Nuclear God of War

Chapter 189: The Fall of the Nuclear Beast

A warrior wearing five-color armor, his left arm is blue, his right arm is red, his left leg is black, his right leg is white, and his body is gray Optimus Prime - hope, he laughed and said, "What, are you surprised to see me?"

"Why can't you always get along with me? When I went to attack the earth world before, you appeared in the earth world and protected the earth world. I'm coming to attack the capital of heaven now, and you appear in the capital of heaven again to protect the capital of heaven. Qingtian said helplessly.

"If you don't attack human beings, I don't think I will appear in front of you. In other words, as long as you attack human beings, whether in heaven or the earth world, I will appear in front of you to prevent you from harming human beings. Optimus Prime - Hope, remind the blue sky.

Qingtian knew that he was not the opponent of the Optimus Samurai and thought: I'm not the opponent of this guy. I can't fight with him now. Why don't I lead him away and let the nuclear beast attack heaven. Yes, what should I do?

Qingtian and Optimus Samurai - Hope smiled and said, "Don't think that if you beat me last time, you can beat me again this time. That's impossible."

Is that right? Then let's have a try now. Can I beat you this time? After saying that, hope has disappeared.

"You guy, get out quickly. Don't hide. Don't dare to come out like a shrinking turtle."

"You want me to come out, right? I'm already out now. Look back. I'm right behind you. Hope smiled behind the blue sky.

Hearing this, Qingtian turned around and stood face to face with the Optimus warrior, which surprised Qingtian. He quickly retreated dozens of meters and said, "You, you, when did you appear behind me?"

"My nuclear energy is the four new nuclear energy of four-color warriors, so I have the ability of each four-color warrior, you understand."

"If you say so, I don't even have a chance to escape now, do I?"

"You can say so or not." The Optimus warrior said ambiguly.

"What exactly do you mean? You can say so for a while, and you can say not for a while. Are you kidding me? Qingtian is very angry.

Optimus Prime - I hope to get closer to the blue sky and said, "Don't be angry. I'll explain it to you slowly now. What I mean is that you are right, and you have no chance to escape. I can also say that I don't mean to say so. You still have a chance to escape.

"You should have killed me directly now, but why don't you do it? What exactly do you want to do? Why have you been teasing me? Qingtian can't stand it anymore.

Optimus Prime - I hope to suddenly laugh and say, "Well, I won't tease you anymore, Optimus Prime - I hope I'm not a big bully. To tell you the truth, the reason why I haven't done anything is to wait for the nuclear beasts. After they come, I will send you to the west.

"What! How do you know that there is a nuclear beast on the way to heaven?

"Because of your personality, you can never come to heaven alone. There must be a large number of nuclear beasts rushing here behind you, otherwise you won't want to enter heaven first."

"You are really awesome. I admire you very much, but I won't give up being your enemy because of your strength." After saying that, the blue sky instantly turned into green gas and rushed to the shield of heaven that protects the capital of heaven.

The Optimus warrior raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled, "Humph! How can the carving skill be used against me? It's really funny.

After saying that, the Optimus Samurai waved his left leg, and a powerful black cloud new nuclear energy suddenly hit the green gas formed by the blue sky.

The black nuclear energy like dark clouds quickly surrounded the blue sky in the form of green gas. The Optimus Prime stepped over and looked at the blue sky trapped by its black cloud new nuclear energy.

"Optimus warrior, if you have the ability to kill me now, don't prosper like a sissy." The blue sky turned back into a human form and said angrily.

"It's really easy to kill you, but I want to kill you when you are most valuable."

"You despicable and shameless guy, my master, the king of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear energy like dragon beasts, I will never let you go back to the earth."

"Unfortunate, you can't see that scene, hahaha." Optimus Prime - Hope to laugh.

I hope to stop laughing and say, "Well, I should hide now and don't delay the big deal of your nuclear beast."

After saying that, the Optimus warrior-hope turned into a white flash in an instant, disappeared without a trace, and a trace of nuclear energy was not left.


At this time, Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Tiandun system headquarters, has found a large number of nuclear beasts standing near heaven.

Major General Guo Wei saw this situation and said, "What should we do now? Does the four-color warrior found by Xiaoyan really have the ability to defeat so many nuclear beasts with the power of four people? No, now that the four of them have merged into one, it should be said that how can they resist so many nuclear beasts on their own?

Although Guowei knows the fusion of four-color warriors, the Optimus warrior - hoping to have the nuclear energy of up to 230M Sievert, he still doesn't have much confidence in the Optimus warrior.

Because Major General Guo Wei did not have confidence in the Optimus Samurai, he left the earth together with Pingyan and Di Xiaoer, four-color warriors to protect the capital of heaven, and the nuclear beasts made a comeback, all to the members of the headquarters of the Nuclear Parliament.

Xu Feng, the speaker of heaven and earth nuclear parliament, was very worried when he learned about these things and said, "This time, Xiaoyan really puts us all in danger in heaven. Alas! It's all my fault that my goddaughter is useless.

"Syi yi yi President Xu, you can't say that, because after all, Ping Yan has found four-color warriors to protect us in heaven." Seans, vice president of the world of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, said.

"However, even if the four-color warriors now merge into one and become a powerful Optimus warrior - hope that how can he resist at the same time with his own power? So many nuclear beasts invade our heaven from different directions?" Speaker Xu said very worriedly.

Earth Eagle, president of the Great Council of Heaven, said, "But from the situation in front of us, the Optimus Prime warrior formed by the integration of the four-color warriors is still more able to protect our paradise than Xiaoyan."

"President Earth Eagle, you're right. The Optimus is indeed stronger than my daughter Xiaoyan, but we don't know if he really wants to protect us in heaven."

"Xu Feng, what you said is not unreasonable, but now that we can only believe that he is the Optimus Prime Knight." President Diying persuaded Speaker Xu. →[End of this chapter]