Nuclear God of War

Chapter 192: Humans Enter a New Era 2

In fact, Optimus Samurai - I hope has been cheated now, because the metal chip on Qingtian's brain was inserted by Di Xiaoer, not the nuclear beast inserted into Qingtian's brain.

The unknown Optimus Samurai really thought that the nuclear beast controlled the blue sky through this metal chip, so he did not hesitate to pull out the metal chip inserted into the brain of the green sky.

After the Qingtian warrior pulled out this metal chip for the blue sky, the blue sky suddenly fainted to the ground. The Qingtian warrior thought that the blue sky was really unconscious, so he picked up the blue sky and flew out of the nuclear energy layer formed by the new nuclear energy of the black cloud.

Optimus Samurai - hopes that after flying out of the nuclear energy layer and dissipating nuclear energy in an instant, he was suddenly attacked by a large number of nuclear beasts. He held the blue sky with his right hand and waved it with his left hand to release the blue current new nuclear energy to form a transparent ** protective layer.


In the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, the members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council, at the beginning, when they saw the Optimus Samurai holding the blue sky out of the black cloud nuclear energy layer, they really thought that what Xu Feng, the speaker of heaven, guessed, had become a reality. The Optimusi was really part of the nuclear beast.

However, the members of the Nuclear Parliament of Heaven and Earth immediately dispelled their previous thoughts after seeing that the Optimusi was fiercely attacked by the nuclear beast.

Shauns, the vice president of the world, sighed, "I was really scared to death just now. I thought what Speaker Xu said was true. The Optimus warrior and the nuclear beast are together. Fortunately, it's just a false alarm."

"I'm really relieved. It seems that my previous concerns are superfluous. Optimus Samurai really wants to help us, otherwise he won't miss the good opportunity to attack heaven with the nuclear beast just now. Xu Feng, the speaker of Paradise, finally believed in the Optimus Prime Minister this time and sincerely came to help them in Paradise.


The Optimus warrior who was attacked by the nuclear beast was very angry. Because of this, the angry Optimus warrior shouted angrily and released a powerful gray nuclear energy shock wave all over his body.

This gray nuclear energy shock wave instantly smashed all the nuclear beasts, and all the nuclear beasts around heaven turned into ashes.

Optimus Prime - hopes to take back the powerful gray nuclear energy shock wave he released and said, "Humph! These nuclear beasts are really vulnerable."

Qingtian, who was held by the Optimus warrior with one hand, slowly opened his eyes and said to the Optimus warrior, "Thank you, Optimus warrior - I hope, thank you for freeing me from the control of the nuclear beast."

"Qingtian, have you really returned to normal and will not obey the nuclear beast again?" The Optimus warrior asked.

"Well, it's true. I can completely listen to my own consciousness now, and I don't have to listen to the nuclear beast." Qingtian flew up, turned around and said face to face with the Optimus Primera.

"That's good, so that I can rest assured that as long as you are in heaven, I won't be too busy." The Optimus warrior laughed.

After speaking, the Optimus Warrior instantly turned back into a four-color warrior, the black warrior - Xiqing, the white warrior - Xitian, the blue warrior - Xiwu, the red warrior - Xi Shi.

After the Optimus Samurai unfused and turned back into a four-color warrior, the black warrior, Xiqing, said to Qingtian, "Qingtian, we trust you. Let's go, let's enter heaven."

"Are you going to take me to heaven now? Aren't you afraid that I will become a slave of nuclear beasts again and attack this paradise?

"Is this necessary? Our brother has used the nuclear beast to control your chip and remove it from the back of your head, so we don't have to worry that you will be controlled again. Xiqing trusted Qingtian's words.

"Yes, don't worry, I have recovered to myself, so I won't be controlled by anyone now. Everything I want to do is my own consciousness, and I will never be a puppet of others again.

Xiqing nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now." After saying that, the four-color warrior took the blue sky to the edge of the shield of heaven and asked the members of the shield defense guard inside to open the atomic nucleus freezer.

In this way, Qingtian followed the four-color warriors into the shield of heaven, and then went to the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council to meet President Eagle and others.


At this moment, Pingyan and Di Xiaoer, who have been looking for Hesheng in space for a period of time, have never found a trace of Hesheng, and even the trace of the giant-winged nuclear-like dragon beast, the king of nuclear beasts.

Ping Yan was very worried. She looked at Di Xiaoer and asked, "Sister Xiaoer, why can't we find Brother Hesheng?" Isn't there something wrong with Brother Sheng?"

"No, no, Hesheng has a strong heart of magic wolf. Once he is angry and becomes a black gold dragon fighter - a miracle, even if there are three kings of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear energy like a dragon beast, it is impossible to hurt Hesheng." Di Xiaoer firmly believes that peace and victory will not be dangerous.

"But, Sister Xiaoer, if there is no danger with Brother Sheng, why can't we find Brother Sheng?"

"I don't understand this, but I have a deep belief in the power that Hesheng has. I firmly believe that Hesheng will never be in danger."

"Okay, Sister Xiaoer, let's continue to look for Brother Hesheng now."

"Well, let's go." Di Xiaoer nodded and answered Ping Yan.

Therefore, Di Xiaoer and Ping Yan began to fly to space far away from the earth, and went to the peace that has been sealed with their bodies by the king of nuclear beasts, the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast.


On July 28, 2035, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament, the members of the Heavenly Capital, the Earth and the Earth and the Nuclear Energy Council all came to the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament on time.

First of all, Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the shield system, reported the situation to the members of the nuclear parliament of heaven and earth and said, "Since the Optimusi - hopes to kill all the nuclear beasts that besieged heaven, our shield system has not found a nuclear beast to monitor the whole earth's monitoring satellite system, nor has it sent it on the surface. There are traces of nuclear beasts.

Congressman of Nuclear Energy, this Congressman is a six-level nuclear power man who was almost killed by Qingtian last time, and said, "If this is the case, the nuclear energy beast may have been killed by the Optimus Warrior - hope, all."

Xu Feng, the speaker of heaven and earth nuclear parliament, said, "I'm worried that the nuclear beast has not really been killed, but hid, just like the last time we deployed a clean space crystal around the world. At that time, we didn't find a nuclear beast."

"Alas! Speaker Xu is right. That's why we can't take it lightly. After all, we don't know where the nest of nuclear beasts is. The president of the Grand Council of Heaven - Earth Eagle sighed.

"That's true. That's what I'm worried about." Speaker Xu said with a slightly sad expression. →[End of this chapter]