Nuclear God of War

Chapter 191: Man enters a new era 1

Qingtian, trapped by the Optimus Samurai - the black cloud new nuclear energy that he hoped to release, was simply vulnerable when he saw the nuclear beast in front of the attack of the Optimus Samurai and had no power to fight back.

Qingtian slowly sensed the attack method of the Optimus Samurai and thought: Oh, so, it's really surprising that I found the secret of the Optimus Samurai's attack. As long as I triple the nuclear energy, I will definitely be sure to defeat the Optimus Prime.

Because Qingtian sensed the secret of the attack of the Optimus Samurai, he believes that he must never fight with the Optimus Prime now. He must find a way to save his life for himself. Only in this way can he realize his master, the king of nuclear beasts, the giant wing nuclear power like a dragon beast, and his unfulfilled wish.

In order to realize the unfulfilled wish of his master, the giant wing nuclear energy like a dragon beast, Qingtian has come up with a way to save his life by killing all human beings and ruling the whole earth.


In the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heavenly Nuclear Council, the members of the Heavenly and Earth Nuclear Parliament found an incredible situation. All the nuclear beasts that appeared around the heaven began to move to the position of the nuclear hood released by the Optimus warrior.

Seans, the vice president of the world of the nuclear parliament, was very confused and said, "What on earth happened in the black cloud-shaped nuclear energy layer? Why do those nuclear beasts that can obviously attack our heaven suddenly gather there?

"This may be a good omen or an extremely horrible sign." Xu Feng, the speaker of the Heavenly Nuclear Parliament, guessed.

Deputy Speaker Xiao and other members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament were very confused and unclear when they heard what Xu Feng, the speaker of Heaven. A member of Heaven asked, "Mr. Xu, what kind of consciousness are you talking about?"

"It's very simple. I said this is a good omen because when nuclear beasts go to the Optimus warriors, it is likely that their kind of nuclear beasts are in danger, so the nuclear beasts give up besieging heaven and go to rescue their kind." Speaker Xu explained.

"So you think this may also be an extremely horrible omen, and what is the consciousness?" The paradise councilman asked Speaker Xu.

"We can't see the situation inside the black cloud nuclear energy layer now. I'm worried that the Optimus Knight is ready to launch the final general attack on our heaven." Speaker Xu guessed with his own thoughts.

After listening to Speaker Xu's personal thoughts, Di Ying, the president of the Heavenly Metropolitan Council, said, "In my opinion, Xu Feng's first guess is the most likely to happen, so you don't have to worry about the second situation at all. Because if the Optimus Primera was really part of the nuclear beast, our heaven would have been destroyed by the Optimus Prime.

The members of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Council all agree with what President Earth Eagle said. A nuclear energy senator said, "I think what President Earth Eagle said is that we nuclear energy people believe that the Optimus warriors will not harm heaven."

"Of course, I don't want the Optimus warriors to be together with nuclear beasts. After all, we don't know their four-color warriors, so we have to guard against the Optimus warriors. If the Optimus warrior really helps us, it will naturally be the best thing. Speaker Xu said to the nuclear power congressman.

President Diying reminded Speaker Xu and other parliamentarians, saying, "Let's not guess now. Let's wait for the real result."

After listening to what he said, the senators in the general conference room of the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Nuclear Parliament felt that what President Earth Eagle had said, so they stopped discussing whether the Optimus warrior would really help them in heaven, but waited for the real result.


At this time, the Optimus Samurai - Hope has killed all the nuclear beast covered by his black cloud new nuclear energy and black cloud nuclear energy layer. Now only the blue sky and the black nuclear energy mutant lion have not been killed.

After the Optimus warrior solved all the nuclear energy beasts except the black nuclear energy mutant lion, he walked to the black nuclear energy mutant lion step by step and said, "This black lion seems to know a lot of things. If you tell me what I want to know, I will let you live. What do you think?"

"Hmm! You can't learn anything from me unless there is one thing. The black nuclear mutant lion said in animal language.

The Optimus warrior couldn't understand the beast language of the black nuclear power mutant lion. With a wave of his hand, he was trapped in the blue sky trapped by the new nuclear energy released by the black cloud, and suddenly regained his freedom.

Before Qingtian reacted, Qingtian released a new nuclear energy from his left arm, freezing Qingtian's whole body except his face.

The Optimus Samurai waved his left arm again, and the frozen blue sky suddenly moved to the side of the Optimus Samurai. Optimus Prime - hope, asked, "Qingtian, what did this black lion just say?"

"What the black nuclear mutant lion just said was, 'Humph! You can't know anything from me unless it's one thing. Got it." Qingtian translated what the black nuclear mutant lion said for the Optimus Samurai.

After understanding the meaning of the black nuclear power mutant lion beast language, the Optimus warrior said, "What on earth is that thing you are talking about?"

After listening to what the black nuclear mutant lion beast said, Qingtian directly translated it to the Optimus Samurai and said, "The only thing it can tell you now is that your death is not far away."

The Optimus samurai was very angry when he heard this. With a wave of his right fist, a red and new nuclear energy was hit. The black nuclear energy mutant lion, and the black nuclear energy mutant lion that was hit instantly turned into ashes.

Optimus Prime - Hope was furious and said angrily, "You damn black lion, how dare you despise me so much? This is the end of your contempt for me."

"Hope, there is no nuclear beast around now. I can tell you the truth now." The frozen blue sky whispered.

"What's the truth?"

"The nuclear beast controls me through the metal chip that enters the back of my head. If you pull out the metal chip on the back of my head quickly, I can no longer obey the order of the nuclear beast." Qingtian said anxiously.

"Are you telling the truth?" The Optimus Samurai asked doubt.

"Of course what I said is true. Hurry up, or other nuclear beasts will come and I will be controlled by them."

"Okay, then I'll trust you this time." After saying that, the Optimus warrior waved his left hand, and the ice on the blue sky broke in an instant.

The Optimus Primera then appeared behind Qingtian. He really saw a metal chip inserted in Qingtian's brain. Optimus Prime thought: It seems that what Qingtian said is really true. He is really controlled by this metal chip. →[End of this chapter]