Nuclear God of War

Chapter 252: The Traitor of Humanity

Qingtian didn't expect that Hesheng heard the last sentence he had just said to the mysterious voice and thought: Now it's troublesome. What I just said was heard by Hesheng. My master, the king of nuclear beasts, the death of the giant-winged nuclear energy like a dragon beast has a lot to do with Hesheng, so Hesheng must have misunderstood what I just said and thought that I had said it to him.

"Qingtian, we now have to face enemies that are so powerful that we can't imagine, so we are not the time to care about personal grudges." He Sheng continued to persuade Qingtian.

"Heng, don't worry, I won't care about your personal grudges at this critical moment, so you can rest assured." Qingtian explained to Hesheng.

"However, I feel that what you just said is sincere. You really want to avenge your master, the king of nuclear beasts, the giant wing nuclear dragon beast. Qingtian, if you really want to avenge your master, the king of nuclear beasts - giant-winged nuclear energy like dragon beasts, then tell the truth. He Sheng said with a serious face.

Qingtian saw that what Hesheng said to him just now is so serious that he really feels that the trouble is getting bigger and bigger. Some people don't know how to solve it can only persuade Hesheng: "Hesheng, don't worry, I will never add our personal grudges to our work together to deal with the enemy when our earth is facing a great enemy. "

"Qingtian, I don't understand why you died to become a slave to the nuclear beast? Why is this?" He Sheng heard Qingtian's unwavering answer and changed the topic.

"This is between me and the nuclear beast. It has nothing to do with others. I won't tell you the real reason. What's more, I told you before that this is my fate. I can't change my fate and let me get rid of the current state of half-human and half-beast.

"Qingtian, just say something. Maybe I can help you, maybe."

"If you have nothing to do with me, don't waste time with me here. I won't tell you the truth." Qingtian intends to chase and win away.

"Well, since you don't believe me, I won't ask you anything anymore. I just hope you can remember that what you just said will not put the enmity between us against the invaders."

"Don't worry, I will definitely remember what I said. Don't worry, I will forget our personal grudges during our joint fight against the enemy." Qingtian promised to Hesheng.

"Okay, then I really believe in you. Well, it's time for me to go now, Qingtian. I believe what you said to me, so I won't doubt you anymore.

He Sheng smiled and finished talking to Qingtian, flew to the sky, turned his head, nodded to Qingtian, and then turned into a blue light and shadow form and dissipated.

Qingtian looked at Hesheng disappearing in the sky, breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Hesheng has finally left. Next time, you can't let Hesheng hear what he shouldn't hear."


Back to the white space flying saucer, Yigud Sival Qianyu on Qianyou, said, "Qianyou, help me search for nuclear energy people with more than 100M Sivert nuclear radiation value on earth."

"Yes, the system is searching for targets. At the end of the search, there are five nuclear people with more than 100M SeaWat on the earth. The Qianyou system replied.

"Where is their specific location?"

"The two most powerful nuclear energy people are located in heaven, two in the Arctic and the other in the Antarctic." Qianyou system answered Good Sivar Qianyu.

After hearing the search results of the Qianyou system, Egudesivar Qianyu said to himself, "The two nuclear energy people in heaven should be Hesheng and the blue sky. In the Arctic, it should be Xiaoyan's sister and Optimus Prime - Hope. I don't know about the nuclear power people in Antarctica. It seems that I'm going to tell Wutel of the Jibing Palace about this matter.

After saying that, Good Sivar Qianyu ordered the white space flying saucer, Qianyou, to fly to the center of the Arctic.


He Sheng returned to the headquarters of the Tiandun system and asked Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Tiandun system: "Guo Wei, have you found any planes coming to heaven?"

"No, what's wrong, He Sheng, is there something wrong?" Guo Wei asked nervously.

"It's okay. It's a white ice fighter I called. Brother Guowei, you don't have to be nervous."

"Oh, that's the situation. I just thought that the invasion of alien life was about to begin." Major General Guo Wei relaxed.

Guo Wei just finished talking to He Sheng and immediately said, "He Sheng, now there is really a high-speed fighter flying to our heaven."

"Great, it's finally here." After saying that, He Sheng turned into a blue light and shadow form and disappeared in Guowei's Tiandun system headquarters.

Guo Wei looked back and saw that Hesheng suddenly disappeared and sighed, "Alas! Why did He Sheng's nature become so urgent?


He Sheng came to the periphery of heaven, stopped an ice fighter flying to heaven, and said, "Have you brought what I want?"

"The emperor has put what you need in my cockpit. You can pick it up by yourself." The autonomous system of the white ice front fighter, answer and win.

While answering and winning, the white ice front fighter has opened its cockpit and let him win the 50,000 ant army and 50,000 fly army placed in its cockpit.

He Sheng took out two small boxes from the cockpit of the white ice front fighter and said, "Okay, your task has been completed and you can go back."

"Yes, then I'll go back." Hearing He Sheng's order, the white ice front fighter covered the cockpit cover, turned around, and flew to the polar city under the ice on the Antarctic continent.

He Sheng took two small boxes, slowly landed on the ground, put a small box on the ground, and said, "The Ant Army of Jitian City, I am your master Hesheng. Hurry up and follow my orders and go to the whole heaven to find Qikang or Likatan."

After Hesheng finished talking, the small box placed on the ground by Hesheng suddenly opened, and a black machine ant climbed out of the small box. Countless and dense ant armies kept crawling out of the small box.

He Sheng watched these robot ants crawling to all corners of heaven and said, "Qi Kang, you human traitor, I don't believe my 50,000 ant army and 50,000 fly army, and I can't find the hiding place of you, a human traitor. I will never let you go if I catch you." →[End of this chapter]