very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1533-1534

Good's head will be sent to our butterfly-family within five days. Wang Songshan said his own style indifferently: "Otherwise, there is no room for maneuver in this matter!"

"You...Wang Songshan, don't force people too much!" As soon as Thomas heard Wang Songshan's request, his weak tone was suddenly full of extreme hatred: "Your request is simply unreasonable!"

"How much is it forced?" Wang Songshan sneered: "I said Thomas, when you made a request to my butterfly family before, why didn't you say that it was too forceful? Why don't you say it's unreasonable? Are you running to me now and saying that I'm too forceful? Don't you blush yourself?"

"This one" Thomas was blushed by what Wang Songshan said, but he also knew that what Wang Songshan said was a fact. When he was aggressive before, he never worried about Wang Songshan's feelings.

Now, in turn, Wang Songshan is aggressive, and he has become a victim. Thomas really wants to cry without tears. If he had known this, why did he have done it at the beginning?

However, even so, Thomas still felt that Wang Songshan was a little too much. After all, his condition was only to let Wang Songshan's daughter marry Good, which did not hurt anyone's life, but Wang Songshan's request was too cruel. He wanted Good's life! How could Thomas, Good's grandfather, agree?

"I've already given you the opportunity. It's up to you whether to do it or not." Wang Songshan ignored Thomas's mood at this moment. Are you angry or not? What does it have to do with me? When you forced me, you didn't leave a way out for yourself. Now you expect me to show mercy to you. Do you think it's possible? No one is a fool.

"Wang Songshan, I just want your daughter to marry my grandson, but is it fair for you to ask for my grandson's head?" Although Thomas knew that he was in a weak position, he still asked rationally.

"When Good was in my house, he was very arrogant. If I hadn't got rid of him and spread him, I would have thought who our butterfly family was afraid of!" Wang Songshan ignored Good's questioning and sneered, "In the final analysis, this matter is caused by your grandson Good. What does it have to do with my daughter? Therefore, since he is looking for trouble, he must be prepared to pay the corresponding price. Otherwise, everyone will not be responsible for what he has done. Isn't the world a mess?

Responsible? Thomas is very nervous. Your butterfly family is insensitive to killing people. Why don't you stand up and why are you responsible? But under the circumstances, Thomas did not dare to say so. After all, people had to bow their heads under the eaves: "Wang Songshan, our Lancer family will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter. As for the Douglas family, I will also let them pay the price they deserve, but Good, anyway, it's my dear. Grandson, I don't allow him to do any harm!"

Thomas said his words firmly. On the one hand, he showed weakness to Wang Songshan, and on the other hand, there was a hint that Wang Songshan could just accept it if you saw it, and we would pay the price. But as for Good's idea, I'm sorry, don't fight.

"In that case, I don't think we have anything to talk about." Wang Songshan blocked Thomas's words in one sentence and didn't buy him at all: "Our butterfly family does not need any compensation and explanation. If we really want to explain, the only thing that can explain is Good's head."

"Okay...Okay!" Thomas is very angry. Wang Songshan is really not ready to give himself any face, which makes Thomas extremely angry. After so many years of high society in Europe, he is the first person who doesn't buy his own face, instead of not buying his own face, and he is pressing step by step: "Wang Songshan, you mean that you really want to be with me Is the Lancer family going to die? Let me tell you, although our Lancer family has lost the support of the Buffon family, we are not easy to bully after decades of accumulation of wealth. Even if our family falls, we will pull a cushion! How about you are a killer family? Others are afraid of you, my Lancer family, and I, Thomas, may not be afraid of you! If you have a killer, can we just... Humph, if you don't believe it, let's wait and see!"

Thomas's words suddenly woke Wang Songshan up! Previously, Wang Songshan was relieved to see that Yang Ming not only easily solved the biggest problem of the family, the supply of arms! And he also let the Buffon family clean up the Lanchengjing clan by the way. The heart & qu; umbrella was extremely refreshing. Especially when I saw Thomas whispering so much to himself, I was even more happy. For a moment, I was a little complacent, but this Xuan &qu; 1, Thomas's words reminded Wang Songshan! In any case, the Lancer family is a big family that has been at the top of the upper class for many years. Even if they are qualified for arms sales at this moment, the wealth and heritage they have accumulated over the years are unimaginable! If the Lancer family has no private defense force, no one will believe it! Especially Thomas' previous sentence, "If you have a killer, can we..." has been hinted that the Lancer family also has a card. If you really want to die, then we will also accompany you to the end. At that time, the fish will die, and no one will feel good! Although, the possibility of both sides is not very good, because killing the enemy for a thousand and losing three hundred, the forces of the two families are almost the same. In this situation where there is no absolute advantage, it is unknown who will kill the deer. Even if you win, it can only be a tragic victory. This kind of trick of harming others and self-in "It's coming!" 2? But Thomas threatened Wang Songshan in this way! Wang Songshan didn't think that Thomas would do this, because he was forced to be helpless at the beginning, and he didn't want to lose both sides of the Lancer family.

However, no one can say that an old madman like Thomas can't be said. After all, Wang Songshan can't see what Thomas thinks. He doesn't have a special function, and he doesn't dare to be 100% sure that Thomas will not dare to do it.

So at this moment, Thomas's words made Wang Songshan hesitate! He dares not gamble, nor can he gamble! Now the butterfly family has just climbed to the university of the Buffon family, which is really a glorious moment. If the butterfly family hurts their vitality because of Thomas, it is really not worth the loss.

Wang Songshan believes that the butterfly family can have a relationship with the Buffon family by climbing to the top, but in fact, if Yang Ming knows Wang Songshan's idea, it will definitely be very funny.

Because old Buffon completely regarded it as a way to please his master for being able to cooperate with the butterfly family! The phone was hands-free. Yang Ming could hear everything Thomas said. Wang Songshan's hesitation, Yang Ming also looked into his eyes, smiled and said directly, "Thomas, right? There is only one chance, and I hope you can seize it. If you don't want to attack Goode in person, then there is no problem. I will help you take him off at that time, but I'm in the front of the ugly words. If I do it myself, it won't be the credit of your Lancer family. The qualification of the Buffon family's arms dealer will still be cancelled.

Wang Songshan looked at Yang Ming in surprise! Thomas has clearly the meaning of breaking the net, but Yang Ming doesn't care at all and still threatens Thomas mercilessly...

So what does it represent? Is Yang Ming already sure of winning? Thinking of this, Wang Songshan couldn't help but feel a little nervous. However, thinking of Yang Ming's previous magic power, he can actually say that the Feng family avoids the gods, so I believe that it is not a problem to solve the Lancer family.

Thinking of this, Wang Songshan was full of inexplicable confidence in Yang Ming.

"Who are you?" Thomas suddenly heard Yang Ming's voice, was slightly stunned, and then asked angrily.

"Yang Ming, the fiance of Wang Xiaodie." Yang Ming replied faintly.

"Well, if you talk big, you won't be afraid to flash your tongue." As soon as Thomas heard that it was Yang Ming who spoke, he suddenly became angry: "Wang Songshan, your son-in-law is really well-bred. When the elder spoke, he also interrupted?"

Before Wang Songshan could speak, Yang Ming continued to say, "In my eyes, you are a bubble and a bullshit elder. Uncle Wang, don't pay attention to this mad dog. Hang up the phone and don't have time to talk nonsense with him.

"Okay." Wang Songshan smiled at Yang Ming and then said to Thomas, "Thomas, my request has been finished. Can you do it? Think about it yourself. Okay, goodbye!"

"You one by one, you *** one by one" Before Thomas finished his words, Wang Songshan hung up the phone, leaving only the angry Thomas and sat on the chair a little decadent.

1 day. Before choosing how to choose, he wants to fight with the butterfly family endlessly, which is just a threatening word, so that Wang Songshan can change his mind! Moreover, this move did work. After listening to his words, Wang Songshan began to hesitate! But before Wang Songshan hesitated to speak, he was interrupted by the man named Yang Ming! It's really annoying. This little bastard didn't open his mouth for a long time, but he opened his mouth at the most critical moment and suddenly destroyed his whole plan! Thomas really didn't dare to lose the whole Lancer family because of Good! Although it is not wrong for Good to be his own grandson, but anyway, the grandson is always a grandson, not a grandson, a foreign surname, a member of the Douglas family, not the Lancer family! Even if Thomas wants to take the lead for Good, I believe that the elders of the Lancer family will not agree. After all, this is not the interest of Thomas alone, but the interests of the whole family! There is no benefit to the whole Lancer family against the butterfly family! The strength of the two is the same. Although their own family has cards, they can guide the killers of the butterfly family to match, but who can guarantee that the butterfly family no longer has hidden cards?

Once the butterfly family also has hidden cards, it means that the strength of the butterfly family is a little better than that of the Lancer family. In this way, I dare not act rashly. If I really want to fight, I may be the Lancer family who will be unlucky in the end! In fact, when it comes to the status of the Butterfly family and the Lancer family, there is no absolute strong strength, and they generally do not fight with their opponents, because Piyang does not promote the interests of the family at all. On the contrary, they put the whole family in, and no one will make such a stupid decision.

Before, Thomas wanted to buy a gambling king, would he be afraid of Songshan, but as a result, it was destroyed. How could this not make Thomas depressed? However, Wang Songshan is very resolute now. How should he deal with it?

Give up Good? Thomas absolutely doesn't want to do this. This is his favorite grandson! Not only can't he avenge his anger, but he also has to put his life in it. How can he be embarrassed by his grandfather's feelings?

However, if you don't give up Good, the Lancer family will definitely decline and wither from now on. "To find a new industry to do it, it will take a long time to adapt. Don't be strong! In that way, the Lancer family will be reduced to a second-rate family or even a third-rate family.

But anyway, this is a big deal. Although Thomas is the head of the Lancer family, he has to discuss such a big thing with the family.

The Lancer family's meeting was suffocated, and Thomas sat in the first place with a gloomy face, while the other core figures of the family, including two elders of his peers, and several of the best of the second generation's children.

The news that the Buffon family disqualified the Lancer family as an arms supplier has been spread from the previous servant who answered the phone. Whether it is true or not, everyone present also knew the news.

The management of the Lancer family is obviously not very strict, and the confidentiality of the servants is also very poor, so the content of this phone call was quickly known by these people in the family.

"I called you to an urgent meeting. There is an important thing to discuss with you." Thomas's face is very bad. From the overall situation, this matter will affect the fate of the Lancer family. From the perspective of the family, it's okay if he abandons Good. If he saves Good, even if the second-generation children of the family don't say anything, those elders of their peers will definitely question themselves... At that time, I'm afraid that I, the owner of the family, will be unstable.

Is it true what I heard before? Everyone's face showed a solemn expression. Before, everyone didn't believe what they heard, but at this time, Thomas solemnly called everyone to the meeting. Especially after seeing Thomas's face, everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts! Seeing the expressions of everyone here, Thomas knew it. It seemed that the news had come:

"I believe you have also heard some news that the Buffon family has disqualified our Lancer family from the arms supplier!"

"Is it because of the butterfly family?" The old man sitting on a triangular eye on Thomas's right hand opened his mouth. He is Thomas's brother Soledi and the eldest son of Thomas's father. According to the theory, he is the first heir of the Lancer family, but because he is not the direct, but the concubine! His mother is not the woman Thomas's father's media is marrying, but a close maid in the family. This status is naturally not elegant, and Soledi is also doomed to inherit the heavy responsibility of the family.

However, Soledi's heart is dedicated to "I have never been very happy with my direct brother. They are all the sons of a father. Even if his mother is not married by Ming media, he is at least the eldest son. Why did he let Thomas inherit the position of head of the family?

When Thomas's father was alive, Soledi did not dare to be too far out, but secretly made some small stumblings for Thomas. However, after his father's death, Soledi brazenly disagreed with Thomas.

And this time, with such a good opportunity, Soledi naturally did not forget to sing against Thomas! Anyway, now Soledi has no hope of winning the position of the head of the family. He hit Thomas again and again in order to make him abdicated! Give it to your son, Kevitan! His son, Keweitan, is the best of the second generation of children. He was originally "the most promising candidate for the head of the family! And Soledi is also optimistic about his son.

Originally, it was certain for Keweitan to become the next heir of the family, because Thomas's son was simply unbearable. Obviously, he was a playboy dandy young master. He hanged with some little stars all day, and was proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He didn't care about family affairs at all. It may be a candidate for the head of the family! Thomas was once very disappointed with his own son, but Soledi was very proud, thinking that although he had not become the head of the family, his son was likely to become the next head of the family. Whenever he thought of this, Soledi was very gratified.

However, this situation continued until Thomas's direct grandson Weizhi suddenly emerged and became the leader of the third generation of the family, which has vaguely surpassed the limelight of Kvetan in those years! This made Sorredi feel a crisis! For nothing else, it's just because Thomas is so alive! But his own son Keweitan is too big! He is more than ten years old than Thomas, and Keweitan was the first born when he was 20 years old! ( _Zi, that is to say, Thomas is only five or six years older than Vicotan! That's all! Originally, after Thomas died, he would let Kvetan take over, but now it seems that Thomas's body is very bright, and it is not known who died in front of him. If you have this idea, I'm afraid Keweitan will be disappointed.

Therefore, in order to get to Keweitan's smooth rise to power, Soledi also has only one way. "That is, to keep hitting Thomas, let Thomas abdicates and let Xian when he has no choice but to. Only in this way can Keweitan get to the top smoothly. Otherwise, once Keweitan's body fails, Thomas The position of the Lord is passed on to Weizhi.

That's really weak. So Isolede keenly seized this opportunity. Although he had the opportunity to attack Thomas before, he could not shake Thomas's roots. D