Nuclear God of War

Chapter 190: Nuclear Beast Repulsed

Xu Feng, the speaker of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, still doubts whether the Optimus Prime Minister sincerely protects heaven. He is worried that the Optimus Prime Minister does not really protect the heaven.

Because Speaker Xu is full of distrust of the Qingtian Warriors, he and the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament said, "We can believe that the Qingtian Warriors can protect heaven, but we still need to make some preparations ourselves. Therefore, I am ready to make my Heaven Evil Dragon Team enter a combat state. Members, what do you think?

"Personally, I don't think it's necessary for you to do this at all. It's really unnecessary. What's the difference between our evil dragon team and not moving?" Hu Yu, a member of the Grand Council of Paradise, said.

"Of course, there is a big difference. Our Professor Han Xingbo has just developed an efficient atomic freezing bomb. Now the first 15 high-efficiency atomic freezing bombs have been assembled on five evil dragon fighters, so it is very necessary for us to order the evil dragon fighters to enter a standby state." Speaker Xu said seriously.

The earth eagle, the president of the Grand Council of Heaven, sighed, "Alas! With our current ability, there is no hope to protect ourselves with our own strength in a real and correct sense.

"President Earth Eagle, why do you say that? Do you think that the new high-efficiency atomic freezing bomb developed by Professor Han Xingbo can't deal with nuclear beasts?

"No, that's not what I mean, but that we only have 15 new high-efficiency atomic frozen bombs, but nuclear beasts are hundreds of thousands. Do you think we have the ability to protect us humans with our own strength?"

"This... But, it's better than we trust an outsider, right?"

"Xu Feng, what you said is wrong. Because the Optimus Samurai - hope, it is really helping us now, otherwise the blue sky would have entered our heaven long ago. President Earth Eagle refuted Speaker Xu's words.

Fu Heng, a member of the Great Council of Paradise, suddenly said, "Look, the nuclear beast has surrounded our heaven. What should we do now?"

"We can only wait for the miracle to appear again as President Earth Eagle said before?" Speaker Xu sighed.


The black nuclear energy mutant lion led a group of nuclear beasts, looking for the breath of nuclear energy released by the blue sky and finding the blue sky trapped by black clouds and new nuclear energy on the edge of heaven.

The black nuclear mutant lion saw the master Qingtian trapped in the nuclear energy in the form of black clouds, and asked in beast language, "Master, Lord Qingtian, what's wrong with you? Who can trap you? Is it possible that He Sheng has returned?

"Black nuclear mutant lion, quickly lead other nuclear beasts to evacuate from heaven, even the whole Asian continent, or you will be killed." The trapped blue sky shouted.

"It's a pity that you nuclear beasts have no chance to escape. Now all that awaits you guys is death and nothing else." Optimus Prime - hope to suddenly appear in the sky.

After saying that, the Optimus warrior rotated his body and kicked out his left foot, releasing a powerful black cloud new nuclear energy. This powerful black cloud new nuclear energy instantly surrounded all the nuclear energy beasts nearby.

Although the nuclear energy beasts covered by the black cloud new nuclear energy in the form of black clouds are already very powerful, they can't rush out of the nuclear energy layer formed by this black cloud new nuclear energy.

Optimus Samurai - Hope laughed and said, "Now I have captured half of your important nuclear beasts. As long as I kill you nuclear beasts, I believe that other nuclear beasts will never dare to attack our heaven again."

The black nuclear mutant lion, who can understand the words of the Optimus warrior but can't speak human language, said in its beast language, "Don't think that if you kill all our brothers here, your heaven will be peaceful. Sooner or later, our nuclear beasts will come back and kill you human beings."

The Optimusi couldn't understand the beast language of the black nuclear mutant lion. He scratched his head, turned around, and asked the blue sky trapped by the new nuclear energy of the black cloud: "Hey, what is this black lion constantly howling? Is it talking to me? I don't understand a word."

The blue sky trapped in the Optimus Samurai - hope, released black cloud new nuclear energy, smiled and said, "What the black nuclear mutant lion said is, 'Don't think that if you kill all our brothers here, you can be peaceful in heaven. Sooner or later, our nuclear beasts will come back and kill you human beings'. I hope you understand now."

"Alas! Your nuclear beasts are really too arrogant. Well, I will send you to the west now, and then I will wait for your nuclear beasts to come back. At that time, I will definitely destroy your nuclear beasts again.

The black nuclear mutant lion said in beast language again, "If you don't care about our master, the king of nuclear beasts - the rebirth of the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast, then you can do it."

Qingtian knew that the Optimus warrior couldn't understand the beast language said by the black nuclear energy mutant lion. He directly translated what the black nuclear mutant lion said to the Optimusi and said, "My servant said, 'If you don't care about our master, the king of nuclear beasts - the giant winged nuclear energy like the regeneration of the dragon beast, then you can move. Hands. I hope you can think more about it yourself so that you don't have time to regret it.

When the Qingtian warrior heard the animal language translated by Qingtian, he suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha, okay, then I will fulfill your wishes and let your master, the king of nuclear beasts - the giant wing nuclear energy like dragon beast, be resurrected as soon as possible."

"Hey, hope, are you crazy? Our master, the king of nuclear beasts - the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast, if it is really resurrected, it will be a disaster for you in heaven. Why do you help us and let our master resurrect as soon as possible?" The blue sky trapped by the new nuclear energy of black clouds is very puzzled.

Of course, Qingtian will not understand why the Optimus Samurai wants to resurrect the giant wing nuclear beast, the king of nuclear beasts, because this is the result of the arrogance of the Optimus warrior.

The Optimus Samurai believes that even if the king of the nuclear beast, the giant wing nuclear energy is like a dragon beast, if he joins up with Hesheng, it will be easy to deal with the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast.

The more important thing is that the Optimus warrior did not know that the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast was dead, so he was secretly happy when he heard about the resurrection of the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast.

The Optimus is a pure warrior and will not let go of his opponent because of future events, which is another reason why he wants to kill all the nuclear beasts here today.

The Optimus Samurai did not answer Qingtian's question, but launched a rapid and devastating attack on all the nuclear beasts covered by the black cloud nuclear energy layer. →[End of this chapter]