very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1284 Establishing Authority

Huang Mao left. It should be that Yang Ming and the four of them entered in order. Naturally, the people behind had no objection, that is, Yang Ming was not in the front, and they had no objection to let Yang Ming go first. After all, Yang Ming just said what they wanted to say and helped them vent their anger.

They didn't dare to say anything, but when others said it, they were still very happy. After Huang Mao ran away, they all spontaneously applauded Yang Ming.

"Did you do it just now?" Although she doesn't know how Yang Ming did it, Sun Jie intuitively felt that the previous things had something to do with Yang Ming;

"What was that just now?" Yang Ming asked pretending not to know.

"The yellow hair and his men suddenly fell down;" Sun Jie narrowed her eyes and smiled at Yang Ming beautifully: "Don't pretend to be stupid. If you don't pretend to be stupid, I'm sure I won't doubt it. You deliberately pretend to be stupid. What do you want to hide? More suspicious?"

Yang Ming didn't intend to hide it from Sun Jie. He just joked casually, so he said, "Well, I did it. I'll do it in the air."

"Really?" Sun Jie didn't believe it, "Can you show me one?"

"At night, I'll perform for you. Are there many people here now?" Yang Ming changed the topic.

"Good, then in the evening." Sun Jie did not continue to pester.

"What are you two muttering?" Yang Xin pushed the menu in her hand to Sun Jie and Yang Ming: "What do you want to eat?"

"You can just order it." Yang Ming said, "You know what Xiaojie likes to eat, so I'll do whatever."

"All right then?" Yang Xin took back the menu, ordered some of Sun Jie's favorite food, and ordered some signature dishes for Yang Ming and Wu Yunsheng. Then return the menu to the waiter and signal him to order it.

The waiter retreated, leaving only four people. Yang Xin was also curious about what had just happened. Sun Jie thought of it, and Yang Xin had no reason to think of it.

If Yang Ming didn't open his mouth later, of course they would not doubt it, just because Yang Ming said something in time after that, and then Huang Mao's men also fell inexplicably, just like the previous Huang Mao, which could not arouse Yang Xin's suspicion.

Because others are not familiar with Yang Ming, they naturally did not think about this aspect, but Yang Xin and Sun Jie have seen Yang Ming's horrible skills, so Huang Mao and Huang Mao's subordinates fall down, which is more likely to think of Yang Ming, which is more reasonable?

"Yang Ming. Does what happened before have anything to do with you?" Yang Xin finally couldn't help asking.

"Are you talking about that yellow hair?" Yang Ming learned to be smart this time. Instead of pretending to be stupid, he directly mentioned Huang Mao.

"Yes, why did he fall for no reason?" Yang Xin asked curiously.

There are some things that can be said to Sun Jie, but it can't be said to Yang Xin. It's not that Yang Ming doesn't trust Yang Xin, but there are some things that Yang Xin knows and it's not good for her. She doesn't belong to her own circle. Her enemies are too powerful. Sun Jie, as her own Pieces in your hand.

In this case, Yang Ming simply won't hide it. He plans to tell Sun Jie everything about himself and the boss behind the scenes tonight, so that she can be mentally prepared.

But Yang Xin is different. She is just a sister she recognizes herself, and the boss behind the scenes will not be interested in her, so the less she knows about herself. On the contrary, the safer it is.

"I was also puzzled that he suddenly fell down." Yang Ming said, "Maybe it's a curse from God."

"I thought you did it!" Yang Xin was a little disappointed. If Yang Ming did it, she would be very excited.

"I'm so far away from him, my heart is willing but not enough!" Yang Ming spread out his hands helplessly and said, "But in the end, I tripped him and let him fly out."

"That's not bad, at least it's a bad breath!" Hearing Yang Ming say this, Yang Xin was excited again.

Although there are many guests in Liuweiju, the speed of serving is not slow. It should be that many dishes are semi-finished products prepared in the kitchen, as long as they are put into the pot. So although there are many guests, the speed of each table from ordering to serving is very fast, which also saves a lot of time.

The taste is as good as last time, which is also the reason why Liuweiju has lasted for a long time. From Sun Jie's student days to now, the chefs of Liuweiju have changed a lot, but the taste is always the same.

This is because the boss of Liuweiju always has the core ingredients, and the condiments added to each dish are prepared and packaged in proportion. In this way, as long as the chef fully follows the steps and puts the seasonings in, he can make delicious dishes;

So no matter how the chef changes it, as long as the operation steps remain unchanged and the proportion of ingredients remains unchanged, you can also make dishes with the same taste.

This is very similar to those foreign fast food such as KFC McDonald's. Even if you have learned the production steps, there are no core ingredients, and there is no way to open your own shop after leaving.

After dinner, Yang Ming and Sun Jie said goodbye to Yang Xin and Wu Yunsheng. They went to Sun Hongjun's company and solved the poisonous matter by the way. After looking at the time, Yang Ming first went back to Wu Yunsheng and Yang Xin, and then drove to the Changhu Hotel with Zhang before. Zhang arrived in the afternoon and sent a text message to Yang Ming. This time he came with the antidote of the poison, which could not be regarded as the antidote, but postponed the attack period of the poison to a year.

These people under Sun Hongjun have become wall grass. Yang Ming does not dare to detoxify them completely. If the poison is solved, what about these people's rebellion again?

So Yang Ming dares not take this risk, but these people are the foundation and backbone of Sun Hongjun's group! If they are expelled in one go, the whole operation of the group will stop, so they can't be fired.

This time, the involvement is too extensive. Starting with the deputy general manager below Sun Hongjun, all of them were bought by Tian Long. Yang Ming wants them to have no different intentions. Continue to work for Sun Hongjun wholeheartedly, and can only bind them with poison first.

After the real authority is established, it is not too late to completely detoxify them. However, Yang Ming thought that after this incident, these people should also be able to understand what absolute strength is.

Under absolute strength, there is no room for these people to rebel at all. They want to rebel again, and Yang Ming can also punish them. The two vegetative people lying in the hospital are their role models!

The reason why Yang Ming did not let these two people die directly but lay in the hospital to waste medical expenses is also a long-term deterrent effect on these people, so that these people dare not have any indistinguity.

It was still Sun Jie who drove. When she came to the parking lot of the Changhu Hotel, she saw Zhang in the Jetta car, which was eliminated by Hou Shock. Yang Ming asked him to change one, but Zhang felt that it was good to have a car, so he kept driving.

"I'll introduce you to a Miao friend later, who is the one who helped me configure the poison." Yang Ming said to Sun Jie.

Sun Jie nodded. She found that Yang Ming's attitude towards herself was obviously different from before. After she agreed to be Yang Ming's woman, Yang Ming no longer hid some things from her and introduced her circle of friends to herself. This made Sun Jie angry and funny. Although she was very happy, she complained about Yang Ming's previous care.

Zhang Weijin came by himself this time. He did not take his girlfriend Xiao Qi into the room. Yang Ming first introduced Zhang Weizhen and Sun Jie to each other. Hearing that Yang Ming said that he was his own person, Zhang Weijin did not avoid suspicion. He directly took out the antidote of the poison: "Brother Yang, I have configured the anti Suppressing for a year should be enough, right?

Yang Ming took the box of the antidote and found that there were at least more than 100 pills in it, which was obviously enough. He smiled and said, "I can't use so much."

I'm afraid it's not enough for Xiaoqi, so he made more. Anyway, it's not hard. Zhang put on a smile and said, "Is there anything else I need to do?"

"No more for the time being. Just wait for me in the hotel. When I deal with the affairs here, let's go back to Songjiang together." Yang Ming put the pills on his body and said to Zhang.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here. If you need anything, please call me at any time." Zhang Zhi said in response.

"Okay, let's call." Yang Ming didn't stop much and left the room with Sun Jie.

Out of the Changhu Hotel, Yang Ming thought for a moment, took out the box of antidote and gave it to Sun, Jie: "In the future, you will be in charge of the company. You will give this thing to them later to establish authority."

Seeing that Yang Ming was so thoughtful, Sun Jie smiled gratefully and put away the antidote box.

"Do you know a lot of people?" Sun Jie really lamented Yang Ming's connections.

"He was sent by Lan Ling to protect me" Yes, you should also know about Lan Ling, right? Although Yang Ming did not mention Lan Ling to Sun Jie, she should know.

Sun Jie didn't hide it. She nodded and said, "Xiao Qing told me, your ex-girlfriend."

"It's the same now, but it hasn't come back yet." Yang Ming corrected: "Zhang was sent by her. He was proficient in the cup. At that time, he also lost his help to deal with the boss behind the scenes.

"So that's it?" Sun Jie secretly thought about Yang Ming's girlfriends. Lan Ling's strength is very strong, but she can't offend easily. This little girl will take a cup. In case she grows a cup on her body, it won't be fun. She has to find a way to win over in the future, right?

Naturally, Yang Ming didn't know what she was thinking. He thought she wanted to be about the company, so he said, "Now the situation is under control. There's nothing to worry about. Just give them a meeting and say something kind words."

Sun Jie quickly cut off those unrealistic ideas, came to her senses and nodded: "Are you with me?"

"Of course." Sun Jie didn't say anything, Yang Ming also wanted to give her courage.
