Fruit Empire


It's not clear what it is.

Zhou Yang looked at the other two people who were looking at the ground below. They are all below him. The material of the parachute seems to be combustible cloth. Zhou Yang quietly took out a small thing the size of a No. 5 battery from his arms.

This is a miniature flamethrower with a distance of 100 meters. There should be no problem to burn two parachutes.

Xiao Yang had been looking down at the ground, but he suddenly heard the sound of pressing the button from his oblique top; he looked up and saw Zhou Yang pressing something like a lighter.

"What is that?" Xiao Yang asked.

Zhou Yang just turned on the safety of the miniature flamethrower and has not yet started to press the jet button. As a result, Xiao Yang suddenly shouted, Zhou Yang shook his hand, and the flamethrower suddenly took off his hand and fell down. Zhou Yang reached out to grab the flamethrower, but the parachute landing was obviously not as fast as the flamethrower's free fall. He didn't hold anything in his hand and let the flamethrower fall on top of Xiao Yang's parachute, bounced and flew out. It happened to fly behind Xiao Yang, so Xiao Yang couldn't see what it was.

Zhou Yang looked at Xiao Yang with angry eyes: "... fell down. How will you compensate me?

"I can't help it if I fall. What the hell is that? Is it important?" Xiao Yang continued to ask.

"Forget it. It's a small lightsaber. I want to see if it can be used here. It's a pity that it fell down." Zhou Yang closed his eyes and said.

"I'm really sorry." Xiao Yang sighed, "I will only compensate you when there is a chance in the future."

Xiao Yang is thinking about what that thing is. Xiao Yang is not sure whether the small light sword looks like this. The only thing that can be sure is that Zhou Yang did move. Zhou Yang has been acting a little strange since he crossed the line of death. He may also have made some small moves behind his back. But Xiao Yang does not want to investigate in detail at present. Just be careful. At present, Xiao Yang's elves Druid's physique has also recovered. Although many skills cannot be used, this body is flexible enough to protect itself. Tolerating something is not a bad thing. It's better to let it go than to the end. This death is extremely difficult. If you don't deal with it seriously, you will fall into a dangerous situation. If someone really has a ghost in his heart, he will be more likely to be in danger than others.

"Mys... hiss..." There was the hiss of creatures like lizards in the air. Xiao Yang turned his head in the direction of the sound and couldn't help but be shocked. In the distant air, there was a reptile with two pairs of meat wings on its back, a pair of long horns on its huge head, and its strange green eyes emitted fluorescence. The flying lizard was shouting as it opened its mouth, vibrating its wings and flying towards the parachute of the crowd.

"Flying Dragon!" Zhou Yang shouted.

Xiao Yang was a little shocked: "Can you also see it?"

"Well... My constitution is a Nordic giant, and the physical talent of the giant's eye seems to have recovered." Zhou Yang looked in the direction of the flying dragon, "That thing must be the flying dragon. It's probably the kind of flying dragon common in European magic. I've seen it before... No, it should be exactly the same flying dragon. This should be a red dragon, which can spray fireballs, spit dragon breath, and has the ability to avoid guns... Ah, my God..."

Zhou Yang suddenly shouted and his face changed dramatically. Xiao Yang immediately asked what was going on. Zhou Yang took a breath and said, "No, no, it's nothing. Maybe I'm a little dizzy. I just saw hallucinations.

The red dragon rushed to the crowd. Xiao Yang did not panic, but immediately took out the ion cannon, aimed at the red dragon and directly bombarded it. The red ion beam cut through the sky and rushed to the red dragon at a very fast speed! However, just as the ion beam was about to hit the gun red dragon, the gun red dragon suddenly disappeared and appeared directly dozens of meters away!

"...this...this is..." Xiao Yang was extremely surprised, "Movement?"

"It looks like teleportation, but it is actually gun avoidance ability. Any gun attack will automatically give them a reaction when they approach the red dragon, so that they can absolutely avoid the attack of guns. Guns and cannons are useless to them..." Zhou Yang explained in a low voice.

Xiao Yang immediately withdrew the ion cannon and quickly began to check which skill he had been unblocked. Originally, he was going to test it after landing on the ground, but now the situation has changed and he has to start testing from now on. Xiao Yang soon found that the previously unsealed moon fire could no longer be used. As for the triple attack of the moon fire and the moonlight cannon, it took too long to test. As a result, Xiao Yang skipped it for the time being. Thorns and wood spirit rejuvenation still can't be used. Then the beast soul variant and the super beast body can't be used; then the blood orchid pain attack...

"Ouch!" Xiao Yang shouted in pain. He tried blood orchid pain on himself, and as a result, he had the long-lost feeling of heart and lungs. It turned out that the re-unblocked skill turned out to be Xuelan's pain. This skill was quite easy to use at the beginning, but the guys I met later were basically immune to pain, and the blood orchid pain attack had no effect. It can be said that compared with practical skills such as animal body and beast soul variants, the blood orchid pain attack has become quite useless. It is a little effective to escape from life in close combat, but it is basically a fantasy to defeat the enemy.

Xiao Yang asked what skills the other two had been unblocked. Huang Lin lowered her head and did not answer, but looking at her worried expression, she knew that her skills of unblocking would definitely not be of any use. However, Zhou Yang's expression was a little strange, as if he was distracted.

Xiao Yang originally wanted to wait for Zhou Yang to say what skills he could use, but at this time, the red dragon rushed faster and faster, and there was no time to linger. Xiao Yang raised his tone again: "Lao Zhou, what skills have you unblocked? Can it be used now?"

Zhou Yang suddenly woke up and said, "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something. As for skills... My unsealed skills are indeed combative, and they will probably be useful now. It is a close skill, and the power should be said to be quite good, but the attack speed is very slow, and someone must help contain the gun red dragon to be able to do it. It will be easy if your weapons and skills can help.

"My skills are useless. But I can try to contain it with the sky puppet line. Huang Lin said, "I just don't know if it can work."

"It doesn't matter. That's it. When the gun red dragon comes, you can find a way to contain it, and Lao Zhou is responsible for the attack. And I will also try to see if there is any other way to contain it. In fact, Xiao Yang's other so-called method is to release the blood orchid pain after approaching it. Anyway, Lao Zhou's attack is also a close attack. At that time, if he can use Xuelan to attack, it should play a certain role.

While thinking about it, the red dragon had approached everyone from the side. It rolled up the sky, and then about 100 meters away from everyone, Xiao opened its mouth and sprayed a huge fireball at everyone!

The fireball flies quite fast, and its first target is Zhou Yang. Before Xiao Yang changed his breath, he had already brushed Zhou Yang and rushed down. Zhou Yang looks fine, but the long hair and beard on his face have been burned, and most of his clothes have been burned. Now he doesn't look like a savage, but looks like a beggar.

Then the fireball rushed to Huang Lin and was about to burn her to ashes with a parachute. Xiao Yang felt cold, but then he saw the fireball turning at a right angle about three meters in front of Huang Lin, as if he had been kicked like a ball and fell to the other side.

"If the Sky Puppet Line hadn't started quickly, I... would have died now." Huang Lin said with lingering heart. It seems that she used the sky puppet line to move the fireball away just now.

"It's another fireball...this thing..." Zhou Yang made a fist in his right hand and was ready to go, as if he had prepared his skills. But at this time, his face is even worse than before.

The red dragon's fireball did not work once, and then he didn't use the fireball and played by himself. Its fat body is like a huge bullet, spinning and diving down. When it rushed to Zhou Yang's side, the red dragon seemed to be greatly bound, and its speed suddenly slowed down.

The red dragon couldn't vibrate its wings and continued to fall down. The distance between it and Zhou Yang is slowly approaching. Just as his body first arrived at Zhou Yang's side, Zhou Yang's fist was aimed at him, and then... Zhou Yang's body stiffened like a stone statue, and his movements completely stopped.

"No...don't come over... I... have obviously escaped... why... why can I still rush over?" There was a burst of whisper from Zhou Yang's mouth. His eyes were clearly looking at the red dragon, but it seemed that he was looking at the distance and farther away.

"Lao Zhou, what are you doing!" Xiao Yang shouted angrily, "Attack!"

Zhou Yang completely turned a deaf ear. His hands and feet danced in the air, as if he wanted to escape back, but it didn't work no matter how he moved on the parachute.

"I can't stand it!" Huang Lin said breathlessly, "This red dragon is so powerful that it is about to break away from the sky puppet line!"

As soon as the words fell, Huang Lin screamed. The body of the red dragon had been stretched out. It has completely regained its freedom! Its next first action was Xiao opening his mouth and aimed at Zhou Yang, with a hot flame brewing in his mouth. Look at that posture, Zhou Yang is about to be burned to ashes!

However, the flame of the Red Dragon did not spewed out. It suddenly rolled up in great pain, and Zhou Yang showed an expression of pain at the same time. Xiao Yang launched the blood orchid attack in time and temporarily won precious time for Zhou Yang.

"...attack it! Are you deaf?" Xiao Yang shouted desperately. Zhou Yang finally reacted and almost instinctively waved his fist at the gun red dragon.

It didn't seem to have any powerful punch on the belly of the gun red dragon. Gun Honglong was still struggling, but then he suddenly stopped.

"Is it useless?" Xiao Yang couldn't help blurt out.

"No...huh..." Zhou Yang breathed, "It has taken effect."

As soon as the words fell, the blue veins appeared on the skin of the gun red dragon, and then its body cracked like a broken raw egg, and the flesh and intestines were sprinkled in the air. The smell made Xiao Yang and Huang Lin involuntarily cover their noses.

Only Zhou Yang kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead. Even if he is already conscious, what happened just now still has had a huge impact on him.

"Lao Zhou, what were you thinking just now? That will not only kill yourself, but also hurt us all!" Xiao Yang shouted to Zhou Yang, "We are now a collective, and I don't want to see any behavior that will cause everyone to fall into danger."

"Ha ha..." Zhou Yang suddenly smiled, "Don't say that you are in danger. We are now in the greatest danger."

"...Anyway, didn't you also kill this red dragon? Your punch is really strong enough. Xiao Yang said, "As long as you continue to work hard..."

"Giant punch? That's really a good move. It's to concentrate my power in the giant state at one point, which can produce great destructive power. Zhou Yang shook his head, "But that's useless. Giant punches can only attack close up, and the speed is slow and often inaccurate. I can tell you that in a few minutes, the red dragon will follow us. The quantity should be more than 500. That's when we die."

Xiao Yang shook his head in disbelief: "How is this possible? With my eyesight, I didn't find any other flying dragons within 20 kilometers. How can they come here in a few minutes?

"Wait and see." Zhou Yang said this, and then closed his eyes and said nothing. He didn't answer no matter how Xiao Yang called him. He had been grinding his teeth, and his expression was very frustrated.

Five minutes later. As Zhou Yang said, more than 500 huge dragons of all kinds surrounded three people who had not yet landed on the ground.

"What the hell!" Xiao Yang cursed, "How on earth did these ghosts come out?"

"Dragon Death Call." Zhou Yang still closed his eyes and said, "This phenomenon will inevitably lead to the death of the red dragon. It is a magical species summoned from subspace. You naturally can't see them until they appear.

Huang Lin asked, "...Why do you know this?"

"Because I have experienced... exactly the same scenario." Zhou Yang opened his eyes and looked at the sky. "At that time, my team was almost completely destroyed. Me and a... friend, we survived with miraculous luck. And now, miracles can't happen. All hope has become a bubble.

Zhou Yang recalled the situation at that time. The miraculous rain saved him and her. However, there is only a bright sun in the sky now. There is no miracle waiting for everyone. It's just a bubble.

More than 500 flying dragons formed a dense ball in the air. Almost all flying dragons are approaching everyone in the heart of the ball.

Everyone's faces are very grim. The flying dragon under them is floating, spitting dragon breath continuously upwards. Longxi brought a strong wind, forming a strong rising airflow after another; those parachutes were seriously affected by the rising airflow and floated in the air and could not fall. Several of them are now as if they have been locked in a dynamic cage and can't escape at all.

The flying dragon group is not in a hurry to attack. They shuttled quickly beside everyone, and their sports formation was very orderly, making people feel as if someone was directing them.

"It's like this again! It's exactly the same, exactly the same!" Zhou Yang shouted with a distorted expression.

"What is exactly the same?" Xiao Yang asked.

"It's exactly the same as the scene I've ever encountered! At that time, all the members were on the parachute, and we finally killed the red dragon that suddenly flew over. But then the summoning of the dragon's death happened, and so many flying dragons surrounded us. Zhou Yang said hurriedly, "The parachute is held by the rising airflow, and the flying dragons shuttle around us in an orderly manner. Then, the flying dragon group slaughtered us who could not land. First the highly poisonous dragon breath, then the cold dragon breath, the flame dragon breath..."

Before the end of the words, the highly poisonous dragon breath has been launched. More than ten green dragons are distributed in a dot-like manner before and after the crowd. At the same time, they opened their mouths to Xiaoyang and others, and the dark green atmosphere permeated the surrounding space.

Xiao Yang covered his nose and held his breath. He has already felt that there is indeed a poison in this dragon breath. Now we can only close the gas as much as possible to see if it can last until the poison gas dissipates. This is not so difficult to say, because after all, Xiao Yang has restored the physique of the elf Druid, and closing his breath is much better than when he was completely mortal.

When Xiao Yang was thinking about it, he only heard Zhou Yang scream. The green poison gas touched his body and immediately began to corrode his skin. He only heard the sound, and his skin began to fester, and the ulcer was still spreading rapidly.

"... bastard... if only I had protective clothing... at least I could block this poisonous dragon breath like at that time..." Zhou Yang said with severe pain. He is also powerless about the current situation; he can only stare there.

The second one to be attacked by poison gas was Xiao Yang. Probably because the elf's physique is more resistant to poison gas than giants, and his skin ulceration is obviously slower than Zhou Yang's. However, even so, he can only hold on a little longer than Zhou Yang, and he can't find any way to solve the current dilemma.

Huang Lin's situation is better than that of the two men. Although it is not clear what physique she has for the time being, it is obvious that she has excellent resistance to toxicity. Although the poison gas surrounds her, it can only erode her body at a slow and almost invisible speed.

However, whether their resistance is strong or weak, their situation is not much different. They are surrounded by countless flying dragons. There is neither reinforced protective clothing nor anything else to resist the invasion of the flying dragons; they have no means to attack the dragons and win, not to mention the means to escape from this spherical dragon circle.

"...I... can't fucking hold on..." Zhou Yang shouted in pain, "I can't even compare with that time. Can't even hold on to the poisonous dragon breath..."

"I can only try this..." Huang Lin opened the door of the warehouse space and saw a miniature prop rushing out of the door; two finger-sized propeller leaves and a short pole underneath. Xiao Yang only feels that this thing is like seeing a bamboo dragonfly in the cartoon Doraemon he saw a long time ago. The only difference is that the color of the thing he sees now is blue; in addition, this thing looks like a plastic toy, which makes people doubt whether it can work.

"This is a dragonfly roll. It can be used to make wind. Huang Lin said this and started the sky dragonfly roll. Its two propeller leaves quickly rotated and flew to the top of everyone's heads. When it reaches the top of the crowd, its convenience gradually begins