very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 15311532

Didn't you get the phone call before? You have been disqualified as a dealer. Old Buffon's voice is very indifferent, but with an unquestionable majesty, which is unquestionable: "Are your servants of the Lancer family so inefficient? I've called someone before!"

Old Buffon's words were directly inserted into Thomas's fragile heart like a sharp sword, which immediately made him feel breathless: "Master Buffon" You didn't finish laughing, did you? "Is it really call from you before?"

Thomas thought about several possibilities. It was finally confirmed that the call was made by Wang Songshan. But he never thought that the call would really be from old Buffon. This is too difficult for him to accept, isn't it?

"It's not a faint sentence of old Buffon that I played. Thomas finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, really not, that's good, that's good! However, Thomas hasn't taken a breath yet. I heard old Buffon continue to say, "I asked the people below to fight. What's the matter? What's your problem?" Thomas only felt dark in front of his eyes, and there was an impulse for a cerebral hemorrhage. How is this possible? How is that possible? Thomas didn't believe in this reality: "Master of the Buffon family, our two families. We have been working together for decades. You're not kidding, are you?" Why did you suddenly cut off your cooperation with us?

"Did I interrupt? It seems to be a lot, right? Old Buffon said lightly, "Are you the one who proposed to interrupt the cooperation?"

"I?" Thomas almost cried, in his heart, am I stupid? I proposed to terminate the cooperation. Isn't that a fool? It's simply insane. He quickly defended, "Master Buffon, have you made a mistake? How could I make such a request? Our cooperation has always been very pleasant

"Didn't you put it up?" Old Buffon said coldly, "I heard that you really want us to reduce our share of arms supply to you? In this case. Then we will simply interrupt our cooperation and satisfy your wishes. Make your dream come true!, little

Reduce the share of arms supply? Dreams come true? Why does this sound so familiar? Thomas frowned, and suddenly, he thought of the inexplicable phone call of Wang Songshan before, plus the words "hearing" mentioned by old Buffon. Suddenly, these two things were connected together. Is it because of the butterfly family?

However, Thomas didn't believe it. The butterfly family will be associated with the Buffon family! If there is a connection between the two, why does the butterfly family buy arms from themselves? Isn't it enough to buy it directly from the Buffon family? Not only is the quantity sufficient, but the price is also cheap! You know, your own price increase rate is more than double! Moreover, in order to win more shares, Wang Songshan had to carefully compliment the Lancer family. " If the butterfly family has this way, can Wang Songshan still do this?

So, thinking of this, Thomas abandoned this absurd idea, but was a little confused about what old Buffon said: "Master Buffon. What do you mean by what you said? "Have I ever said such a thing?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, and you don't need to admit it." Old Buffon was not in the mood to argue with Thomas about this. "Then just take it as a unilateral notice, anyway. Your arms dealer is no more qualified

"Is it the butterfly family? Little Thomas finally couldn't help it. He racked his brains. I can't figure out which family I have said that to recently.

"Oh?" After hearing this, old Buffon smiled sarcastically: "It seems that you are still a little self-aquited." I know who you have offended, in this case. I won't say more.


"Ah?" Thomas just asked casually, but he didn't think about it. It really has something to do with the Butterfly family, but does the Butterfly family really have something to do with the Buffon family? This seems unlikely, doesn't it?

But the unlikely fact is in front of his eyes, and old Buffon has admitted it himself. He couldn't believe it. Thinking of this. Thomas has an impulse to vomit blood!

Even if you play with people, you don't play like this, do you? Are you happy to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? Aren't you cheating people? It's too tricky. It's a little hurtful to do this!

I knew that you had something to do with the Butterfly family and the Buffon family. I have water in my head. I'll go to trouble you? It's too late for me to make it. Why do I mess with you?

Besides, your family has money to burn, right? I have contact with the Buffon family and don't find others to buy arms directly. However, you are scared to me and bought it by the second trafficker. Are you in a bad spirit, or do you deliberately set a trap to play with me?

Thomas is really speechless. I don't know what to say! If you reveal a little about your relationship with the Buffon family yesterday, I can't make things difficult for you. Not only did I ask Good to go to your house to apologize, but I also have to supply you with arms at a cost price!

But"but"Wang Songshan. You old man. What exactly is the intention? You and I whispered down, which made me think that you, a loser, don't have any backer. It's a soft persimmon that can be kneaded at will." But now. Damn it, you cheated me to death.

"All right, it's all right, right?" Old Buffon said lightly, "Take care of yourself, this matter. I'm afraid we can't just forget it.

"Wait a minute, Master Buffon, don't hang up the phone first." However, Thomas hasn't finished his words yet. Old Buffon hung up the phone, and there was only a busy sound, "

Thomas's decadent buttocks are most in the boss's chair. The previous strategic and self-respecting posture was swept away. The other moment, I thought that the butterfly family would do it this time. He will inevitably come to plead according to his own wishes, and take the initiative to send Wang Xiaoyan to marry his grandson Goode, but at this moment. Not only that, but the idea was completely shattered. Even the future of the Lancer family has been completely broken!

Arms sales are the biggest source of wealth for the Lancer family. It is also the only source of wealth. Before operating arms, the Lancer family operated many industries, but in the past few decades, after having a relationship with the Buffon family, the Lancer family saw the huge profits in arms sales, so they simply withdrew all other industries and focused on the arms trade!

After all, with the same human and material resources, arms buying ** other businesses make a lot of money, which is not a problem at all. Grade and grade. The Lancer family's energy is limited, so it's better to invest their limited energy in a more profitable arms trade. So in this way, the Lancer family is like a desperate gamble. Although we know that it is dangerous to do so, once there is a problem in the industry, it will cause the whole Lancer family's business chain to collapse.

However, under such a huge profit. The Lancer family still chose to take risks! There is a right saying, that is, capitalists can risk the gin of going to the gin for a profit margin of 300 percent! What's more, arms sales are more than 300 percent profit? Some special arms are even sold at a profit of 1,000 percent. Driven by such great interests, the Lancer family has long been crazy. How can they account for these costs?

And Old Buffon cut off the Lancer family's arms supply, which is equivalent to cutting off the Lancer family's only way of money. Where should the Lancer family go in the future? This is what Thomas is most concerned about.

Although the Lancer family has made enough money, even if it is not frugal, it can be squandered for a lifetime. But Thomas has to think about his children and grandchildren? You can't sit and eat in the mountains, can you?

Moreover, once the Lancer family is disqualified as an arms dealer, it will definitely take a sharp turn in the upper class. Without this identity, how many will still please the Lancer family?

Even, the most critical question is that it's good for these people not to beat the water dog. Who dares to offend the Buffon family because of the Lancer family? If you want to clean up the people of the Buffon family, you still have to contact them. Don't you think that your life is too comfortable?

This series of chain reactions is beyond the end of today's Lancer family! Thomas sighed secretly. In just one day, he completely changed his position with Wang Songshan. He was upset yesterday. I'm upset today

But yesterday, Wang Songshan was really upset, right? This guy doesn't mean to make himself happy, does he?

Thomas wanted to scold Wang Songshan, but at this moment, he really didn't dare,

Old conditions

I'm sad. Suddenly, the phone on the table rang again. Thomas was shocked. I thought old Buffon had changed his mind! How he wished to answer the phone. Old Buffon told him that everything he had said before was a lie and a joke.

So, Thomas picked up the phone full of vision and said carefully, "Hey,

"Thomas's master? I'm Wang Songshan!" Wang Songshan's heart was also a little nervous, because he didn't know whether what Yang Ming said worked, and whether the meaning of the Buffon family had been passed on to the Lancer family.

"King" Lord, you have hurt me. Thomas sighed, and his voice was a little crying: "Look, isn't this the flood that washed the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't recognize a family?"

Thomas knew that Wang Songshan was from China. I specially quoted a classic Chinese saying. I want to arouse Wang Songshan's intimacy and compassion.

Wang Songshan was slightly stunned. After listening to Thomas's words, how could he not understand at this moment? Your news from the Buffon family must have reached the Lancer family. Otherwise, can Thomas talk to himself like this?

Wang Songshan's tense heart finally breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly there was an indescribable sense of comfort. It's so refreshing! Do you, Thomas, also have today? This is the first time in your life that you have talked to me so lowly!

But. At the same time. Wang Songshan is also concerned about Yang Ming's ability. For the first time, I had doubts and awe! Thinking about it, the one who can intervene in the decisions of the Buffon family must be a big shot in the Buffon family! Otherwise, it is impossible that when Yang Ming hung up the phone for less than ten minutes, the Buffon family would immediately react and convey it to the Lancer family.

And Yang Ming, how do you know such people? That's the Buffon family! The top family of the European upper class. Not to mention that it can make the Buffon family change their decisions, it can be related to it. It's even amazing to talk, but now, "

Old Buffon understood before. Although Yang Ming's tone was very polite, there was an immutable way of command. This was to talk to a heavyweight of the Buffon family. Yang Ming's plain tone decided the matter in a few words, and he didn't even give it to the other party. The quantity is completely said in the way of an order, which is too shocking, isn't it?

"What kind of family?" Wang Songshan took a bad breath in his heart, and he had a lot of confidence to speak: "Mr. Thomas, I can't understand what you said. I... The second worker of the stove has been working many times. My daughter will never marry Good. Everyone is worried!"

"Master Wang" You misunderstood me," Thomas said with a wry smile, thinking that I don't dare to hit your Wang Xiaoyan's idea at all now. If I had known it before, I would be stupid. Can I force your daughter to marry my grandson? Thomas was afraid that Wang Songshan would misunderstand. He quickly explained, "Master Wang, I mean, you see. The friendship between our Lancer family and the Buffon family has been around for decades, and your butterfly family. We must also have a lot of friendship with the Buffon family, so we are not a family yet?

"Oh? Really?" Wang Songshan said lightly, "I don't think so. How dare I climb up to your Lancer family? It's better to deal with you less. I'll call you this time. I just want to tell you that you have canceled the arms supply of our butterfly family. Then we will have nothing to do with each other in the future. We will not get along with each other.

"Other things!" As soon as Thomas heard this, he was immediately anxious: "Master Wang, Mr. Wang. Don't hang up the phone. What I did before was wrong. It was my fault. I really don't know that you have a relationship with the Buffon family..."

"So, if I have nothing to do with the Buffon family, then I can let you bully?" Wang Songshan asked with a sneer.

"This" Thomas was speechless. Yes, before, when he didn't know the relationship between Wang Songshan and the Buffon family, he bullied the butterfly family wantonly? Do you think the butterfly family can finally follow the path they envision?

"It seems that. You don't even dare to speak by yourself!" Wang Songshan snorted with some disdain: "In this case, we don't have to talk about it anymore. I have other things to do, so I'll hang up the phone."

"Master Wang, Brother Wang. Wait a minute. Thomas is really in a hurry. He is a little unscrupulous. Wang Songshan is reasonable to be his back, but he actually calls Wang Songshan Brother Wang, which shows how anxious he is now!

But it's no wonder that Wang Songshan has now become Thomas's last life-saving straw! Because Thomas knew that this matter was completely caused by Wang Songshan, and the attitude of the Buffon family towards him was also completely determined by the attitude of the butterfly family!

Even if I plead with the Buffon family, I guess it won't help, because if the Butterfly family doesn't nod, the Buffon family will definitely not let go. Only when the Butterfly family no longer pursues this matter can the Buffon family no longer pursue it.

So, the development of the whole matter is completely due to Wang Songshan's attitude, so Thomas doesn't mind self-retroduction and backup. As long as he can get Wang Songshan's understanding, what can he do with this groveling?

"What are you waiting for?" Wang Songshan said, "Isn't it your Thomas's wish to reduce the arms supply quota? And now the task has been over-completed, which has not only been reduced, but also completely cut off. You should be happy!"

"One" Thomas really wanted to cry without tears, but in the face of Wang Songshan's run, Thomas really had a hard time. Who let himself really say that before, but Thomas still bravely said, "Brother Wang, let's not talk in front of Mingren. This time, it's the fault of my Lancer family. Can you raise your hand and let me go? I'll thank you in advance.

"If you are so grinding your mouth like this, is it over?" Wang Songshan said contemptuously, "I'm sorry. I'm very tight at this time, and I don't want to waste time with you.

"Wang Songshan, how on earth do you want to let go of our Lancer family? Do you really want to drive our Lancer family to a dead end? Thomas is really anxious. This is a big deal related to the family's future livelihood!

"Put it on the dead end?" Wang Songshan immediately smiled and said, "Thomas, how did you force me before? You won't forget, will you? Why didn't you raise your hand at that time and leave me a way out? Now you are talking about me the other way around. If you had known this, why did you have to do it at the beginning?

"At the beginning" I didn't leave you a way out. I said, let Wang Xiaoyan marry Good. We can continue the cooperation between us!" Thomas said urgently, "Although I know that this condition is a little unreasonable, I didn't say anything after all!" Now, at least show me the way. What can I do to make a living for our Lancer family. Oh?" Wang Songshan frowned and said from the bottom of his heart. He didn't mind killing the Lancer family this time. After all, what the Lancer family had done before had made Wang Songshan extremely angry.

But since Thomas asked this, Wang Songshan decided to give him a chance. As for whether he can seize this opportunity. It's up to him. No wonder others.

"Well, in that case, I'll make a request. If you do it, I will help you plead with the Buffon family. If you can't do it, then this is over." Wang Songshan said with a moment of thought.

"What's the matter? Please speak as soon as possible. As long as I can do it, it will be incumbentance!" After listening to Wang Songshan's words, Thomas was immediately relieved. Wang Songshan was finally willing to let go, so it was easy to do. At worst, he would satisfy Wang Songshan's vanity. Let him have a good time and let himself go. It's better than anything else.

"Gud's head, within five days. Send it to our butterfly family. B