very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1283 Empty Point

Since the last time she met Ouyang Junyuan, a prisoner, in Liuweiju, Sun Jie has never been here again. Later, she heard that everyone in Ouyang Junyuan's family except him had an accident in Macao, which was quite unexpected.

Although I don't know if this matter has anything to do with Yang Ming, it's a little strange to think about it.

When he came to the parking lot of Liuweiju again, the old man was still there. Sun Jie parked the car and took out a dollar coin to give it to the old man, but the old man turned around and left after parking the car for him.

After Sun Jie got out of the car, she quickly stopped the old man: "Uncle, shall I give you money?"

The old man turned to his mind in surprise and recognized Sun Jie: "Is that you? "Little girl?"

"It's me, and there's Xiaoxin!" Sun Jie said with a smile.

"I think there is a pass for the official car in front of your car. This kind of certificate does not charge parking, so I didn't pay attention to it. I didn't expect you to drive." The old man laughed and said, "I didn't expect that you would become a public food snibal,"

Sun Jie blushed a little. She didn't like this kind of behavior that was regarded as a privileged class. She said with some embarrassment, "It's my boyfriend's car,"

"So that's it! After you came last time, I talked about you. It's boring to stand here all day long, and I just meet some acquaintances. It's the happiest thing of the day!" The old man laughed and said, "You will often come to see me in the future. I don't want your parking fee!"

"Well, let's try to come here as often as possible!" Sun Jie also missed the time when she was in school. He chatted with the old man every day, and she was very happy.

It's time for Liuweiju to eat now. When Yang Ming and others went in, there was no place, so they had to wait at the door.

"Knowing this, you should ask Tian Long to call and book a seat first." Yang Ming looked at the full hotel and was a little helpless. It's a little too popular here. It should have been expanded. There are no guests in the Sichuan-style building next to it. Why doesn't the owner of Liuweiju know to rent it together?

However, this is not Yang Ming's concern. Everyone's business philosophy is different. Some people are satisfied with the status quo and think that it is already very good at present, but some people have a pioneering spirit and will continue to expand their business.

"Let's get out of the way, and meet, give me a place!" Just as Yang Ming and others were waiting at the door, there was a noise behind the team. Three flowing young people pushed aside the crowd and wanted to squeeze over here, shouting and scolding.

Most of the people in the team are young couples or a family of three. Most of the people who come here to eat are wage earners. Those who are rich and powerful go to more advanced places or book boxes in advance, and will no longer queue up here.

So most of these people are unwilling to provoke trouble, and give way to the three people who look very evil. They can't afford to provoke such people, so they avoid it.

"How many of you are deaf?" The leading young man pushed Yang Ming, which made Yang Ming laugh and cry.

However, Yang Ming is not very willing to argue with them. He beat them here. It seems to be quite awesome, but in fact, it is no different from them. It is not a good habit to fight fiercely.

Sun Jie frowned and felt that some people were very unqualified, but Yang Xin pulled Sun Jie and said, "Forget it, these little hooligans, ignore them."

The receptionist of Liuweiju also saw these three gangsters, and couldn't help but be a little embarrassed. "Sir, could you please line up?"

"Who said we didn't queue up? The three of us are in front of the line, and it's our turn!" The little yellow hair who pushed Yang Ming was obviously the leader of the three people. He stared at the receptionist and sneered, "Which eye did you see that we were not in line?"

"This" receptionist is also a little afraid of these three people. These three people don't look like good people at first glance. The signature colorful hair and flowing jackets on their bodies are even more respectful.

"Do your own thing and mind your own business! Xiao Huangmao said fiercely, "Ask the guests in line in the back. Which of them saw that I was not in line?

Xiao Huangmao asked who saw that he was not queuing, not who saw that he was queuing. This is quite artistic. At this time, who dares to stand up and say that Xiao Huangmao is not in line?

A family of three with a wife and children, a little couple who is in love with each other. Who has nothing to do to stand up and provoke a few gangsters? They would be retaliated by them in a short time, so when Xiao Huang Mao said so, the guests bowed their heads one after another and pretended not to hear this sentence.

The receptionist saw that everyone had no objection. They had to lead these three people to the store. Just one table was free, and the three of them took the lead.

Although Yang Ming did not conflict with the three gangsters, he did not intend to let them go. When they walked into the store, Yang Ming's sleeves were slightly six, and the flying needle was pinched in the afternoon. With a gentle shake of his hand, the flying needle shot at the acupuncture point of the seven-legged divination.

Little Huangmao was very proud. He thought he was the handle of this piece, but he didn't expect that his right leg suddenly became numb, and then he didn't listen. He fell down directly sideways, his head touched the card guardrail beside him, and immediately bleeding.

Huang Mao's legs also regained consciousness, and he couldn't figure out why he fell. He covered his bleeding forehead and shouted, "Why is the ground in your store so slippery? Did you make me fall? How does this matter matter?"

Huang Mao's two companions saw that the boss fell and bled, and quickly helped him up from the ground. They also scolded the receptionist, "You threw the chicken brother. What should you do about this?"

"Come to your boss! It's not over!" The other companion was not willing to show weakness.

The receptionist was a little aggrieved. Looking at the smooth ground, there were no water stains and no places to slide at all. I don't know how the yellow hair fell down.

"We're not slippery at all..." the receptionist pointed to the ground and said.

"If you don't slip, you won't slip? How did our boss fall if he didn't slip? Xiao Huangmao's men pointed to the receptionist and shouted, "I'll tell you. Our brother is also a person with status. He slipped to you, which has seriously affected the public image. You have to compensate us for our losses!"

"Is there any water on the ground? It's slippery or not. People with long eyes can see it. Are you still so crooked when you cut in line?" Yang Ming snorted coldly and said contemptuously.

"What the mother is that green onion? Do you want me to mind your own business?" When Huang Mao's men saw Yang Ming's help at this time, they were immediately unhappy: "Do you want to be unlucky? Shut up!"

"What's wrong with the mold?" Yang Ming asked rhetorical.

"You are really impatient!" Huang Mao's men saw that Yang Ming was not finished. They let go of the boss Huang Mao, who was holding him, and came to slap Yang Ming in the face, but Yang Ming grabbed his wrist and clamped him to death. He couldn't move. Huang Mao's men shook their hands twice and couldn't move. Knowing that this man was not so

Yang Ming let go without warning, and Huang Mao's subordinates almost stumbled. Taking advantage of this moment, Yang Ming shot another flying needle into the acupuncture point on Huang Mao's lower leg. Huang Mao's subordinates directly fell to the ground unsteadily, and the back of his head landed on the ground, and he also broke a big hole and

The guests in line behind couldn't help laughing this time. The three guys were like monkey monkeys. They played a farce, and even the guests eating inside laughed loudly, which made the yellow-haired face more and more ugly. I don't know whether it was caused by too much bleeding or angry. Of.

"Won't you get up quickly!" Huang Mao stared at the fallen hand on the ground angrily: "It will be embarrassing!"

The men on the ground were wronged in their hearts. What does this have to do with me? I'm just coming out for you. I've been fucked. Are you still scolding me now? Suddenly, he was a little upset. He stood up with his face, and his face was not clean.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh?" Huang Mao was so embarrassed by everyone's smile.

I don't know which table in the room the guest answered, "Just laugh at you yellow hair"

"Hahahaha" This time, the guests who had just suppressed their laughter burst into laughter again!

"Who? Who said that? Stand up?" Huang Mao's face was about to be twisted, especially when his face was full of blood, which was even more terrible and scary. He looked back and forth in the store to find the person who had just spoken.

The speaker couldn't help saying it cheaply for a moment. How dare he fight against Huang Mao face to face, so after saying that, he quickly locked his head and dared not show up.

Yang Ming naturally saw clearly who said it, but he would not expose it.

Seeing that he roared for a long time, no one answered. He was so angry that he looked even worse, but he didn't know what to do. Some of them were difficult to get off. There was a Yang Ming who stood up and openly fought against him. However, Huang Mao saw that his men had suffered losses and did not dare to trouble Yang Ming easily If you are not sure, you don't want to cause trouble.

At this time, Yang Ming spoke.

"That's okay. Why don't you take your two companions to the hospital? After a while, he lost too much blood and died. Yang Ming looked at the idle man beside Huang Fei indifferently and said.

At this time, the security guards in the hotel also gathered around and stared at the three people. Huang Mao saw that he couldn't make trouble, so he had to run out in disgraced. He really rushed to the hospital to stop the bleeding.

At the door, Huang Mao didn't forget to stare at Yang Ming, "I want you to mind your own business and see if I won't kill you in the future."

Yang Ming smiled after hearing this and gave him a stumbling under his feet. After saying that, Huang Mao flew straight out of the door.