is lying?" First of all, the strange clothes! You said you met a girl... Who are you talking about? Is there red silk over there? You saved her, why did you come to see your uncle? Could it be that the girl is..."

The little girl's name is Hongluan. Master Qingxu, this is the first time we have met. Hongluan smiled at An Qingxu, "I missed the opportunity to meet you for various reasons. When I saw the young master for the first time today, I knew that the young master was so heroic.

"You are really Hongluan..." An Qingxu's words suddenly changed his tone at this point, "It's so really beautiful..."

When speaking, An Qingxu's eyes seemed to be shining. There was even saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. Rina, who looked at him not far away, snorted. She knew that Hongluan played Meixiangning on An Qingxu again. Meixiangning, a prop, seems to be the object that you can choose to cast charm. It's really a convenient prop to deal with men who have no power.

"Master Qingxu...please...don't look at me..." Hongluan's face turned slightly red and turned his head to the side. At this time, An Qingxu was hooked as if he had lost his soul, and involuntarily walked towards Hongluan.

Liu Hao looked at this scene in surprise and said, "Master..."

The fate mantis in his body has not been active since just now. It seemed to be dead and still there, motionless. It seems that Liu Hao's fate to kill Shi Siming was suppressed again.

Seeing that An Qingxu was about to approach Hongluan, Liu Hao couldn't help shouting desperately, "Young master!"

An Qingxu continued to walk forward after hearing this sentence, but the next moment he suddenly stopped. This is because Hongluan reduced the strength of Meixiang Ning's charm.

"Liu Hao..." An Qingxu turned his head and looked at Liu Hao with an extremely angry look, "What else do you want to say!"

"The mother is here!" Liu Hao hurriedly said, "Young master, as long as you ask her, don't you know who is telling the truth and who is telling lies with those people?"

"..." An Qingxu grinded his teeth and his little eyes rumbled. Then he reluctantly turned to Hongluan and asked, "Well, Hongluan. You told me, who was telling the truth and who was lying with Liu Hao and those strange clothes just now?

"Hmm." Hongluan stared at Liu Hao, then turned his head and said, "What these strange people in strange clothes said is true. Liu Hao...he is a gang of thieves..."

"What!" Liu Hao can't believe his ears at all. He shouted, "Wait! Mother-in-law! What are you talking about! Obviously, they took you away! The woman with the dagger is the one who killed the whole family in Anfu! You..."

"Don't continue to lie, Guard Liu. I trusted you very much, but I didn't expect you to do such a beastly thing. You and the thief agreed inside and outside and killed them all. Later, you tried to be wrong to me. If it hadn't been for these righteous people, I would...woo..." Hongluan covered his eyes with the corners of his clothes and almost cried.

"Master mother..." Liu Hao ran to Hongluan excitedly, "Master mother! To be honest! Don't be afraid of them! They dare not do anything to you!"

Hongluan seemed to be afraid of Liu Hao and suddenly rushed to An Qingxu. An Qingxu immediately held her in his arms and comforted her, "Don't cry, don't cry. With me, I won't let anyone hurt you."

Liu Hao's eyes widened: "Master, you..."

"Bastard son of a bitch! How dare you come here! What else do you have to say now! How dare you do such a thing! I know that you were very relieved when you were the captain of your father's house. You really disappoint me!" An Qingxu waved to the soldiers around him, "Take Liu Hao down for me, bring him back to Fan Yang, and then slowly interrogate him."

Liu Hao shouted "ah" and rushed in the direction of An Qingxu and Hongluan. However, several cavalry quickly stopped him with weapons, and several cavalrymen jumped down to capture him. Liu Hao used to cut people like cutting vegetables, but now he is not the opponent of those cavalry at all. He was arrested and escorted without struggling a few times.

"The life of the mantis was restrained that day." Song Yunxiang whispered, "This An Qingxu came in time."

At this time, Hongluan said in An Qingxu's arms, "Young master, please don't hurt those righteous men. They are all my benefactors, and I have to repay them well.

"Well, I will treat them well!" An Qingxu said, "Come on, give these righteous people..."

"Wait!" The person who made a sound at this time was the Taoist priest called Hao Daochang sitting on the horse. Rena followed the reputation and looked at the Taoist priest. There seemed to be something elusive hidden in his eyes. This guy is definitely not simple!

"Hang Daochang? Do you have any advice?" Anqing Xuqidao.

Hao Daochang did not reply for the time being, but stared at Rena and the others. He swept them all over with eyes as if he could see through people's spines. Even if these people have experienced the endless darkness in the hell game, they feel a little scared for no reason.

" there any problem?" An Qingxu frowned. Although Hao Daochang was An Qingxu's important staff, he still made An Qingxu mutter a little.

Hao Daochang seems to be lost in thought. After a while, his expression relaxed and said, "It's nothing. I just looked away from the poor road.

Rina and Hongluan looked at each other. There is no doubt that what this guy said is just an ass. He can't be blind, but must have other plans.

Hao Daochang did not put forward any more opinions, and An Qingxu was also relieved. He began to ask about Shi Siming, that is, Xiao Yang's amnesia. Hongluan then began to make up a mess, saying that Shi Siming was hit in the head with a blunt device by Liu Hao's accomplice, resulting in memory loss; as for that accomplice, he was now killed before Liu Hao. Anyway, there are so many corpses on the ground that it doesn't matter who can be charged.

An Qingxu is convinced of Hongluan's words. At the suggestion of Hao Daochang, An Qingxu finally decided to temporarily bring "Xiao Yang" and Hongluanna back to his station Fanyang, and then report about Shi Siming's amnesia to An Lushan and the court. Luo Ruzhi lied at the beginning that his party came here after saving Hongluan, just to make everyone safe. However, now that they can get rid of the suspicion of assassins and blend into this pile of rebels, it is naturally extremely beneficial to future plans. Therefore, everyone immediately agreed to walk with An Qingxu's army.

An Qingxu ordered several soldiers to take Xiao Yang away, but things didn't go so smoothly. Xiao Yang was wary and refused to leave.

However, just as all of them were preparing to leave the camp, the situation of "Xiao Yang" took on new changes. He suddenly felt dizzy in his arms. The others couldn't wake him up no matter how they shook him, so An Qingxu had to ask someone to lift him to a horse and take him away.

In addition, it is Hongluan. Although An Qingxu also had a little meaning for Hongluan, it was not good for him to ride Hongluan directly, so he asked a soldier to carry Hongluan and leaned forward beside him. An Qingxu also assigned a horse to each of them, and several people rode the horse in the direction of Fanyang behind the large army.

On the way, Rena exchanged views with the other two. After the rebels mixed into the An family, everyone ushered in new challenges. In addition to continuing to change the historical plan while protecting Xiao Yang, we must also pay attention to our own safety. Especially that Hao Daochang, who definitely doesn't seem to be a general person. He is very likely to be a layman like everyone else. You must pay attention to this guy's movements and beware of him, otherwise you may not even know how you died in the future.

In the spring world, on the ladder leading to death, Xiao Yang and other three people are rushing forward. However, they soon found that their pace began to slow down. Their physical strength has not declined, and their bodies are still in an excellent state, but they can't run fast. It seems that everyone's running speed is limited. Fortunately, the speed of the collapse of the ladders behind is also decreasing, otherwise they would have fallen into meat cakes now.

The collapse of the ladder stopped. But at the same time, the pace of everyone's progress almost stopped.

"" Xiao Yang spoke and found that his speed of speech was very slow. His voice was as slow and strange as a DVD player played at one eighth of the speed.

"Damn... damn..." Zhou Yang suddenly changed his face and cursed, "Sometime... the... dense... degree... in... lift... high!"

Xiao Yang quickly asked him what the density of time was. Zhou Yang also explained with difficulty at a slow speed. In the hell game, the most troublesome thing is the change in the nature of space and time. Some spaces will suddenly collapse, and some spaces will be randomly distorted. In terms of time, the time flow in some places will be extremely slow, but it will not affect human action, because in that case, the distribution of time flow in space is uniform, that is to say, the density is uniform.

However, it will be very tricky in case of uneven time density. In this case, there is little difference between people's own feelings and ordinary times, but the movements and reactions of the body correspond to the density of time. That is to say, where the time density is low, the body will move faster than usual; where the time flow rate is high, the body's movement will be slower than usual. And because people's feelings are not different from usual, they can't give correct instructions to the body. Now it's just rushing forward, and there is no need to make complex actions, but it doesn't matter. But if you need to fight or dodge, you only need to react a little, and your life will be in danger; then the problem of time density will become the most terrible problem that determines the death of people.

As he was talking, the devil's mother appeared on the stairs ahead.

"Welcome to the dead." She said in a dead tone, "As long as you cross the red line where I stand, you will enter the realm of collecting dead. There is nothing in it, and you will only usher in an eternal end. There is no return from the dead. According to statistics, there are more than 100,000 people passing through the bone peak, but less than ten people have passed through the dead.

"100,000 people?" When Xiao Yang spoke, he found that he had returned to normal. It seems that the increase in time density just now is just a false alarm.

"The specific number is 100,343 people." The devil's mother said.

"Mom, are you standing here to stop us and not let us move forward?" Zhou Yang asked loudly.

"No. I don't have that right. I just fulfill my obligations according to the regulations. Here, you still have a chance to give up. If you give up, I can send you to the free hometown in the spring world. It can be said that it is similar to heaven. You can live a free life in it for ten years.

Xiao Yang asked, "Is it similar to the underworld?"

"Bearby the underworld. You can have whatever you want. Eat, drink and have fun, everything in the world will appear automatically with a call. The devil's mother said, "This is a special benefit for you."

While the devil mother spoke, the space next to the ladder changed in an instant. The night sky disappeared, and the ladder disappeared. Nearby is a huge beach that can't be looked at, and the seaside is cool and windy, which is very comfortable. Xiao Yang looked at the side of the beach and saw countless hot-dressed women running towards him with a smile. In an open space in the middle of the beach, a handsome man who was enough to appear on the cover of any fashion magazine stood there, smiling charmingly at Huang Lin.

"These people are also yours. If you want them to do anything, there will be absolutely no restrictions. Guizi's mother said, "Of course, the age of enjoyment is ten years. In ten years, you will return to the spring world and die here. However, this is already a very good treatment? In the hell game, you can't often encounter such a good opportunity. How about it? Have you thought about it? As long as you decide to go to Xiaoyao, I will take you there right away.

Xiao Yang shook his head: "I refuse."

Huang Lin said, "Me too."

Zhou Yang also smiled: "Who would want to go to such a place?"

The answers of the three people are so consistent. They don't want to go to the free country at all. Ten years of day-to-day pleasure is meaningless. It is not so much a free country as another form of hell.

Hearing their answer, the devil mother closed her eyes: "Sure enough. All right. The deadland ahead is a place where I can't go. There will be no night ferry to explain for you. Explore it yourself."

"Pa..." The huge beach with great ** power disappeared without a trace.

The ladder reappears. At this time, they found that there was a huge full moon hanging high in the night sky. The color of the moon was dark red, as if it had been washed in a sea of blood. The air is also full of bloody smells. It felt as if a large number of people were killed in front of them.

"Go ahead... That's your end... Finally, I'll prompt you one more sentence. In that world, your respective physique will be completely unblocked, and a random skill will be unblocked. I wish you a happy and goodbye forever. The ghost mother disappeared as she spoke.

The three people crossed the red line without hesitation. Almost at the same time, the ladder was completely gone. And when the three of them saw the scene in front of them, their eyes widened at the same time.

"Ah... so big..." This is Huang Lin's feeling. Zhou Yang didn't say anything. His palm is very hot, which is to remind him that his life is about to burn out. Even if he wants to sacrifice the other two people, he must leave here before the end of his life. Therefore, although the situation ahead is extremely severe, Zhou Yang's mood still does not fluctuate.

"Is this kind of place... actually... dead..." Xiao Yang muttered.

In fact, the three of them were in the sky at this time. They each have a parachute on their back, which is falling from the air to the ground with the parachute. And the range of the ground seen from high altitude is unimaginably large. If the whole realm below is a deadland, it is simply a world that can be compared with large scenes. Of course, as for the following